University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-7-1913 Santa Fe New Mexican, 06-07-1913 New Mexican Printing company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 06-07-1913." (1913). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/3818 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 ! SANTA 2LWWJlaWl V W SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 191J. JVO. 95 WOULD INVOLVE PRESIDlNT D0RMAN THE SQUEALERS. CONFERENCE OF ! SENDS GREETINGS GOVERNORS THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HAS A COMPREHENSIVE FOLDER PRIN- WILSON TED SEND TO THE BROTHERHOOD CLOSES OF AMERICAN YEOMEN, CALLING REPUBLICAN SENATORS STILL INS-SIS- T ATTENTION TO SANTA FE S WILL DRAFT ADDRESS TO PUBLIC THAT PRESIDENT IS USING LAND OFFICE COMMISSIONER MORE INFLUENCE FOR TARIFF TALLMAN AND A. A. JONES PRO-- i If the smoker and lunch given by THAN ANYONE ELSE. MISE HELP OF THE the chamber of commerce brought forth nothing else, the issuing of WILSON IS LOBBYING greetings to the supreme conclave of the Brotherhood of American Yeoman, FOR THE PEOPLE Betting forth some of the facts re- PROSPECTORS WILL garding Santa Fe and its remarkable climate was worth accomplishment. BE ENCOURAGED Washington, D. C, June 7. Sena- Great credit is due the committee tors on the lobby investigating com- which took up the work of preparing mittee were of the opinion today that the folder and who served so promptly Salt Lake City, Utah, June 7. Tlin Senator Townsends charge that Pres- and efficiently that the printed matter closing sessions today of the confer- ident Wilson himself virtually had might be gotten out in time to sen 1 ence of western governors were de- been lobbying for the tariff bill, with the delegate, Arthur K. P, Rob- voted mainly to drafting an address would not be taken by the committee inson, who went yesterday to the con to the public, outlining what changes as an issue unless specific charges clave and took with him several hun were considered advisable in govern- were made. Senator Towusend, testi- dred copies of the greeting extended ment control of natural resources in fying last night, while declaring that to the Yeomen. The committee was: order to obtain the highest efficiency. "White House influence" had been ex- J. W. Norment, Captain Fred Fornoff. Clay Tallman, commissioner of gen- erted on certain senators, declined to E. R. Paul, Dr. F. E .Mera and R. i' eral and office, was the first speaker am give any names. Unless these are Asplund. at the morning session. "I not presented, the committee Is not like- The city council so well understood here to defend," he said in opening, 1 am to to de- ly to follow up that phase. the spirit that prompted the chamber "in fact not going try of White House officials professed to of commerce in taking the action thnt fend the actions the department in Town-sen'- s I construc- be undisturbed by Senator it did, that the council also res- the west. am here as a passed can be obtain- charges and It was said the olutions which extends a welcome to tionist. Construction stand ed through not president would not take the the Yeomen In this greeting Presi PROBLEM only to make a personal answer unless dent Dorman WOOD iS FREED JAYOR ARNOLD IS RASSHQPPER through quarrelling." says: VICE HEARINGS Commissioner Tallman then asked a some specific charge was made against To the Supreme Conclave of the series of of the governors him. Officials declared Mr. Wilson Brotherhood of American Yeomen, EXCITES EXPERT questions was confident that the people of the present with a view of ascertaining Greetings: IN DYNAMITE OUSTED exact, which may be country would take the .position that The of commerce of the changes chamber Santa' STILL BEING wanted. attention was lie was representing them in Wash- N. on behalf citizeiml Special given Fe, M., of its to the of the United States ington and had the right to use all his desires to extend to an invitation WIRES DEPARTMENT THAT FARMERS position you COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT forest service, it being alleged by influence to further legislation prom- to locate the sanitarium for tubercular TRAIL ised Democratic AROUND ELIOA WILL NOT AID some of the governors that, the admin- in the platform. to AF- welcom- patients that your order proposes NOW INSTALLED IN DENVER HELD istration of the service had discour- "President Wilson will be HIM-WI- erect in the future, in our city. Santa LL USE POISON TO ERA- and ed before the committee if he desires COLLINS CONVICTED ON TWO OF TER BITTER LEGAL FIGHT. aged mining prospecting. Fe will be glad to hays .an insti close of discussion Com- to appear," said Acting Chairman DICATE PESTS. At the the tution located close to us ana as, an said as as lteed today, "but I see no reason why FIVE COUNTSATTEAUX JURY missioner Tallman that far inducement for its being here PRESIDENT OF CHICAGO UNIVERSITY if he should deny charges that never brought Denver, Colo., June 7. The city he was concerned, the prospector we take great pleasure in offering you DISAGREED AND HE IS RELEASED D. confines hfs work to actual prospect- have been made." commissioners elected 21), were Washington, C, June ".The, SAYS MOST COLLEGE GIRLS gratis a desirable kite of not less than May and the rules of the forest Democratic members took the posi- grasshopper problem in New Mexico, ing obeys one hundred acres of ground located UNDER BOND. stated today and former Mayor Henry MARRY. THINKS THE COLLEGE service, there will be no disposition tion that it remained for Republicans is Harri-- in foot-hill- s wiihin a t.hort M. a serious one, according to j to to Inquiries on whether Presi- the very J. Arnold, former Sheriff Daniel on the part of the administration pursue K- COURSE SHOULD BE SHORTENED. dent Wilson had used "uudue Influ- distance of the tnvn. This tract of Sullivan, and former Treasurer Alli-!s"- n S,nilh' "'omoiogkal expert of hinder, but every effort will be made land a line of to ence" with any Democratic senators, has growth small timber, EVIDENCES OF son Stnel:r. who hi.vo refused tn turn U'" department of agriculture detailed' encourage. and insisted that the statements y and would make an ideal spot for such ..at lilida, X. M., to help in the light A general discussion of national over their offices to the new commits- - oil lands fol- Senators Weeks and Town-sen- d pine and other trees of a similar type JURY FIXING FOUND against the nest. Ho telegraphed le WORKERS DIVIDED control of and mineral Warren, took had been of a general charac- and would make an ideal spot for such siouers, were ousted by an injunction U;n department today that ho had lowed. Seme of the governors Hint withdraw- ter. an institution. We already have two j issued by District Judge James H. Tel-- been able to secure no aid from the INTO THREE CLASSES the position blanket sanitariums at this in s. als should stop. Both assistant Secre- Senators Nelson and Cummins, the place, Boston, Mass.. June William M. j le;-- The will stand peltd-- : farmer injunction ami Commissioner Tail-ma- n Republican members of the commit such as we have spoken of Mr. Smith also that attor tary Jones Wood, president of the American iiig a decision by the state supreme reported indicated ilr.it the administra- tee, had no plans for following up arid great benefit has been derived neys have decided that poitsou may be Chicago, June 7. When the Illinois - Woolen company, was acquitted today conn Monday. tion's will be the first opening that line of inquiry. from those who have availed them- used in the fight the grass-- senatorial vice and minimum wage policy of of to The court orrler.is effective imme against of all mineral timl oi) lands to the honest' .,..,."! intend :howoyer,. to insist before selves of the use of it. and the records theVharge conspiring "plant" l it was feared a few .; commission resumed its finest of tho diately and as boon as the clerks were upp'ira, although ' ' the hearings are over," said Senator show as largo a per cent of cures as dynamite at Lawrence during the tex s ago that the state law would nro- - "S" on the relation of low wages to developers. - able to issue the writs were Cummins, "that President Wilson fur- any institution in the Rocky moun-nis- in i they vice today, Harry Judson, tile strike, by the jury which sat served Sullivan and Irbit it. president the committee with the facts or j taimi. Our climate is second to none upon Arnold, of the University of Chicago, was Ins trial. i redenck E. Atteaux and j INDICTMENTS which he his in Stocker, and Denver entered upon an called as a witness. information upon based the world from every standpoint - Dennis J. Collins, re- j era of commission form of government statements of 'insiduous lobbying' in and we feel confident that no mis- BRVAN GETTING Most college graduates enter busl-- t AGAINST LUMBER ceived different returns from the jury, j tIlQ in- lor flrat timo in it8 history.
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