W. ff f i l THIRTEENTH YEAR. NO. 96. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, APRIL 2 2 , 1899.— EIGHT PAGES. ONE CENT DEWEY AND DIEDEBICHS TIE DP TROLLEY LINES? BEACH AND BOARDWALK. SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES LOVER TURNED SPRINTER CAPTAIN COGHLAN TELLS LONG BRANCH OFFICIALS VISITING MUSICIANS ASSIST TIME FOIt SERVICES — SUB­ HOW HIS PATIENT VIGIL F or R e n t FOR RENT SOME INSIDE HISTORY. HINT THAT WAY. ED AT CONCEPTS. JECTS OF SERMONS. WAS REWARDED. Threatened German With W ar-Ad Ttiey^lalm the Terms of tbe Fran­ Skillful Violinist and Pianist Hefe Olrderi of Exercises In the Various Papa halt tie Waited for a Hoftse- One of the most desirable ralral Used Plain W ords—Said Fuiv chise Granted the Two Companies From Elizabeth-—A Platt or ra That Houses of W orship at Asbury Park, keopor From tioii^ Branch, But F O U R ( 4 ) OF THE MOST ther Nonsense Would Mean Fight. Operating Cars In That City are Causes Atany, Inquiries as to Its Ocean Grove and Vicinity—Special Was Mado the Victim of a Practical An , Enthusiastic Dinner at the Not Being Compiled With—The Particular Purpose—Weather and Topics for Presentation and. Con­ Joke— The' Funny Incident Was stores on Mattison avenue. Union league Club. Companies Notified. ' Ocean Both. Rough Yesterday. sideration. ~ Witnessed by a fjirjfe Crowd. DESIRABLE STORES ON New York, April 22.—Cnptaln J. *B. *It Is reported th a t the board of commis­ “W hat Is tho idea o? having that big pUt- Tho^ley" chapel, Ocean Grove. Expert Matrimonial hallucinations appear Price right to desirable tenant Coghlan'and the officers oZ ,ihe Raleigh sioners at Long B:anch threaten to tie up form, several feet above the boardwalk, on once meeting a t 8.30 p. m. have struck the LaRue family with ’ such were entertained last night at the Un­ ATTISON AVENUE. the two trolley systems operating In that the beach at the foot of Wesley lake?” is a Church of the Holy Spirit, Rev. M. L. force that it hus about caused both father ion League club. The dining room waa city. ' ‘ question often asked but never yet answer­ Giennon, pastor. Mass at 9 o’clock a. m. and son to lose thelV common sense. From O ur list of yearly houses is decorated with American and British ed. Reference la made to the structure Christian Alliance, Mikado building. / flags, and ten large tables contained fcWlien tho franchise was granted the At- incidents which have transpired during the erected over the flume through which Wes­ good things for the returned heroes of laptlo Coast Electric Railway company one Meeting every Sunday a t 8.80 p. m , and past week It seems that it woujd be but an complete. If seeking a house M anila. of tho company's obligations to the city ley lake empties Into the ocean. The plat­ every Thursday evening at 7.30. act of charity to transfer the “soft” pair from A PPL Y TO Captain Coghlan established a repu­ was to gravel Second and Long Branch form Is substantial and has a fence around FriondB’ Bible class In W hittier hall, their abode in this vicinity to a home for tation as an orator second only to hia avenues. This,It is said they hatfe failed It, but Its exact purpose Is known only to Second avenue and Em ory street, aV 8.30 p. feeble minded men. Like a drowning man let us give you particulars. fame as a fighter. to do, although during the Jast three the builder. The platform Is a shelter from m. Dr. John Shotwell of Belmar, leader. they have both grasped at a Btraw which “We accept all your kindnesses in Ad­ months the commissioners are said to have the sun, but some express tho opinion that Salvation Army, 611 Mattison avenue. would indicate th a t a possible chance ^vasin D. C. COVERT miral Dewey's name," said Captain repeatedly ordered them to comply with tjietop of the flume Is not as safe as It Meetings tonight at 8 and tomorrow a t 11, store ror them to secure a female partner for Coghlan. "It was. a great pleasure and might be. An OceanGrovo wearer of brass 8 and 8 o’clock, in charge of Adjt. McKenzie honor to serve under hire. /Every day the terms of their contract, the balance of their natural lives. Such a button says the platform was erected to and Capt Bartell. • ' we were with him we learned more and One of the things required by the’fran­ vague hope has caused the two masculine Jond S t, near Cookman Ave, more to love him' ahd more ahd more chise of the Atlantic Highlands, Red .Bank shut off the view ot people on the Asbury Evangelical Lutheran Church of the LaRue’s to make fools of themselves for the MILAN ROSS AGENCY how.the country’s interests were safe In. and Long Branoh Eleotrlo Railway com avenue pavilion from the Ross pavilion. Atonement, Rev. G. A. Gonzmor, pastor. benefit of the laughing, jeering crowd. h is h an d s an d hfcw he could' no nothing pan jr waa to pave IBranchport avenue, the DOn’t believe it. But he saya it’s so, and Services a t 10 45 a. m. and 7.45 p. m. Sun­ Ib was only last Sunday that the son, . 2 0 8 M ain Street. but that which would redound to the distance oocupled by the tracks, with vitrl he stioks to It* day-school at usual hour. Newell R. LaRue, in'answer to a decoy let­ * * * country's credit. Through all those Rescue Mission, G. W. Guyer, superinten­ fled brick. The bricks*were dumped there People who heard the concerts by tho ter, dressed himself up in special l‘togs,” in­ long, weary months of waiting and the months and months ago, but before the dent. Sunday school and Mr. Woodworth’s cluding tan gloves and a high silk hat, and most outrageous nagging that anybody beach orchestra yesterday afternoon and company bad tim e to lay them It became Bible class for adults at 9 p. m. Meetings could suffer, wearing him to the very evening at tfie Asbury avenue pavilion, en­ went forth with the firm belief that his insolvent and w ent into a receiver’s hands. tonight at 8 and tom orrow a t 8.15 and 7.30 Monmouth Trust bone, he held himself up, and he held'us joyed a rare treat owing to the presence of wife-to-bo would meet him at the appointed ;eith’s express This, perforce, delayed the improvement. p. m. Mrs. Albert G. Smith will lead even time and place. He paraded the street for AND----- iip with him. two out-of-town musicians who kindly gave Since this time, however, Chancellor Mc­ ing m eeting. [ ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVB “Admiral von Dlederlch's officer came their aid for the day. They wero here for a an hour in this unusual atiire before he re­ down one day to make a complaint. It Gill ordered the work completed, but it First Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. visit to friends who are regular members of alized that he had been duped. Meanwhile was my pleasure to step out on the George B. W ight, D. D., pastor, will preach Hotel Brunswick, appears nothing has as . yet been done In the orchestra. One w as Mr. Anton Gloeck- the crowd which had been let Into the joke Safe Deposit Company Railroad Depot and quarterdeck just as he came aboard. It the matter. to-morrow on “Consecration tho Way to almost burst their sides with laughter in a 1214 Bangs Avenue, was partly by accident and partly by ner, violinist,-and the other was Mr. Sam­ { Both the sidewalks and street In the sec. Blessing,” and a t 7.30 pJ m., special permon nearby store, where they had assembled ..to Momnwth Building, Asbury Pari, N. J. design. I heard him tell the admiral uel Silbermann, accompanist. Both are nclpal Offloe 818 Cookman Avenue to the Knights of the Golden Eagle. Sun­ about his complaint, and I fceard .the tion of Branchport avenue where the trolley residents at Elizabeth, N. X It waa. noted witness the operations of the love sti uck Goods stored At reasonable rates, day school a t 2.80, and Epworth League a t Telephone connection. admiral reply: operates Is reported to be In a deplorable as soon as Mr. Silbermann touched the. young man. 6.30. W * ' CAPITAL, $100,000. O. BOX 667, - - - - AflBUBYPABX. “ ‘Tell your admiral those ships of his condition, and the residents In that vicinity piano keys that a master hand was at the. The preparations of the young man for Grand”Xvenue Reformed church.. Preach^ must stop when I say so. 1 w ish to ’ have complained to the board o f commis* instrument, while Mr./ Gloeckner’s violin his supposed wedding were superintended SURPLUS, $25,000 make the blockade of this harbor com log by the pastor, Rev.^Dr. P. Stryker; 10.30 sloners repeatedly and requested that they playing was simply superb. Both gentle; by Papa LaRue, who, as tho P ress stated plete.* , a. in. topic: "Shew Me a Penny”—the be granted some redress. This state of af­ men have been favored with a fine musical last Monday, wjis also seriously inclined in Executes all trusts known to the law. “The German officer replied, 'But we fairs has continued so long th a t the com* uses of mouoy in religion; 7.30 p.
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