This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: Financial Policies and the World Capital Market: The Problem of Latin American Countries Volume Author/Editor: Pedro Aspe Armella, Rudiger Dornbusch, and Maurice Obstfeld, eds. Volume Publisher: University of Chicago Press Volume ISBN: 0-226-02996-4 Volume URL: http://www.nber.org/books/arme83-1 Publication Date: 1983 Chapter Title: List of Contributors, Indexes Chapter Author: Pedro Aspe Armella, Rudiger Dornbusch, Maurice Obstfeld Chapter URL: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c11197 Chapter pages in book: (p. 285 - 296) Contributors Andrew Abel Guillermo A. Calvo Department of Economics Department of Economics Harvard University University of Chicago Cambridge, MA 02138 Chicago, IL 60637 Carlos F. Diaz Alejandro Domingo F. Cavallo Department of Economics Instituto de Estudios Economicos Yale University Fundacion Mediterranea New Haven, CT 06520 Cordoba, Argentina Robert E. Cumby Pedro Aspe Armella International Monetary Fund I. T. A. M. World Bank Mexico 20, DF, Mexico Washington, DC 20431 Olivier Jean Blanchard Rudiger Dornbusch Department of Economics Department of Economics Harvard University Massachusetts Institute Cambridge, MA 02138 of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 Herminio A. Blanco Stanley Fischer Department of Economics Department of Economics Rice University Massachusetts Institute Houston, TX 77005 of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 Michael Bruno Department of Economics Ricardo Ffrench-Davis Hebrew University CIEPLAN Jerusalem, Israel Santiago 9, Chile 285 286 Contributors Jacob A. Frenkel Maurice Obstfeld Department of Economics Department of Economics University of Chicago Columbia University Chicago, IL 60637 International Affairs Building New York, NY 10027 Peter M. Garber Department of Economics Guillermo Ortiz University of Rochester Banco de Mexico Rochester, NY 14627 Mexico 1, DF, Mexico Nissan Liviatan Juan Carlos de Pablo Department of Economics Paez 2608 Hebrew University 1406 Buenos Aires, Argentina Jerusalem, Israel A. Humberto Petrei Jose Saul Lizondo Instituto de Estudios Economicos I. T. A. M. Fundacion Mediterranea Rio Hondo Num. 1 Cordoba, Argentina Mexico 20, DF, Mexico Kenneth Rogoff Miguel Mancera Board of Governors Banco de Mexico Federal Reserve System Mexico 1, DF, Mexico Washington, DC 20551 Charles E. McLure, Jr. Thomas J. Sargent Senior Fellow Department of Economics Hoover Institution University of Minnesota Stanford University Minneapolis, MN 55455 Stanford, CA 94305 Mario Henrique Simonsen Michael Mussa Fundacao Getulio Vargas Graduate School of Business Praia de Botafogo 190 University of Chicago Rio de Janeiro 20000, Brazil Chicago, IL 60637 Author Index Adams, W., 44, 50 Carillo-Flores, A., 26 Aghevli, B. B., 89 Cass, D., 98 Akhtar, M. A., 82 Cavallo, D. F., 166, 168 Alexander, W., 81, 86 Cavazos, M., 73, 76, 78 Aliber, R. Z., 227, 231, 257 Clower, R., 97 Allen, W. A., 231 Connolly, M., 250 Argy, V., 246, 250 Cor den, M., 52 Arnaudo, A. A., 166 Cordoba, J., 80 Arrow, K. J., 124 Cukierman, A., 107 Askin, S. S., 245 Cumberland, W. W., 30 Azariadis, 108, 125 Cumby, R. E., 223,246,257 Bacha, E. L., 27 Dadone, A. A., 166, 168 Banco Central de la Republica Argentina, Dantas da Silveira, J., 250 17, 18 Debreu, G., 124 Barro, R. J., 65, 120, 125 De Pablo, J. C, 203 Baumol, W. J., 97 de Paiva Areu, M., 12, 23, 29 Bhagwati, J. N., 46, 96 Dhrymes, P. J., 254 Bhalla, S. S., 256 Diamond, P., 65 Bilson, J. F. O., 223 Diaz Alejandro, C. F., 6, 16, 24, 27 Blanchard, O. J., 108 Dooley, M. P., 227, 257 Blejer, M. I., 274 Dornbusch, R., 138,145,199, 200, 218,250 Blinder, A. S., 108 Drazen, A., 59 Bolton, G., 30 Box, G. E. P., 85, 90, 91 Eaton, J., 29 Branson, W. H., 227 Engle, R. F., 254 Brenner, R., 110 Brillenbourg, A., 71 Fair, R. C, 254 Brock, W. A., 59 Fama, E. F., 222 Brothers, D. S., 253, 256 Farber, A., 222 Bruno, M. 131, 133, 141, 142, 145 Feige, E., 223 Business International, 256, 262 Ffrench-Davis, R., 218 Fieleke, N. S., 231 Calvo, G. A., 136, 206, 209, 210 Fischer, S., 50,60,61,68,105,120,125,210 Cardoso, E. A., 23, 250 Fisher, I., 222 287 288 Author Index Fishlow, A., 23 Martinez-Ostos, R., 73 Flood, R., 151 McCormick, F., 229-30, 231 Foxley, A., 218 McCulloch, J. H., 223 Frankel, J. A., 222 McKinnon, R. I., 50, 231 Frenkel, J. A., 54, 137, 219, 227, 231, 250 Miles, M., 71, 81, 82, 86, 149 Friedman, 24, 25, 66, 210 Miller, N. C, 245 Mirrlees, J. A., 65 Garber, P., 151 Mundell, R. A., 50, 52, 54, 247 Gersovitz, M., 29 Murray, G. L., 250 Geweke, J., 223 Mussa, M. L., 54 Girton, L., 71, 246, 250, 252 Grauer, F. L., 222 Nassef, S., 79 Gray, J. A., 107, 124 Neuhaus, P., 18 Gylfason, T., 250 Nickelsburg, G., 103 Hansen, L. P., 223, 224, 254 Obstfeld, M., 223, 246, 247, 248, 250, 257 Harberler, G., 8, 25, 31 Officer, L. H., 227 Helliwell, J. F., 250 Ortiz, G., 80, 81, 87, 253 Herring, R. J., 246 Hodrick, R. J., 223, 224 Pedersson, G., 227 Huizinga, J.,246, 251 Phelps, E. S., 59 Polak, J. J., 32 Isard, P., 227, 257 Porter, M. G., 246, 249 Ize, A.,89 Porzecanski, A. C, 272 Potash, R. A., 21, 22 Jenkins, G. M., 90,91 Prachowny, M. F., 227 Johnson, H. G., 52, 56, 209 Prebisch, R., 16 Putnam, B. H., 82 Kareken, J. H., 60, 98, 100, 103 Kemmerer, E. W., 31 Ramos, J., 218 Keynes, J. M, 60,244 Rodriguez, C. A., 54, 136, 137, 199, 200, Kouri, P. J. K., 209, 246, 248, 250 204, 206, 209 Krasker, W. S., 224 Roll, R., 222 Krugman, P., 151 Roper, D., 71, 246, 250, 252 Lancaster, K., 49 Salera, V., 29 Landskroner, Y., 113 Samuelson, P. A., 42, 52, 60, 98 Lau, M., 271 Sargent, T. J., 120, 157,200 Lerner, A. P., 52 Schadler, S., 71 Levhari, D., 108, 115 Schwartz, A. H., 24, 25 Levi, M. D., 227,231 Shavell, S., 108 Levich, R. M, 227, 231 Sidrauski, M., 95, 96 Lippmann, W., 24 Siegel, J. J., 223 Lipsey, R. G., 49 Silber, S., 23 Litzenberger, R., 222 Sjaastad, L. A., 199,200,204 Liviatan, N., 108, 113, 115, 145 Soli's, L., 79, 80, 81,253,256 Lizondo, J. S., 224, 257 Solnik, B., 222 Logue, D. E., 278 Stehle, R. E., 222 Lucas, R. E., Jr., 97, 98, 104 Stewart, M. B., 82 Stockman, A. C, 222, 248 Magee, S. P., 271 Stolper, W., 52 Marion, W., 151 Suarez, E., 31 Marston, R. C, 246 Sussman, Z., 141, 142,245 289 Author Index Svensson, L. E. O., 188 Viner, J., 49 Swoboda, A. K., 47 Wallace, N., 60, 98, 100, 102, 103, 200 Tesfatsion, L., 98 Wallich, H. C, 23, 24, 27, 30, 31 Tiao, G. C, 85, 90 White, H., 254 Tobin, J., 97, 99 Willett, T. D., 227, 278 Tower, E., 227 Winkler, M., 30 Townsend, R. M., 98, 104 Triffin, R., 17, 24, 32 Yaari, M., 98 Tsiang, S. C, 227 Yeager, L. B., 104 Turnovsky, S. J., 59 Ujiie, J., 271 Subject Index Absorption approach, 32 Bretton Woods system, 48 Adjusted monetary base, 252 Budget constraint, government, 60, 62, 99; Appreciation, and borrowing, 132-33 household, 60 Argentina: debt service, 26-27; financial policy, 160-75; fiscal policy, 18-22; infla- Capital account, 137 tion, 157-58; monetary policy, 17, 21, Capital controls, 46, 103. See also Capital 201-2; real output, 8-9,159-60; sources mobility; Exchange controls of finance, 160-75; stabilization policy, Capital flight, 37 153-61, 200-204 Capital import tax, 145 Arrow-Borch condition, 127, 129 Capital inflow, and devaluation, 141; effect Arrow-Debreu model, 95-96, 124-25 of, 12; and interest rates, 258; in Latin Asset market model, 256-64 America, 6-7 Automatic adjustment, and exchange rate Capital markets, under inflation, 277; reg- policy, 145 ulated, 281-83 Capital mobility, degree of, 137; and eco- Balance of payments, 137; and capital in- nomic integration, 53-55; and flexible flow, 6-7; and inflation, 157 exchange rates, 143-46; limited, 138-42. Balance sheet, of banking system, 138; of See also Capital controls; Exchange con- firms, 165-75 trols Bank failures, 18 "Cash in advance" constraint, 97 Banking decontrol, 201, 204 Central bank reaction function, 251-56 Basic balance, 135 Cobb-Douglas utility function, 61 Bid-ask spread, 236 Coffee price maintenance, 23 Bimetallism, in Mexico, 73 Colombia: exchange rate controls, 17; Black market, in foreign exchange, 47 monetary policy, 17; real output, 8-9 Bond market equilibrium, 112-13 Commodity market, 134; and exchange ex- Border transaction, 82 pectations, 144-45 Borrowing, and development, 131-33 Commodity trade, and factor mobility, 52- Box-Jenkins technique, 90 53 "Brain drain," 43-44, 50. See also Factor Compensation, and welfare change, 43 mobility Consumption function, 189-91 Brazil: current account deficit, 187; debt Consumption loans, as inside debt, 99 service, 27-29; fiscal policy, 23; real out- Consumption loans model. See Overlap- put, 8-9 ping generations model 290 291 Subject Index Convertibility, suspension of, 16 72-81. See also Capital controls; Capital Cost of credit, 132, 160-64 mobility Covered interest arbitrage, 227-31 Exchange gains tax, 235-38 Crawling peg, 142-43, 201-2 Exchange rate expectations, 138, 140, 257; Credibility model, of exchange rate, 211-14 and commodity markets, 144-45; and de- Cuba, monetary policy, 24 valuation, 84-85 Currency control, 103 Exchange rates, and automatic adjustment, Currency substitution, 47, 81-82, 209-11; 145; equilibrium, 99-100, 102-4; and in- and dollarization, 71; and monetary sta- flation, 146-49; lags in policy, 140; in bility, 86 Latin America, 6; real, 13-14.
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