Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-7-1940 Bee Gee News February 7, 1940 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News February 7, 1940" (1940). BG News (Student Newspaper). 532. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/532 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. tARY READ THE ADS THEY WILI^- BEE GEE NEWS FOR THE FORMAL Student Publication of Bowling Green State University VOL. XXIV.—Z661 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO. FEBRUARY 7, 1940 No. 18 Petty Agrees Speaks Today School Heads Bernie Cummins To Play At To Judge Key Will Discuss Beauty Queen Problem Here Junior-Senior Formal Feb. 17 •—■—. t Entry Blank* Available; Shortage Of Elementary Junior Prexy Committee Began Sale Of Tickets At Contest Ends On Teachers For 1940 Two Dollars Per Couple Monday February 17 Raises Concern Upperclaasmen To Step Out In Finery At Reception George B. Petty, the nation's That there will be the jrreat- Hall; Dance Begin* At 9; Nationally Known foremost "lovely girl" illustrat- est shortage of elementary or, will select Bowling Green's teachers in 1940 since the be- Band Features Swing And Sweet Music campus queen in the beauty con- ginning of the University was ♦- test sponsored by the 1940 Key, revealed by Dr. Clyde Hissong, Bernie Cummins, the best according to Ruth Osborn, dean of the College of Education, dressed orchestra leader in the editor. and former head of the place- country, and his 12 piece band Petty stated that he would ment bureau. will play at the annual Junior- This and extensive plans for extra- •elect Bowline Green's beauty in a Senior formal in the Reception mural student teaching, will be the personal letter to Hiss Osborn from Hall Feb. 17, Johnny Rohrs, two major issues discussed by super- his home in Sunset Ridge. North president of the junior class an- Field (Winnetka), 111. She feels that intendents from northwestern Ohio Ma reel I e C. Miller, above. of in the fourth of a series of confer- nounced this week. the famous illustrator of Esquire is Rohrs promises the dance will be well qualified to judge photographs PotUmouth, V»., will diiruai "Prob- ences at the University, today. the most distinguished party the submitted by University coeds. lem* of the Far East" in e, Forum Dean Hissong states that the in- lecture in the auditorium at 8:15 to- ability to supply elementary teachers campus has seen. Tickets at two Contest entry slips similar to the dollars a couple went on sale Mon- night. Activity cards will admit stu- this year will be a serious problem. one printed in this tssue of the Bee dents. She is brought hero through day. Gee News have been available from This situation is due to the new four the Rotary International and the Dancing will begin at 9 p. m. and members of the Key staff since University entertainment committee. year certification requirement. Monday, the official beginning of Since 1937 when the new four year will continue until midnight. The the two-week contest. Beauty hope- certification program was announced, class officers in charge of the dance fuls will simply sign the printed Boucher And Kuhl the enrollment of freshmen in ele- are Rex Moorhead. Mary Jane May, slips and drop them into the Key mentary education has decreased Dwight Toedter, and Harriet Mc- box at the cork bulletin board To Debate Oberlin from 175 to 70 and of graduates from Knight. 222 to 60. In spite of such a decrease A personality maestro, Bernie sings any time until Saturday, Feb. 17. John Rohrs, above, president of "Any woman student who desires in elementary education, the College and directs. His brother, Walter Bernie Cummins, above, will swing In Radio Tourney the junior class, announced this week out with hit band at the Junior- may enter this contest," states Miss of Kducation has increased consis- that the dance committee had book- Cummins, and Connie Barleau are Osborn. "All pictures for the contest tently to an enrollment of 949. ed Bernie Cummins, nationally also featured as vocalists. The band Senior Prom on February 17. Cum- will be taken later by the same photo- Qualify For Second Round The University will be able to sup- known bund, for the Junior-Senior includes a quartet of saxes, two min*, known at the beit*dres»ed band grapher in an attempt to make the By Decision Over ply only 64 elementAry teachers Formal to be held in the Reception trumpets and trombone, piano, gui leader in America leads a 12 piece contest as fair as possible, and all this year. "The normal demand to Hall, Feb. 17. Bids for the dance tar, string bass, and drums, plus a orchestra. He has been featured by Muikingum eliminations will be made by Mr. meet placement requests to the Col- are now on sale at two dollars per violin. the Edgewater Beach Hotel and tbe couple. Petty." lege of Education for elementary Bernie's own combination of a duo Palmer House in Chicago and the teachers is 200 graduates," stated Dr. The Key staff feels that with these Lawrence Kuhl and Albert Bouch- of fiddles, in unison with clarinets, Biltmora Hotel in New York City. arrangements there will be no oppor- er will meet debaters of Oberlin Col- Hissong. He added that "only 90 per muted brass, and an accordian gives tunity for wire-pulling by sororities, lege in the second round of the radio cent of the graduates of any class Drama Coach Holds the very ultra in stylings for soft fraternities or other campus or- tournament being sponsored by Cap- are placed. In his experience an music. The band features both swing Incorporation Is ganizations. Each contestant will have ital University and station WBNS, average of 10 per cent of the gradu- Tryouts This Week and sweet music. an equal chance of winning the title Columbus, on March 2. ates of a given class have lacked per- The music of Bernie Cummins has Announced By of Key Beauty Queen. Kuhl and Boucher won the first sonal or other qualifications for suc- For 'Room Service' played the most distinctive hotels and round in which they participated on cess in the teaching field. niteclubs in the country, including Commoner Prexy Jan. 6. The first round was with Dr. B. J. Pierce, the supervisor of Smith To Announce Cast, the Edgewater Beach Hotel and the Council Suggests Muskingum College with Prof. Don- student teaching, has informed stu- Begin Rehearsal* Palmer House in Chicago; the Bilt- Two major steps, incorporation and ald Riley of Ohio State University dent teachers of the willingness of more Hotel in New York; the Willows moving to a new location, were re- Change In Board as judge. The judge's decision, superintendents in various schools Friday in Pittsburgh; Hotel Peabody in cently enacted by the Commoners' awarding Bowling Green the debate near Bowling Green to cooperate in Memphis, Tenn., and a host of others. Of Publications and complimenting Kuhl and Boucher the plans for students to participate Tryouts for the University fraternity, it was announced by Ron- A partially completed list of guests ald Heilman, president. on their logic, references and voice, in teaching for one week. Many have Players next production, "Room and chaperons include Mr. and Mrs. Student. Will Vote On was read over station WBNS on Jan. expressed the desire to have the stu- Service," are being carried on Duncan Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Up- The fraternity filed incorporation dents for a period of two weeks. Re vision; Affects 13. this -week by Prof. Elden T. ton Palmer, newly elected sponsors papers with the state department un- The debate with Oberlin College The plan in operation at present Smith. The cast will not be for the junior class; President and der the non-profit system Jan. 17, Four Po»t* gives students a chance to state de- will be on the proposition, Resolved: named until Friday, and Pro- Mrs. Frank J. Prout, and Miss Flor- 1940. The original board of trus- That legislation should be enacted to sirable teaching locations, and con- tees arc W. A. Zaugg, W. E. Singer, A revision of the Board of Pub- fessor Smith states that there ence Litchfield, faculty advisor to provide for conscription of wealth tact superintendents with requests faculty advisers; William Dunipace, lications, through the suggestion of is still time for interested stu- the senior class. in time of war. Bowling Green will for granting these preferences. honorary member from Bowling Prof. Duncan Scott, was discussed at dents to tryout. defend the affirmative. The superintendents discussing these Green, John Davidson, alumnus; and the Student Council meeting Monday and other problems of mutual interest "Room Service" is a three act Richard Mougey, active member. Mr. night. The revision provides that edi- to teachers and pupils, will be enter- comedy by John Murray and Allen Faculty Names New Mougey was chairman of the com- tors and business managers of the tained at a luncheon at Kohl Hall. Boretz. It has one stage setting, a mittee for Incorporation. Pee Gee News and the Key shall be Margaret Clausen room in a New York hotel. The cast Policy Commission appointed by the Board rather than has parts for 12 men and two wo- elected by the student body.
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