August 15, 1978 lreEvargelicol 1978 Youth Conference Report Visitation Evangellsm (last of three parts) Beauty from Within by Amy Nibbe Jane Cocllran. First Evan1•Hcal free Charch. Rockfonl. IL Nceln1I a saperlor•oatlhlnclln1 awanl for her poetry entry. DISPLAY OF TEN COMMANDMENTS SAYS COMMUNICATIONS ACT IN SCHOOLS REQUIRES FUNDING WOULD 'LEGALIZE' PAST TV 'CRIMES' LOUISVILLE, KY (EP)-The sponsor of RIDGECREST, N.C. (EP)-A Southern Kentucky's new law requiring display of Baptist official has urged the American the Ten Commandments in public school public to voice a "united, vigorous" op­ classrooms says she is concerned that position to the proposed Communication the law isn't being implemented. State Act of 1978 which would decrease tele­ Rep. Claudia Riner, (D-Louisville), com­ vision regulation. plains that while the intent of her bill was "A powerful group of television ex­ simple, she's afraid it may be "choked to ecutives has virtually stolen the airwaves NEWS REPORTS OF RELIGIOUS death in red tape." The law, which took from the American people, and now it INTEREST AND SIGNIFICANCE effect in mid-June, says the Kentucky seems that there are those in Congress FROM AROUND THE WORLD Superintendent of Public Instruction is re­ who want to make the crime legal," said quired to see that copies of the Ten Com­ Harry N. Hollis of the Southern Baptist mandments are displayed on classroom Christian Life Commission. GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS LOOMS, walls-provide that sufficient funds are He said the proposed bill, which Is a UNITED NATIONS REPORTS received in voluntary public contributions rewrite of the Communications Act of NEW YORK (EP)-World food experts to cover the cost of the project. At last 1934, would severely curtail regulations of have warned that a new global food crisis count, the state reported only $11 had television broadcasters and would pro­ may be imminent unless widespread been received for the project. Officials of vide other sweeping changes in the broad­ adverse weather conditions improve and the Kentucky Department of Education casting industry. The proposed act is "a significantly more reserve food is produc­ said there is little they can do until more piece of legislation that turns its back on ed and distributed. money arrives. the public interest," Mr. Hollis told a Con­ The United Nations World Food Coun­ But Rep. Riner, wife of a Baptist ference on Television and Morality here. cil, which monitors the global food situa­ clergyman, says state officials rejected The 217-page bill would eliminate the tion, said fairly good crops in the last her offer to help raise donations and Federal Communication Commission years have reduced the fears of famine oversee production of the copies. She (FCC) in favor of a smaller, more limited caused by drought in Africa and other estimates the Ten Commandments pro­ Communication Regulatory Commission. parts of the world in the early 1970s. ject would require $17,000 to cover the D However, drought returned to Africa 31,000 copies needed. D last year, the Council said. Abnormal food PRO-LIFE LEADER BUSES DAMAGED, PASTOR shortages are now reported in SEES GAINS FOR AMENDMENT SEES TIE TO GAY RIGHTS STAND Afghanistan, Indonesia, Laos, Lebanon, ST. PAUL, Minn. (EP)-Momentum is ST. PAUL, Minn. (EP)-Buses belonging and Nepal. This year many farmers, in­ building for early enactment of a "human to Temple Baptist Church here have been cluding those in North America, have life amendment" to the U.S. Constitution, damaged by vandals to the extent of been troubled with too much or not according to Nellie Gray of Washington, $6,000 in recent months. Temple's pastor, enough rain, and their crops have been national president of March for Life. the Rev. Richard Angwin, said the bus van­ threatened by blight and damage from in­ Such an amendment would "assure dalism is one of a series of similar in­ sects. legal protection for each human being cidents at the church since he became in­ The World Food Council report revealed from the moment of fertilization volved in his successful campaign to that food production grew only slightly in throughout the natural continuum of life," delete homosexual rights provisions from 1977, far below the amount required to she said in an interview. It would also St. Paul's human rights ordinance. keep pace with global growth, Food pro­ "assure that both the mother and her pre­ Pastor Angwin said his car has been duction in both developing and developed born children have an equal right to life." "chained" (whipped with a chain) by van­ countries has been growing at a rate of Miss Gray, an attorney, spoke on "The dals, with damage estimated at $800. He about 2.4 per cent a year during the Pro-Life Movement and the Present Mo­ said the church also has been sprayed 1970's. Experts say ii must increase at 4 ment in History" at the 14th National with red paint. "Although there's no way per cent to bring about major progress in Wanderer Forum here. Her organization we can prove it at this point, there's eliminating malnutrition and hunger. has sponsored five marches on reason to believe this well could be traced Food production increased by 2.8 per cent Washington each Jan. 22 since 1974 to to persons opposed to my activities with in the 1960s. D mark the U.S. Supreme Court's "infamous the gay rights issue," the pastor said. decision on abortion." She said the D organization plans to continue such mar­ INTERFAITH PROTEST ches, which this year drew 100,000 per­ 'MAN IN THE SHROUD' sons by her estimate and 70,000 persons TO SOVIET AMBASSADOR INTRIGUES SCIENTISTS by police estimate. D WASHINGTON, D.C. (EP)-High level WASHINGTON, D.C. (EP)-No other representatives of the United States COURT UPHOLDS RENTAL artifact of supposedly miraculous Catholic Conference, the Synagogue OF SCHOOLS BY CHURCHES manifestation has so aroused the interest Council of America and the National TRENTON, NJ (EP)-The New Jersey of modern scientists as has the Council of Churches have sent an Supreme Court has upheld, 5-2, the con­ mysterious Shroud of Turin. American interfaith protest to the Soviet stitutionality of renting public school The ancient linen cloth, venerated for Ambassador to the U.S. on behalf of four buildings to churches and synagogues centuries as the burial sheet of the Soviet dissidents sentenced to long during weekends and after school hours. crucified Christ, has proved to be an In­ prison terms. "We hold that religious groups who ful­ triguing challenge to those who would use The statement was addressed to ly reimburse school boards for related space-age technology to explain how the Anatoly Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to out-of-pocket expenses may use school image of the Man in the Shroud got there. the U.S., at the Russian Embassy. It facilities on a temporary basis for re­ Interest is peaking as the Shroud is be­ declared, "As representatives of major ligious services as well as educational ing exhibited publicly in Turin from segments of the religious community in classes," the court said. August 27 through Oct. 8. It is only the the United States, we protest the arbitrary The decision overturned lower court rul­ second such exhibition in this century. nature of these arrests (of Anatoly ings that the East Brunswick Township Hoping for Italian permission to make ex­ Shcharansky, Vladimir Slepak, Aleksandr Board of Education violated New Jersey tensive tests is a team of American scien­ Ginzburg and Victoras Betkus) and we law and the U.S. Constitution by permit­ tists coordinated by Capt. Eric J. Jumper, are shocked by the severity of the ting the use of public school buildings by a physicist with the U.S. Air Force sentences imposed." D religious groups. D Academy. D 2 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON A SHORT REUNION-Dean Jones, as Chuck Colson, and Anne Francis, as Patti Colson, pause for a short time of visitation. Jones is serving time in prison for his part in the Watergate scandal in the film "BORN AGAIN." Vol. 51, No. 23 August 15, 1978 The movie is based on Coison's best seller of his days as special counsel to President Richard M. Nixon, his conver­ reatUR€S sion to the Lord and his time in prison. The film will be released by Avco Em­ bassy Pictures. The producer Robert L. Munger, a born again Christian, made Cover photo by Rev. Carroll E. Miller history when he launched "BORN AGAIN" with a prayer meeting on a 4-91978 YOUTH CONFERENCE REPORT sound stage attend&d by the entire cast and crew 10 "WHY?" before the cameras rolled on the first scene. The by Sherri I I Peterson World Premiere for "BORN AGAIN" will be held at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 10 NOT ONE by Jane Cochran REVIVAL REPORTED 24, 1978, and will be attended by press, clergy, AT ENGLISH UNIVERSITIES government officials, etc.fr om all across America. 11 VISITATION EVANGELISM: VANCOUVER (EP)-The author of a This premiere will then be followed up by showings SOME CONCLUSIONS dozen religious best sellers, including the in thirty chosen cities with special appearances by by Warren E. Bathke recent "Truth of God Incarnate," which to Chuck Colson, Dean Jones, and others. In 14 BEAUTY FROM WITHIN date has sold more than 40,000 copies, September, October, and November of ·79 the film by Amy Nibbe says 40 per cent of the student population will be released to the American public In waves 32 KEEPING THE WONDER! at Oxford and Cambridge universities are across the country.
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