wm -'' ' •• ftJfl Vote 16 pages Monday this week £ AN ALL-STUDENT NEWSPAPER FOR 51 YEARS M&'i • • •'• Volume 54—Number 15 RICE UNIVERSITY, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1967 ft . Soggy WRC trio sets world mark Worker badly burned in gym fire; • -• in sixty-one-hour shower marathon cigar lights concession explosion By WILLIAM HANEY ried a news report about the By S. C. FOX the presence of highly flam- Thresher Reporter three and announced the num- An explosion and fire in the mable liquids in public facili- The Harvard of the South ber of the extension telephone Rice gymnasium Tuesday after- ties. soaked up another impressive that had been set up in the noon brought two fire trucks, achievement during the semes- shower. two ambulances, and two news- ter break when three Will Rice cars to the scene, and seriously Boob tube freshmen brought the world The operator of the Universi- burned an employee of the Mar- shower-taking crown to the ty switchboard was understand- tin Catering Company. Rice campus. ably perturbed when the switchboard was immediately Injured was George Leslie, to show Bo aged about 60, who was pre- Terry Gibson, Rich Ryan, and swamped with calls from girls Rice's new Head Football listening to the radio broadcast, paring the concession stands on Coach and Athletic Director, Charley King, who originated the second floor of the gym for the idea, stayed under the noz- so three outside lines had to be Harold B. "Bo" Hagan, will be set up in the shower. the Tuesday evening basketball featured with Dr. Alan J. Chap- zle 61 hours, to surpress the dame. He was last repoi'ted in old endurance record of 60 man, Chairman of the faculty Cutherbertson Perplexed critical condition. hours, held by a student at the committee on outdoor sports University of Illinois. While these arrangements The fire started when one of and president of the Southwest were being made, some of the the stoves used in the conces- Athletic Conference, on a televi- Freshman class President calls were referred to Will Rice sion stand exploded, spraying sion program to be aired Sun- burning fuel over Leslie and day, February 5, at 4 pm on Jeff Hanes, also of Will Rice, Resident Associate, Prof. Gil- the surroundings. Hearing the Channel 13. was an original member of the bert M. Cuthbertson. He soon explosion, several people rushed They will discuss the role of group, but had to drop out af- turned the job over to Will Rice up and found Leslie engulfed athletics on the university cam- ter a few hours when accomo- freshman Steve Echerd, whom in flames. pus and plans for the coming dating his 6 1/4 frame to the Dr. Cuthbertson somewhat am- They tried to beat out the year. fire with shirts until a blanket The program is the second in five-foot-square shower stall bigously characterized as being and fire extinguishers arrived. the current series of.' the Rice proved to be more of a chore "much better at handling teen- By that time Leslie had re- television program, which has than had been anticipated. age girls than I am." The calls ceived third degree burns over been featured on KTRK-TV for kept the showerers busy on the NEW WORLD CHAMPS most of his body. eleven years. Dr. James A. Cas- Vaseline Alley "How Dry I Am?" three phones the rest of Thurs- After a long wait for the taneda, Chairman of the De- The champions prepared for ambulance, which had to come partment of Classics, Italian, day evening and all day Friday. their watery ordeal by coating all the way from across the Russian and Spanish is again themselves with vaseline and street, Leslie was rushed to the After passing the 55 hour In the Thresher hosting the series. doning T-shirts, cut-offs, and Methodist Hospital with the mark the boys noticed that the The crucial vote which It is entitled "Rice Univer- rain hats. They existed on a diet same haste. The hospital re- shower was starting to be pain- will determine whether Rice sity ... in Service and Truth." fused to disclose any informa- of .soup and crackers, and got ful, but believing cleanliness to will become a member of the Future programs will discuss tion about Leslie since last about three hours sleep during be next to godliness, they per- National Student Associa- the topics "Special contribu- night. the 61 hour deluge, which last- severed until they had broken tion will be taken in Mon- tions of the college system," ed from 2 pm Wednesday until the record. Gibson was treated day's campus-wide election, The stoves used in the con- (next week, featuring Masters 9 am Saturday. At first they afterwards for collapsed capil- using a new IBM voting sys- cession stands for warming- Fulton, Sass and Wann); the tried to pass the time by play- laries in his hands. tem. The implications of coffee and hot dogs are at least artifical heart project; the ar- ing, bridge, but that idea had to NSA membership, both pro 15 years old, burning some sort chitectural project in Guadala- be abandoned when the vase- Having established Rice's and con, are voiced on pages of liquid fuel. The fuel is con- jara, Mexico; "New ways of line made the cards stick to- preeminence in one more field 9 and 10 of this week's tained in a tank immediately studying man"; two programs gether. of endeavor, the champions Thresher. below the burner. It was inside on space, one concerning weath- have no plans to try to top their For poetry fans, one man's one of these tanks that the ex- er and the other about balloons A more sucessful attempt at own record. As Rich Ryan ex- view of Muhammad Ali can plosion occurred, ripping the and satellites; and the use of diversion came Thursday night pressed it, "It was a lot of fun, be found on p. 5. of the tank open. computers in chemical proces- when radio station KILT car- but I'll never do it again." City fire ordinances prohibit ses. Madrid police quell student protest riots By JIM DENNEY traffic. Several minutes later tions were held in other parts arisen since the general elec- was arrested in Barcelona for Thresher Correspondent this group was set upon by the of the country. tions of the officially supported participation in a Free Union (Mr. Denney, a junior in Will police swinging billy clubs. False Vote Professional Asoeiations o f there. And in Bilbna, a heavy Rice College, is spending the The students broke and ran These might seem as very Students — called AI'Es — in industry center, a student, lead- current academic year as a stu- for the facultades, where, be- strange occurrences in a coun- late fall of 1966. er was refused entrance to the dent at the University of Ma- cause of the Spanish tradition try that just last month voted Supression university after he participated drid, Spain.) of autonomy of the university, over 90r/o in favor of the re- Over the Christmas holidays, in a workers' demonstration. the police are not allowed to gime's new constitutional law. a 19-year-old delegate from the MADRID, Jan. 28, 1967, O v e r c ro wd i n g H e a d a c h e enter. Within minutes, the stu- It can be argued the vote Free Union (anti-APE in Ma- (Spl.)—Rioting broke out'today The lack of facilities, the dents began to attack the hand- last month was only in response drid's Facultad of Political* and for the third time in two days small number of professors, and ful of police with rocks and to an overwhelming publicity Economic Sciences was arrest- at the gigantic University of the overcrowding of classes — bricks. campaign. The government ed for membership in an "il- Madrid. Several hundred stu- some lectures have over 5 0 0 Rocks and Clubs spared no money in bringing licit organization." dents met in repeated clashes students enrolled — add to the The students again held sway the word to the masses. The Also, delegations within the with two units of the Spanish dissatisfaction of the Spanish until the arrival of police rein- word was: Vote Peace, Vote official structure of the APEs, Armed Police. ~ students. foreements and a water tank Progress, Vote YES! And there notably those of Madrid, Sala- The situation will get worse In the two days' melee a truck. The police attacked with was absolutely no other line manca, Seville, and Santiago before it gets any better. As number of students and police rocks and clubs once a^gain, and presented, no organized oppo- de Compostella, have refused to one student remarked, "And the were injured by flying rocks in an unprecedented move, pur- sition allowed. recognize national President warm weather hasn't: even be- and glass. Six policemen were sued the students into the Fac- Si, Senor Orga-Escos, generally thought gun." knocked unconscious by the vol- ultad of Law after being given And so, expectably, the vot- to be the regime's puppet. leys of projectiles from the stu- permission by the Dean. Sev- ers' answer was "Si." These delegations call for elec- More to Come dent protestors. eral protesters were arrested. But many people voted for tion of a new president by a For the rest of this weekend, The clashes on both days By late afternoon, the police the referendum because it did national council.
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