7 >> 304 340 0325 P 2/14 3 - GLEN-WHITE TRAP HILL P.S.D PO BOX 100 P dB-' FAIRDALE W.V 25801 AUGUST 19,2008 BOARD MINUTES THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEmNG OF THE GLEN WHmTRAP HILL WBUC SERVICE DI$TRIcTT WAS AT 8:OO A.M., TVESQAY, JULY 15,1008 ATTHE OFRCE IN FAIRDALE, WV. PRESENT WERE BOARD MEMBERS DANNY ~bl3AND OKEY HARVEY. CHAIRMAN MILAM WAS ABSENT. AE0 IN ATIENDAW WERE pSD SECRETARY PAM GRAVELY, DAVID CDLE FROM REGION I PLANNING, DAN SHORTS FmM PEhrmEE, foW COOK FROM PEPPER LANE, DAM5 WNm FROM KITMAN RD., GREG MCCOY OF MCCOY BROTHERS, ANDY CHfXlNACD, OF CHOJNACKI CON. OWHARVEY CALLED TME MERING To ORDER AT 8 A.M. AND RE40 THE MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 10, ZW8 MEETING. THE MIWWERE ACCEPTED AS PRFZNTED ON MOTION BY DANNY TOLW WnM UKM HARVEY PROMDING THE SmND70 THE MOTION. PI n BU51- MR. BARNETT HAD SEVERAL ISSUES. THE HRST CONCERNED OWING EFFOm TO PROVIDE HIM WITH WATER SERVICE AND HE WANTED TO KNOW WHICH OPTfON THE PSD HAD CHOSEN TO PROVIDE HIM WATER. THE BOARD INFORMED HIM THAT HE WAS INSTRCdCTED BY THE WV P5C TO CnQOSE THE OPTION. WE INFORMED HIM THAT DUE TO HIS CON'T?NUING UNWILLINGNESS To ACCEPT AND/OR MOVE ON ANY OP37ONS THAT HAD BEEN PRESENTED, WE THE PSD WWLD PLACE HIM A WATER METER AT OUR MAIN UNE AND HE CQULD PLACE, OWN AND MA~NTNN Hrs UNE FROM WE~m. PITMAN ROAD HAS mLL McTT BEEN REPAIRED M HIS SAT&FAtFION. WV WH HAS VERBALLY TOLD THE EDTHAT THE ROAD Is SATISFACIDRY. THE W PSC HA5 RULE0 THAT WE ROADWAY MAS BEEN REPAIRED AND THE PSD HAS NO ADDlTIONAL ReSPQksTBIUIY, THE PSC HAS AN ISSUE WITH A STREAM DIVERSION AND PAM WAS TO REWND Wl3I-l AN OB5ECITON FROM THE PSQ TO THE W PSC MAT THE STREAM DEVIARON PROBLEM HAS SEEN RESElLVED AND Mo WATER APPEARS TO BE LEAVING ME !TREAMBED AND GOING ONTO fTll'MAN RD. MR. BARNETE AISRB2lJES;TEO PSD TO SUPPLY HIM WIfl-I COPIS OF THE LAST WRMONTHS MEEITNGS ALONG WlTH FINANCIAS. WE ASKED HIM TO MAKE HIS REQLJfST VIA LElTER AND WE WWlD RBSPOND. NW NR. TONY WKCU3MPWNED THAT PEPPER LANE HAS SUFF!3ED FROM THE RECENT WATER LTNE CONSlRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC. PER EN7REE5 INSPECTOR AND PRE-CDNSRUCnON VIDEO, THE ROAD WE Nw APPEAR TO HAVE ANY DAMAGE RELATING TO WATER LINE CONSTRUCITON, ROADWAY I$ 'SpI[DERElY AND DJlccov BRM"HERS DID SOME PATCHING ALONG THE EDGE NEAR tQNSTRUCTTON. PAM WAS TO CAtl MR COOK AND INFORM HIM THAT THE BOARD AND CXJNTRACTOR PD NOT FEEL ANY ADDITIONAL WORK IS WARRAKFW. GREG MmY REWRTEU THAT HIS POClTION OF THE PRQlHTf WoUm BE QClMPLUE WIN3-4 WEEKS. ADD ALTERNATE 3 COMPLmONS IS PENDING WIWEKTAWN. ANDY CHOJNACKZ REPORTED THAT HE IS CHLORINAnNG HI5 PORTION OF ME PRo3ECT AND SHWLD BE 100% COMPLETE BY MEEND OF WEEK WITH WATER BEING SUPPUED TO NEW CW!TCIMERS ALONG ULLY MOUNTAIN AND PATON HOLLOW. DAVID COLE ADDRESSED THE BOARD WRESSING A DSIRE TO WORK WITH PHASE If OF THIS PROJECT AND ANY I%TURE WE MAY HAVE. DAN SWQRTS AND CLIFF PWDEU SATED THAT THEY WERE VEF!Y IMPRESSED WITH REUON THEIR INVOLVEMENT AND I WOULD BE ADVANTAGEOUS, THE .-. - -I 2008-09-22 It48 >> 304 340 0325 P 3/14 Subj: {no subJect) Date: 3/19/2008 '10:55:29 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: Darndv443 To: GOakkerQpsc. state.wv.us CC: Bsrndv443 Mr. Bakker (Auktant Section Manager, P,S,C,) Yesterday March 18,2008, I faxed B copy of the UtillW Right- Of-Ways br the Appalachia power company, to the PSO, that grants Glen WhirSlTrap HM PSD and me permission to run a main line extension through their RightlM-Vltays, appmximately 1400 feet fmm Mr. Cemuto premises to Pitbnan RoM, I am faxing you a copy of this e-mail and the utlllty Rlght-Of-Ways for Appalachia Power Company. On Turrday, March t8,2oMI I rthndmd thm *mmfmanthly Raleigh Ceunty Commblonem rneetlng and 1 bmught ta their attentian my current rrtulltlon and requested thelr further *mist8nem. 4BIOW Is I caw d the e-mall that. I ssnt you pn F&m lB* 2aM Mr. Bakker, yesterday March 17,2008, I walked with Mr. C8rnut.o down to his water meter, It appears that it is not even on his property and it i8 out in the open unsecured with alI-tW8in vehieles hvellng all Over the: area. Is the Public Service District really willing to take Itability and responsibility for damages, tmpsdng and conternhetion of the Crenuto and my meter? Becattee the Publlc Sewice District only have someone to read their meter once every hw months, there is the potential that, any tampering are damaged M their meten would ga undetected for a leest two months. There is a big differena of havlng I water meter in the wtlderness where it would be so #sy Cor some one to tamper with it without being obsewd, than a meter being close to your residence are alongside a public mad Right-Of-Ways near your premises. Mr. Cernulo's 314" service! line that tuns 700 foot to hi8 Mldenoe he8 very low water pres8ur8, I bming ~pp~Xl~t92500 feet away hrnthe proposed meters would require at least a 2 Inch line. The only reamnPble water orwtcs roPolutlon Is a 2 inch mainllne Wenrkn. And because of those wnmrns the only option brwater setvice that I could amp&would be a mainline extension and if this water service option i6 not accepted. I have been offered rentrl pmpmrty In the general viclnky whem the P8b premised to put the mete? spigot, dongrid8 PbnRead. Thank you very much for your assistance, in this matter David E Barnett barnilv449@!nol coin 304-2534082 ..- v) ?-T Create I Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home. a N Tv 'J, 3 Wednesday, March t 9,2008 AOL: Barndv443 2008-09-22 11:48 >> 304 340 0325 P 4/14 This is a word for word, panserjut and CD a- recordIng ,of the message left on Mr. Barnett’s answering machlne In March, 2008 by Mr. Jame,sAuerama me, an assistants technician for the Public Service Commission of West Virginia. “Mr, Barnett this Is James Aucremanne Public Service Commission at Charleston West Vlrglnla, I was returning your phone call, 1 know that you’ve talked to Mr. Bakker severed times, unfortunately there not much we can do for you on your extension. Mr. ternuto is willing to let you go crossed the land but the utilities are not allowed to go across private property. So we’re going to set your meter stake next to Mr. Cernuto. And if you want to install your line, and get easements from Mr. Cernuto and present them to the district, than they will install your meter and then you can have water service. I wish things could be better. But that’s the only way you’re going to get water setvice at this point. Thanks very much and have 3 great day”. 2008-09-22 It48 >> 304 340 0325 P 5/14 ‘T)L I “T .II David E. Barnctt PO Box 595 crab Orchard, WV 25827 304 253-0082 Public Service Commission of West Virglnla March 17,2008 201 Brooks Street, P.O. Box812 Charleston, West Virginia Reference: -formal Complaint Glen WhitelTrap Hlll Public-Service District Mainline Extension or ”self-help” Extension Dear Chairman Michael A. Albert We request a 2 inch mainline extension or a “self-help” extension from the Glen Whitenrap Hill Public-Service District. Pursuant to Public Service Commission of West Virginia rule 5.5, This extcn$ion would run from their 12 inch water main at the comer of Mr.Cernuto’s property where his current meter is located. The extension would run approximately 2000 feet through his property, to Pittman Road/Caunty Road 17/6 a 3 mile long publlc right of way road, that Is maintained yearly by the West Virginia, Department Of Hlghways. (P.S.C. Rule 5.5.) Mr. Cernuto would be required to pay all the casts to tap in at the new mainline extension, and they would attach hls meter at their new 700 feet utillty Alght-Of-Way near his house, (P.S.C. Rule 5.4. b. 1 This would allow me to run a long service line approximately 200-300feet from my residence, to the new main line extension alongside Pittman RoadlCounty Road 17/6 a public right-of-way road, where the PSD would attach their water meter. , (P.S.C. Rule 5.4.b.) Mr. Buddy Gray, the contractor and owner of Gray’s Water and Sewage, gave us an estimate that he could do the work for approximately $4 a foot this would include all cost for 2 inch PVC pipe and labor, 4x2000 feat = total CQS~o f $8.000. He has done a lot of work far the P.S.D, over the years and he has constructed a lot of mainline extensions across private property. Any right-ef-way or easement is absolutely no problem, because all of the 2Mx3 feet of the new mainline extension will go through Mr. Cernuto’s property. Between Mr, ternuto and me, at the appropriate time as required, we will obtain and turn over the appropriate Right-of-wayor easements to the PSD, (The new extension will $taw at the P.s.5.’~ 12 inch mafn and go to the Cernuto’r residence 700 feet of new utlllty Right-Of-Way and then run, 1300 feet frem Cernuto’s residence to 2008-09-22 11;48 >> 304 340 0325 P 6/14 qecembsr 17, XdO? f drop off this two-page fact sheet and all suppotting documents to the Raleigh County commissioner's office, Ccrngressman Rahall's office, Beckley newspaper and Glenn White /Trap Hltl 60office, -Decmmkr 18,2007 Called State delegate Mr.
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