AN ABS TRACT OF THE THESIS OF Jon Michael McCorm.ick for the Doctor of Philosophy (Name) (Degree) General Science in (Biological Science) presented on October 31, 1968 (Major) ----------------~~---------(Date) - Title HYDROGRAPHIC AND TROPHIC RELATIONSHIPS OF HYDROMEDUSAE IN YAQUINA BAY, OREGON Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy H. F. Frolander Plankton tows taken at approximately weekly intervals from April 30, 1966, to November 18, 1967, at four stations in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, encompassed a region of the estuary from essentially marine to nearly fresh water. In addition, two spatial surveys (over a wider range of distance than the weekly samples) and two 24-hour studies were made in September 1966 and March 1967. A short, horizontal tow, cros s- channel study was made on July 10, 1968. These samples provided data on abundance and composition of hydromedusae in the bay; data on the feeding of these hydromedusa species were provided, also. Salinity and temperature data were col­ lected with all plankton samples, and related to the hydromedusa data. The population of hydromedusae during the period from April, 1966, to November, 1967, consisted of ten species. In order of de­ creasing frequency of occurrence in weekly samples, these species were Phialidium gregarium, Sarsia eximia, Obelia sp. , Polyorchis pencillatus, Dipurena ophiogaster, Rathkea octopunctata, Sarsia prolifera, Proboscidactyla sp., an unidentified moerisiid and Aglantha digitale. Aequorea aequorea was found once during the 24­ hour study of September, 1966. Abundance of hydromedusae reached a maximum of over 300 per cubic meter (m3 ) near the oceanic, more saline, end of the bay. Numbers of medusae generally were lower in samples taken up the bay in fresher water. The abundance of all of the medusae appeared to be related to the intrusion of salty. cool marine water into the bay. Some of the largest numbers of medusae observed appeared in water whose temperature and salinity characteristics tended to indicate upwelling. With the Fager-McConnaughey method of association analysis, it was determined that there were only two groups of mutually asso­ ciated hydromedusae, a Sarsia eximia - Phialidium gregarium (juvenile) - Aglantha digitale group and a Dipurena ophiogaster ­ moerisiid group. This general lack of grouping may possibly be due to (1) generally low number s of medusae, (2) low, irregular repro­ ductive rate of the medusae, (3) medusae are apparently not competing for food due to the far greater abundance of the copepod food and the small numbers of organisms eaten, (4) the medusae do not feed on each other, (5) the medusae are apparently not otherwise inter­ dependent. By means of a modification of this method of as sociation, the occurrence of hydromedusae was compared with biological and physical environmental factors. The more frequently occurring hydromedusae were more highly associated with the more frequently occurring zooplankton of the lower, marine end of the bay. The physical factors with which the hydromedusae were most closely associated were temperatures of 10_150 C and salinities of o 30- 35 100 , The food of most hydromedusae consisted largely of the cope- pod species that were most abundant in the No. 6 mesh Clarke- Bumpus plankton sampler tows. Medusae, apparently, selected food on a size basis, taking animals mainly between O. land 1.0 mm in length. They generally did not eat the very small zooplankters such as copepod nauplii and larger zooplankter s such as fish larvae and other medusae. The physical and biological data support the view that the fresh water of river run-off is the strongest factor limiting estuarine distribution of medusae. Medusae may be strongly associated with various other zooplankters because of a requirement for a particular food or merely because of similar physical requirements. The distribution and abundance of hydromedusae is highly irregular and fluctuate s widely. There appears to be considerable patchiness in their distribution. Plate figures and a key to the identification of Yaquina Bay hydromedusae have been assembled to aid those who work with these medusae in the future. Hydrographic and Trophic Relationships of Hydromedusae in Yaquina Bay, Oregon. by Jon Michael McCormick A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1969 APPROVED: \ Redacted for Privacy Professor of Oceanography in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Chairman of Department of General Science Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Typed by Nancy Ke rley for ____..;.J_o_n_M_l;...·c_h_a_e;...I.....;..M..;..c~C_o_r..;.m;....;;.ic..;..k____..-­ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my gratitude to my Major Professor, Dr. H. F. Frolander, for his advice and sugge stions during this project. I also wish to thank Drs. June G. Pattullo and J. E. McCauley for reading parts of the manuscript and making helpful suggestions. Thanks are also due the staff and students of the Department of Oceanography, Oregon State University, who provided so much valuable technical assistance in the execution of the research program. Drafting of the graphs was done by Ronald Hill and William Gilbert of the Department of Oceanography, Oregon State University. I also wish to thank my wife, Marcia, for her help and en­ couragement during this study. Financial support for the study was provided by a United State s Department of Interior traineeship (Grant number STI-WP-III-02). TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 Biology of Hydromedusae 2 Hydrography 7 METHODS 12 RESULTS 16 Hydrography 16 Ecology of Hydrornedusae 53 Relationship to Hydrography 53 Species Distribution 56 Grouping Coefficient 64 Cross -Channel Study 72 Stomach Content Studies 75 SUMMARY 101 BIBLIOGRAPHY 105 APPENDIX 110 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Map of Yaquina Bay, Oregon, indicating sampling stations. 13 Weekly collections, station "Bridge, " hydromedusa total abundance and percent composition of hydro­ medusa population. Numbers in polygons refer to medusa species. 19 3 S\lrface and bottom temperature values, 1967, Bridge. 20 4 Surface and bottom salinity values, 1967, Bridge. 21 5 Weekly collections, station B -15, hydromedusa total abundance and percent composition of hydromedusa population. Numbers in polygons refer to medusa species. 22 6 Surface and bottom temperature values, 1966, station B -15. 23 7 Surface and bottom temperature values, 1967, station B -15. 24 8 Surface and bottom salinity values, 1966, station B -15. 25 9 Surface and bottom salinity values, 1967, station B -IS. 26 10 Weekly and daily collections, station B-21, hydro­ medusa total abundance and percent composition of hydromedusa population. Numbers in polygons refer to medusa species. 2.7 11 Surface and bottom tempe rature values, 1966, station B -21. 28 12 Surface and bottom temperature values, 1967, station B -21. 29 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure 13 Surface and bottom salinity value s, 1966, station B-2l. 30 14 Surface and bottom salinity values, 1967, station B -21. 31 15 Surface and bottom temperature values, daily surveys, September 1966, March 1967, station B -21. 32 16 Surface and bottom salinity values, daily surveys, September 1966, March 1967, station B-2l. 33 17 Weekly collections, station B -29, hydromedusa total abundance and percent composition of hydromedusa population. Numbers in polygons refer to medusa species. 34 18 Surface and bottom temperature value s, 1966, station B-29. 35 19 Surface and bottom temperature values, 1967, station B-29. 36 20 Surface and bottom salinity values, 1966, station B-29. 37 21 Surface and bottom salinity values, 1967, station B-29. 38 22 Weekly collections, station B -39, average salinity, temperature, hydromedusa total abundance and percent composition of hydromedusa population. Numbers in polygons refer to medusa species. 39 23 Surface and bottom temperature value s, 1966, station B -39. 40 24 Surface and bottom temperature values, 1967, station B-39. 41 25 Surface and bottom salinity values, 1966, station B-39. 42 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure 26 Surface and bottom salinity values, 1967, station B-39. 43 27 Spatial surveys, September 13, 1966, March 23, 1967, hydromedusa total abundance and percent com­ position of hydromedusa population Numbers in polygons refer to medusa species. 44 28 Surface and bottom temperature values, spatial surveys, September 1966, March 1967. 45 29 Surface and bottom salinity values, spatial surveys, September 1966, March 1967. 46 30 Twenty-four hour study, September 11-12, 1966, average salinity, temperature, hydromedusa total abundance and percent composition of hydromedusa population. Numbers in polygons refer to medusa specie s. 47 31 Surface and bottom temperature values, 24-hour study, September 1966, station B -21. 48 32 Surface and bottom salinity values, 24-hour study, September 1966, station B -21. 49 33 Twenty-four hour study, March 20-21, 1967, average salinity, temperature, hydromedusa total abundance and percent composition of hydromedusa population. ..N~mbers in polygons refer to medusa species. 50 34 Surface and bottom temperature values, 24-hour study, March 1967, station B-21. 51 35 Surface and bottom salinity values, 24-hour study, March 1967, station B -21. 52 36 Relationship of hydromedusae to Yaquina Bay water characteristics. 61 37 Detail of part of Figure 36. 62 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure 38 Association of hydromedusae with temperature, salinity and other zooplankters, as indicated by the Fager-McConnaughey grouping coefficients. 70 39 Frequencies of occurrence of Phialidium gregarium with various numbers of food organisms in the stomachs. 78 LIST OF TABLES Table la List of species graphed in Figures 2, 5, 10, 17, 22, 27, 30, 33, 36 and 37, on the pages following. 18 Ib Species found in Yaquina Bay, 1966, 1967, listed by Class, Order, and Family. 54 2 Joint occurrences of hydromedusae with temperature and salinity factors, from the grouping coefficient study. 65 3a Fauna and physical factors used in Fager­ McConnaughey grouping coefficients in Table 3b. 66 3b Trellis diagram, listing grouping coefficients of species pairs involving hydromedusae.
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