15_945803 bindex.qxp 7/25/06 8:24 PM Page 299 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX Annual One Bahamas Music & The Bahamas Sports Tourist Heritage Festival, 34 Office, 96 Annual Racing Time Bahamas Summer Boating Abaco Bahamas Charters, 212 in Abaco, 33 Fling/Flotilla, 33 Abaco Club on Winding Bay (the Antiques, 114 Bahamas White Marlin Open Abacos), 213 Arawak Cay, 116 (the Abacos), 33 Abaco National Park (Bahamas Ardastra Gardens (New Balcony House (Nassau), 105 National Trust Sanctuary), 214 Providence), 102 Balmain Antiques (Nassau), 117 The Abacos, 2, 24, 205–234. See Area code, 64 Bamboo Point (San Salvador), also specific cays, islands, Art galleries, 114, 175, 176, 285 and towns 232, 256 Bandolera (Port Lucaya), 175 Abacos Train Wreck (dive site), Arthur’s Town (Cat Island), 278 Barbary Beach (Grand Bahama), 212 Atlantis, continent of, 189 168 Abraham’s Bay (Mayaguana Atlantis Paradise Island Resort Barefoot Bar (Bimini), 190 Island), 295 & Casino Barefoot Sailing Cruises, 14, 98 Accommodations, 15–18, casino and discothèque, Barry’s Limited (Nassau), 115 58–64. See also Accommoda- 140–141 Beaches, 6–7. See also specific tions Index Mandara Spa at, 137 beaches Ace Tennis Center (Lucaya), 172 nightlife, 20 Andros, 201 Acklins Island, 292–294 outdoor activities, 136, 138 best, 9–10 Active vacations, 52–56 shopping, 139 Bimini, 186–187 Adderley’s Plantation (Long sightseeing, 138 Cat Island, 276, 278 Island), 292 ATMs (automated teller Elbow Cay, 218–219 Adirondack (dive site), 212 machines), 28–29 Eleuthera, 238, 240, 243–244, African-American travelers, AUTEC (Atlantic Undersea 246, 247, 254 41–42 Testing and Evaluation the Exumas, 268, 271–273 Airfares, 42, 49–50 Centre), 202 Grand Bahama, 167–168 Airlines, 35, 45, 48–51, 56 Green Turtle Cay, 230–231 Albert Lowe Museum (Green Long Island, 288 Turtle Cay), 232 acardi Billfish Tournament Marsh Harbour, 211 Albury’s Ferry Service, 206, 208 B (Freeport), 32 New Providence Island, 97–98 Albury’s Sail Shop (Man-O-War Bahama Beach Club, 224 Paradise Island, 136–137 Cay), 221 Bahama Dawn (Marsh Harbour), San Salvador, 284–285 Alice Town, 188–189 214 Treasure Cay, 225 All Abaco Sailing Regatta, 34 Bahamas Billfish The Beauty Spot (Nassau), 118 American Express, 29–30, 64, 74 Championship, 33 Benjamin’s Blue Hole (Andros), Andros, 23–24, 192–204 Bahamas Divers, 101, 137 202 Andros barrierCOPYRIGHTED reef, 201–202 MATERIAL Bahamas Family Island Regatta, The Berry Islands, 2, 23, 180, Andros Conservancy and Trust, 32–33 190–192 201 Bahamas Ferries, 206 Betsy Bay (Mayaguana Island), Androsia (Port Lucaya), 175 Bahamas Houseboats, 263 295 Androsia batik, 203 Bahamas National Trust, 16 Bicycling, 54–55 Andros Town, 195 Bahamas National Trust Sanctu- Grand Bahama, 168–169 Animale (Port Lucaya), 175 ary (Abaco National Park), 214 Harbour Island, 248, 255 Annual Bahamas Wahoo Cham- Bahamas Outdoors, 112 New Providence, 98 pionships (Berry Islands), 32 Bahamas Post Office Philatelic San Salvador, 284 Bureau (Nassau), 115 15_945803 bindex.qxp 7/25/06 8:24 PM Page 300 300 INDEX Bimini, 2, 22, 180–190 Briland’s Androsia (Harbour Christ Church Cathedral accommodations, 184–186 Island), 256 (Nassau), 111 fishing, 53 British Colonial Hilton (Nassau), Chub Cay, 191–192 getting around, 183 111 Churchill’s Beach (Grand medical care, 184 Buccaneer Public Beaches (Gov- Bahama), 168 myths of, 189 ernor’s Harbour), 243–244 Cigars, 114, 115 nightlife, 189–190 Bucket shops, 49 Clarence Town (Long Island), restaurants, 186 Bullock’s Harbour (Great 291 sights and attractions, Harbour Cay), 191 Cleo’s Boutique (International 188–189 Business hours, 64 Bazaar), 177 traveling to, 182–183 The Cloister (Paradise Island), visitor information, 184 136, 138 watersports and other outdoor Cabbage Beach (West Beach; Cloud X (ferryboat), 144 activities, 186–188 Paradise Island), 6, 9, 136 Club Amnesia (Grand Bahama), Bimini Bay Beach, 187 Cable Beach (New Providence), 178 Bimini Bay Rod and Gun Club, 1, 21 Club Fluid (Nassau), 119 189 accommodations, 81–82 Clubhouse (Bimini), 190 Bimini Big Game Fishing Club beaches, 6–7, 9, 97 Club Med all-inclusive resorts, All Wahoo Tournament, 34 nightlife, 20 60–61 Bimini Big Game Resort & restaurants, 93–96 Club Med—Columbus Isle Marina (Alice Town), 188–190 Cable Beach Golf Course, 100 nightlife, 287 Bimini Blue Water Marina (Alice Calendar of events, 32–34 scuba diving, 284–285 Town), 188 Cameras and film, 64 tennis, 285 Bimini Mack, MV, 183 Cape Eleuthera, 238 Club Med Public Beach (Gover- Bimini Museum, 189 Cape Santa Maria Beach Resort, nor’s Harbour), 244 Bimini Reef Club Beach, 187 watersports, 291 Coakley Town (Andros), 195 Bimini Sands Beach, 187 Cargill Creek (Andros), 201 Cockburn Town (San Salvador), Bimini Straw Market, 189 Car rentals, 43, 56–57 286–287 Bimini Undersea, 188 Casinos Coco Bay (Green Turtle Cay), 230 Bird Rock Lighthouse (Crooked Grand Bahama, 177–178 Coin of the Realm (Nassau), 115 Island), 294 Nassau, 118–119 Coins and stamps, 115 Bird-watching, 204, 214, 296, 297 Paradise Island, 136 Cole’s of Nassau, 116 Blackbeard’s Tower (New Castle Island, 294 Colombian Emeralds Providence), 105 Casuarina Point (the Abacos), Nassau, 116 Blue holes, Andros, 202 211, 214 Paradise Island, 139 Blue Rooster (Harbour Island), Cat Cay, 181 Colombian Emeralds Interna- 256 Cat Cay Yacht Club, 181–182 tional (Port Lucaya), 175 Boat charters and rentals, 58. Cat Island, 10, 276–281 Colonel Hill (Crooked Island), See also Kayaking; Sailing Cat Island Dive Center, 281 293 the Abacos, 212 Cat Island Regatta, 34 Columbus, Christopher, the Exumas, 268–269 The Cave (near Gregory Town), 278, 281, 282 Great Guana Cay, 222 246 monuments to (San Salvador), Green Turtle Cay, 231 Caves Beach (New Providence), 284–286 New Providence, 99 7, 97 Conception Island, 287–288 Boat tours and cruises. See also Cellphones, 44–45 Condo rentals, Treasure Cay, 224 Fishing and fishing charters; Central Andros, 195 Congo Town (Andros), 195 Mail boats Central Andros National Park, Consolidators, 49 Grand Bahama, 169 201 Corporate Casual Boutique New Providence, 98–99 Central Bank of The Bahamas (Port Lucaya), 175 Boiling Hole (Eleuthera), 247 (Nassau), 105 Cotton Bay Golf Course Bonneville Bones (Nassau), Chalks International Airways (Eleuthera), 238 115–116 (Paradise Island), 121 Count Basie Square (Port Born Free Charters, 13, 99 Charlie’s on the Beach/Cocktails Lucaya), 178 Botanical Gardens (Nassau), 105 7 Dreams (Nassau), 119–120 Crab Cay (the Exumas), 271 Brass and Leather Shop Chat & Chill (George Town), 268 Credit cards, 29 (Nassau), 114 Cherokee Sound (the Abacos), Crooked Island, 292–294 Brendal’s Dive Center (Green 213 Crooked Island Passage Light, Turtle Cay), 231 The Chicago Herald Monument 292 (San Salvador), 285 Crossing Rocks (the Abacos), 214 15_945803 bindex.qxp 7/25/06 8:24 PM Page 301 GENERAL INDEX 301 Cruise lines and ships, 70 Eight Mile Rock, 179 Green Turtle Cay, 227 Currency and currency Elbow Cay (Hope Town), Harbour Island, 255 exchange, 28 214–220 Long Island, 290–291 The Current (Eleuthera), 247 Electricity, 64 New Providence, 99 Current Cut Dive (Harbour Eleuthera, 2, 24, 235–257 Paradise Island, 137 Island), 254 getting around, 236 San Salvador, 285 Customs and Immigration, traveling to, 235–236 special events, 32–34 Bimini, 27–28, 183–184 Eleuthera Pineapple Festival Treasure Cay, 225–226 (Gregory Town), 33 Flamingo Bay (the Exumas), 271 Elizabeth Harbour (George Flamingos, Great Inagua, Deadman’s Cay (Long Island), Town), 270 296, 297 291 Elvina (Gregory Town), 246–247 Flovin Gallery (International Deadman’s Cay Cave (Long Emancipation Day, 33–34 Bazaar), 176 Island), 292 Embassies and consulates, 64 Flovin Gallery II (Port Lucaya), Deep vein thrombosis, 37 Emergencies, 64 175 Delaporte Beach (New End of the World Bar (Bimini), Flying Cloud, 14, 99 Providence), 7, 97 190 Fort Charlotte (Nassau), 105–106 Depp, Johnny, 114 Entry requirements, 26–27 Fort Fincastle (Nassau), Digital cameras, 63 Exuma Cays National Land and 106, 110 Disabilities, travelers with, 39 Sea Park, 258, 269 Fort Montagu (Nassau), 106 Discovery Cruise Lines (Grand Exuma Dive Center (George Fortune Beach (Grand Bahama), Bahama), 144–145 Town), 269 168 Discovery Day, 34 Exuma Docking Services Fortune Hills Golf & Country Dive Abaco (Marsh Harbour), (George Town), 268 Club (Lucaya), 170 212–213 The Exumas, 2, 24–25, 258–275 Fortune Island, 294 Dive Exuma, 268 getting around, 261 Fountain of Youth, 189 Dixon Hill Lighthouse (San traveling to, 260–261 Four Seasons Resort Emerald Salvador), 281, 286 Bay Golf Club, 269 Dolphins, swimming with Freeport, 1, 22, 142. See also Bimini, 188 Families with children Grand Bahama Island Grand Bahama, 169–170 hotels, 88 accommodations, 148–152 Doongalika Studios (Paradise information and resources, 41 restaurants, 159–160 Island), 139–140 Lucaya, 156 Freeport International Airport, Driftwood Bar (San Salvador), Family Island Regatta (George 145 287 Town), 262 French Wells Bay (Crooked The Drop Off (Nassau), 120 Fantastic Exuma Powerboat Island), 294 Drug laws, 64, 184 Adventure, 113 Froggie’s Out Island Adventures Drugstores, 64 Farmer’s Cay Festival, 32 (Elbow Cay), 219 Nassau, 75 Farquharson’s Plantation (San Frommers.com, 43 Dry Heads (off Cat Island), 281 Salvador), 286 Dundas Center for the Perform- Fashions (clothing) ing Arts (Nassau), 118 International Bazaar, 177 Garbanzo Beach (Elbow Cay), Dune Bar (Paradise Island), 141 Nassau, 115–116 218, 219 Dunmore’s Caves (Long Island), Port Lucaya, 175 Gaulding’s Cay,
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