• LNORTHUMBERLAND.] 98 POST OFFICE • Scotswood. Carr Thomas, firebrick manufacturer & Lister &. Co. firebrick manufacturers PRIVATE .Il~SIDENTS. blast furnace builder; offices,43 Sand- Reay JQseph, cartowner Cal'r Thomas, esq hill, Newcastle-upou-Tyne Reed Lancelot, lampblack manufacturer Carl' William Ridley, esq Colbeck Thomas Leighton & Co. bone Ross John, tailor Grace Nathaniel, esq. Scotswood house manure manufacturer Scott William Henry, surgeon Grace William, esq. Scotswood villa Cox John, Ord Arms inn,&keel builder Smith Charles, shopkeeper Lister Mrs. Scotswood bouse Crawforq John, station master Smith Edward, blacksmith Lister Ralph esq Fletcher, Falconar & Co. paper manftrs Towns Alfred, butcher Scott William Henry, esq . Grace Nathaniel & Co. paper mannfctrs Wren J oseph, Rokeby A rms, butcher COMMERCIAL. Hansell James, grocer & grocer Benson WiIliam, colliery owner, Mon- Hodgson Edward, postmaster Wllkinson Allthony, beer retailer taguecoIliery Hunter& Co. copperas manufacturers POST OFFICE.- Edward. Hodgson, postmaster. Letters I p.m. Blaydon, in the county of Durham, is the nearest arrive from Newcastle at 10 a.m.; dispatched at 1past 3 money order office Benwel1. Best Andrew, master of National school Hoyle & Robson, paint & color manu- ChaIIonerJohnSadler,esq. BenweIIlodg Best Martha (Mi'ls), mistress of Na- facturers, Low BenweIl Cooke C]larlesHenry,esq.BenweII grove tional school Kirton William, blacksmith CooksonWilIiamIsaac,esq.BenwelI towr Brown Robert, shoemaker MackJames, farmer,BenweIlHigh CrOSS CrawhaIITllOs.Emmerson,esq.Condercm Burn Thomas, Fox ~ Hounds, & farmr Middleton.John, Robert Adair Dixon Thomas, esq Can' WiIliam Cochrane, firebrick manu- l'IiltIlOrpe Robert, seedsman Harding Wm. J ames,esq. Benwelllodge facturer, Low BenweIl OliveI' 'l'ho1ll3fl, farmer, Benwell hills Hawthorn WiIIiam, esq CookWilliarn,farmr. BenweIlHig-h cross Ren~oldson John, multster Maughl1m Rev. WiIliam Coombe J ane (Mrs.), postmistress Robson William, blacksmith Mulcaster John Peter, esq. Benwell prk Dodos John, Green Tree Sadler John, keel builder Priestman fJadwen Bragg, esq. Ben- Emmett WiIliam, grocer, Scotswood rrl Smith Georg-e, shopkeeper well house . Gardner Cuthbert, builder & farmer, Sterling WiIliam, assistant overseer Priestman J onathan,esq. BenwelI house SiIvel' hilI ThirlweIl Peter, joiner& farmer Robson J o,eph Brown, esq. Paradise Gibson Robert, farmer, Low Bellwell Thompson Matthew, firebrick manufue- StralierJoseph, esq. BenweII Old house Gordon Robert, grocer turer, Low BenweIl Straker Mr. Joseph HarrettThomas & Henry, fhrmers Turner WiIliam, ltrmer, High Benwell COMl)i ERCIAL. Henderson WiIliam, shoemaker W oodbridge John, groctll' Arkle Edward,stonemason J ohnsou J olm, butcher POST OFFICE.-JaneCoombs,postmistress. Lettersarrive I p.m. Newcastle-'Upon-Tyne is the nearest money order from Newcastle at! past 9 a.m.; dispatched at ~ past 3 office Worth Dissington. Ridley WiIIiam, farmer, East houses Laws Robert, market gardener Collingwood Edward, esq. J.P. Dissing- Wales John, farmer Mm'shall Georg'e, Three Horse Shoes, ton hall . Younger Jane (Miss), farmer, Cairn lID & blacksmith, Throckley Fell head COMMERCIAL. South Dissingtoll. Parker Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Penny hill Gilhespy WiIIiam, blacksmith Anderson Thomas, farmer, Old hall Sanderson George, farmer, Lane house Potts Joseph, shoemaker Jobnson Wm. farmer, Donkins houses Swan James, farmer POST OFFICE.-Charles BrowelI, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Newcastle at ~ past lO a.m'i dispatched at ! past 2 p.m INSURANCE AGENT-Equitable Fire, Charles BroweII Sugley. .Mounsey Robert, shopkeeper Daglish George, Glass House Al'ms, Downing Mr. William, Sugley house Stephenson William & Son, colliery Lemington COMMERCIAL. proprietors & retort, fil'ebrick & clay Dobson Mary (Mrs.), sllOpkeeper, Bulmer & Co. manufacturers of pig' works, & 38 Quay side, Newcastle- Lemington & bar iron & ironfounders, Tyne iron on-Tyne, & 76 King William street, Falkous Samuel, tailor, Lemington works London Gardner Winifred (Mrs.), Doctor Elliot William, grocer Letters through Newcastle, which is Syntax, Lemington Parker Thomas, grocer also the nearest money order office Hal'rison Thomas & Co. flint glass Turner Joseph, Forge Hammer Newburn Hall. manufacturers, Lemington Letters through Newcastle-on-Tyne, PRIYATE RESIDENTS. Hutchinson & Scott, joiners, Lemingtoll which is also the nearest mone)' order Spencer John, esq. Lemington hall Hutchinson Thomas, joiner office Spencer Michael, esq. Lemington hall J ackson Michael, farmer, LemingtQn la Throckley. Spencer Thomas, esq. Lemington hall J ohnsonRichard, stonemason,Lemingtn PRIYATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Knott Isaac, shQemaker, Lemington Stephenson WiIIiam, esq. Throckley ho Arthur Geo. farmer, Newburn Hill head Nixon WiIliam, farmer, Lemington Stephenson WiIIiam HasweIl, esq. ArthurWm.Lemington hotel,Lemingtn Pears Henry Hunter, flint glass maml- Throckley house Blackburn John, gardener, Lemington facturer, Lemington COMMERCIAL. Carter John Jefferson, timber merchant Summerside J ames, carter, Lemington Forster Armstrong, blacksmith & agri- & farmer, Lemington Letters through Newcastle-on-Tyne, cultural imple:n1ent maker Davison George, grocer, Lemington which is the nearest money order office CASTLE-UPON-TYNE. NEWCA8TLE-UPON-TYNE-SO called from the new castle and lofty towers; some of the latter still remain, and por­ which Robert Curthose, the son of William the Conqueror, tions of the wall can yet be seen in mauy parts of the town. erected here on his return from an expedition against Mal­ As a fortified town, it occasionally afforded protection to colm, King of Scotland, in 1080. the inhabitants of the neighbouring eaclesiastical institu­ The origin of the town is of an ancient date. In the year tions of Jarrow, Lindisfarne, Tynemoutll, Wearmouth, and 120 the Emperor Adrian erected a station, and called it Pons others. ffilIi. It was afterwards called Monkchester, fi'om the The town itself was celebrated for the number and mag­ numel'OUS religious houses it contained. nificence of its religious houses and monastic institutions,and The wall built by the Emperor Severus in 207 to keep from which its ancient name, Monkchester, was derived. back the Picts and Scots, extended from Bowness, in the At the time of the Heptarchy, Newcastle wns the capital county of Cumberland, passed through Newcastle, and ended of Northumbria, and its kings held their courts here. at the village of Wallsend, about four miles east from this It has suffered much frOm invasion by the Danes at dif~ place. It was eighty miles long, and was defended by IUany ferent periods, but more especially in 876, when one of their towers and stations, one of which, f1t Pandon-gate, was celehrated chieftains, Halfden, entered the Tyne, destroyed pulled down so lately as 1790. the town, with the churches and convents, and put to death The town was originally surrounded by a massive stone all the monks and nuns, and most of the inhabitants found wall and deep fosse, two miles in circuit, eightfeet thick, and within the place. over twelve feet high; it had manygates, flanked with strong .As a frontier town, Newcastle was, from situation, involved.
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