U.S. Customs and Border Protection, DHS; Treasury § 10.71 the commercial traveler before a Cus- cates of pure breeding provide that all toms officer, and shall show that the animals imported under such regula- samples are for use as models or pat- tions must be accompanied to the port terns for the purpose of obtaining or- at which examination is to be made by ders and not for sale and that the lists certificates of pedigree and transfer of contain a full description of the arti- ownership in order that identification cles. One copy shall be retained and the may be accomplished, and that, if such others shall be delivered to the com- animals are moved from such port mercial traveler—one for the identi- prior to the presentation of such cer- fication of the samples on their return tificates and transfers, such action to the United States and one for the shall constitute a waiver of any further use of the foreign customs authorities. claim to certification under such regu- The latter copy must have been at- lations. tested by a consular officer of the (b) In the cases of cats and dogs ar- country concerned in the United riving at Canadian border ports, Cus- States. toms officers and employees are hereby ANIMALS AND BIRDS authorized and directed to make the examination required by such regula- CROSS REFERENCE: For regulations with re- tions of the Department of Agriculture. spect to recognition of breeds and purebred Customs officers and employees are animals, see 9 CFR part 151. also authorized and directed to make such examinations at the ports of New § 10.70 Purebred animals for breeding York and Boston, provided the dog or purposes; certificate. cat is brought into the United States (a) In connection with the entry of by a passenger. At all airports, Cus- purebred animals for breeding purposes toms officers shall make the examina- under subheading 0101.11.00, Har- tion of dogs and cats, whether or not monized Tariff Schedule of the United accompanied by the owners, if there is States (HTSUS), no claim for free no inspector of the Department of Ag- entry shall be allowed in liquidation of riculture stationed there or on duty at the entry until the port director has the time of arrival. received from the Department of Agri- culture a certificate that the animal is [28 FR 14663, Dec. 31, 1963, as amended by purebred of a recognized breed and duly T.D. 68–154, 33 FR 8730, June 14, 1968; T.D. 78– registered in a book of record recog- 99, 43 FR 13060, Mar. 29, 1978; T.D. 87–75, 52 FR nized by the Secretary of Agriculture 20066, May 29, 1987; T.D. 89–1, 53 FR 51250, for that breed. Importers are required Dec. 21, 1988] by regulation of the Department of Ag- § 10.71 Purebred animals; bond for riculture to make application for a cer- production of evidence; deposit of tificate of pure breeding to the U.S. De- estimated duties; stipulation. partment of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Vet- (a) The animal may be released from erinary Services, on ANH Form 17–338 Customs custody upon the furnishing before the animal will be examined as by the importer of a bond on Customs required by 9 CFR 151.7. Application for Form 301, containing the bond condi- the certificate must be executed by the tions set forth in § 113.62 of this chapter owner agent, or importer and filed at a for the production within 6 months of port of entry designated in the regula- (1) a certificate of pure breeding issued tions of the Department of Agriculture by the Department of Agriculture, and for the importation of animals (9 CFR (2) the declaration required by § 10.70(a) 92.3). However, applications for certifi- submitted in letter form if such dec- cates for dogs (other than dogs for han- laration was not filed at the time of dling livestock regulated under 9 CFR entry. The release of the animal from 92.18) and cats may be filed either at a customs custody requires the presen- designated port of entry or at any tation of the pedigree certificate and other port where Customs entry is evidence of transfer of ownership in ac- made. The regulations of the Depart- cordance with the regulations of the ment of Agriculture prescribing the re- Department of Agriculture mentioned quirements for the issuance of certifi- in § 10.70(b). 141 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:56 May 30, 2014 Jkt 232063 PO 00000 Frm 00151 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\19\19V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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