From Dallas to Watergate: The Longest Cover-Up he discovery of the Watergate mind the Watergate break-in, had that the key figures in Watergate-- break-in on June 17, 1972, has served as political officer in the CIA's Liddy, Hunt, Sturgis, Krogh, Caulfield T led slowly but irreversibly to Bay of Pigs operation, Which Richard —had been drawn frorri the conspira wider revelations about the govern- Nixon had almost single-handedly torial world of government narcotics ment's use of crime, past and present. pressed on the Eisenhower Administra- enforcement, a shady realm in which At first glance, it might seem the bur- tion, and for which Nixon was the the operations of organized crime, glars' long record of covert activities White House Action Officer. In con- counterrevolution, and government in- would have made such revelations nection with the Bay of Pigs, Hunt had telligence . have traditionally over- inevitable. Most of those arrested in proposed the assassination of Castro to lapped. Nor is it a coincidence that the Democratic National Committee his CIA superiors, and, according to one of these men—Watergate burglar offices had been employed by the CIA some sources, continued to propose Frank Sturgis—played a minor role in in anti-Castro activities, and one of similar assassination projects, the latest the cover-up of the Dallas assassination them—Eugenio Martinez—was still on a of these against the President of ten years ago. On the contrary, 1 be- CIA retainer. Another, Frank Sturgis Panama in 1971. lieve that a full exposure of the Water- alias Fiorini, had defied President Yet the Watergate cover-up almost gate conspiracy will help us to under- Kennedy's ban on U.S.-based raids succeeded—not despite the exotic stand what happened in Dallas, and against Cuba, and continued them records of the defendants, but pre- also to understand the covert forces with the support of former Havana cisely because of them. Complicity in which later mired America in a crim- casino operators with strong links to their past crimes, such as the burglary inal war in Southeast Asia. Conversely, organized crime. His activities immedi- against Dan Ellsberg's psychiatrist— an analysis of the cover-up in Dallas ately before and after the Kennedy and who knows what others—left the will do much to illuminate Watergate assassination had made Sturgis suspi- Nixon Administration with little alter- and its ramifications, including that cious in the eyes of some private assas- native but to obstruct justice in the Miami demi-monde of exiles, Teamster sination buffs, long before Watergate case of the Watergate Seven. By 1972 investments, and Syndicate real estate made him a public figure. the chain leading from crime to cover- deals with which Nixon and his friend E. Howard Hunt, the man chosen up to new crime was becoming a major Bebe Rebozo have been involved. by Nixon's re-election team to master- preoccupation at the White House. But I hope to show that what makes the establishment consensus necessary this Miami connection so damzerous. Peter Dale Scott is author of The War Con- for a successful cover-up had been so and what links the scandal of ‘‘'ater- spiracy (Bobby-Merrill, 1972). His essay on gate to the assassination in Dallas, is the Kennedy assassination and the Vietnam eroded during the past ten years that escalation was included in volume five of the cold warriors could no longer keep the increasingly ominous symbiosis the Gravel edition of the Pentagon Papers their conspiracies secure. between U.S. intelligence networks (Beacon Press, 1972). In my opinion it is no coincidence and the forces of organized crime. by PeterDale Scott The stories today are much less [COVER-UP IN DALLAS] (New York Times, June 24, 1972, p. 24), and that Frank Sturgis was al- important than Buchanan's sources for he experience of the Ervin legedly "carrying a false passport pre- them, all of whom came from two Committee suggests a new ap- pared by the CIA at Hunt's request" Miami-based anti-Castro groups. The proach to the Kennedy assassina- (NYT, January 14, 1973, p. 38). first group (CD 49.26), the DRE T (Student Revolutionary Directorate), tion: to focus on the cover-up rather In Dallas, allegations both of a secu- than on the crime itself. Although rity threat and an intelligence involve- was Cuban, and the CIA used it to in- filtrate Cuba in connection with the many vital records of the Watergate ment were available to justify federal hteak.in were successfully destroyed, intervention into the investigation, Bay of Pigs; the DRE was named in the cover-up actions themselves and thus also to justify a massive ex post Oswald's notebook (16 H 67), since became new evidence of an on-going facto cover-up. Following the assassi- Oswald had been in contact with them conspiracy. Thus the Ervin Committee nation, a large number of rumors in New Orleans (R 728), and perhaps has learned more about the mechanics linked Oswald (and sometimes Ruby) in Dallas (CD 205.646). The second, of the cover-up than of the original in a left-wing conspiracy extending to American, group—which included both break-in. In Dallas, too, the actual cir- Castro's Cuba and possibly the Soviet James Buchanan and his brother cumstances of the three shootings—of Union. Some of these rumors seemed Jerry—was the International Anti- Kennedy, Oswald and Officer Tippit- to be backed by evidence; one, inter- Communist Brigade. It was a small have been largely obliterated. But if estingly enough, was "corroborated" band of mercenaries headed by a named source of Buchanan's articles— we focus only on the ensuing Dallas by Frank Stiffgis. cover-up, the evidence of conspiracy, The Secret Service in Dallas inter- Frank Sturgis alias Fiorini, the future and the identity of some of the prin- cepted a letter to Oswald, postmarked burglar of Watergate. cipals, are unmistakable—as is the cen- Havana, November 28, 1963, and Sturgis, like the DRE, had been em- tral presence of criminal and intern- signed by Pedro Charles. The letter ployed by the CIA in connection with fence networks also evident in the indicated that "Oswald had been paid the Bay of Pigs invasion. But after the politics of Watergate and Vietnam. by Charles to carry out an unidentified Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, Kennedy The Watergate investigations re- mission which involved accurate shoot- had begun to crack down on anti- sealed that many men in government ing" (CE 2763, 26 H 148).* Mean- Castro raids launched from the con- , will conspire against the law when two while the FBI possessed a letter from tinental United States. Jerry Buchanan pstifications are offered—whether or Havana to Robert Kennedy, "written had been arrested by the British in the not these justifications are credible or by one Mario del Rosario Molina Bahamas in April 1963, on board a are actually believed. The first is the [which] alleged that Lee Harvey boat formerly used in CIA missions, pos.sibility of a national security threat Oswald assassinated President Ken- and now being used (with presidential • 124 when Ellsberg's revelation of the nedy at the direction of Pedro Charles, authorization) for an intended raid Pentagon Papers was alleged to have a Cuban agent.... According to the against a Soviet tanker (NYT, April 2, threatened current truce negotia- writer, Oswald met with Charles in 1963, pp. 1, 9; April 3, 1963, p. 3). In tions. or to have involved a leak to the Miami, Florida, several months ago September, the Federal Government' Soviet Embassy). The second is the [i.e. in early 1963] and was paid had issued "strong warnings" to six 3;:!eged involvement of a governmental S7,000 by Charles" (26 H 148). Americans for their anti-Castro activi- intelligence network or operation (as By now this story seems absurd: the ties, including Frank Fiorini (Sturgis) when on May 22, Nixon justified his elaborate FBI chronology of Oswald's and Alexander Rorke, the owner of participation in the cover-up by ex- movements gave no indication that he Jerry Buchanan's boat (NYT, Sept. 16, ;,'atning that he had believed, erro- ever visited Miami. But at the time the 1963, p. 39). As for James Buchanan. neously, that the CIA was implicated). letters arrived, a reporter in the Miami the Brigade's secretary and propaganda The second justification flows from area named James Buchanan was pub- director, Sturgis allegedly broke with *s.e first. E. Howard Hunt was no fool lishing stories (attributed to Frank him in December 1963 because of his ...ien he used a CIA Minox camera to Sturgis alias Fiorini) that Oswald had "excessive" attacks on the FBI and the , tograplt G. Gordon Liddy in front been in Miami and also had been in CIA, "even going so far as to describe the office building of Ellsberg's contact with Cuban intelligence (CD former President John F. Kennedy as a :••,-, chiatrist. Although the photograph 59.2-3, CD 395.2; cf. CD 1020).* communist" (CD 1020.6). ''..is Irrelevant to the ensuing burglary, Later reports from James Buchanan's Similar anti-Kennedy sentiments , Implying CIA involvement it in- brother Jerry placed Oswald in Miami were allegedly expressed by Carlos ,..:e,i that Hunt and Liddy would be in March 1963 (CD 1020.7). These Bringuier, Oswald's contact with the te,:ted by an Administration cover- concatenating pieces of misinfor- DRE in New Orleans, and a right- 4:id that, if the cover-up ever col- mation from Miami and Havana sug- winger who later headed up the Cuban- '<'d.
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