Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Distribution Distribution Distribution FAMILY Common Name Nesting Sp Su F W Habitat FAMILY Common Name Nesting Sp Su F W Habitat FAMILY Common Name Nesting Sp Su F W Habitat Larks q Horned Lark N c c c c O q Common Redpoll c F q Prothonotary Warbler r W Swallows q Purple Martin c c O q Red Crossbill r r r r F q Tennessee Warbler c c F q Tree Swallow N c c c O q White-winged Crossbill r DF q Orange-crowned Warbler o o F q Northern Rough-winged o o o W q Pine Siskin c c c F q Nashville Warbler c c F Swallow q American Goldfinch N c c c c DOS q Connecticut Warbler o o F q Bank Swallow o o o W Longspurs/ q Lapland Longspur r o O q Mourning Warbler c o c F q Cliff Swallow c c c D Snow Buntings q Common Yellowthroat N c c c SW q Barn Swallow N c c c D q Snow Bunting c c O q American Redstart c o c F Chickadeees q Black-capped Chickadee N c c c c FD New World q Eastern Towhee o r o FS q Cape May Warbler o o F Sparrows Nuthatches q Red-breasted Nuthatch o r o o F q Northern Parula c o F q American Tree Sparrow c c c F q White-breasted Nuthatch N c c c c F q Magnolia Warbler c c F q Chipping Sparrow N c c c DOS Treecreepers q Brown Creeper c o c o F q Bay-breasted Warbler o o F q Clay-colored Sparrow N c c c O Wrens q House Wren N c c c DS q Blackburnian Warbler c c F q Field Sparrow N c c c O q Winter Wren o o F q Yellow Warbler N c c c F q Vesper Sparrow N c c c O q Sedge Wren N c c c W q Chestnut-sided Warbler c c F q Savannah Sparrow N c c c O q Marsh Wren N o o F q Blackpoll Warbler o o F q Grasshopper Sparrow o o o O Gnatcatchers q Blue-gray Gnatcatcher N c c c F q Palm Warbler c c O q Henslow’s Sparrow r O Kinglets q Golden-crowned Kinglet c c F q Pine Warbler o o F q Fox Sparrow c c o F q Ruby-crowned Kinglet c c F q Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) c c F q Song Sparrow N c c c o OW Thrushes q Eastern Bluebird N a a a r OS Warbler q Lincoln’s Sparrow c c S q Townsend’s Solitaire r r F q Black-throated Green Warbler c c F q Swamp Sparrow N c c W q Veery o o F q Canada Warbler c c F q White-throated Sparrow c c o F q Gray-cheeked Thrush r r F q Wilson’s Warbler c c F q Harris’s Sparrow c o OS q Swainson’s Thrush c c F Cardinals/ q Summer Tanager o F q White-crowned Sparrow c o OS Grosbeaks q Hermit Thrush c c F Bird Checklist q Dark-eyed Junco c c c DS q Scarlet Tanager N c c o F q Wood Thrush o o F Blackbirds q Yellow-headed Blackbird o o o W q Northern Cardinal N c c c c DFS q American Robin N a a a c DS q Bobolink N c c O q Rose-breasted Grosbeak N c c c F Mockingbirds/ q Gray Catbird N c c c S The list follows observations of long-time Thrashers q Eastern Meadowlark N c c c O q Indigo Bunting N c c c SF Arboretum Naturalist Matt Schuth and all q Brown Thrasher N c c c r SF q Western Meadowlark r r r O q Dickcissel N o c SO accepted ebird observations reported on-site. q Northern Mockingbird r S q Orchard Oriole N c c F Starlings q European Starling N a a a a D q Baltimore Oriole N c c c F arboretum.umn.edu Waxwings q Bohemian Waxwing r FSD q Red-winged Blackbird N a a a W Field Notes: q Cedar Waxwing N c c c c FSD q Brown-headed Cowbird N c c c OS Old World q House Sparrow N a a a a D q Brewer’s Blackbird o o O Date: ___________________ No. Species: _________ Sparrows q Common Grackle N c c c DF Notes & Sketches: Pipits q American Pipit r O Wood-Warblers q Ovenbird c o c F Finches q Evening Grosbeak o F q Northern Waterthrush c c W q Pine Grosbeak r F q Golden-winged Warbler c o F q House Finch N c c c c D q Blue-winged Warbler o o o F q Purple Finch o c c F q Black-and-White Warbler c c F Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Distribution Distribution Distribution BIRDS FAMILY Common Name Nesting Sp Su F W Habitat FAMILY Common Name Nesting Sp Su F W Habitat FAMILY Common Name Nesting Sp Su F W Habitat Waterfowl q Snow Goose of of A Plovers q American Golden-Plover rf O q Rough-legged Hawk o o A Birds of the q Greater White-fronted rf A q Killdeer N c c c OD q Golden Eagle of of A Goose Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Sandpipers q Least Sandpiper r W Owls q Eastern Screech-Owl N o o o o F q Cackling Goose rf A q Pectoral Sandpiper o o W q Great Horned Owl N c c c c F The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum has a variety of q Canada Goose N a a a c W q Semipalmated Sandpiper o W q Snowy Owl r W habitats within its 1200+ acres. These include wetland, q Trumpeter Swan o o o o A q Dowitcher species r r W q Barred Owl N c c c c F prairie, and hardwood forest. To date, 223 bird species q Tundra Swan cf cf A q American Woodcock N c c o OF q Long-eared Owl r F have been identified at the Arboretum. These include q Wood Duck N a a a W q Wilson’s Snipe N c c c W q Short-eared Owl r r r r W 82 nesting species. q Blue-winged Teal N c c c W q Spotted Sandpiper N c c c OW q Northern Saw-whet Owl r r o r F q Northern Shoveler o o W We encourage visitors to use our bird list to help q Solitary Sandpiper o o W Kingfishers q Belted Kingfisher o o o W q Gadwall o o W us learn more about bird life at the Arboretum by q Lesser Yellowlegs o o W Woodpeckers q Red-headed Woodpecker o o o FO q American Wigeon o o W reporting your birdwatching experiences to us. q Greater Yellowlegs o o W q Red-bellied Woodpecker N c c c c F q Mallard N a a a o W Gulls/Terns q Franklin’s Gull c c c W q Yellow-bellied Sapsucker c o c F Record the date of your birdwatching experience, check q Green-winged Teal r r W q Ring-billed Gull c c c W q Downy Woodpecker N c c c c F off the name, note the weather conditions, and jot down q Redhead o o W q Herring Gull c c c W q Hairy Woodpecker N c c c c F observations of other nature happenings for each trip. q Ring-necked Duck o o W q Caspian Tern of of W q Northern Flicker N c c c c FO q Lesser Scaup o o W q Black Tern r r W q Pileated Woodpecker N c c c c F q Bufflehead o o W Nesting q Common Tern o o W Falcons q American Kestrel N c c c OS q Common Goldeneye o o W N Known to nest at the Arboretum q Forster’s Tern o o o W q Merlin o o A q Hooded Merganser N a a a W Loons q Red-throated Loon o W q Peregrine Falcon o o o A q Common Merganser of of A Seasonal Distribution and Migratory Status q Common Loon cf cf cf A Tyrant q Olive-sided Flycatcher o o F q Red-breasted Merganser rf rf A Flycatchers a Abundant - regular and numerous Cormorants q Double-crested Cormorant cf cf cf AF q Eastern Wood-Pewee N c c c F q Ruddy Duck r r W c Common - regular, seen in low numbers Pelicans q American White Pelican cf of cf A q Yellow-bellied Flycatcher r r F Pheasant/ q Ring-necked Pheasant N c c c c OS o Occasional - may or may not be seen in Bitterns/Herons q American Bittern o o o W q Acadian Flycatcher r F Turkey q Wild Turkey N a a a a OFD any given year q Least Bittern r r r W q Alder Flycatcher c c S Grebes q Pied-billed Grebe c c W r Rare - seldom seen q Great Blue Heron c c c W q Willow Flycatcher N c c o WF Pigeons/ q Rock Pigeon N c c c c D f Flyover - do not use Arboretum habitat, q Great Egret c c c W q Least Flycatcher N c c c F Doves but may be seen flying overhead q Eurasian Collared-Dove r O q Cattle Egret r O q Eastern Phoebe N c c c D q Mourning Dove N c c c c SD q Green Heron N c c c W q Great Crested Flycatcher N c c c F Habitat Cuckoos q Yellow-billed Cuckoo o S New World q Turkey Vulture N c c c F q Eastern Kingbird N c c c SO A Aerial – birds most often seen in flight q Black-billed Cuckoo o o o F Vultures Shrikes q Northern Shrike o o O or soaring Nightjars q Common Nighthawk c o c A Osprey q Osprey N c c c O Vireos q Bell’s Vireo r S D Developed – buildings, farmyards, landscape q Eastern Whip-poor-will r r r F Hawks/Eagles q Bald Eagle c c c c A plantings, turf q Yellow-throated Vireo N c c c F Swifts q Chimney Swift N c c c D q Northern Harrier o o AO F Forests – woodlands, woodlots, conifer groves q Blue-headed Vireo c o o G Hummingbirds q Ruby-throated Hummingbird N c c c DF q Sharp-shinned Hawk c c r FS (closed canopy) q Philadelphia Vireo c o F Rails/Coots q Yellow Rail r W q Cooper’s Hawk N c c c r FS O Open – prairie, grasslands, old field q Warbling Vireo N c c c F q Virginia Rail N o o o W q Red-shouldered Hawk N c c c F S Shrubs – fencerows, overgrown fields, q Red-eyed Vireo N c c c F q Sora N c c c W q Broad-winged Hawk N c c c F hedges, forest edges, small trees Jays/Crows q Blue Jay N c c c c FS q American Coot o o W q Swainson’s Hawk r A W Wetlands – ponds, marshes, swamps, q American Crow N a a a a OSD Cranes q Sandhill Crane N c c c OW q Red-tailed Hawk N c c c c OF wet meadows q Common Raven r O .
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