-V ■i JL NET PRESS RUN THE WEATHER ^ AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Forecaat bj O, S. Waalher BurMa, for the Month of July. 1029 New Havea 5,301 Fair tonight and Saturday. Membera ot the Aadlt Bnzeaa of rircnlattoBS - conn. Slate Library-Comp^ SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIIL, NO. 258. (CliMifled Advertising on Page 14) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST W, 1929. STEAM SHOVEL ' To Hang Rum Pirate [NO PROGRESS MAYREVISE ZEPPam NEARMG SCOOP K n is : In Florida Hangar BANK SYSTEM WARJETERANi Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Aug. 16— Aneases have been Instructed thatinai i NWINUSE BORDER OF SIBERIA Resigned to hi. fate. Jama. Horacelpo,ing is to be divulged. The secrecy j Alderman, 50-year-old rum pirate, \p^a,s given by Federal Judge Charles F. Meyers, of Flor- today began his last 24 hours on Halstead L. Ritter of Miami, who Britain Refuses to Reduce Survey Shows Over Billion earth. signed the death warrant. AROUND GLOBE WITH ZEPPELIN Amid utmost secrecy, he will An executioner, spiritual adviser Her Present Cruiser Ton- TO FOLLOW ence Street, Struck and hang from a scaffold tomorrow in and a physician have been selected and Half Dollars Drop In expiation for the murder of Sydney for the execution, but their names C. Sanderlin and Victor A. Lamby, were not announced. Arrange- nage and There tbe Mat- ments also have been made for the Resources in Last Half R. R^ LINE Crushed by Digger as It two coast guardsmen, and Robert E. Webster, a Secret Service opera- delivery of the body to the family Live killed’in a gun battle on the' at Miami. ter Rests. Year. Slips Down Cable. high seas two years ago. i Alderman has beeri moved frorn OThe hanging will. .take . place, ------- - inI a-------------------- | Miami1 to a cell in the Broward Early This Afternoon Graf metal seaplane hangar on the ' county jail here. Declaring he has Washington, Aug. 16 — Respite Washington, Aug. 16.—A legis- Crushed under the weight of grounds of the United States Coast! no fear of the noose, the prisoner the “substantial progress” regular- lative battle bringing into conflict ^ _______ a V . /-,'T .r t "D^nrwforc ' TAJlriS llis Blbl© 3,llI10St CODtinU" ly announced in the negotiations Was Over the Foothills of large steam shovel scoop which fell; Guard base here. Reporters state and national banks, with Con- on him, Charles F. Meyers, 4 2 years [been barred from the grounds. ously. “I am not afraid to go,” he toward a British-American naval old World War veteran of The officially designated wit-■ s a i d . agreement, it was learned today gress in the role of umpire appear- the Ural Mountains; Pick- that up to the present there has ed Inevitable today as a result of Florence street, was fatally injured been considerably more vocal,op- the disclosure that there have been timism by “the statesmen” than late yesterday afternoon and died serious defections from the national ing Up Speed as She two hours later without regaining actual accomplishment by the ex- perts. banking system Involving a billion consciousness at the Manchester BRUSSELS WOMAN WEDS Instead of an agreement being and a half dollars drop in resources Heads Due East—Good appreciably near, as might be in- of the national banks in the past ferred from some of the announce- year. Weather Along Route 50 HUSBANDS SHE SAYS ments in London and Washington, The national system showed a the “brass tack” stage of negotia- reduction of 39 banks between tions has not even been reached. March and June and a drop of 155 Thus Far. This Is true at any rate concern- institutions in a year. While many ing cruisers, which comprise the of the banks dropping out resulted Admits Having Been En-| only real naval difference, there has from mergers and failures, the de- GIRLS TO RESCUE «>- been between the two countries. crease due to surrender of national LOG OF THE GRAF. Britain’s Stand charters for those under state gov- gaged 652 Times; Ex-j OF RUDY VALLEE . At no stage of the negotiations ernments was sufficient to cause New York, .-iug. 16.— Follow- has Britain conceded or Intimated officials grave concern as to the ing is the log of the Graf Zep- Husband Notifies Police ---- willingness to materially reduce future of the system. A major pelin since beginning her round her present cruiser tonnage. If the volume of the reduction In re- the world flight. .%11 times usad United States Is to attain anything sources came from defections, a are Eastern Daylight Saving. and Sbe’s Held for Bigamy Radio Artist in Court for even remotely • approaching cruiser number of big banks of the system Thursday, Ang. 9. parity, this inevitably means that having dropped out. 12:40 a. m. Left Lakehurst, Speeding; Women Beg President Hoover must proceed Branch Banking N. J. Brussels, Belgium, Aug. 16.— with the suspended American pro- 1:45 a. m. Circled Statue of When Adirenne Guyot, a ravishing gram, calling for 15 new vessels in The Congressional fight will re- volve chiefly around the much dis- Liberty, the official starting blonde, calmly informed the Brus- the next three years, and even go point of the round the world Cop to Be Easy With Star beyond that. puted question of extension of sels police that she had been mar- branch banking. Two schools of voyage. Great Britain’s cruiser prepon- Saturday, Aug. 11. ried to fifty husbands, they were derance is so great that even the thought appear both in administra- New York, Aug. 16.— Two tired tion and Congressional circles, one 8:00 a. m. Landed at Freid> politely incredulous. When she ad- addition of 15 new vessels already richshafen. mitted having been engaged 652 looking men sat in a front row in authorized by Congress will still favoring either keeping branch banking within its present limits, Wednesday, Aug. 14. times they were knocked for a ro^ , gj.Qoklyn Traffic Court today leave the American navy a good bit 11:35 p. m. Departed for of romances. behind. The American Navy would or curtailing the privilege and the One was Rudy Vallee, the lad other advocating expansion of this Tokio on second leg of round All records for much marriage then have 305,000 tons of modern :N£A the world flight. Charles F. Meyers. among women of all ages, colors with the saxophone appeal who cruisers, as against some 407,000 phase of banking to put the na- tional banks on a parity with the Thursday, Aug; 15. and nationalities were broken by breaks a feminine heart every tons for the British. 5:35 a. m. Pass^ over Ber- Memorial hospital. The accident Gerteva Conference state institutions. Above is a picture of the Graf Zepiielin. it.s commander. Dr. Ecke- Adrienne, who is under arrest time he purrs a tune. lin. happened on Brookfield street in charged with bigamy. According to It is more or less significant to Comptroller of the Currency K. i route the big dljrigible is taking on its trip to Tokio. the Green Acres at 3:40. The other was Motorcycle , Po- 9:55 a. m. Reached Danalg the confession the police claim W. Pole maintained that it is' on the Baltic coast. Scoop Hits Him. liceman' James Olliffe whose musi- (Continued on Page 3) Meyers was standing on automo- Adrienne has made, she is a super- necessary for the government to 12 noon. Flew over TUelt. bile truck owned by Alexander polygamist. cal education is confined to a possess an Instrumentality of 4:35 p. ni. Crossed Soviet Jarvis, Jr., by whom he was em- Hymen, the Pagan diety who is crescendo on a police whistle. finance in the form of a system of COAST TO COAST VENEZUELAN REBS frontier into Russia near Duenn ployed as a truck driver, waiting understood to preside over nuptial national banks, in order that it may burg. affairs, has been entitled to time Officer Olliffe charged* Rudy for the gasoline steam shovel to vnth traveling 33 miles an hour on DEBT D EjIEO CK through them, in times of. stress, 9:30 p. m. Over UsthSma, supply his load. The shovel was and a half for overtime ever since the Manhattan bridge last week. be able to enforce a national finan- 200 miles north of Moscow. loaded with gravel and hoisted high Adrienne cast her devastating orbs cial policy. AND RETURN HOP HOLD WHIP HAND Friday, Aug. 16. upon the first of her matrimonial He stopped the automobile. in the air over the truck. Meyers “My name is Rudy Vallee,” STIU UNBROKEN No Criticism 4:30 p. m. Rei>orted «fVer was knocked from the truck as the victims. i Pole- remarked that it -was no Viatka 500 miles northeiut of .. H e r Life Story crooned the man with the velvet .K shovel slid down the boom and into voice. tmltlclam of the state-baitks ami Moscow, indicating eburse was the front part of the digging ma- The life "^ory of this pulchritu- “I don’t care if you’re Mary trust companies to say that the Plane to Be Refueled in Air; Dominate ^ Whole East- ! I being changed southward. chine. dinous prisoner promises to be the Pickford,” declared Officer Olliffe. national government cannot rely 8:00 a. m. Passed oveV Badly Crushed. most extraordinary ever brought to “ H ere’s a ticket.” Delegates at Hague Are Uu- upon them to serve as its Instru- Pejevska, north of Perm, 740 Meyers was rendered unconscious light. She was born in Mons of Women to Rescue mentalities in the enforcement of Due Over Roosevelt Field ern Coast—Are Aboard miles northeast of Moscow on instantly and workmen carried him humble parents, but early in life it Since then the life of Officer Ol- able to Agree on Great a Federal fiscal policy.
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