ALFA Revista de Linguística SÃO PAULO STATE UNIVERSITY Chancellor Sandro Roberto Valentini Vice-Chancellor Sergio Roberto Nobre Pro-Chancellor for Research Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff Support: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Linguísticos/UNESP SÃO PAULO STATE UNIVERSITY ALFA Revista de Linguística ISSN 1981-5794 (ONLINE VERSION) Alfa São Paulo v.63 nr.2 p.241-478 2019 Alfa: Revista de Linguística UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista, Pro-Reitoria de Pesquisa Rua Quirino de Andrade, 215 01049-010 – São Paulo – SP [email protected] Editor-in-Chief Odilon Helou Fleury Curado Computer advisor Rosane de Andrade Berlinck Sebastião Carlos Leite Gonçalves Luiz Borges Executive Board Proofreading Cover Alessandra Del Ré Ana Carolina Freitas Gentil Cangemi Adriana Bessa Damman Alvaro Luiz Hattnher Carlos Eduardo Mendes de Moraes Technical Advisor Erotilde Goreti Pezatti Sandra Pedro da Silva Luciane de Paula Desktop Publishing Marina Célia Mendonça Eron Pedroso Januskeivitz Marize Mattos Dall'Aglio-Hatthner Editorial Board Ângela Cecília Souza Rodrigues (USP), Ataliba Teixeira de Castilho (USP), Bento Carlos Dias da Silva (UNESP), Christian Hudelot (CNRS), Christian Lehmann (Universität Erfurt), Daniel Leonard Everett (University of Manchester), Dermeval da Hora (UFPB), Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros (USP), Edair Gorski (UFSC), Eduardo Calil (UFAL), Esmeralda Vailati Negrão (USP), Ester Miriam Scarpa (UNICAMP), Fábio Lopes da Silva (UFSC), Freda Indurski (UFRS), Gladis Massini Cagliari (UNESP), Helena Hatsue Nagamine Brandão (USP), Ieda Maria Alves (USP), Ingedore G. V. Koch (UNICAMP), Jacques Fontanille (Université de Limoges), Jacyntho Luís Brandão (UFMG), João Azenha Júnior (USP), João Wanderlei Geraldi (UNICAMP), John Lachlan Mackenzie (ILTEC), John Robert Schmitz (UNICAMP), José Borges Neto (UFPR), Kanavillil Rajagopalan (UNICAMP), Kees Hengeveld (Universidade de Amsterdã), Laurent Danon-Boileau (Paris V – CNRS), Leda Bisol (PUC-RS), Leonor Scliar Cabral (UFSC), Lúcia Teixeira (UFF), Luiz Carlos Travaglia (UFU), Maria Beatriz Nascimento Decat (UFMG), Maria Bernadete Marques Abaurre (UNICAMP), Maria Helena de Moura Neves (UNESP), Maria Luiza Braga (UFRJ), Maria Margarida Martins Salomão (UFJF), Maria Marta Pereira Scherre (UnB), Mariangela Rios de Oliveira (UFF), Renata Coelho Marchezan (UNESP), Roberta Pires de Oliveira (UFSC), Sérgio de Moura Menuzzi (UFRGS), Seung Hwa Lee (UFMG), Sírio Possenti (UNICAMP), Vera Lúcia Paredes Pereira da Silva (UFRJ), Zélia de Almeida Cardoso (USP). Editors for the English version Alvaro Luiz Hattnher (UNESP), Deusa Maria de Souza-Pinheiro Passos (USP), Maralice De Souza Neves (UFMG), Marina Santana Zorzetto (University of Ottawa), Marize Mattos Dall'Aglio-Hattnher (UNESP) and Melissa Alves Baffi Bonvino (UNESP). Quarterly publication Alfa: Revista de Linguística / Universidade Estadual Paulista. – Vol. 1 (1962)– . – São Paulo : UNESP, 1962– Quaterly From 2014 the journal was only published online. ISSN: 1981-5794 (online version) Ficha catalográfica elaborada pela equipe da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras – Unesp – Araraquara. The articles published in Alfa: Revista de Linguística are indexed by: BLL – Bibliography of Linguistic Literature; CLASE – Cich-Unam – Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades; Francis Database; IBZ – International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Science Galé; LLBA – Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts; MLA – International Bibliography; ProQuest; SciELO – Scientific Eletronic Library Online PRESENTATION We are pleased to present Alfa’s second issue of 2019, made up of eight articles, all original in their conjunction of themes, approaches and proposals. The first three share the focus on the discursive dimension of language. Brait explores “discourses of resistance”, particularly from the literary sphere, showing how the relationship between texts and paratexts — which she suggests could be two-way — weaves and unveils voices and events. Pistori elaborates a dialogue between the ancient rhetoric (Aristotelian and Platonic) and the Dialogical Discourse Analysis, defending an alliance between the two approaches for the study of discourse and argumentation. Based on a virtual ethnographic investigation of feminist Facebook pages, Biondo proposes to discuss the relationship between gender and language ideologies, problematizing the possible convergences between hegemonies in both domains. The fourth article in this issue takes us to a region of the planet characterized by an extremely complex linguistic situation with a very high multilingualism rate, Oceania. Silva discusses the language policies of its various countries and territories; those which have delineated borders, “of languages, of senses, of memory”, between languages with different sociolinguistic status (colonizers, autochthonous, immigration). Vasconcelos, Scarpa and Dodane analyze the acquisition of negative expressions in the speech of two children, one Brazilian and one French. The comparative characterization of the process allows us to identify similarities, which point to general principles beyond the specificity of each isolated case. The authors highlight the role of gestures and vocalizations in the construction of meaning and the gradual inclusion of other linguistic elements in the utterances, and point to an order of emergence in the functions performed by negative particles, which begins with the rejection/refusal category. We move from mother language acquisition to the universe of foreign language acquisition in the telecollaborative context. Rampazzo and Aranha propose to discuss the applicability of the concept of community to this specific context. They based their study on long experience with teletandem practices, within the scope of the project Teletandem Brazil: Foreign Languages for All. The characterization of interactions and practices leads the authors to identify criteria that support the validity of the concept in this context. Closing this issue, we have two articles in which the semantic dimension is in focus. Basso’s text analyzes the expression ‘de volta’ (back) in Brazilian Portuguese, from the perspectives of formal semantics and formal pragmatics. Considering the Alfa, São Paulo, v.63, n.2, p.245-246, 2019 245 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. expression a “contradirectional event modifier”, the author discusses its various possible interpretations and concludes by proposing a unified semantic analysis of its readings. Ferreira and Rammé also deal with a semantic property — causality, but for this they adopt a recent theoretical model — the Nanosyntax, applying it to the analysis of the behavior of Brazilian Portuguese verbs. The authors show that this approach allows us to identify constraints and to arrive at generalizations about the syntactic-semantic nature of this property and provides elements for including this property in a formal representation of the syntactic structure. The variety of themes and theoretical-methodological perspectives in this issue, a constant feature on Alpha’s pages, represents our commitment to mirror recent developments in increasingly diverse and increasingly interdisciplinary language studies. Or perhaps, and also, investigations as diverse as the multifaceted nature of our object of study. Good reading! 246 Alfa, São Paulo, v.63, n.2, p.245-246, 2019 CONTENTS ORIGINAL ARTICLES ■ Discourses of resistance: from paratext to text, or vice versa? Beth Brait ......................................................................................................................251 ■ Rhetoric, argumentation and dialogic analysis of discourse Maria Helena Cruz Pistori ...........................................................................................273 ■ Gender ideologies and language ideologies on facebook feminist pages Fabiana Poças Biondo ..................................................................................................303 ■ Language policy in oceania: in the frontiers of colonization and globalization Diego Barbosa da Silva ................................................................................................327 ■ Negative expressions in the speech of one Brazilian and one French child: case studies Angelina Nunes de Vasconcelos, Ester Scarpa and Christelle Dodane .......................357 ■ Revisiting the concept of community to foster its applicability to telecollaboration Laura Rampazzo and Solange Aranha .........................................................................381 ■ On the semantics of ‘de volta’: an exercise on counterdirectionality Renato Miguel Basso ....................................................................................................405 ■ The role of low heads in the causative interpretation in brazilian portuguese: some notes on event composition, F-Seq and nanosyntax Thayse Letícia Ferreira and Valdilena Rammé ............................................................429 ■ SUBJECTS INDEX �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������463 ■ AUTHORS INDEX ...........................................................................................................465 ■ PAPER SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................467 Alfa, São Paulo, v.63, n.2, p.241-478, 2019 247 ORIGINAL ARTICLES DISCOURSES OF RESISTANCE: FROM PARATEXT TO TEXT, OR VICE VERSA?1
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