"Procraim Li6erty tlirougfwut tlie [an~ and to aU tlie inliabitants tliereof 11 - Leviticus XXo/ March 1987 $4.00 Volume 1, Number 4 How YOur Child Could Be a Millionaire by Age 21 -Karl Hess apitalism for Kids hy Karl Hess want to urge you. as strongly and sincerdy career that has included starting a busi­ is unlike any book you have ever as possihk. to huy it and read it first for ness at age 16, selling it for 5100,000 C read. For the very first time, free yoursdf. Only then give it to a kid you like. and starting other husinesses dealing market economics is presented simply Karl's hook c-rystallizt:'s thoughts that most with limousines. and clearly. And, it teaches the most people have had. hut havt:'n't thought out fully. It washt:'s away the foundations upon practical skill ofall-how to make money. which fears and guilt arc constructed over a Special Note From The Publisher The hook is aimed at teaching husiness lifetime; it rt:'plact:'s them with ideas you "It is with special pleasure that I am to kids in the 9 to 19 age group. Any always helicvt:'d in intuitively hut wert:'n't offering Capitalism For Kids to you young person you know who has quitt:' sure how to ddend, and your fanlily. entrepreneurial anlhitions should read This hook is rt:'ally grt:'at. Makt:' surt:' it is From my personal experience at a availahle to your kids and yourself." this hook. Itpresents why and how young age, I remelnher how much I always you can earn a profit in business while Douglas Casey Author(ij'Investing in Crisis wanted to he in husiness for myself. still maintaining the highest possihle Yet, in school, virtually all I was taught standards ofhonesty and integrity. "Karl is one of tht:' ht:'st writers I havt:' t:'\Tr was how to become someone else's Capitalism for Kids is fun to read come across. Ht:' workt:'d t()r mt:' in my Prt:'si­ employee. When I asked my teachers and the ideas it presents are truly unique. dential Campaign, has written any mimher of where I could get infornlation ahout It is \:vritten it,l a lively style with lots papers and articles for mt:'. and I can find heing my own hoss, they couldn't recom­ of useful examples. no bult with him, mend any hooks on the practical aspects I thinkCcljJitalism For Kids will makt:' vt:'ry Here are a few highlights revealed: intt:'rt:'sting rt:'ading, not just for young people, of running a successful small husiness. •A self tt:'st to help Lktt:'rmint:' how t:'ntt:'r­ hut t()r people of all agt:'s. I say that. ht:'caust:' That's why this hook is so unique. prising tht:' young reldt:'r rt:'ally is. Karl umkrstands capitalism, he understands The "how to" ideas it presents are rarely •A spt:'cial st:'ction for part:'nts to show how socialism. and ht:"s quick to tdl you which is taught in any schools. you can help your child hn:ome tlnancially tht:' hetter of tht:' two," I feel sure that this hook \villundouht­ succt:'ssful. Barry Goldwater edly make a hig difference in the future • \X'hat youngpt:'opk nt:'t:'d to know ahout Former U.S. Senator development and financial success of working for tht:'mselvt:'s. anyone who reads it, and I am proud to • How to makt:' any product or st:'rvi<..T rt:'ally "Author Karl Ht:'ss dot:'s a hrilliant joh stand out. prt:'senting capitalism in a style that is hoth he its puhlisher." • How managing mont:'y and time is crucial. dear and t:'ntertaining to young people. 67..ut~ • All ahout taking risks. But adults will he t~lscinated hv it as well. I Puhlisher • How to gt:'t tht:' most from an nlucation. certainly learned much. partic'ularly ahout the • St:'tting up a family company. practical aspects ofstarting a small husiness, About The Author • 'What typt:' ofcolkgt:' nlucation is tht:' Capitalism For Kids is hound to ht:'comt:' most ust:'ful. a classic as wdl as inspirt:' and encourage Karl Hess is an entrepreneur, former • Improving tht:' education rt:'ct:'ived at home. many new entrepreneurs young and old, And editor at Nell'Sll 'eek and author ofsix • l'sing computt:'rs as handy husint:'ss and hecause it shows vou how to hecome indepen­ hooks. He writes with conviction ahout financial aids. dent, make mont:'~'. and even hecomt:' rich. it's how and why applying the principles valuahl~ • \X'ht:'re high school entrt:'prt:'nt:'ur c1uhs tht:' most gift hook I"T t:'\Tr seen offree enterprise leads to independence art:' located, for any young person," • \X'hy doing voluntt:'er work can often he ont:' Roy A. Childs,Jr. and success. of the hest ways to start a husint:'ss car<"Tr. Laissez Faire Books, Inc. Free Bonus- Money Plant •A practical rt:'~it:'w of laws. lict:'nst:'s and Iiahilitics. "Karl Ht:'ss. one of tht:' most intt:'rt:'sting free As a honus for ordering, we'll send you • Thrt:'e common types ofliahilityin husint:'ss. thinkers I know. has written a marvdous ahsolutely free a packet ofseeds for • \Vhich fidds hold thegreatest mont:'y making hook. It explains what making money is all your (or your child's) very own. easy to potential t()r young peopk. ahout. in simple readahle fashion that anyone grow money plant. The flowers for the • Special advice to the reader from famous nine or older can understand. unique Lunaria plant hloom into pods entrt:'preneurs contactedduring the prepara­ I f(>und it ddightful f(~ading. especially the which resemhle silver dollars. tion of the hook including David Packard, chapter on government intervention in Chairman, Hewktt Packard. Inc.: Lillian husiness. Money Back Guarantee Katz, Founder Lillian Vernon Inc.: and Capitalism For Kids can really get your \X'illiam Deardon. Former Chairman, childor grandchild excited ahout the free Enterprise Puhlishing, Inc. ensures Hersht:'y Foods Corporation. enterprise system." your conlplete satisfaction. Review Mark Skousen, Editor Capitalism For Kids for up to 30 days, Forecasts & Strategies and if you are not completely satist1ed Attention Readers 19 or Under for any reason, you may return it for a To any reader of this message Kids Success Stories prompt and courteous refund. who is age 19 or under. you are Heather Brackeen and Stacey Smit, To avoid disappointment, order your eligible to participate in a contest both 11, ofAlbuquerque, New Mexico hardcover, limited edition copy today. that will help us capture the youth opened their own shop called the The price is only 512.95 postpaid. market. Your task is to create a full Weaving Loom. They specialized in hand There is no sales tax on your order and page ad, aimed at your age group, woven items such as scarves, placemats, ifthe book is used to start a business, on why you like the book Capital. purses, and pot holders. the purchase price is fully tax deductible. ism for Kids. The grand prize is Javier Corral Jurado, ofCiudadJuarez, Quantity discounts are available to an opportunity to star in an up­ Mexico, at the age of13 was the founder, children's groups, c1uhs and organizations comingcommercial about the book. reporter, photographer, editor, ad sales­ upon request. Deadline for contest entry is man and publisher ofEl Chis1ne, "The To order, call now Toll-Free: June 1, 1988. Gossip". His newspaper is puhlished every 1·800·533·BOOK (2665) 2 weeks for 1500 readers. Or send check or credit card information to: What Readers Say: At 15, Robert Lewis Dean borrowed Enterprise Publishing, Inc. "I don't want to just halfheartedly recom­ 51,500 from his parents, hought a 1972 725 Market Street, Dept. NU-81U mt:'nd this hook among the thousands of Cadillac and fixed it up then sold it Wilmington, DE 19801 others out there that arc worth reading. I at a profit. That was the heginning ofhis c Enterprise Puhlishing. Inc. :\lC1\1LXXX\'11 l'lO16 Contents Freedom For the Adventurous William Cate, page 7 The Majority V5. The Majoritarian Robert Bork on Trial Sheldon Richman, page 9 Libertarians, Moralism, and Absurdity Ethan O. Waters, page 14 The Readers on Waters (A Disputation), page 16 Free Speech & The Future of Medicine Sandy Shaw and Durk Pearson, page 20 Game vs. Game a story by Raul Santana, page 23 The Crash of 1987 Eight Perspectives, page 25 Strange Bedfellows The Libertarian/Conservative Misalliance John Dentinger, page 37 Freedom is for Everyone Murray N. Rothbard, page 43 Can Computers Save the World? Ross Overbeek, page 45 Me and the Eiger an observation by Murray N. Rothbard, page 60 Departments ---+---- [{eviews R. W. Bradford on "Blood in the Streets," page 49 Mike Holmes on "In Search of Melancholy Baby," page 51 Terry Inman on Murray Bookchin, page 54 Stephen Cox on Going Beyond Gideons, page 55 Booknotes, page 56 Timothy W. Henderson on Film, page 57 Buronic Episodes, page 36 Letters, page 4 Contributors, page 61 Terra Incognita, pages 61 & 62 Classified Advertisements, page 60 membership by the time of the National Convention in 1989. During my campaign·I did promise [ Letters ] to try to double or triple membership within a two year span. If would require a Brownian Movement the day. miracle to triple membership by 1988 (as I suppose, then, that I should now be you quoted me) since we are in it.
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