The Justinian Volume 1995 Article 1 Issue 1 February 1995 The uJ stinian Follow this and additional works at: https://brooklynworks.brooklaw.edu/justinian Recommended Citation (1995) "The usJ tinian," The Justinian: Vol. 1995 : Iss. 1 , Article 1. Available at: https://brooklynworks.brooklaw.edu/justinian/vol1995/iss1/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at BrooklynWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The usJ tinian by an authorized editor of BrooklynWorks. et al.: The Justinian The Justinian Founded in 1931 • A Forum for the Brooklyn Law School Community February 1995· Volume 64· Number 3 TO: THE STUDENT BODY FROM: THE POWERS THAT BE APR 28 1995 RE:GRADES WE ARE VERY SORRY FOR ANY INCONVE­ NIENCE THAT THE DELAY IN RECEIVING YOUR GRADES MIGHT HAVE CAUSED. WE HOPE TO GET THEM TO YOU SOMETIME BEFORE THE LAST JUDGMENT. TO: THE STUDENT BODY FROM: THE EDITORS OF THE JUSTINIAN RE: THE RECENT PAUCITY OF ISSUES PUBLISHED WE ARE VERY SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THAT THE DELAY IN PUBLISHING THIS ISSUE MAY HAVE CAUSED. WE HOPE TO GET THE NEXT ONE OUT TO YOU SOMETIME BEFORE THE LAST JUDG­ eire. MENT. Desk p J 984 6 4:3 Published by BrooklynWorks, 1995 1 The Justinian, Vol. 1995 [1995], Iss. 1, Art. 1 SUMMER lAW STUDY In• Dublin London Oxford Paris San Diego FOREIGN LAW PROGRAMS SCHOOL OF LAW UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110-2492 t ~Universily of &in Diese GET INVOLVED!!! THE JUSTINIAN IS LOOKING FOR STAFF MEMBERS AND CONTRffiUTING WRITERS. IF YOU WANT TO SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS AND IDEAS WITH THE BLS COMMUNITY, JUST WRITE THEM DOWN AND SUBMIT THEM TO THE JUSTINIAN https://brooklynworks.brooklaw.edu/justinian/vol1995/iss1/1 Busttntan Cfe&rua,.~ 1995 2 et al.: The Justinian Tlie Justinian A Forum for the Brooklyn Law School Community Edi tor-in-Chief John A. Baxter 4 Mass Torts: A New Field Managing Editors 6 "Right" On Dawn Furlong, Douglas H. Shulman 8 Memorandum 10 1 Misc.3 (BLS 1994) Special Contributors Paul D. Rheingold 11 Melrose Place: The Column Prof. Anthony Sebok Prof. Spencer Weber Waller 13 Law and Popular Culture 15 First Year Staff 16 Course Choice Angst Todd Bank, Michael A. King, Jennifer Lobato, Waste Product, Voice of Reason 17 Things That Make My Day and Other Assorted Pet Peeves 19 Small Claims Nightmare 21 Down With the Wall 23 Ex Libris Published(Justinian by BrooklynWorks, (fe&ruar"'i 1995 1995 3 3 The Justinian, Vol. 1995 [1995], Iss. 1, Art. 1 MASS TORTS: ANEW FIELD By Paul D. Rheingold, Trial Lawyer, N.Y.C. Law students may want to consider a to know what is hot and which firms are new field of law in which to practice: mass involved. Both plaintiffs and defense firms tort litigation. Of course, knowing about a gear up for the mass tort. They hire many field of law is not the same as having ajob in extra lawyers, nurses, paralegals, and the like, it. But if you are aware of the existence of a for the duration of the battle. The litigation new practice, it may help you narrow your may last many years, and it goes in stages search for a firm with which to work and help from discovery, to trials, to ultimate resolu­ you point up your knowledge to that firm. tion through some sort of class action or Naming the products which have been bankruptcy settlement which involves the involved recently in mass tort is probably the payment of money to claims in some sort of best way of demonstrating what is going on: grid fashion. asbestos, DES, Dalkon Shield, Agent Orange, A word of caution: just as one can get Norplant. Each of these has involved mass a job more easily this field since "warm bod­ litigation in every sense of the word: : thou­ ies" are needed in an emergency, these sort of sands of suits started for similar injuries from jobs also melt away. A plaintiffs' firm recently the same product; suits pending in many states; laid off many people because it had presented class actions and resolution by the creation of all of its claims in a class action, and now gigantic funds to evaluate and pay claims. there was going to be a long hiatus until offers These examples are only the tip of the were made. Wall Street firms may employ iceberg of the explosion that has taken place lawyers who don't come up to partnership recently in courts in the area of complex or qualities knowing that it is only for the du­ mass litigation. We have mass litigation for ration. In any such situation, however, you hotel fires, collapsing buildings, airplane di­ have a chance to shine and often you may get sasters, and ship collisions. We have all sorts what you really strive for. of mass toxic torts, such as Love Canal, the Although I would not recommend it, pollution of our air and waterways, and oil you could launch yourself into mass tort liti­ spills on the high seas. gation-if you have a wealthy uncle. You can While I havn't seen any data on the do as many plaintiffs' lawyers do and run subject, one gets the feeling that every year a advertisements for a certain type of product greater and greater amount of legal resources litigation, e.g., "Send me your implant cases." are moving into the prosecution and defense Most victims who see ads don't have that of the mass tort cases. The litigation of the much concern about how experienced you individual case-be it the routine auto acci­ are. You can join Ii tigation groups and tap dent or the more sophisticated malpractice into what other lawyers are doing by network­ action-is still there but less effort is being ing. But another word of caution: you must be expended on these kinds of suits. The time prepared to stay in the fight for the long haul. and the money is shifting toward the repeti­ Your target may go bankrupt and you will tive case. wait years for the payoff. At least, during that Where are employment opportunities time, you will have the good feeling that you in this field? They are plentiful but you have are carrying out the fight for better product safety. https://brooklynworks.brooklaw.edu/justinian/vol1995/iss1/14 3u.sttntQn O"e&ru.Qr"t 1995 4 et al.: The Justinian 1500 Broadway. New York, New York 10036. (212) 719·0200· (800) 472-8899 ooubnBAR REVIEW ****BAR REVIEW SCHOLARSlllPS**** Dear 1995 Law School Graduate: Due to the positive response to our fall scholarship program, BARIBRI is again offering scholarships of varying amounts up to $250 each, to be applied toward current BAR/BRI tuition, including any early enrollment discounts. Recognizing the financial hardships that graduating law students face, we are offering these need-based scholarships to aid selected students defray the cost of bar exam preparation. BARfBRI Bar Review will award up to $150,000 in scholarships for 1995 law school graduates. Interested applicants must submit a letter indicating their law school and describing their financial condition as well as any reasons why a scholarship is deserved (amount of loans, commitment to law, etc). The applicant must not have a commitment for full-time employment with a salary of more than $30,000 following graduation from school. The applicant further agrees to renounce the scholarship should he/she receive a commitment for full-time employment by May 15, 1995. You need not be a current BARfBRI enrollee in order to apply for this scholarship. However, you must be enrolled in BAR/BRI for the scholarship to be applied toward your tuition. Your letter should be no more than one single-spaced typed page and should be returned to the BAR/BRI New York office - Attention: Scholarship Committee, by February 17. 1995. Students will be notified of their scholarship award by the end of March. These scholarships are not assignable and will only be honored for the bar exam in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. Please specify in your letter which state's BAR/BRI bar review course you are planning to take. PublishedBustinian by BrooklynWorks, (fe&ruar'i 1995 1995 5 5 The Justinian, Vol. 1995 [1995], Iss. 1, Art. 1 "Right" On By Todd Bank It is indeed tempting to gloat about the let rich and poor alike reach for new greater heights, revolutionary elections. However, to do so would and Bill Clinton's class warfare against the rich, be tantamount to laughing at a crowd of Bolsheviks who can never pay enough taxes, will seem like after the Gorbachev coup in 1991. I will thus resist ancient history Thomas Grasso, who strangled a my desire to poke fun at those who saw their senior citizen in New York and then another in ideology so unquestionably rejected across this Oklahoma, and who Mario Cuomo thought should soon-to-be-again great nation. Die-hard liberals, be financed with our money, has been sent back to whose ideology is really a religion because their Oklahoma to be executed. In New York, murderers beliefs are based on faith, not fact, will of course, will also face the only proper punishment, their not change, let alone just learn. This election is a punishment equalling their crime. great American event, a tidal wave of common Parole is a dying concept.. Its very idea is sense from coast to coast.
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