Government of i* W est Bengal Districtv IJlans of West Bengal 1956-61 330.»S4WB W516D P.C.SL CONTENTS Introductorv note District Plaa— Burdwan 1 Birbhuia 14 Bankura 26 Midnapore 38 Hooghly ., 53 Howrah .. 65 24-Parganae 76 Calcutta .. 90 Nadia .. 95 Murshidabad 107 Malda 121 West Dinajpur 134 Jalpaiguri ,. 146 Darjeeling 158 Cooch Behar 169 Purulia .. 180 Appendix'— Schemes not classified imder district plan.. 184 U) DISTRICT PLANS INTRODUCTORY NOTE According to the direction of the Planning Commission, a State Plan has to resented in two different ways, namely, according to different sectors of develop- t represented in it and according to regions or districts. We have already ared and published our Plan according to sectors of development and now jreak up the Plan district-wise. This is necessary in order to educate public ion, encourage local initiative and obtain public Co-operation in the execution Ihe Plan. The National Plan and the State Plan are being prepared on annual basis within Framework of the Five-Year Plan in order to make necessary modifications and stments in the course of execution. Consequently the appropriate period District Plans would also be a year. We accordingly began preparing our rict Plans with particular reference to the first year against the background le Five Year Plan. Originally the intention was that such District Plans would repared every year. But from our experience in the works so far, it seems that aration of annual District Plans every year may not be possible under the ?nt circumstances. We have, therefore given in the following pages the dis- -wise break up of the Plan as a whole as far as available. n breaking up the Plan district-wise we have to face certain difficulties. Some mes are clearly meant for the benefit of particular districts and they can at be included in the Plans of those districts. But some schemes are for the ifit of the State as a whole and some are for the benefit of several districts taken ther. The location of these schemes in a particular district cannot be taken lean that it is for that district only. The amount of benefit that will accrue ach district cannot also be ascertained exactly. It is also not possible in all 5 to work out the amount of money to be spent in each district because accounts kept project-wise and not district-wise. In such cases the allocation of expen- re amongst several districts can only be approximate. Again, the execution of 3 projects depends on the availability of suitable land, raw materials and other ities. It cannot be said definitely in advance in what places these projects be actuallyJocated. Nevertheless, as district is the most inportant unit of the State administration, iiave tried to show, even in a rough way, the developments which are proposed e made in each district. Those schemes which we could not break up district- have been shown in a separate list. rhe follow^ing pages contain a brief description of the development plan of each rict separately. The number of schemes are so large that it is impossible in narrative to mention all schemes and to indicate the expenditure to be incurred Ithem and the physical targets to be achieved. BURDWAN DISTRICT Forests : Three scheme« relating to the development of forests are to be taken ap in Burdwan district during the Second Five-Year Plan. It is proposed to cover |,595 acres of waste lands with matchwood, bamboo, grass and other plantations >f which 450 acres will be covered in 1956-57. This will help develop industries, specially tiie paper industry which will throw open additional employment oppor- iunities at the local level. In order to increase the efficiency of the forest staff, 5onstructi(*n of buildings (for office, residence and rest houses) will also be under- iaken. On the whole, a sum of Rs. 15-73 lakhs is proposed to be spent in Burdwan listrict unier the head '‘ Forests” of which Rs. 1-78 lakhs will be spent in 1956-57. Fisheriis : Under this head, seven schemes will be undertaken in the district luring the Second Plan. The principal objects of these schemes are to grant finan- sial assistance to needy fisherman in the form of loans, to demonstrate improved uethods of pisciculture and to encourage the production of carp fry. The total •xpenditure involved in these schemes to be undertaken in Burdwan will bo Rs. 3-37 akhs during the five-year period 1956-61, of which Rs. 0-36 lakh is proposed to be pent in 1956-57. Co-operation : The schemes under “ Co-operation” to be undertaken in Bur- wan district envisage reorganisation and formation of new co-operative farming ocieties, improvement of land mortgage banks, formation of large-sized co-operative ocieties by amalgamating a number of primary credit societies and reorganisation If central" co-operative banks. In most of the schemes, the State Government pill extend help by participating in the share capital of the societies and giving tibsidies towards managerial expenditure or expenditure for maintenance of ifficient supervisory staff. The total cost of the schemes in Burdwan district during Ihe five-year period 1956-61 will be Rs. 9-32 lakhs, of which Rs. 0-61 lakh is proposed to be spent in 1956-57. Power : Baidyap^ir in the district of Burdwan is to be electrified and bulk Upply of powor is to be given to seven collieries and two places, namtly, Uklira nd Domohani. These schemes Avill involve a total expenditure of Rs. 37-71 lakhs f which Rs. 4-22 lakhs will be spent in 1956-57. Industry : The district of Burdwan will derive benefit from ten schemcs for he development of cottage industries. Two co-operative societies will be sot up ar development of hand pounding of rice and training centres will be opened for aiprovement of palm gur industry. A demonstration party will be set iip for iving technical assistance to the makers of cane gur and khandsari and a peripa- Stic training centre for leather industry will also be started. To remove the diffi- alty of procuring raw materials and to provide marketing facilities to small pro- ucers, a wholesale depot will be opened in Burdwan. Several other cottage industry 3hemes are also to be undertaken. The amount of expenditure in Burdwan dis- ict under ‘ Cottage Industry” will be about Rs. 10-12 lakhs during the Plan eriod, of which about Rs. 2-53 lakhs will be spent in 1956-57. Roads : Eleven schemes of road development commenced in the First Plan eriod in Burdwan district have been taken over into the Second Plan. The total lileage covered by these schemes is 183-5. The number of road projects proposed 1 the Second Plan in the district is 18 and the mileage covered is 202-5. The total lileage of the roads developed in the district during the Second Plan period will, (lerefore, be 386. The total expenditure involved will be Rs. 209-50 lakhs, of which Is. 27-00 lakhs will be spent in 1956-57. Health : The district of Burdwan will derive benefit from about 15 health jehemes undertaken during the Second Five-Year Plan. The principal items of k)rk envisaged are the taking over by Government of the sanitary staff maintained by the aistrict board, inprovement of the Pharmacy Training Centre at Burdwa establishment of mors health centres, construction of buildings for nurses’ host« providing thana and subdivisional health centres with ambulances, expansion ai improvement of hospitals, establishment of T. B., Leprosy and V. D. Clinics, provi ing more water-supply sources, etc. The total expenditure involved in the schemes in Burdwan during the five-year period will be Rs. 118-99 lakhs of whii Rs. 14-70 lakhs will be spent during 1956-57. Housing : For housing industrial workers, it is proposed to construct, 1,7 tenements at a total cost of Rs. 59-30 lakhs during the Second Plan period. ' these 400 tenements at a cost of Rs. 13-04 lakhs are to be constructed in 1956-57. Under the I.ow Income Group Housing Scheme loans totalling Rs. 25-13 lak will be sanctioned to applicants from Burdwan district to enable them to build th( own houses. Welfare of backward Classes : Various measures have been taken in tlie Secoi Plan for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes in Burdwan distri( These include exemption of poor students from payment of tuition fees and oth charges, grants for purchase of books, grants to dispensaries, sinking of wells, distrib tion of seeds, poultry birds, stud bulls at subsidised rates, improvement of villai roads, 3tc. The total amount to be spent on these measures in Burdwan duri 1956-61 will be Rs. 12-24 lakhs of which of Rs. 1 -41 lakhs will be spent in 1956-5't Social Welfare : Four Welfare Extension Projects (with 20 work centres) i to be undertaken in Burdwan district during the Second Plan period. Of the two projects are to be executed in 1956-57 at a cost of Rs. 50,000. These are int€ ded to provide maternity and child welfare services, adult and social education i women, training in tailoring and other crafts, etc. Another important scheme under this head is the scheme of reorganisation evening Mining Class at Sitarampur in the district of Burdwan. Under this schei it is proposed to provide a higher type of training in mining practices. The toi plan provision for this scheme is Rs. 1-90 lakhs. Agriculture : The different measures of agricultural development inclu among others establishment of 15 thana Seed Farms for raising and multiplyi) improved seeds and distribution of 67,000 maunds of paddy, wheat, mustard aj pulse seeds, 1 • 32 lakh tons of different kinds of fertilisers and 50 pumping plar amongst the peasants.
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