Padre Pio: Wonderworker or Charlatan? JOE NICKELL f the twentieth centu- the same time), emit an “odor ry’s two most famous of sanctity,” tell the future, and Ostigmatics (those who effect miraculous cures (Wilkin- exper ience the supposedly super- son 2008; Rogo 1982, 98–100). na tural wounds of Jesus), both Village hucksters sold his cred- Therese Neumann and Padre Pio ulous disciples alleged Pio relics were suspected of fraud, but in the form of swatches of cloth Pio went on to sainthood and daubed with chicken blood was canonized in 2002. In April (Ruffin 1982, 153). 2008 his body was exhumed The local clergy accused and put on display in a church Padre Pio’s friary of putting crypt in San Giovanni Rotondo, him on display in order to make Italy, a move that both attracted money. They expressed skepti- throngs of the credulous and cism about his purported gifts provoked outrage among some and suggested the stigmata Pio devotees. It also renewed were faked. questions about the genuineness of the stigmata and other phe- The Phenomena nomena associated with Pio. The claims of Padre Pio’s mystical abilities are unproven, consisting A Capuchin Friar of anecdotal evidence—a major Born Francesco Forgione on source being the aptly named May 25, 1887, in the town of Tales of Padre Pio (McCaf fery Pietrelcina, Pio grew up sur- 1978). Pio’s touted psychic abili- rounded by superstitious beliefs This undated file photo shows Italian priest Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, the capuchin friar famed for his alleged, mysterious crucifixion ties seem no better substantiated and practices. His mother took wounds. AFP PHOTO/FILES [Photo via Newscom] than the discredited claims of the him soon after birth to a fortune- typical fortuneteller or medium teller to have his horoscope cast Catholic order that traces its origin to (e.g., Nickell 2001, 122–127, and at the age of two to a witch who St. Francis of Assisi (1182–1226), the 197–199). Many of his “bilocations” are attempted to cure an intestinal disorder first stigmatic. The new initiate was analogous to Elvis Presley sightings, while by holding him upside down and chant- called Fra (“Brother”) Pio (“Pious”), some are—at best—consistent with hal- ing spells. As a boy he was tormented by after the sixteenth-century pope, St. Pius lucinations (such as one reported during nighttime “monsters,” and he conversed V (Ruffin 1982, 35, 39). Pio continued a migraine attack or others occurring with Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and his to hear voices and experience visions, when the experiencer was near sleep or in guardian angel. He also had other mys- and in 1910 he began to experience some other altered state [McCaffery 1978, tical experiences (Ruffin 1982, 21–23, the stigmata just after being ordained a 24–36]). The reputed “odor of sanctity,” 79) that today are associated with a priest. said Pio’s accusers, “was the result of self-ad- fantasy-prone personality.1 He was “fre- As Padre Pio continued to exhibit ministered eau-de-cologue” (“Pio” 2008). quently ill and emotionally disturbed” the phenomenon, he began to attract Joe Nickell is CSI’s Senior Research Fellow. and claimed he was often physically a cult following. It was said he could His numerous books include Looking for a attacked by evil spirits (Wilson 1988, look into people’s souls and, without Miracle and Adventures in Para normal 88, 144). them saying a word, know their sins. He Investigation. His Web site is at www.joe In 1903, he entered The Order of could also allegedly experience “biloca- nickell.com. Friars Minor, Capuchin—a conservative tion” (the ability to be in two places at SKEPTICAL INQUIRER September / October 2008 19 As to Pio’s miraculous healings, they— There were other problems with the seem ingly fixed on another world,” like other such claims (Nickell 2001, “wounds,” including their location. Only Padre Pio celebrated Mass. According to 202–205)—are not based on positive the gospel of John (19:34) mentions the Ruffin (1982, 305), “For the first time evidence of the miraculous. Instead, lance wound in Jesus’ side, and John fails in anyone’s memory, he did not attempt the occurrences are merely held to be to specify which side. St. Francis’ was on to hide his hands at any point in the “medically inexplicable,” so claimants are the right, whereas Padre Pio’s was on the service. To the amazement of everyone engaging in the logical fallacy of arguing left. Also, witnesses described his side there, there was no trace of any wound.” from ignorance (drawing a conclusion wound as in the shape of a cross; in other At his death on September 23, 1968, his based on a lack of knowledge). Faith- words, it had a stylized rather than realis- skin was unblemished. healing claims often have alternative tic (lance-produced) form (Ruffin 1982, So, were Padre Pio’s phenomena explanations, including misdiagnosis, 145, 147).2 More over, his wounds were genuine? Many other stigmatics—like psychosomatic conditions, spontaneous in the hands rather than the wrists (some Magdalena de la Cruz in 1543—con- remissions, prior medical treatment, and anatomists argue that nailed hands could fessed to faking stigmata. Maria de la other effects, including the body’s own not support the body of a crucified Visi tacion, the “holy nun of Lisbon,” healing ability. Cases are complicated person and would tear away). When was caught painting fake wounds on her by poor investigation and even outright asked about this, Pio replied casually, hands in 1587. Pope Pius IX himself hoaxing. One man’s claim of instant privately branded as a fraud Palma Maria healing of a leg wound by Padre Pio, for Matarelli (1825–1888), insisting that example, was bogus; his doctor attested “she has befooled a whole crowd of pious it “had, in fact, been healed for six “For the first time in and credulous souls.” Suspiciously, under months or more” (Ruffin 1982, 159). anyone’s memory, [Padre surveillance, Therese Neumann (1898– But it is Pio’s stigmata that have made 1962) produced actual blood flows only him famous. Unfortunately, some exam- Pio] did not attempt to when the phenomenon was “hidden from ining physicians believed his lesions were hide his hands at any observation.” And as recently as 1984, superficial, but their inspections were stigmatic Gigliola Giorgini was convicted made difficult by Pio’s acting as if the point in the service. of fraud by an Italian court (Wilson 1988, wounds were exceedingly painful. Also, To the amazement of 26–27, 42, 53, 147). they were supposedly covered by “thick Even a defender of Padre Pio’s stigmata, crusts” of blood. One distinguished everyone there, there was C. Bernard Ruffin (1982, 145), admits, pathologist sent by the Holy See noted “For every genuine stigmatic, whether holy that beyond the scabs was an absence no trace of any wound.” or hysterical, saintly or satanic, there are at of “any sign of edema, of penetration, least two whose wounds are self-inflicted.” or of redness, even when examined with Catholic scholar Herbert Thurston (1952, a good magnifying glass.” Another con- 100) found no acceptable case after St. cluded that the side “wound” had not “Oh it would be too much to have Francis of Assisi. Thurston believed the penetrated the skin at all (Ruffin 1982, them exactly as they were in the case of phenomenon was due to suggestion, but 147–148). Some thought Pio inflicted Christ” (Ruffin 1982, 145, 150). (One is Padre Pio himself responded to such theo- the wounds with acid or kept them open reminded of Therese Neumann, whose rizers: “Go out to the fields and look very by continually drenching them in iodine “nail wounds” shifted from round to closely at a bull. Concentrate on him with (Ruffin 1982, 149–150; Moore 2007; rectangular over time, presumably as she all your might. Do this and see if horns Wilkin son 2008). learned the true shape of Roman nails grow on your head!” (qtd. in Ruffin 1982, Nevertheless, some of the faithful [Nickell 2001, 278].) Moreover, Padre 150). As for St. Francis, his extraordinary were so intent on defending Pio that Pio lacked wounds on the forehead (as zeal to imitate Jesus may have led him to they made incredible claims. One was the from a crown of thorns [John 19:2]). engage in a pious deception (Nickell 2001, insistence that the hand lesions, which For years Pio wore fingerless gloves 276–283). skeptics thought were superficial injuries, on his hands, perpetually concealing were through-and-through wounds—“so his wounds (Ruffin 1982, 148). His Canonization much so,” insisted Pio’s devoted family supporters regard this as an act of pious Not only was Padre Pio accused of induc- physician, that one could see light through modesty. However, another interpreta- ing his stigmata with acid, he was also them.” Of course, this is nonsense in tion is that the concealment was a shrewd alleged to have misused funds and to have view of authentic wounds in general and strategy that eliminated the need for had sex with female parishioners—in the Pio’s thickly blood-crusted ones in par- him to maintain his wounds. Before confessional. The founder of the Catholic ticular (Ruffin 1982, 146–147). his death, frail, weary, with “rheumy eyes university hospital in Rome branded Pio 20 Volume 32, Issue 5 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER “an ignorant and self-mutilating psycho- available, an exhausted doctor left carbolic eyebrows. The “cosmetically enhanced path who exploited people’s credulity” acid to be used for sterilizing needles and corpse” went on display April 24, 2008, (“Pio” 2008).
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