S 12754 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE September 7, 1995 Francisco 50 years ago, and today car- LEY's distinguished career in public is because, in behalf of myself and Sen- ries a copy of the U.N. Charter in his service. His 1982 fair tax proposal led ator SARBANES, as well as our col- coat pocket. This ``eccentricity,'' as directly to the landmark 1986 tax re- leagues from the other side of the Po- one news account called it, is a testa- form bill. The plan was to cut tax rates tomac, Senators WARNER and ROBB, I ment to the importance Senator PELL sharply and eliminate most preferences send to the desk a resolution congratu- has always placed on an international and tax shelters. He took a broad con- lating Cal Ripken, Jr., on the occasion organization aimed at promoting world cept and, in characteristic fashion, of breaking the Major League baseball peace and cooperation. filled in the details with exacting care. record for consecutive games played, Senator PELL's greatest legacy prob- This was a major piece of legislation and I now ask for its immediate consid- ably will lie in the field of education. whose passage was remarkable, espe- eration. He is the second-ranking Democrat on cially since Senator BRADLEY had rel- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the Committee on Labor and Human atively little seniority and was, at the clerk will report. Resources and for years chaired the time, serving in the minority. But as The legislative clerk read as follows: Subcommittee on Education, the Arts, President Reagan, the Treasury De- A resolution (S. Res. 167) congratulating and Humanities. He made a particular partment, the Ways and Means chair- Cal Ripken, Jr., on the occasion of his break- mark in setting up a grant program for man in the House, the Finance chair- ing the Major League baseball record for the needy college and university students. man in the Senate, and other key lead- highest total number of consecutive games These Pell grants, as they are officially ers embraced comprehensive tax re- played. called, have become familiar to a gen- form, Senator BRADLEY was there The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there eration of students. He has also been a every step of the way. He quietly en- objection to the immediate consider- leader in promoting ocean research. couraged others, avoiding the spotlight ation of the resolution? A statement Senator PELL made in while offering advice and lobbying There being no objection, the Senate his retirement announcement summa- Members. He even played basketball proceeded to consider the resolution. rizes his philosophy and approach to with some Members. In spite of his un- Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I public service. He said, obtrusive manner and behind-the- would also further like to thank the I consider . the United States Senate a scenes style, he emerged as the indis- Republican leader, Senator DOLE, for marvelous institution. And I continue to pensable man in getting the bill allowing the Senate to have no more believe that government, and the federal through Congress. votes after 5:30 last night so those Sen- government in particular, can, should, and Senator BRADLEY's has been one our ators who were fortunate enough to does make a positive impact on the lives of most eloquent voices on the issue of have tickets to the game could get most Americans. race relations in this country. He has there to be there on time, to hear the There is no doubt that CLAIBORNE long called for a national dialog on the national anthem sung, and Mr. PELL has contributed significantly and issue, free of the ideological extremes Ripken's children throw out the cere- tangibly to that positive impact over that tend to make thoughtful and monial first ball and to see America as the last 31¤2 decades. frank discussion of race relations rare, it really ought to be. So I would like to In his announcement, Senator PELL if not impossible. His well-thought-out thank the majority leader for the cour- also thanked the people of Rhode Is- and reasoned pronouncements have tesy that he extended to me and to the land for having tolerated his eccen- often had a cooling effect, and have other Senators. tricities. If those eccentricities include raised the level of the arguments above Mr. President, it is with pride and en- a quiet, unassuming manner character- the harsh rhetoric often associated thusiasm that I rise today to honor a ized by thoughtful reflection, medita- with the issue. This is true on other is- baseball hero, a Maryland hero, and an tion, honesty, and courtliness, then we sues as well, especially during foreign American hero. Last night Cal Ripken, should all aspire to be eccentric in the policy crises. Jr., broke baseball's endurance record. ways that our dear friend from Rhode I look forward to working with Sen- Cal Ripken played in his 2,131 consecu- Island is eccentric. He is eccentric in ator BRADLEY during the time we have tive ballgame, and in doing so, he the best sense of the term. I congratu- left together in the Senate, and wish broke Lou Gehrig's record in consecu- late Senator PELL, look forward to him all the best for whatever his future tive games played. Yes, Cal surpassed serving with him for the remainder of might hold after he leaves. I am con- the great Iron Horse, Lou Gehrig, by this Congress, and wish him all the fident that he will, for many years to playing 2,131 straight games. Cal has best for the future. come, continue to influence the direc- started every game as a Baltimore Ori- f tion of our country and will continue ole player since May 30, 1982. to provide valuable leadership on the Now, Cal has achieved many honors TRIBUTE TO SENATOR BILL important issues that confront us. already, in his career: Two league Most BRADLEY I yield the floor. Valuable Player awards, 13 All-Star Mr. HEFLIN. Mr. President, like The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- games, and two Golden Glove awards. each and every Member of this body, I ator from Arizona is recognized for 30 These are just a few of his many ac- was surprisedÐshocked is not too minutes. complishments. His streak is astound- strong a wordÐwhen our colleague Mr. McCAIN. I thank the Chair. ing for the character and the commit- from New Jersey announced that he (The remarks of Mr. MCCAIN and Mr. ment it represents. To the people from would not be running for a fourth term FEINGOLD pertaining to the introduc- Maryland like me, the streak means so in the Senate. I could not help but feel- tion of legislation are located in to- much more, though, than physical en- ing that with the loss of Senator BRAD- day's RECORD under ``Statements on In- durance and awards. For us, Cal's ef- LEY, the Senate would be losing one of troduced Bills and Joint Resolutions.'') fort is a testimony to what someone its most intellectual, thoughtful, and f can achieve when they put team inter- hard-working Members, perhaps one of ests ahead of self interests. its most unique ever. CONGRATULATING CAL RIPKEN, Cal has not done this just for the BILL BRADLEY is indisputably capa- JR., ON BREAKING THE MAJOR sake of breaking a record; he broke ble, an outstanding student of and LEAGUE BASEBALL RECORD FOR that record because that is how he original thinker on major economic MOST CONSECUTIVE GAMES lives. He gives 100 percent every day. and foreign policy issues, as well as a PLAYED Ask any of the hundreds of Baltimore reflection of mainstream public opin- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Orioles, who played with him over the ion in this country. He is careful and Chair recognizes the Senator from last 14 years. Ask Cal's coaches who deliberate in his judgments, and often Maryland. have seen him rededicate himself every provides a fresh and enlightening per- Ms. MIKULSKI. I thank you, Mr. day. Ask any of the thousands and spective on the many complex issues President. thousands and even millions of Orioles that come before the Senate. Mr. President, I thank the Senator fans for whom he stayed at the ball- Our Nation's tax structure has been from Arizona for yielding. He knows park late at night, willing to sign auto- one of the focuses of Senator BRAD- why I rise on the Senate floor today. It graphs, appear at charity events and be September 7, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 12755 there for Baltimore and be there for Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, last change the postal abbreviation out there the Orioles. Ask any of the millions of night, September 6, 1995, at Oriole Park from CA to CAL. baseball fans who have watched him at Camden Yards, not far from my Hold onÐback at that Baltimore mater- handle himself with dignity, who have home in Baltimore, Cal Ripken broke nity ward, it turns out instead to be twins; girls, yet. Okay, their names will be Callie watched him handle himself with gal- baseball's most enduring record of con- and Vinnie. lantry on the playing field and off the secutive games played. In surpassing To be a Baltimorean is to feel, right now, playing field. We have watched him Lou Gehrig's streak of 2,130 games, Cal exalted. Some 1,525 daily newspapers are still also treat others with dignity through- Ripken has secured a place in sports published in this country and every last one, out his career.
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