ORGANOMETAT,T,TC CHEMISTRY OF URANIUM A thesis submitted by R1TN R. SIGURDSON, B.Sc. for the DEGREE of DOCTOR of PHILOSOPHY of the UNIVERSITY of LONDON Royal College of Science Imperial College of Science and Technology London, SW7 ?AY August 1976 TO MY PARENTS 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Geoffrey Wilkinson, F.R.S. for his guidance and enthusiastic support throughout the course of this work. Many thanks are also extended to Drs. Dick Andersen, Ernesto Carmona-Guzman and David Cole-Hamilton for their suggestionS, encouragement and advice, and to Dr. Kostas Mertis for his patient help during the first months. I am indebted to the Canadian Research Council of Canada for financial support during the past three years. 4 CONTENTS ABSTRACT 6 INTRODUCTION I. The Chemistry of Uranium(IV) 8 .II. The Chemistry of Uranium(V) 15 III. The Chemistry of Uranium(VI) 16 CHAPTER I. DILITHIUMHEXAALKYLURANATE(IV) COMPLEXES I. Introduction 19 II. Results and Discussion 27 III. Experimental 35 CHAPTER II. TRILITHIUMOCTAALKYLURANATE(V) COMPLEXES I. Introduction 54 II. Results and Discussion 55 III. Experimental 60 CHAPTER III. ADDITION COMPOUNDS OF URANIUM(VI) HEXAISO-PROPDXIDE WITH LITHIUM, MAGNESIUM AND ALUMINIUM ALKYLS I. Introduction 70 II. Results and Discussion 71 III. Experimental 77 CHAPTER IV. ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY OF ADAMANTANE I. Introduction 84 II. Results and Discussion 85 III. Experimental 87 REFERENCES 92 5 ABBREVIATIONS Me - methyl Et - ethyl Prn- normal-propyl Pri- iso-propyl Bun- normal-butyl But- iso-butyl But- tertiary-butyl Ph - phenyl CP cyclopentadienyl DME - dimethoxyethane tmed - N,N,NI,N'-tetramethylethylenediamine pmdt - N,N,Nt,N",N"-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine g.l.c. - gas-liquid chromatography i.r. - infrared s - strong m - medium w - weak sh- shoulder n.m.r. - nuclear magnetic resonance s - singlet d - doublet t - triplet q - quartet h - heptet br s - broad singlet 6 ABSTRACT Organouranium compounds with six or eight uranium-to-carbon a-bonds have been synthesized for the first time. The interaction of uranium tetrachloride with lithium alkyls in diethyl ether leads to the isolation of unstable lithium alkyluranate(IV) compounds of stoichiometry Li2UR6.8Et20, R = CH3, CH2SiMe3, C6H5, o-Me2NCH2C6H4. The lithium salts are also obtained as tetrahydrofuran and N,N,NI ,N1-tetramethylethylenediamine solvates. From uranium(V) pentaethoxide similar lithium salts of stoichiometry Li3UR8.3dioxan, R = GH3, CH2SiMe3, CH2CMe3, are obtained. The interaction of uranium(VI) hexaiso-propoxide with lithium, magnesium or aluminium alkyls does not give compounds containing U-C bonds, but addition compounds of stoichiometry (RLi)3U(OPri)6, (R2Mg)3U(OPri)6 and (R3A1)6U(OPri)6 respectively, that appear to be adducts in which the oxygen atom of the iso-propoxide group bound to uranium is acting as a donor. Attempts to prepare binary transition metal adamantyl complexes are described. INTRODUCTION 8 INTRODUCTION I. THE CHEMISTRY OF URANIUM(IV) The organic chemistry of uranium(IV) has been comprehensively 1-4 reviewed . The first organouranium compound, Cp3UC15, was prepared by Reynolds and Wilkinson in 1956 by the reaction of uranium tetrachloride with sodium cyclopentadienide. The proposed 115-coordination of the cyclopentadienyl rings was verified by 6 single crystal X-ray analysis . Anderson and Crisler7 in 1969 employed thallium cyclopentadienide in an improved synthesis of Cp3UC1 from UC14. The compound is decomposed by air and water but is very thermally stable, subliming in good yield at 120-130° in vacuo. A tetrahydrofuran solution of Cp3UC1 is weakly conducting and its reaction with silver perchlorate indicates that the U-Cl bond has ionic character. Wong et al. proposed that the long U-Cl bond (2.559 A) indicates approximately 50% ionic character6. Unlike the ionic Cp3Ln (Ln = a lanthanide) complexes, Cp3UC1 does not react with FeCl2 to give ferrocene". l0 Fischer et al. reportedthe first synthesis of Cp4U from UC14 and excess KCp in benzene; a lengthy extraction with n-heptane gives the product in low yield. A better synthesi,1 employing excess NaCp in THE increased the yield to 20%7. The dark red complex sublimes at 200° without substantial decomposition but reacts rapidly with air and moisture. A complete structural determination 11 from a single crystal X-ray diffraction study showed the planar C5 rings u-bonded to the uranium atom in a regular tetrahedral array. The bondinc7 probably has some covalent character and involves use of the 5f orbitals. 9 Tricyclopentadienyluranium can be prepared from UC13 and 12 KCp in benzene or from reactive uranium metal and UCp4 . The bronze pyrophoric solid is not very thermally stable, decomposing without sublimation at 120°. The Lewis acid properties of U(III) are indicated by its reaction with such bases as cyclohexylisonitrile and 1-nicotine. The reaction of UC14 and T1Cp in a 1:2 ratio in DME gives a green-brown solid which can also be prepared by reacting equivalent amounts of UC14 and UCI34 in DME. Recent results have shown that the product is probably [Cp3U]2[UC16].2DME 13, not the reported Cp2UCl2. However, if the two cyclopentadienyl rings are joined together the following reaction occurs14: CI U Clb U °- Cl'o U L Li A THE C( Ct 'Li" / \ THF THF X = CH2 , CH2CH2CH2, Me2Si It has been reported that these compounds react with organolithium reagents to form stable alkyls but experimental details have not yet been published. Isoelectronic with these dicyclopentadienyl derivatives, but having a bonding face of two carbon and three baron atoms, is the dicarbollide derivative, [Li(THF)02[U(C2B0-11 02C12]. The 1. structure of the highly distorted tetrahedral molecule has been 15 communicated . Cyclopentadienyluranium trichloride is -relpared as a dimethoxy- ethane adduct, CpUC13.DME, by the reaction c T1Cp with UC14 in 10 -16. Since the Manhattan project began, a great deal of interest has surrounded the preparation of o-bonded uranium alkyls and, indeed, the first alkyl derivative to be synthesized, Cp3UPh, 17-19 was reported independently by three research groups Subsequently a series of alkyl derivatives was prepared by the following reactions: THE Cp3UC1 + RLi Cp3UR + LiC1 18-19 18-19 ru ru t 18 r .5,18 R = Me , Bun ' 2' IL 5 I 18 18 i 18 cis-2-butenyl , trans-2-butenyl , Pr , t 18 18 Bu , vinyl , Pha-7..0. THF Cp 3UC1 + RMgX ------> Cp 3UR + Mgkl 19 18 20 R = n-xyly1 , allyl , p-to1y1 . The complexes are thermally stable, decomposing at elevated 18 temperatures with the liberation of alkane quantitatively . The alkyl group abstracts the proton from the cyclopentadienyl ring, not from the solvent, and evidence excludes a free radical decomposition pathway. A comparable series of alkyl complexes was prepared from Cp3ThC121. Thermolysi.s of Cp3ThR occvz.s in a manner similar to that of Cp3UR and, in the case of Cp3Th(Bun), the thorium-con- taining residue has been identified as the (715::1)-cyclopentadienyl- 22 thorium dimer (I) 18 Variable temperature n.m.r. studies of igally1) and Cp3Th(allyl)21indicate that both contai:: 111-allyl group . A single crystal X-ray study23of the 11 Th (I) uranium derivative confirmed that the allyl group is a-bonded in the solid state although the carbon-carbon double bond is unusually long. An X-ray study of a single crystal of Cp3U(CmCPh)24showed the a-nature of the bond between uranium and the phenylethynyl group. Kinetic studies of the thermolysis of Cp3UR in toluene indicated that the thermal stability is in the order primary > secondary > tertiary due to increasing steric crowding around the metal as the size of the alkyl group increases. Restricted rotation due to steric effects is observed about the U-R bond in Cp3UPri 18 Coordinative saturation is invoked to explain why compounds contain- ing ligands which are not 0-elimination-stabilized can be prepared and are, in fact, quite stable. Addition of methanol to solutions of Cp3UR yields Cp3UOMe and alkane, indicating that the uranium-to-carbon a-bond is considerably more ionic than the U-Cp n-bond. Other alkoxides are prepared by the metatheticl:_ reaction of Cp3UC1 with NaOR , i n t 25 R = Me, Et, Pr , Bu , Bu , in :efluxing benzene . An attempted preparation of UCp3 from UC13 NaCp in THF gave the ether- cleavage product, Cp3U(0Bun),3:; the only L:'- able compound26. The n-butoxide derivative -:=In also be pr., 1-ed in good yield 12 by the following method26: UC14 + Na0Bun [UC13(0Bun)] + NaC1 [UC13(0Bun)] + 3NaCp ---> Cp3U(0Bun) + 3NaCl Sodium borohydride reacts with Cp3UC1 in THE to give the volatile, red-orange Cp3UBH47. Infrared evidence indicates that the complex has a triply-hydrogen-bridged structure. The boro- hydride complex reacts with trialkylboranes in benzene to give Cp3U(H 3BR) which is also believed to contain a U(µ-H)3B group27. Cyolopentadienyluranium amides are prepared by the reaction of uranium(IV) diethylamide with two or three equivalents of cyclopentadiene in pentane, giving Cp2U(NEt2)2 and Cp3UNEt2 respectively Four unusual multinuclear complexes have been reported. The reaction of Cp3UC1 with dilithioacetylide and p-dilithiobenzene affords Cp3U-CFiC-UCp3 and R.-(Cp3U)2(C6114), respectively29. Similarly, Cp3UC1 reacts with the mono- and dilithio salts of 30 ferrocene to give (II) and (III) respectively . These are the Fe Fe (II) (III) only uranium complexes which contain a a-bonded cyclopentadienyl ring. The organic chemistry of uranium(IV) has been dominated by cyclopentadienyl derivatives but in an effort to improve the und.:!rstanding of bonding involving f-electrons other r-bonded 13 31 derivatives have been prepared. Triindeny1- and tris(benzylcyclo- 32 pentadienyl)uranium chioride have been examined crystallographically. Both exhibit nearly tetrahedral coordination of the uranium atom - with the latter unambiguously having 715-bonded cyclopentadienyl rings.
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