Weather Distribution TtUftnttn 7:fl **,, V 4e- Partly doo^y today and Today . mth <«6ty to TV*; J** MB BANK In «•«. ChWe of tat- 18,825 tmt ihowem ttmwmr momlag, «le*rbig to (be afternoon. High .tomorrow, 7H. •H Dial SH 1-0010 inued dilir. Uonlu throw fM6*r. Stoond Oitu Po««« VOL. 85, NO. 24 Paid it Rid Buk ud U Addltiootl lUlllni OUlcn. RED BANK, N; J., MONDAY, JULY 30, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Senate Battle Algiers Is Occupied Resumes Communications Satellite Is By Guerrilla Forces The Issue ALGIERS (AP)—Algerian guer- was Amar Oussedik, political Two thousand guerrillas of the ment until elections are held In rilla troops held Algiers today commissar of the Algiers autono- Wilaya Zone No. 4 surrounding the newly independent nation. after a bloodless coup believed to WASHINGTON (AP)-Senators mous zone, which the guerrilla Algiers occupied the city at dawn Elections for a constituent assem- favor dissident Vice Premier Ah- opposing private ownership of a leaders said was dissolved. Sunday. Their commander, 27- bly are scheduled Aug. 12. med Ben Bella's quest for power. proposed communications satel- Premier Ben Youssef Ben Khed- year-old Col. Si Hassan, said he National Unity lite corporation resume their fil- Several known opponents of Ben da and officials of his government hoped to form a junta of Wilaya The guerrilla command an- ibuster fight today, armed with Bella were arrested. Among them were not molested. commanders to head the govern- nounced it had taken control to unused stores of oratorical am- re-establish national unity. It munition. pledged to "open the gates" of the capital to all political tenden- The Senate meets two hours cies seeking a solution to the new earlier than usual for what prom- nation's political problems. mises to be another round of frus- The announcement was consid- tration for party leaders in their ered a prelude to the installation efforts to bring up the administra- in Algiers of the seven-man politi- tions's communications satellite cal bureau Ben Bella is sponsor- bill. ing. PENSIVE MOMENT — Mayor Thomas Farrell, left, considers the information deeply 5040 Share In Paris, Ben Bella's right-hand •i Mill'Mary Hanley, 216 Ocean Ave., compares her new tax bill with Andrew The measure provides for the man, Mohammed Khider, told a Keating, an insurance man who, in hit race for tjie assessor's post, at Sea Bright, public and communications com- news conference the political bureau would be in Algiers on it making up a tax and assessment analysis. Th* occasion was a tax study meeting, panies to share 50-50 in the stock of a corporation to launch and Thursday or Friday. It was set called by Mayor Farrell, in the Sea Bright borough hall last night. operate communications satel- up in the western Algerian city lites. • of Tlemcen under Ben Bella's control. Filibustering advocates of gov- ernment ownership, numbering Issues Warning Campaigning Starts Early perhaps a few more than a dozen But Khider also warned that liberals, have blocked any sub- the situation is very grave. If stantial progress on the bill since stability is not established within Mayor Farrell Meets With Residents on Taxes Democratic leader Mike Mans- a month. I fear the worst." field of Montana first tried to The guerrilla troops first seized SEA BRIGHT — Opening guns Board of Taxation: Appeals must per cent assessment formula now bring it up last Thursday. Radio Algiers, which beamed In the 1962 local political cam- be made before Aug. 15. tequired by the state, and that A session was called Satur- their appeal to the population for paign were fired here last night Lester E. Perrine, former Sea of last year when, Mayor Far- day in an effort to keep the pres- "calm and support." on the issue of taxation. Bright building inspector and a rell said, assessments were levied sure on the liberals. But much of The city remained quiet Both Mayor Thomas Farrell former member of the Borough under a 20 per cent of valuation the pressure turned out to be on throughout the day. Crowds and Andrew Keating, the Demo- Council, flatly charged Mayor formula. the leaders themselves. They poured out to the beaches as cratic candidate for Farrell and Mr. Keating with assessor, Mr. Keating said as soon as spent more than 10 hours getting usual. openly admitted that 'dirty politics" for bringing the the im- he has completed his document together the 50 senators required The only sign of the coup were promptu session, called by the public to Borough Hall for a it will be on file at borough hall to conduct Senate business. soldiers in camouflage uniforms mayor, was politically inspired. meeting of this kind. for anyone to examine. and machine guns set up in some About 60 persons attended a Heating's Ledger Mr. Perrine, who said he was Unusual Session streets in predominantly Moslem special meeting that personally Mr. Keating opened a ledger In under the impression that under There was only six minutes of areas. SERVICE RENDERED — N. J. Supreme Court Justice Haydn Proctor, lecond from had been called by Mayor Far- which he has now recorded the the new formula his individual talking in the unusual Saturday Officials of Ben Khedda's re- rell to examine assessments. Be- assessments and general taxes tax payments had gone up, was session, with foes of the admin- left, is shown in handclasp with John V. Crowell at testimonial dinner-dance Saturday gime said the guerrilla coup "re- tween 35 and 40 persons, after charged to about 200 of this re- told by Mayor Farrell that the istration holding onto their am- night at Mdjuire's Grove, Middletown, in honor of Mr. Crowell, who recently retired stored the status quo." They the meeting, asked for forms for sort's 700 taxpayers. It shows records showed that there had munition for another day. claimed Hassan acted to do away as Red Bank's magistrate. With them ars- W. Alex McClendon, left, and Howard use in making assessment ap- the differences between amounts been a (2,200 drop in assessment The little band of determined with "illegal power usurped by peals to the Monmouth County charged this year, under the 100 for aparments he owns on River liberals is demonstrating again Leon, dinner chairmen. the autonomous zbne since last St. and an $300 drop for his resi. that the Senate can be blocked April 2." dence on Ocean Ave. from acting on almost any issue. Privately, some of them admit- 'Strictly Political' But by using the filibuster ted the guerrillas acted to show He said the mayor's meeting against the communications bill Crowell Is Honored their anger with the political Blame Faulty Rail was designed to show "that there the liberals may be putting them- squabbling, which has created MIDDLETOWN - John V. was some sort of collusion" in selves in-a# embarrassing posi- And although there was no has been a magistrate who has an administrative and economic which Borough Assessor Arthur tion. Crowell was honored by nearly smile In his voice when he said tempered Justice with mercy. vacuum in Algeria. In Train Wreck O. Axelien — who was not there "I don't think they can come 300 persons at a testimonial din- It, Mr. Crowell told his well- He told of one case where a There was no evidence of any — would be made "to appear into future bajtles for civil rights ner held Saturday night at The wishers he has sent some 2,000 defendant was not jailed by the hostility between the Wilaya guilty." He also; said that, to Oaks, McGuire's Grove. STEELTON, Pa. (AP) - A Another railroad spokesman legislation with clean hands," Sen. persons to jail. magistrate. One of his sons be. guerrillas and the troops of the Pennsylvania Railroad official said track was being repaired last him, the session appeared 'strict'- Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Minn., Mr. Crowell has retired as mag- came a doctor, another an engi- autonomous zone. The latter con- , cayi toe derailment of a baseball week in the area of the derail ly political."' • .' told a newsman Sunday. istrate of Red Bank after 26 State Supreme Court Justice ieer. tinued to guard some official Mayor Farrell agreed that 'it (pedal in which 19 persons were ment. years—80,000 cases and $300,000 Haydn' Proctor, guest speaker, Justice Proctor credited Mr. buildings. is political," but that he had Civil Rights killed and 100: injured Saturday Newark Bay Wreck in fines. noted, however, that Mr. Crowel Crowell with setting the tone o The Wilaya command also as- called the meeting because "tax- On civil rights and other Issues "was apparently the result ol The wreck was the nation's morals for Red Bank, a town, sured Europeans still in Algiers ation is going forward here in a track being out of alignment." worst rail disaster since Sept. 15, Humphrey usually lines up with they could look to the future with way that I cannot believe he - said, which has "progressed "But a definite cause cannot bo 1958, when 48 persons died in a the liberals now bucking the ad- "calm and hope." It said it fully strictly legal." Repeatedly, he gracefully over the years." assigned until a thorough investi- train that plunged from an open ministration. This time the assist- Molly Pitcher Hotel approves the Evian peace accords invited members of the audi- Gifts were presented by Theo- gation has been completed," drawbridge into Newark Bay at ant Democratic leader is guiding guaranteeing the rights of Euro- ence, numbering about 60 per- dore D.
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