index • 107 Index Page references to figures, tables and text COMT (catechol-O-methyltransferase) 13 boxes are shown in italics. Substances inhibitors 14–15 /conditions normally abbreviated have constipation 4 been entered under their abbreviation. coprolalia see Tourette’s syndrome Genes and genetic loci have been grouped together. deep brain stimulation (DBS) 20–2, 21, 25, 64, 74 acetazolamide 74 dialysis and RLS 83–4 acute dystonic reaction 92 diphenhydramine 92 ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity DLB (dementia with Lewy bodies) 39 disorder) 78 bilaterally reduced uptake, DaT scan 40 akathisia 81, 94 diagnostic criteria 40 akinesia see bradykinesia/akinesia dopamine antagonists 63, 85–6, 91, 97 alcohol, dystonia relief 55 dopaminergic agents see amantadine; alprazolam 73 bromocriptine; levodopa Alzheimer's disease 39, 44 dopaminergic neuronal transmission 12 amantadine 19, 101 deficiency 4 anticholinergics 19, 45, 61 dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) 44, 55 apomorphine 16–17, 18–19 drug-induced action tremor 93 challenge test 9 drug-induced movement disorders 87–93, Association of Sleep Disorders 78 88 ataxia 102–5 drug-induced parkinsonism 92–4, 93 diagnosis 105 Duodopa 13–14 atenolol 72 dystonia athetosis 102 acute dystonic reaction 92 classification 49, 54 baclofen 45, 62 clinical investigations 58, 59 β-blockers 71–3, 94 definition 49 benzodiazepines 55, 62, 73, 94, 101, 102 dopa-responsive dystonia 44, 55 blepharospasm 51 drug-induced dystonia 56 see also dystonia epidemiology 56 botulinum toxin therapy 46, 63, 74, 101, 102 focal dystonia 49–50, 61 Braak theory (Parkinson's pathophysiology) generalized 50 4, 6 genetics 56–8 bradykinesia/akinesia 7 hemidystonia 50 bromocriptine 16 heredodegenerative dystonia 53 multifocal dystonia 50 cabergoline 16 pathophysiology of 52–6 carbidopa 14–15 psychogenic dystonia 60 CBD (corticobasal degeneration) 41 secondary dystonia 53 clinical aspects 42 segmental dystonia 50, 61 cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis) 50 treatments 60–5 see also dystonia young-onset dystonias 62–3 cheese reaction 16 dystonia associated parkinsonism 46, 55–6 cholinesterase inhibitors 45–6 rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism (RDP) 56 chorea 99 dystonia-plus syndromes 55–6 diagnosis 100 clonazepam 45, 102 encephalitis lethargica 43 clonidine 74 entacapone 14 clozapine 63, 73 ergot-derived dopamine agonists 16 coenzyme Q10 20 essential tremor (ET) 7, 67–74 108 • MOVEMENT DISORDERS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE amplitude and frequency variations 67 hemifacial spasm 52, 102 clinical evaluation 70 heroin contamination and Parkinson's epidemiology 70 disease 2 medications 72 Hoehn and Yahr staging system, Parkinson's neuropathology 70–1 disease 26–7 subtypes 68–70, 71 Huntington’s disease treatment 71–4 Huntington’s disease-like syndrome type 2 European Medicines Agency (HDL2) 45 recommendations juvenile 45 rotigotine patch 18 hyperglycemia 101 extrapyramidal side effects (EPSE) 89–95, 90 in dopamine receptor blockers 91 intrathecal baclofen pump 62 iron supplementation 87 festination 7 flunarizine 74 Kayser–Fleischer rings 44–5 6-fluorodopa 44 kinetic tremor 67 fluphenazine 97 fragile X-associated tremor ataxia disorder lazabemide 16 (FXTAS) 68–70 Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) 25–6 French Antilles, PSP in 37 levodopa 6, 13–14 challenge test 9 GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) regulation 45, 62 complications 15 gabapentin 73, 87 intrajejunal infusion system 13–14 gait, in Parkinson's disease 7 management of parkinsonian syndromes GDNF (glial cell-line-derived neurotropic 45–6 factor) 23 need reduction with MAO-B inhibitors 16 genes and genetic loci plus co-careldopa 14–15 9q34 53, 57 in young-onset dystonias 62–3 ATP1A3 56 levodopa-responsive parkinsonism 2 ATP7B 45 Lewy bodies 4, 5, 6 causes of Parkinson's disease 3 lisuride 16 dystonic syndromes, loci 57 Lubag 44, 58 DYT1 53, 57 DYT11 55 MacMahon and Thomas staging system, DYT12 56 Parkinson's disease 27 DYT15 55 MAO-A (monoamine oxidase type A) GBA 3 inhibitors 94–5 GCH1 57–8 MAO-B (monoamine oxidase type B) LRRK2 3–4 inhibitors 16 NR4A2 3–4 melatonin 45 PARK1-13 3–4 MPTP (heroin contaminant) and Parkinson's PINK1 4 disease 2 ε-sarcoglycan 55 MSA (multiple system atrophy) 35–7 TORIA 57 diagnostic categories 35 Xq13 58 heart peripheral sympathetic innervation 37 Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome see putamen MRI scans 36 Tourette’s syndrome multidisciplinary therapy 46 GTP cyclohydrolase 44 myectomy 64 myoclonus 45, 102 haloperidol 63, 97, 101 diagnosis 103–4 hemiballismus 101 myoclonus–dystonia syndrome 55 hemichorea–hemiballismus 101 nadolol 94 index • 109 National Institute of Neurological Disorders risk factors 2 and the Society for Progressive and RLS 85 Supranuclear Palsy (NINDS–SPSP), PSP staging 4–5, 26–8 criteria 39 Parkinson's disease, clinical assessments neuroleptic malignant syndrome 94 nonmotor scale (NMSS) 8 neuroprotection, Parkinson's disease nonmotor symptoms questionnaire management 19–20 (NMSQuest) 8 nigral dopaminergic neurone differentiation 3 Parkinson's Disease Brain Bank criteria 7 nimodipine 74 Parkinson's disease sleep scale (PDSS) 18 non-dopaminergic drugs 24 Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale non-ergot-derived dopamine agonists 16–17 (UPDRS) 8 Parkinson's disease, management of 11–19 occupational therapy, Parkinson's disease COMT inhibitors 14–15 management 25 costs of care 26 olfactory loss 4 deep brain stimulation 20–2, 21 olivopontocerebellar (OPCA) type MSA 35 development of antiparkinsonian opioids and RLS 86 treatments 11 orthostatic tremor 68, 69 levodopa 6, 13–14 mortality 26–8 palilalia 7 neuroprotection 19–20 palliative care, Parkinson's disease NICE guidelines 11, 19 management 26 PDLIFE study 12 pallidotomy 64 specialist nursing care 25–6 parkinsonian syndromes staging 4–5, 26–8 causes of 34 stereotactic thalamotomy 20 CBD (corticobasal degeneration) 41 transplant therapies 22–3 clinical aspects 42 pergolide 16 DLB (dementia with Lewy bodies) 39, 40 phenothiazine 63 dopa-responsive dystonia 44 Philippines, X-linked dystonia–parkinsonism drug-induced parkinsonism 92–4, 93 in 44, 58 dystonia associated parkinsonism 46 pimozide 97 management of 45–6 postencephalitic parkinsonism 43–4 MSA (multiple system atrophy) 35–7 postural tremor 67 Parkinson-plus syndromes 33–4 pramipexole 16–17 postencephalitic parkinsonism 43–4 primary torsion dystonia (PTD) 53 PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy) 37–9 see also dystonia VP (vascular pseudoparkinsonism) 41–3 primidone 73 Wilson's disease 44–5 propranolol 71, 94 Parkinson-plus syndromes 33–4 PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy) 37–9 Parkinson's disease 1–29 atypical “variants” 38 dementia 39 pyridoxine 91–3 diagnosis confirmation 9–11 epidemiology 1 rapid eye movement (REM) 4 genetic factors 2–4 rasagiline 16 geographic variation 3 renal failure and RLS 83–4 incidence 1 retinal cell transplantation 23 levodopa-responsive 2 rigidity 7 mortality 26–8 risk factors, Parkinson's disease 2 motor disorder symptoms 6–7 RLS (restless legs syndrome) nonmotor symptom complex 8 in children 78 pathological features 4–5 diagnosis 77, 79–80, 80–1 prevalence 1 epidemiology 81 110 • MOVEMENT DISORDERS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE genetics 81–3 NNIPPS (Neuroprotection and Natural medications 84 History in Parkinson Plus Syndromes) and Parkinson's disease 85 study group 35, 39, 46 pathophysiology 82–3 PDLIFE study 12 PLMS (periodic limb movements of sleep) 78 PROUD study 20, 29 secondary RLS 83–5 STRIDE – STalevo Reduction In Dyskinesia treatments 85–7 Evaluation 13 "rocket sign" 38 substantia nigra, normal vs. Parkinson's ropinirole 16–17 brain 5 rotigotine 16–18 surgical treatments, dystonia 64 European Medicines Agency recommendations 18 tardive dyskinesia (TD) 89–92 RPE (retinal pigment epithelium) 23 task-specific tremor 68, 69 tetrabenazine 91, 101, 102 scanning tics 95–7 DaT 9 secondary causes 96 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 10 treatment options 98 positron emission tomography (PET) 10 see also Tourette’s syndrome transcranial ultrasonography 9, 10 tizanidine 45 Schapira–Obeso hypothesis 13 α-tocopherol 91–2 Segawa’s disease 44 tolcapone 14 selegiline 16 topiramate 73 sensory tricks 50 Tourette’s syndrome 95–99 serotonin syndrome 94–5 transplant therapies 22–3 Shy–Drager syndrome 35 tremor signs and symptoms 58, 59 dystonic 7 SNGP (supranuclear gaze palsy) 34, 38 slow resting 6–7 spasmodic dysphonia 52 see also essential tremor (ET) see also dystonia trihexyphenidyl 61 spasmodic torticollis see cervical dystonia triptan 95 specialist nursing care, Parkinson's disease tyramine reaction 16 management 25–6 specific forms of 50–2 uremia 83 speech and language therapy, Parkinson's disease management 25–6 vitamin B6 91–2 SSRIs (serotonin reuptake inhibitors) 94–5 vitamin E 91–2 Stalevo 15 Von Economo’s encephalitis 43 Steele–Richardson–Olszewski syndrome VP (vascular pseudoparkinsonism) 41–3 see PSP stereotactic thalamotomy 20 Wilson's disease 44–5 striatonigral degeneration (SND) 35 writer's cramp 51 studies and trials see also dystonia ADAGIO study 20, 29 ELLDOPA (Early versus Late Levodopa in X-linked dystonia–parkinsonism 44, 58 Parkinson's disease) study 13 MAO-B inhibitor meta-analysis 16 zolpidem 45–6.
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