E1398 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 22, 2007 On the occasion of World Refugee Day, we every day, with real people in a real-life con- 1995, he could have canceled his band’s up- could not forget those who voluntarily subject text, instead of reading about it from a work- coming tour and fought his illness in private. themselves to the same harsh conditions in sheet or having that intangible image in my Instead, he courageously moved forward with order to care for and protect refugees and dis- mind of a mad scientist in a white lab coat stir- the tour and, as Mike has put it, ‘‘went to war placed persons. It was necessary to pay a ring a beaker of something bubbling. Science with his mind,’’ wearing his now-famous green special tribute particularly to the men and is accessible to everybody! You don’t have to combat fatigues throughout the tour, and women who have suffered violence, many to be in a fancy laboratory or have the latest keeping a positive outlook on his life. When he the point of death, in their efforts to assist the equipment. It can be done inside or out, on a returned, that courage and optimism paid off— people of Darfur. Humanitarian groups there boat or in your backyard. Science encom- his condition had reversed and he no longer have reported being harassed by the Govern- passes so many fields and is available to any- needed treatment. ment of Sudan and deliberately attacked by one with a curious mind. I am excited to share Ten years after his first victory over Non- rebel groups. Over a dozen humanitarian this realization with my students and make Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, he found out he would workers have been killed over the past year. science more real to them. I am looking for- have another battle ahead. In 2005, he was In mid-December 2006, armed groups ward to returning home to my family, friends, diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocyte Leu- launched a major attack against NGO com- and classroom and sharing my experience kemia. These cancers develop within a pa- pounds in Gereida, South Darfur. On January with them. This trip has been invaluable to me tient’s lymphatic system and can be difficult to 19, 2007, Sudanese Government security in so many ways. I have met with many amaz- treat, depending when it is caught. Significant forces arrested and severely beat 20 UN staff ing people, I have participated in recording strides have been made in finding treatments members in Nyala, South Darfur. On February ocean data, and I have seen how much for leukemia and lymphoma, but more must be 5, 2007, a civilian police officer with AMIS was thought, effort and talent goes into running a done to prevent these diseases from occurring killed in an IDP camp in the North. fisheries research vessel. I gained hands-on and to alleviate the suffering of so many who The men and women who risk their welfare knowledge and experience.’’ Ms. Carpenter are diagnosed with these diseases every year. and their very lives to care for these refugees was supported by a partnership between the With the same positive attitude and green truly live out the words, ‘‘I was hungry, and Loudoun Education Foundation and the NOAA combat fatigues that carried him through his you gave me food; thirsty and you gave me Teacher at Sea Program. first battle with cancer, Mike did not let his di- drink; a stranger, and you welcomed me.’’ I I am proud to call attention to Ms. Car- agnosis slow him down. Using his musical tal- convey to these heroic men and women my penter’s dedication. I congratulate Ms. Car- ents and network of artists, Peters established personal gratitude for lending their hands and penter on her spirit of adventure, her willing- the Love Hope Strength Foundation to build a hearts to some of our poorest brothers and ness to try new things, and her ability to bring support network for cancer patients worldwide. sisters. this experience back to the classroom. I also The goal of the Foundation is to increase funding for cancer research, lighten the finan- f commend the Loudoun County School district and the Loudoun Education Foundation for cial strain of medical care on cancer patients PERSONAL EXPLANATION supporting the efforts of this teacher to pro- and their families, and inform government offi- mote scientific education in the classroom. cials about the concerns of cancer patients. HON. GRACE F. NAPOLITANO Peters continues to maintain a busy tour f schedule, giving inspired performances and OF CALIFORNIA PERSONAL EXPLANATION raising awareness about his foundation and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the fight against cancer. Friday, June 22, 2007 HON. XAVIER BECERRA Mike Peters should be applauded for not taking his diagnosis without a fight. His per- Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Speaker, on OF CALIFORNIA sonal victories over cancer and his founda- Thursday, June 21, 2007, I was absent during IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rollcall vote No. 542. Had I been present, I tion’s programs are giving hope to families would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on agreeing to H.R. Friday, June 22, 2007 and communities worldwide. His efforts are an 2764, the Department of State, Foreign Oper- Mr. BECERRA. Madam Speaker, on Mon- example for how one person can turn his ations, and Related Programs Appropriations day, June 18, 2007 and Wednesday, June 20, struggles into a triumph and an inspiration for for FY 2008. 2007, I was unable to cast my floor vote on others, and it is my privilege to honor him here today. f rollcall numbers 499, 500, 501, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, f HONORING MS. JILL CARPENTER 524, 525 and 526. NOAA TEACHER AT SEA PAULA BLINCOE COLLINS’ ART SE- Had I been present for the votes, I would LECTED FOR THE CITY OF DEN- have voted ‘‘aye’’ on the following rollcall TON HON. FRANK R. WOLF votes: 499, 500, 501, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, OF VIRGINIA 521 and 526, and ‘‘nay’’ on the following roll- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS call votes: 517, 518, 519, 520, 522, 523, 524 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS and 525. Friday, June 22, 2007 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, it is an honor Friday, June 22, 2007 to recognize Ms. Jill Carpenter, an outstanding TRIBUTE TO MIKE PETERS Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, it is my constituent and educator from the 10th Con- greatest pleasure to announce that Paula gressional District of Virginia, for her dedica- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS Blincoe Collins of Denton has been selected tion to bringing real scientific research to the OF NEW YORK by the Denton Public Art Committee to create classroom. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES its first commissioned piece of public art which Ms. Carpenter, a fifth grade teacher at is to be displayed in the lobby of the Denton Friday, June 22, 2007 Hutchinson Farm Elementary in South Riding, Civic Center. The piece is a mural that por- VA, was chosen last summer by the National Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I rise to trays Quakertown, an African-American settle- Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s honor the accomplishments of Mike Peters ment that stood where the Denton Civic Cen- Teacher at Sea Program to participate in a and to thank him for his leadership in the fight ter is before it was relocated to Southeast ten-day research cruise on the Atlantic Ocean. against cancer. Through his internationally-ac- Denton in the 1920s. From aboard the NOAA Ship DELEWARE II, claimed music, his Love Hope Strength Foun- The artist Paula Collins is well known for Ms. Carpenter not only researched fisheries, dation, and through his personal victories over her skills in brick sculpture. Among her many but also interviewed scientists, maintained cancer, Mike Peters has been a source of in- creations are two previously completed daily logs, and engaged in dialogue with her spiration and hope to the millions affected by projects for City facilities, the ‘‘Woman of Jus- fellow teachers, students and the general pub- cancer around the world. tice’’ installed in 1994 and two entrance monu- lic. She took part in the Teacher at Sea expe- Mike Peters is best known as the vocalist of ments erected in Denton at the Pecan Creek rience in order to enrich her curriculum and the legendary Welsh rock band, The Alarm, Waste Management facility in 2000. excite her students about the sciences. whose music has received critical acclaim and For this project, which is expected to be In her log, Ms. Carpenter wrote, ‘‘It is excit- commercial success worldwide. After being di- completed in spring 2008, Ms. Collins will con- ing to see science experiments happening agnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in sult with the descendants of the original VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:31 Jun 23, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22JN8.049 E22JNPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMREMARKS June 22, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1399 Quakertown residents. Together they will se- ways that transcended their music, I have in- consideration the bill (H.R. 2641) making ap- lect a wide assortment of images that rep- troduced legislation in the 110th Congress to propriations for energy and water develop- resent life in that community and which will be honor Lionel Hampton, Lena Horne, James ment and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other pur- depicted on the brick mural.
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