AVBBAOB DAILT 0nU3VMTION roireeaat m q. anrttwd lor tbs Bweth s< Uiesmbir. I9M Genernlly fair and ooldar tuetgM Friday fair and eonttaued 5 , 4 3 2 Msmbiv ol tha Aedlt warmer Sotorday. attflirBlrr Baruse o f OIroaInMoBS PRICE THREE CENTR (OassISed Advsrttstaig — Page 6.) MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1935. (TEN PAGES) VOL. LIVn NO. 98. JAP AIRPLANES CROSS P. U. MEASURE STATE RESTS ITS CASE RAINING BOMBS REACHES ASSEMBLY INJEHOLAREA AT HAUPTMANN TRIAL One of Many Bills Thrown S£YEf| JJIJ)-YEAR Dispute Over Border Uhe Ends Its Evidence With Tes­ Judge J. B. Payne Dies; Into LegislatiTe Hopper GRADUATES GET Leads to Battle With timony of Wood Expert at Today’ s Session; Labor Chinese; Tokyo Denies Head of the Red Cross Who Declared One RaO of ONHONORROLL Bills On Way. Bombs Were Dropped. Washington, Jan. 24.— (A P .l—j Kidnap Ladder Came from Just as his followers were coping with another flood. Judge John Bar­ state Capitol, Hartford, Jan. 24.— First Commencement Pro­ By GLEXN BABB Suspect’ s Attic. ton Payne, head of the American i (A P )—Bills containing the public (Copyright. 1915 by Aenoetatei PrtM) Red .Cross died early today. utlUUes program of (3ov. W ilbur L. gram in Middle of School While Red Jross workers speeded Tokyo, Jan. 24.— (A P ) — Japanese Crou Sind seeking to effect two relief to victims < overflowing B U L L E T IN t planer were reported today In dis­ streams In Tennessee and Missis­ Flemlngton, N. J„ Jan. 84 —- taxation reforms, recommended by Year Takes Place in High patches from Shlnklng to the Ren- sippi the 80 year old chairman of (AP) — Bruno Richard Haupt­ the special tax commission, came In­ go (Japanese News Agehcy) to be the organization succumbed to mann took the stand today to to the General Assembly today on deny that he had any connec­ pneumonia in (3eorge Washington School Tomonow Night raining bomba along the Jehol- tion with-the Undbergh bnby the swelling tide of new business. hospital. Chahar border where the Great Wall kidnaping for which he Is be­ While still undergoing treatment Both branches wound up their divides China from Manchukuo. ing tried for murder or with the for Influenza, he was operated t.n third legislative week under the ten­ Seven of the 42 students whp com­ collection of the $50,000 ran­ sion of a charge made by a Republi­ One bomb n'os said to have fallen for appendicitis last Saturday and prise the class of 1635A of Manches­ som. can Senator that he had been offer­ on the frontier headquarters ot shortly thereafter pneumonia de­ ter High— the first midyear graduat­ General Sung Chen-Yuem, military ed a $3,500 a year Job by a Demo­ veloped. 1 Flemington, N. J., Jan. 24.— (A P ) governor ot Chahar, Inflicting heavy Ex-Coblnet Member | cratic city official of Meriden to ing c l ^ In the history of the school — The state rested Its murder case damages. A former Cabinet member who i vote with the Democrats during the —arc listed as honor pupils with against Bruno Richard Hauptmann General Sung's troops were re­ recent Senate 17-15-3 clerkship Lodkhart Burgess Rogers as vale­ bad served vlthout remuneration shortly after noon today. ported in the ReWgio dispatcheje to deadlock. dictorian and Elizabeth Mary Pol- as' chairman of the Red Cross for It was indicated that Hauptmann have suffered many casualties in re­ The charge provoked considerable yott as salutatorian. The others are; the last 14 years, Judge Payne di­ might take the stand In hla own be­ stating the advance of a Japanese informal discussion, but neither Ruth Evelyn Eensche, Grace Mar­ rected some of the largest relief half In mldafternoon. though a pos­ column, with ‘‘numerous killed" in legiaratlve branch took official garet Johnson, Marjorie Rich, Jen­ operations of all times. In earth­ sibility existed the defense would battle yesterday morning. quakes, pestilence, fires, famine, Judge J. B. Pnyne cognizance of It. nie Diqimar Sandbolm and Thomas ask for adjournment until tomorrow The Japanese casualties were flood, drought and unemployment, With the completion of today’s William WIppert. after making Its opening statement. listed as one sergeant killed and he directed aid to the distressed and that hlB salary was the highest tn work the Legislators found them­ 450 A t " O a M Night’’ The state was content to'end Its two officers wounded. Several ob- Injured. the world— ‘‘personal satisfaction." selves with only four more leglsla- Commencement exercises will be A piece of wood cut from the floor In the attic of Bruno Hauptmann s , villaees were reoorted to have evidence with the testimony of A r ­ His "Salary” Nineteen foreign countries decorated - tive days left for the Introduction held In the high school auditorium home in Bronx, N. Y., was used In the construcUon of the ladder cm-1 thur Koehler, government wood ex­ The Mississippi floods, of 1627, him for hla.work. ) of bills smd resolutions. After Feb­ tomorrow night at 8 o’clock and it Is ployed In the Undbergh kidnaping, according to Arthur Koehler, gov-1 By the Japanese pert, who testified that one rail of the Florida hurricanes of 1926 and Judge Payne was a widower, his ruary 1, the work of sorting the bills expected that the program Will be vrnment wood expert, pictured on the witness stand at right. The j ” the Lindbergh kidnap ladder came Deny Bombrngs 1928, the W est It lies hurricane of wife Jennie Byrd Payne having died and assigning them for public hear- witnessed by a capacity audience. picture of Hauptmann's attic (left), w as Introduced by the prosecution from Hauptmann's attic and The Japanese W a r Office mean 1928, the drought of 1930-31, even in 1919. He maintained homes hers Ings will get under way In commit- Despite the heavy storm last night, tc show that the far end of the last floor board had been removed. changed his story In no w ay on while, continued its assertions tha" unemployment prior to the organ­ and In Warrenton, Va. tees. 4B0 persons, consisting of parents, cross-examination. the reports of an aerial bombing ization of Federal aid were some He made numerous large gifts to John J. Egan, secretary of the friends and classmates, attenaed the Also standing without alteration were Incorrect. The activities of things with which the Red Cross schools and other institutions in Connecticut Federation of Labor I class Night exercises. It was an In- by cross-examination was the wood Japanese planes In the area, w as called upon to deal during bis Virginia in addition to a $500,1)00 aaid among the bills coming In next j formal and tho*x)ughly enjoyable expert's testimony that Haupt­ spokesman said, were confined to stewardship. He told Interviewers art collection to that state. week would be mann’s own plane was used In the his organization’s I evening, the program consisting en- ROBBINS’ STORY STIRS reconnolterlng. measure for unemployment Incur-1 fashioning of the ladder, and that Urely of humorous presentations in The Japanese command wras said other lumber In the ladder came aiice. the form of the class Who's Who, to have expressed Its determination from a Bronx lumber yard where prophecy, will and statistics, pre- to "deal drastically with Sung Hauptmann had purchased wood. IN T H E S E N A T E ceded by an address of' welcome by MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY Chen-Yuan as long as he manifests “The State Rests’’ , State Capitol, Hartford, .Ian. 24.— Charles Rogers, class president. An- hostility to Ja(>an and Manchukuo.” PRESIDENT REFUSES PLEA I- A s Koehler left the. stand Attor­ TAP)—The public utilities program thony O'Bright and his orchestra Simultaneoualy the Toky .Wat ney General David T. Wllentz con­ of Gov. Wilbur L. Cross was pre-1 furnished music for dancing, Office spokesman declared the Jap­ sented today In the Senate through j o f necessity, the graduation pro- ferred briefly with his assistant Repsblieai State '? M a to r j anese offensive would not enter a bill Introduced by Senator Ray- gram tomorrow night will not be as SNQW BLANKET TO ITEMIZE RELIEF FUND prosecutors. Chinese territory. “The state rests,. Your Honor.” he mond G. Devlin, Democratic floor j elaborate as that given In June, General Sung was said to have announced. leader. when the number of graduates Is explained that the failure of hia fol­ Edward J. Reilly, chief of the de­ The Senate, late In s ta tin g Its | four or five times as large, Never- lowers to evacuate Jehol promptly 2 « “ VERS STATE, fense staff, immediately pleaded to sesslon because of the storm w hich' tbeless, much effort has been ex­ was due to a misunderstanding ot h Special Message to Cob- TONE ASKS FUNDS be allowed to cross-examine one of held up some of the members, pended In arrangjig an attractive orders. He was said to have prom­ the state’s witnessea further. received among a new batch of and Interesting program, which will ised early compliance with Japanese BLOCKS ROADS gross He Sbtos That II Is "The state has resUd,” Wllentz measures a bill appropriating $1,- be featured by a pageant entitled Aid the Democrats. demands. FOR STATE SURVEY proclaimed, “you may call whom 500,000 for the erection of a new In­ Milestones of Progress.” Dispute Over Boundary stitution for the feeble minded. A conflict over the actual loce you please.’’ To Present Pageant ■ Impossible to Do Sb at ___ The public utilities program, es­ tlon of the Chahar-Jehol boundary Reilly wanted to question Thomas The pageant, depicting the birth State Ckkpltol, Hartford, Jan.
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