5480 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 1863. in the parish of Hplywell, in the said, county of. line of the Mold and Denbigh Junction. Eailway, Hint, at or near .a point adjoining the public road and near to a farm building called:Ehydymaeiir' leading from Mllwr to Bagillt, about one furlong gwyn, belonging to William Beirington, Esq., and from the turnpike road, from .Mold to Holywell, in thd occupation of Mr. John Eojbe.rts, and ter- and which said intended railway will pass from, minating in the parish of Cilcen, by a junction through, in, qr into the several parishes, town- with the before-mentioned authorized line of .the ships, extra-paroichial, and other places,.following, Mold and Denbigh Junction Eailway No. 1, at or or some of them, that is to say:—Hawarden, near a point shown upon the deposited plans of Buckley Mountain, Buckley, Ewloe Wood, Ewloe such railway, as six miles and three chains from Town, "Weprei Upper Soughton, Middle Sough- the commencement thereof, and which .said in- ton, . Lower Soughton, Caerfallwch, Northopi tended railway will pass from, through, inj or Hendrefiggillt, Llygyh-y-llan, Ltygyn-y-wern, into the several parishes, township's, extra-paro- Halkin, .Milwr,' Brynfbrd, and Holywell, all in chial, and other paces followirig, or somfe of them^ the county of Flint. that is to say,—Nannerch', Cilcen, and Tsceifiog, in the county of Flint. .BailwayNo.,2... _ : -. A railway commencing' in the parish of Holy- •.. • Eailway No..6.'- . -.-. well, jn the county, of Flint, by a junction with A railway commencing in' the said parish of the last-mentioned Eailway No. i, at the ter- Northop, in the county of Flint, by a junction minus-thereof, at or near the. said point adjoining with the said intended Railway No. 1,. in or the said road from. Milwr to Bagillt, and termi- adjoining an old occupation road leading from, nating in the parish of Whitford, in.;, the. said the Mold and Holywell turnpike road to "The. county of -Flint, by a. junction with the line, of Cottage," belonging to - the Eeverend Canon the. Chester and Holyhead Bailway1, at or near a Bankes, and in the occupation of Mr.-Eichard point, 100 yards or thereabouts, on»the south-east Eogers, at or near a.point-about sixty yards from the said turnpike road, and terminating in the. oc.Chester side of the level crossing: by which the 1 turnpike road from Holywell to, Mostyn is carr parish pf-Mold, in the county of Flint,,by a June- tied across the Chester and Holyhead Railway at tioii with the Mold Branch of the Chester arid Mostyn aforesaid, .and which said intended rail- Holyhead Eailway, at its terminus at the ^Mold way will pass from, in, through, or into the station of the said last-mentioned railway,- and several parishes, townships, extra-parochial, and which said intended railway will pass from, iri, other places following, or some of them, that is to through, or into the several parishes, townships,- say^-~Holywell, Qalcot, (Greenfield, Holloway, extra-parochial, and other places following, or Stockin, Kinsale, Isglan, Mertyn, Pentre, Down- some of them, that^is to say,—Northopj Caer- ing, Bychton, Eheol-Mostyn-, Mostyiii and Whit- ffallwcbi Soughton,* G-wysanau, Llwynegrin, ford, all in the county of Flint. Gwemaffield," Argoed, and Mold, all in the" county of Flintl • • Eailway No. 3. : And it is proposed by the said intended Act to A. railway situate wholly in the parish of Whit- take power to stop up, alter, or divert, whether ford and township of Mostyn, in the county of 1 temporarily or permanently,-all sudh turnpike Flint , commencing by a junction with the last- and other roads,' and highways, railways, tram- mentioned intended Bailway No. 2,. at or near a ways, aqueducts, canals, streams, and rivers, with-, point adjoining the turnpike road from Green- in the aforesaid parishes, townships, extra-paro- field to Mostyn, twenty chains or thereabouts, on chial, and other places, or any of thera^ as it may the north west or Mostyn side of the bridge by be necessary to stop up, alter, or divert, by reason which the said turnpike road is carried over the of the construction of the said intended railways Chester and Holyhead Eailway, and terminating and works, or any of them. '",.... in the foreshore of the Eiver Dee, at or near And it is also proposed by the said intended. a.point ten chains or thereabouts north of the Act to take power to purchase by compulsion or, tramway laidron the embankment .or cop on .the otherwise lands and houses, for the purposes of margin of the said foreshore of the said Eiver the said intended railways .and works,. and to. Dee. alter, vary, or extinguish, all existing rights and Eailway No. 4. 1 privileges connected with,, such lands and.houses, A railway commencing in the said parish of or which would in any manner impede or inter-, Hplywell, in the county of Flint, by a junction fere with-the construction, maintenance, and use with the said intended Eailways No. 1 and 2, at of the said intended railways and works, or any. of the termini thereof, at or near a point adjoining them, and. also to levy tolls, rates,, and duties, for,- the public road leading from Milwr to Bagillt, or in respect of the use of the said intended rail-" about one furlong from the turnpike road from ways and works, to confer exemptions from the Mold to Holywell, and terminating in the-parish payments of tolls, rates, and duties, and to of Tsceifiog by a junction with the line of Eail- confer, vary, or extinguish other rights and pri- way No. 1, authorized by " The Mold and Denbigh vileges. function Eailway Act, 1861," at or near a point . To authorize the Company, their officers and shown.upon the deposited plans of the.last-men- servants, to run over work, anl use ,with their tioned line of railway as six miles six furlongs engines and carriages, and for the purposes of and three chains from the commencement, thereof, their traffic, the Mostyn and Mold stations of the and which said intended railway will pass from, Chester and Holyhead Eailway, and the works, through, in, or into the several parishes,'town- rails, sidings, and conveniences thereof respec- ships, extra-parochial and other places following, tively) and also so much of the railway and sidings or some of them, that is to say:—Holywell, of the Chester and Holyhead Eailway Company Brynford, Halkin, Uygan-y-wern, Cameddwen, as lies between the point of junction with it of Penucha-plwy, Llys-yn-hunedd, Cilcen, Naunerch, the proposed. Eailway No. 2, ancl the Mostyn and Tsceifiog, all in the county of Flint, station, upon such terms and under such pay- Eailway No. 5. ments and conditions as shall be mutually agreed' A railway commencing in the said parish of upon, or, as in case of dispute, shall be determined Tsceifiog, by a junction with the said intended by the Board of Trade. Eailway No. 4, at or near a point eight hundred And it is also proposed by the said'intended and eighty yards, or thereabouts, from its said in- Act. to take powers for effectually securing the tended terminus, with the aforesaid authorized due interchange, accommodation, protection, and.
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