1976 Olympic Trials Results

1976 Olympic Trials Results

" , ~ ;' ~ M BAOKsmoKE-June 19 Judy Arnerson, Ft..Le1xl.ST 2.53.54 BonnieGla.gow, KC Orch. 5.00.31 MeryJlU)eGrah8ln, MVN,... 2.17.39* Jenni Frenke, WiJJn.AC 2.54.00 illxldie Waleh, Ve.per 5.01.39 lleJisea Bolota, Solotar. 2.l8-7l Kim httla KC Orchard. 5.01 55 U .S. OL YM PIC TRIALS M!riam &dth, Tacoma 2.19.56 lOO M B\rrrERFLY -June2l , D1an Girard: A.hevilla;. 5.06:l8 Ellen Wallace, CJAC 2.19.97 Camille Wri8ht-, L'vla.., 110l.8It* Diane Johnson, El Monte. 5:lC.77 LiIxIaJezek, {3C 2.20.ll Wemy BogJioJi, CJAC 1.02.07 HEAT RE5ULTS Sara J-s, Unat 2120.91 Lelei FonoinM)ana,Leke.. 1.02.ll S1irlay BAbashoff. MVN.. 4158.96 U.S. OLIMPICmIAI.s Jo Hershbarger, LW~'..., 4:17.S3 a.san!k»'d, Piranha 2.2l.31 Botsy BApp, StarJit 1102.48 ~ Wennarstrom, W 5IOP.77 Jenni1'er Hooker, L vle:.. /i.l8,90 Rense MBgee. ~ 2122.32 Peggy Tosdal. MVN 1102.88 Jeanne Haney. Aqu.rius.. 5100.ge Long Boach, CA Ni~ola Kr-r. MVN 4.19.23 HEATRE~TS Ksren IIoe Thornton. \h1at 1103.~ Bonnia Gleagow. KC Orch. 5104.74 50 m. rOl 6 Evi Kosenkranius, L1ISC... 4.19.31 lleJisea Bolot., ~lotar. 2.l8.38 cl))nnale. Wennsrstrom, W 1103.30 KimShsttle. KC Orchard. 5102.~ JW1a1 ~. 197 Ann Marshall, FLST, 4.19.90 Maryanns Grah8ln. MVN 2.l8.86 Both Herrsll. Solotar... 1103.33 illxldis Waleh, Veoper 5.~.96 * .HEAT RESULTS M!riam &dth. Tacoma 2119.92 HEATRESUL~ D1an Girard. A.hevilla.. 5.03.l4 ** =~can Record S1irlay BAbashoff. MVN... 4.~.l8 Renee MBg... Deds 2.2l.08 Wemy BogJioJi, CJAC 1.02.3~ Kathy IIeddy.CJAC 5.03.76 Record ~a Borgh. ssc 4.l8.50 LiMa Je.ek, sc 2.2l.lC CamilJ.e Wright. L'vla... 1.02.42 D1an Johnson. El Monte.. 5.03.76 I«J Ann Marshall,FLST 4.19.l2 a.san Bo)'d, Piranha 2.2l.19 Lelei F-iJOOana. ~.. 1,02.82 Kareri.Rei.~er,cDalhs.5.~.59 MEN JoHershbarger, L1ISC 4.19.48 Ellen,W~cs. CJAC 2.2l.29 Pe~ Tosdal, MVN 1.03.l8 Jenni Frenk~, WiJJn.AC.. 5.~.69 Nicola ~amer. MVN 4.19.62 Sara J~s, \h1at 212l.33 -la. Wennarstrom. W 1.03.50 Evi KosankrOh111s,LWSC.. 5.95.l2 ~ Kathy Heddy, CJAC.; 4:19.62 I))~Wennerstrom, W 2122.06 Botsy Repp, StarJit 1.03.54 Jill S)'I!KmB. Chico AJ... 5:05.74 Jennifer Hooker, L vla... 4.20.57 Ann M$rshall, FLST 2122.]:J Karen Moe Thornton. \h1at 1.03.79 JudyArnerson, Ft..Le1xl.. 5.96.6e Evi Kosenkranius. L1ISC... 4.2l.zr J!obbin'WriglIt..Flantation 2122.74 Both Herrell, Solotar... 1.03.91 Bocky Goddard, Pullarton 5106.96 !00 ~ ~5TYLE -June 20 Nancy Hudock. ssc 4.2l.47 Margarst Browne, MVN 2123.09 ~ens Deardurff, CM...,. 1.~.l2. Tracy Caulkins, Hash. AC 5.07.00 S1irlOy BAbashoff. MVN 56.96* Heather Greenwood,Fresno. 4.22.01 a.san Bird, LBSC 2.23.42 Diane Johennigman. CM... 1.~.27 Petty Martine.. Coronado 5.09.l4 Jill Sterkel. El Monte 57.25 Raine 1Iolford, San Pedro. 4.22.ll Lisa Hi~er. MVN 2.23.99 a.. Himersker. El Monte 1.~.29 Nsncy Hogshead, IU!~ 5109.15 Kim Peyton, DD 57075 WendyWeinberg, Homewood.4.22.24 Ellan Msngele, Homewood.2.24.l8 Kathy Shipman, Aulea 1.~.38 a.aan Bird. LBSC 5109.69 WeMy BogJioJi, CJAC 57.00 Ellan 1ialJ.ece, CJAC 4.22.47 Kim Shettlal KC Orchard. 2.24.ge Barb Ha!Tis, Lincoln 1.04.55 Jan Ujevich, Pitte. AC.. 5109.74 ~ Brown, FLST 58.1D LiMa 1Iood, Santa Clera.. 4.22.75 Dede Crampton, FLST 2.25.46 Sarah ~s, Solotar 11~.58 JuJie Grey, MVN 5.lO.78 Karen Reeser, ~ Anza 58.l4 CY!!di McCullem, L1ISC 4.23.64 Nancy Ni~, Solotar.. 2:26.l8 ~bbie -e, LekeWOod.1.04.65 Mary Moberly. Conejo SA. 51lC.8It a.a Himeraker. El Monte.. 58.17 Terssa Spicer, F\1llarton.4:23.77 BreMa Straughan, FLST.. 2126.2l Jill Sy1I\9ns,Chico 1.04.68 a.aannePehey, Celabrity 5.l2.03 I;.ee Ann !t'ere, Bimingham. 58.39 Bonnie Glaegow, KCOrch.. 4124.55 Chris Breedy, ssc 2.26.44 Leesa Sward. Hurricans.. 1.~.69 J!obbin Wright.PlantatiOn 5.l2.70 ~T RESlILTS Peggy NevilJ.e. Lekewood.. 4:24.69 J!osel1laryBoon", Plantat. 2126.44 Valorie Ssyfert, ElMcnte 1.~.74 Nsncy l11ompson,~t.AC 51l4.53 Shirlay BAbashoff, MVN 57.25* AmyLepping, L'vla 4.25.39 BAth llsuer, MS\JSC 2126.~2 ~bbie Loob, San Pedro.. 1.04.77 Kimberly LiIxIstrom. msc 5115.82 i!ill Starkel. El Monte 57.45 SsMy ~son, sc 4125.8It Jan King. \h1at 2126.94 Kaursen Mcrtell, Vesper. 1.~.91 CitxIy Perry, Leders Oak. 51l6.83 Kim Peyton, DD 57.78 Leursn Dlprse, RR 4;26.08 Kimberly +.iMstrom, ffiSC 2.27.96 Nancy Hogshead, IU! 1.04.96 BethKausr, MSUSC 5.l6.8It Werdy BogJioJi. CJAC 57.91 Kelly Rowell, SC 4:26.94 JuJie 1Iatere, sc 2.29.79 April Swanson, ~ Anza.. +.~.99 Swi..-off for 8th placel a.a Himeraker,El Mcnte.. 5e.51 ~bara B:Ialo~k, AH 4.27.19 Jennifer Nye. 1Iolfpack.. 2.30.01 Teri McKaever, EscoM1do 1.05.01 Diane Johnson 51~.87 Kareri Reeser, ~ Anza 58.55 I:.issa Gi1bert, Cypress.. 4:27.50 Holidae Vig, Chaos..,... 2.31.50 ShawnHoughton. Marin... 1.05.~ Kathy Heddy 5.09.48 Lee Ann Myers. B1rmingham. 58.57 Jenni Franks, WiJJn. AC... 4:27.93 CitxIy a,tnsr, San Pedro. 1.05.09 Bonny Brown. FLST 5e.59 Barb Shring. Neshville... 4.28.2l lOO M IllEAST=KE -June 20 J!obiiBr~, Shorelin 1.05.l2 Erica lleyer. Deds 58.71 Ksren Joan Hs.en, AH 4.32.38 Leuri Siering, Modesto.. 1.l4.46 CitxIy Schilling, USC 1105.17 ShawnHoughton, Marin 58.74 Kathie WickstraM, Niv... 4:33.4l Marcia Morey. \h1at 1.l4.85 Cathy Cumberpatch. \h1at. 1,05.4.3 MEN ~b Herris, Lincoln sc... 59.l2 Renss Laravie, DD ;.. 1.15.62 Sheryl &derowski,"FHSC. 1.05.44 Jennifer Hooker. L.vla 59.l6 8(XJM mEE5TYLE-Juns ~ ~la J!ogere, \h1at 1.15.63 Libbie Boa1xlet, ~ Anza. 1.05.59 ~ Maryanne Grah8ln, MVN 59.l8 Shirlay BAbashoff. MVN.. 8,39.63** No.1 Moran. SC 1.15.97 Teresa 1Io]d, Coronado... 1.05.65 Leuris Peter.sen, Ari.ons. 59.22 Nicola Kramer, MVN 8:42.29 Jan Ujetlch, Pittsburgh. 1:l6'.35 Kaura CempiOn,\h1at 1.05.67 Nancy Hudock, SSC 59.23 Werdy Weinberg, Homswood8,45.l2 Kim I))nson, Dsllas 1.l6.56 Julie Taetere, RR 1.05.00 lOO M~ -June 20 Ann Marehall, FLST 59.24 Jo Hershbarger, L.llash.. 8,45.61 J1xiy MeJick, CJAC 1.17.53 J!oseMarie SeanIan,Alabe. 1.05.98 James Montgomery, Gst 50.95 Kelly Rowell, sc 59.26 Evi Kosenkranius, L.llash 8.48.59 HEATRESULTS Jana Wilk!l18, PhiUips.. 1.06.07 J?e Bottom, SC 51.]:J Jill Borlin. Tulane 59.27 Jennifer ~oker. L.vle.. 8151.99 Leuri Siering, Modesto.. 1.15.09 Kareri Hillen, \h1at 1106.l2 Jack BAbashoff, LBSC 51.44 Beth Herrsll,Solotar 59.28 Kethy Heddy, CJAC 8.55.73 Pamela J!ogere. \h1at +.15.17 Alice Browne, MVN 1.06.l2 Bob Sslla, U. Tenn Sl.65 Lisa Kelsey. North Shore.. 59.37 Heather Greenwood,Fresno9:00.07 Marcia Morey, \h1at 1115.64 Erica Myer, Deds 1.06.l8 Gary Schat., \h1at 51.78 Virginia Allan, FLST 59.42 HEATRESULTS, Renee Leravie,DD ,.. 1'15.98 LiMa St~son, Lekewood1.06.36 Bruce F\noniss,LBSC 51.88 Leura Reymond,Deds 59.44 Shirlay BAbashoff, MVN.. 8.46.0C* Jan Ujevich, Pittsburgh. 11l6.02 Stephanie Hopper, Roooa. 1106.42 Scott FiMorft, USC 51.94 Maureen Mortell. Vesper... 59.52 Jo Hershbarger, L.Wash.. 8.47.24 No.1 Moran SC , 1.l6.07 Heidi Jachthuber, ~Kelb 1106.49 ~vid McCagg,IU! 52.78 Katie Flaischer. Pleas.Hil 59.60 Werdy Wsinherg, Homewood8'48.74 Kim !)Jnson. DaJ,las 1'l6.19 Karen Hoff, 1))1phin 1.06.52 HEATRESULTS SeraJames, \h1at 59.69 Evi Kosenkranius, L.llash 8.50.60 Judy lleJick, CJAC 1.l6.40 Carol Lsuchnsr. Lekewood 1.06.45 James Montgomery, Gst 50.79 Brenda Borgh, SSC !. 59.71 Nicole Kramer, MVN 8:52.59 Amy Bettencourti ~ Anz~ 1.l6.50 Marcia Shaarer. \h1at 1106.65 Joe Bottom, sc 50.93 Kathy Heddy. CJAC 59.75 Heather Graenwood,Fresno 8,53.9C TineAnn Cam:I.lli., AH.;.. 1.l6.89 Jill Sterkel, El Mcnte.. 1106.75 Gary Schet., \h1at 51.39 Allison Grant, Wolfpack... 59.e5 Kathy Heddy. CJAC 8154.26 Kathy Kooser, m Ro'&ll.. 1.17.40 CitxIy Leigh, FLST 1106.97 Jack BAbeahoff, LBSC 51.44 ~hieWickstraM, Riv.. 1:00.l4 Jennifer Hooker, L'vla.. 8'54.44 Ei1een Campbell, Mtn. V. 1.17.45 Molly Baer, Madison 1:08.58 Scott FiMorff, USC 51.49 Jenni Franks, WiJJn 1.00.62 AmyLepping, L.vla 8,58.19 Jana Hooker.MS\JSC 1'17.46 Bruce F\lrnias, LBSC 51.59 Kathy Stetlar, Pitteburg 1100.66 BreMa Borgh, SSC ,.. 8.58.53 Allison Grant. 1Iolfpack. 1117.60 200 M BtmERFLY- Jons 19 Bob Sslla, U. Tenn 51.68 Julie Teeters. IU! 1.00.71 Nancy Hansan, ~ Anza... e.58.71 JuJj.e Teet;ere, RR 1.17.77 Karen Moe l11ornton, \h1at 2.l4.23* ~vid McCagg,IU! 51.8It Teresa Spicer, F\1lla~on 8.58.97 Lisa llehoff, DD 1.17.85 Camille Wright, L'vla..

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