BOARD MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER 2020 AT 1.00 PM Via Video Conference AGENDA PART 1 No. Agenda Item Lead officer 1. Welcome and Chair’s Opening Remarks 2. Apologies for Absence – Andrew Balchin, Suzannah Cookson 3. Public Questions and Answers 4. Declarations of interest All present 5. a Minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2020 b Action sheet from the meeting held on 9 June 2020 6. Matters arising 7. Chief Officer Briefing Jo Webster 8. Record of urgent decisions - Update Ruth Unwin 9. Public health – verbal update Anna Hartley 10. The Wakefield District response to COVID-19 and the next Melanie Brown steps for the third phase recovery 11. Mental Health Investment Standard a Management Letter of Representation Jonathan Webb b Mental Health Alliance Work Programme Update Melanie Brown 12. Integrated Risk Management Framework Ruth Unwin 13. Risk Register Ruth Unwin 1 14. Safeguarding Children and Adults Annual Report 2019/20 Judith Wild 15. Performance, Quality and Assurance Report Jonathan Webb/ Judith Wild 16. Finance Report Month 4 2020/21 Jonathan Webb 17. Receipt of minutes and items for approval a Audit Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 30 April 2020 b Clinical Strategy Group (i) Minutes of meeting held on 16 July 2020 c Connecting Care Executive (i) Minutes of meeting held on 11 June 2020 d Finance Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 28 May 2020 (ii) Minutes of meeting held on 23 July 2020 e Primary Care Commissioning Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 30 April 2020 f Quality, Performance & Governance Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 28 May 2020 g West Yorkshire and Harrogate Joint Committee of CCGs – minutes of meeting held on 14 January 2020 together with a summary of key decisions from 7 July 2020 meeting h Decisions of the Chief Officer – verbal update 18. Community and Patient Panel Ruth Unwin 19. Any other business 20. The Board is recommended to make the following resolution: “That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest” (Section 1 (2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1970)”. 21. Date and time of next Public meeting: Tuesday, 8 December 2020 at 1.00 pm. 2 Agenda item: 5a NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group GOVERNING BODY BOARD MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2020 Present: Andrew Balchin Corporate Director, Adults, Health & Communities Suzannah Cookson Chief Nurse Dr Deborah Hallott GP, New Southgate Surgery Diane Hampshire Nurse Member Stephen Hardy Lay Member Dr Clive Harries GP, Chapelthorpe Medical Centre Anna Hartley Director of Public Health Richard Hindley Lay Member (Deputy Chair) Dr Pravin Jayakumar GP, Trinity Medical Centre Hany Lotfallah Secondary Care Consultant Dr Adam Sheppard CCG Chair Richard Watkinson Lay Member Jonathan Webb Chief Finance Officer/Deputy Chief Officer Jo Webster Chief Officer In attendance: Melanie Brown Director of Commissioning Integrated Health and Care Angela Peatfield Minute taker Amrit Reyat Governance & Board Secretary Ruth Unwin Director of Corporate Affairs 20/104 Welcome and Chair’s Opening Remarks Dr Adam Sheppard welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the meeting etiquette. Dr Sheppard wished to extend thanks on behalf of the Governing Body to all staff and colleagues across the health and care system for their support and hard work as we all adjust to the new ways of working. Dr Sheppard advised that when Agenda item 16 was discussed both Dr Deborah Hallott and Dr Pravin Jayakumar would leave the meeting. Dr Sheppard also announced that as part of the strategy developed by the West Yorkshire & Harrogate Integrated Care System, Dr Pravin Jayakumar has accepted the position of the BAME champion on behalf of the CCG noting that a commitment to the workforce agenda will be a main focus. Dr Sheppard extended his thanks to Dr Jayakumar for accepting this position. 1 20/105 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Jo Webster, Chief Officer 20/106 Public Questions and Answers No public questions were received prior to this meeting. 20/107 Declarations of Interest The GP members of the Governing Body declared an interest regarding the papers relating to primary care, it was acknowledged that none of these are decision making items, rather a confirmation of processes in place. The Chair acknowledged the declaration and it was confirmed that the GP members could take part in the discussion of these agenda items. 20/108 Minutes of the meetings held on 9 April and 12 May 2020 The minutes of the meetings held on 9 April and 12 May 2020 were agreed as a correct record with one minor amendment. Suzannah Cookson was incorrectly shown as being present at the 9 April meeting, however Suzannah had given her apologies to this meeting and this was noted in the minutes. 20/109 Action sheet from the meetings held on 9 April and 12 May 2020 The action sheet from the meetings held on 9 April and 12 May 2020 were noted. 20/110 Matters arising There were no matters arising. 20/111 Chief Officer Briefing Jonathan Webb presented this paper and highlighted the following: • West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership (WY&H HCP) has secured over £1.5 million pounds of funding from NHS England/NHS Improvement to reduce the number of suicides across the area over the next three years. The funds will focus on two key areas: (a) prevention beyond secondary services for example place-based community prevention work targeting middle-aged men, self-harm and primary care support; and (b) reduction within services via quality improvement for example self- harm care within acute hospitals and within mental health services. • The Midwife Led Unit at Pontefract continues to provide ante-natal and post-natal care but remains closed for intrapartum care (births). The CCG has agreed with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee chair that this arrangement will remain in place for the time being while the Trust needs to focus its attention on managing the additional pressures associated with 2 the pandemic. Work is continuing to develop options based on feedback from previous public engagement and advice from the clinical senate. Proposals will be further developed over the summer and will be presented to the September Governing Body meeting. • The standard of care across all of Wakefield’s GP practices is now rated either ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’. The quality milestone is a first for the district and means that of Wakefield’s 37 practices, 35 are now rated ‘Good’ and two are ‘Outstanding’ following inspection by the Care Quality Commission. Work will continue with the Primary Care Networks to support and maintain the level of service. • Stephen Hardy, Governing Body Lay Member has agreed to take up the role of Freedom to Speak Up Guardian for the CCG. The appointment of a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian for the CCG will complement work that the CCG have been doing to promote a positive, values based culture including the launch in May 2020 of a Workplace Behaviour Ambassador (WBA) scheme. Positive behaviour is everyone’s responsibility and the WBAs will encourage staff to ensure that behaviour is in line with our organisational values and demonstrated throughout the organisation. • NHS England and Improvement’s Regional Commissioning Committee for North East and Yorkshire has met to consider the consultation feedback on specialised vascular services. The decision making committee has approved proposals to have two specialised vascular centres. These will be at Leeds General Infirmary and Bradford Royal Infirmary due to co- location with renal care. A decision has been taken to delay implementation while the system is prioritising its response to the Covid-19 situation. Dr Deborah Hallott commented that she was pleased to hear about the agreed funding in relation to reducing the numbers of suicide. Dr Hallott referred to the national conversations taking place to consider the impact of the pandemic and in particular reviewing evidence from other countries and how this could inform our future approach. It was RESOLVED that: (i) members noted the content for information and support on-going developments outlined in the content of the report 20/112 COVID response update Jonathan Webb presented this paper providing a summary of the organisational and system response to the current pandemic. There has been an outstanding level of collaboration involving all parts of the health and care system and organisations that make up the wider membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board to respond to the pandemic. It was noted that whilst the system has, at times, been extremely busy, at no point has any part been overwhelmed. 3 At the end of April 2020 the NHS Chief Executive, Simon Stevens, and NHS Chief Operating Officer Amanda Pritchard wrote to CCGs and providers outlining the next steps to be taken in the NHS response to Covid-19. The CCG has been working with system partners in the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and the Wakefield Integrated Care Partnership to develop our local response. In West Yorkshire and Harrogate aspects of our service delivery have been transformed more in the last two months than in the last decade, resulting in a more modern, responsive and flexible model of delivering services to people. Work continues through phase two of the pandemic to ensure critical and urgent care services are in place. Discussions are underway to develop new pathways between primary care and secondary care accepting that the levels of activity will be reduced due to social distancing and requirements to maintain deep cleaning processes.
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