University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-18-1916 Tucumcari News Times, 05-18-1916 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 05-18-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/165 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1.1-1- 4 U'O-O-O-- oouAty l.nrgest uiuon ef Any Adrertiaera Know Where to Paper In Qaajr County She ffueumeari Jiews Place Their Ada ()( AND TUCUMCARI TIMES VOL. XIV. TUCUMCAKI, QUAY COUNTY, N KW MEXICO, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 191(i No. :m as nlrcady explained, a building of nt KINGING AND CANDIDATES WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 WILL DEMOCRATS BIG DEHATE IS required. TUCUMCARI IS least seven rooms would be CAKE, COFFEE AND PIE HE CLEAN-U- P DAY II EKE POSTPONED TO MAY 29 NEW MEXICO NEEDS 1 In addition such a building should con- basement, toilets, cloak and sup- tain Ono of the largest of the City council ply rooms, and n suitable auditorium. crowds met Friday night in Owing to thu fact that there will bo IN NEED OF MORE season gathered k .. I. I, .. .1. VOLUNTEERS TO school plays, gradu- at Quay Inst Sunday regular session and the business of auouier nuinciiou in uic cuy on me 200 Each year the to participate in a Singing Convention. tho city ation exercises, and similnr entertain- was transacted posthaste. evening of May 22, the meeting and The crowd commenced arriving early Mayor Wed-nosdii- ments which it is nccessnry to hold in Israel has established debate of tho Young Men's Democratic singing began school "Clean-U- p SCHOOL IL GS require an expendi- and with the May 24th, as Day" Hub scheduled for the date has been FILL STATE lEITIA thu Opera House house tilled to its utmost capacity. and hns of from one to two hundred dol- issued a proclamation to that postponed until thu following Mon- ture On the outside the candidates wcru eTect. Ho asks all lars. This sum could be saved if n that the business day evening when tho question of busy with that familiar hand-shnk- o houses bo suitable auditorium were available in closed from ono o'clock on "Whether tiie women of Now Mexico of the Tucumcuri and "how ate you" until dinner was and every liu A 'ht tho Patrons our school buildings . Tho as- that resident of Tucumcnri should given the right of franchise telegram was received in this - any of announced and then every man nnd hire Pulillc Schooln sembly room In tho High School will or clean up his front nnd back or not," will be debated. city from Adjutant Gcnerai Herring in my plnco you woman there was noticed to be run- yard, piling It wish to before only hundred and fifty peo- tho trash in a suitable At that meeting the final plans for of New Mexico, now station ut Colum- seat one ning for .something, candidates plncu to Mmu of thu rensous why wo nru in ple, small stage no for have same Untiled to tho city the big Democratic booster trip to bus, calling for volunteers to fill out and hns such that a "full dinner pall." Thu dumping such urgent need of additional school entertainment of any consequence can table was ground. All persons who tho plaiiH will be completed. We have the present companies now on duty I fifty filled with every good thing to a aro too poor haul- room, and why think u thousand bo given there. The Hoard proposes eat to hire the rubbish very favorable communication from along the border. His telegrum was Ik person could wisli for, evun big buck- ed away dollar bond Issue not in oxcoss of to include a largo and well ar- uro requested to report to a number of thu prominent state speak addressed to Senator C. II. Alldredgo then ets of coffee were made n neigh- tho city thu needs of tho diHtrict. It is my ranged assembly room in the build- at office and he city will send ers Mating they will try and be with who set out ut once to secure as muny I boring house and drank by the team j vi- wish to plnco the information have ing specified above. thirsty a and huul it nwny free if snid us for this trip. as ho could from Tucumcari and regarding the conditions in our schools edibles to her city friends until sho resident will pile it up whore it will i Come to tho Court House Monday cinity. He wuuts good able-bodie- d Such a building properly equipped .. guests. Mrs. McLaren out be ........!....: M.... .Hi .....I - I.... in tho hands of the patrons so that ns much as dished tho accessible to load. I'liuiH, .m.v -- i, nun sti- wiiiii vu ii ru men utid they must be in good con- will cost approximately came near losing her own dinner, they can decide for themselves wheth- our present High School building, and or Other towns all over thu United doing. dition or they cannot pass tho require- need thnt is why sho claimed sho was eat- States havu established a cam- 1. U. er their children the increased I no one will deny we regular Kirkpntrick, President ments of the I. S. This wur busbies, think that that ing after the rest were through. Mr. paign on facilities which the Hoard has asked need it and need it badly. You will cleanliness in order to stamp is not u sick man's rosort and unless Kitchen, a resident of the Quay com- out contagious ! the district to supply. please remember that the figures on diseases. Filth breeds TRACE AND FIELD MEET New Mexico furnishes hor purt, which munity, was the hero of the day. Ho dis- Inter-Societ- y A bond issue is not a proposition tho given tho aver- flies and flies breed disease, and The sec i. i annual is very small, other states will have attendance above are handed nut pie and cake to those who ease brings ultimate value of which can be meas- age for the yenr and not the total .As death; therefore, do away Track and Field Meet was held on to bo called upon to protect our own in When a were too bashful to get up nonr tho with tho source of evil you will (the athletic field in Mr. ured dollars and cents. was stated in a previous announce- nnd tioldcnberg's border. rrnnu tt flu. unlit: ritl table. His liberality will never bo accomplish nf iinmtiti ment thu total enrollment for the yenr something worth while. pasture on lust Thursday afternoon, About ten men hnve nlrcady enlist- 'JO, ' forgotten. Tell your next Friday, May to vote on the was 1000 pupils. friends about this ordei May 11. The girls' moot, consisted of ed and will leave for El Paso within dol- Change of altitude made dif- and sec they question of issuing fifty thousand When tho domestic science nnd man- little thnt understand thu seven special events, nnd was won by a day or two. Every young man who ference to those from tho plains or proposition in lars of additional school bonds, that ual trnining departments were estab- fully order that if you tho Klassic Klan society by u score does not havu a good substantial job, Tucumcuri. They nil ate and were clean your 17 I a. Mau-rin- e man or woman will not vote because it in high school years ynrd their trash will not of to Misses Artie Fox, should volunteer his services to tho lished our three satisfied. dinner singing was bo is in any sense a financial proposition. ago they in unsuitable After left to blow over In it nnd dirty Stcckman, nnd Aletn Williams, government, then if there uro not were located resumed and the candidates passed things up Where the question of educating one's proper and complete again. nnd were the most prominent participant enough some others must leave their rooms without out cards to those who looked llko organized children is concerned, no such increase quipment. witlftho idea of providing lnbor is appealed to in the for tho winners; while Vivian Stock- jobs urn! answer the call. This may they had tho right to vote. Ono gen- work of making Kcs-ti- er in taxation as this bond issue would more fully for them at an early date. noxt Wednesdny a man, Madge Campbell and Ollio be quite a sacrifice but someone has incur will stand between parents and tleman had eighteen different cards, real "Clean-Up- " day. were tho principal pointwinncrs to get out und fight for those who Interest in both departments has now but there were more candidates thero better educational facilities for their grown so that the present equipment for the Clios. have been anxious to throw United children. The only question to be con- "getting acquainted." It was sug- MISS BROWN'S RECITAL The boys meet went off with the States into war with Mexico in order and rooms cannot accommodate the gested the candidates orgnnizo sidered is whether we need tho build- pupils in the High School.
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