University of Windsor Scholarship at UWindsor Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive 1968 Harrow District High School Yearbook 1967-1968 Harrow District High School (Harrow, Ontario) Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks Part of the Public History Commons Recommended Citation Harrow District High School (Harrow, Ontario), "Harrow District High School Yearbook 1967-1968" (1968). Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks. 148. https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks/148 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive at Scholarship at UWindsor. It has been accepted for inclusion in Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of Scholarship at UWindsor. For more information, please contact [email protected]. R E A I C I I. ' H I '6 • ' 8 I I \ 1 HARROW, ONTARIO Essex County Branch of The Ontario Genealogical Society (EssexOGS) Active Members: Preserving Family History; Networking & Collaborating; Advocates for Archives and Cemeteries This yearbook was scanned by the Essex County Branch of The Ontario Genealogical Society in conjunction with the Leddy Library on the campus of the University of Windsor for the owners of the book. The EssexOGS yearbook scanning project is for preservation and family history research purposes by the Essex County Branch membership. This document is made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder and cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. This material is for personal research use only, and can not be sold or distributed. • 11 PRINCIP AL'S MESSAGE A~sociation with the students of Harrow 11 igh during 1968 has been pleasant and I have been sincerely impress.eel by the desire of our student body as a whole to do excellent work. This characteristic is evident in the 19G8 Yearbook. 1t is a fine puhllcal ion a11d anot11cr example of what Interested and talented young people can do when working towards a worth- 1·:hi le goal. ~1ost of us learn more from sharing tasks with others than we care to admit. We must earn our personal freedoms hy our actions and attitudes and protect them by a sincere desire to work with others for the benefit of the entire < 0 11llll\llli1 y, ()m graduates have c.uricd the name of \I arrow District lligh School far and wide across the province and have already r;1mrd for themselves an envinble reputation which can not help but reflect upon those of us still attending school. I hc,pl' m.111y of )Oll will follow in their footsteps. A.C. Pype I l I •I I • VICE-PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE • By the time the 1DG8·G9 edition of the Yearbool< reaches you the school year will be drawing to a close. I.ct us l \.il11· ate the year very carefull y. We must watch a tendency to measure in terms of bigger schools and expanded progra11 11," •. Thh year has been a success for you only if you have developed both mentally and morally. To instill a love of lear ,o1 •i: and a real sense of personal responsibility in all students must be the goal of our school. Our success can only be m..:.1)111nl In these terms. You must bear In mind that the requirements for success in school have changed very little. !lard \vorlt 011 the p,111 of each studcut Is still a necessity even though new and more interesting courses are now available. Only by dilig..:111 y crfort wl 11 you rca lize your full potential and thus receive the rewards which come from a job \vc 11 done. May I 1al1c this opportunity of wishing the graduates all success in whatever they choose to do, amt that tl1ost: \vl1 u remain with us may continue to mal<e every day count towards this end. T. Brian 11 arrison • I THE KINGDOM OF THE STAFF Mrs. Drexler Mr. Pype Mr. Foster i. Minister of Languages f 111g of the< ,mle Minister of finance ,1 10, 12, 13 I rcnch 9t Gcowaphy 10, i2, 13 Math 10, 11 Latin I' Ir Mr. Enm I Minister of C ommerce Mr. Goldthorpe ,, • 'r. I 1 •iris,111 10< , 1 IC , 12C Book­ Minister of Internal c 111, \dvt~l'r kecpinp Affairs I •I •,:y 12(. L1w 1 Guidance \ " 1l1urc I ll, 12 l'inrnce, 12(. English I 9 Typi11g I Mr. llallau I ( hief flmlnes~ Mr. Ho Mr. Janisse Admini~1n tor Director of Chemical Ambassador to rranre 10 Data Procc~~ing Research 9ABD rrench 11<, 12< Marketing 12B, 13 Chemistry 11 Freuch ·i fl Typln~•. 11< Math 9, lOC Science 9C Bus. Practice nus. Mach. i ' t 1t<. 'I •<'llo11.1ld Mr. Maeczluft Mr. Martens c;,,, • ,, y of <:;1a 1c Director of Regional Chief Green I louse I 1 ' I ypi11,1: Geog. Studies Attendant - 111 • I"< SJmrih,nd lOAB< , llAD, 12AB, 9, 10, 11, 12 Agric. I I I, 1 ·, 0 If i('(' Prat I lce 1:l Geog. 12A C hemistry I t .I Mrs. Md ce Mr. Mordowanec Mr. Nespolon I Ambassador 10 England Ambassador to Russia Defender of the King's 9, 10< Fnglish 9, lOC Math English II flA llistory lOAB Science UC, 12AB, 13 English I t j ( ~Ir. tlh111aho Miss Rooney Mr. Pouget nrr., 111 Prc~s Sta ff Rep. to the Official Historian l'I, 101,r tphcr Olympics '72 9131) , 1 lAB, 12, 13 '' . I li\ll, Math 9, 10, l 1, 12 Phys. Ed. I listory 1 I I'. I :1 Physics 9C English 1 I •I I ' . ., ... .. -1, • •I I I• I Mr. Trombley •l Miss Shaw Head of the King's Council on Ph})i, .d Chief Librarian Fitness i 9C, lOC, llC, History 9, 10, 11, 12, Phys, Ed. 9ABD Geography I' lOAB History, I I ~ • Mr. Walker Mrs. Warren I Official Basketball Player of the staff Chief Cook and Bottle Washer I lOAB, llABC, English 9, 10, 11, 12, Home Economics I Ii I I I I e .I GENERAL STAFF 5 ' ~I I I I I I I l.. I I g's I ish I I LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Heinrichs, Mrs. McKenzie, Miss Woodi.wiss, Mr. Bruner, Mrs. Shepley. I ABSENT: Mrs. Bruner, Richard Bruner. I'" The General staff does a very fine job of keeping the school in top running order. Mr, and Mrs. Bruner keeps the rooms and halls clean; Mrs. Heinrichs and Mrs, Shepley keep the students fed; and Mrs. MacKenzie and Miss Woodiwbs sue busy in the office. The yearbook would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for a Job well done, I I •i I Compliments of CREST HARDWARE and FERRIS GROCERY I THE SCHOOL BOARD llc1·c·111her :11 , 1!l(l8 will he 1he end of au ern. I he School lloard of llarrow District lligh School will be dissolved ,. ,-ill ,ill othN exis1in~ st·'iool ho.1rd, In the t·n1111ty. They will he rcpl:lt'cd hy an Essex County Divisional Ooard of r,1,,. ~1inn :ind at urnh111ctl Separate School Uoar<l. 1 his 1ype of hoard will bring to an end the familiarity between board and staff. No longer will each teacher (or for ,1, 11 111a11er e.,c- h m1d<'nt) he an individual who knows the Uoard on a flm name bnsis; rather each will be just "one of the • u h(·rs" .11 II. D. II. S. Of course 1ht•re arc pros and cons for this 1ype of setup and there Is or m:iy be opposition to this "', hoard. \\lhe1her :i <..011n1y 130:ird will func:11011 be1ter than individual school boards is a q11es1ion only the future can '""~Cr. Io the new c 011111y llo:ird wc 1o,ish 1hc best of l11ck. l'o 011c meml~e rs for this acea we extend our congcatulations. I" 011r old School Board we extend our th:inks for their interest in our school. BOARD PROFICIENCY OUR SCHOOL BOARD AWARDS LEFT TO RIGIIT: Mr. IL Beaudoin Mr. L. rox ;ride 'l \rts ,nd Science nmernary Pocantos Mr. E. Boutelle , r.1 d£' ~ ll11sincss and C:o•nmerce Stephen Zavaros Mr. Golden 1,1,1dc 10 Arts and Scic1wr [)cnisc \<I ren J. ~Ir. K. lluchanan-C. hairman 1 r.1de 10 ll11s111css and<. 011111,errc < .1rol Mcl.c..111 Mr. ( \<I ebster-S ecretary-T reasurcr 1,r 1d£' 11 ,\rts and Science Arthur raytor . Mr. Weaver • ,r 1tl£' 11 llusincss and ( ommcrcc l\larc1., Leeming G. Mr. ( Huffman , ., nlc I:! Arts and Sci enc c I renc (,ates . Mr. D. W right·V 1ce-Chairman 1:r.1dc 12 Business and Commcrc·e Bria II lle.1ton ,,r.1dc 13 Arts and Science Nan<'y Baumgartner ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. D. I cc Mc. R. Pollard - J11net Balvert Cory Demeris University of Windsor Windsor Teachers' College Genera I Science Public School Teacher • Veterinarian Sharon Dedal Paul Fox Windsor Teachers' ColJege University of Guelph Prefers to teach phys. ed. Agricultural Engineering Grace Boose Jerry Graf Central Oaptlst Seminary University Of Windsor Toronto Honours Business • Administration Nancy Baumgartner Ruth McCormick University of Windsor University of Toronto Nursing 4 yrs. Towards a 8. Sc. In nursing Judy Clark Craig Mlller Grace 1l ospltal Queen's, Kingston Nursing I lonours Chemistry • Compliments of ADRIEN'S COFFEE SHOP and BRUCE MARTIN AND CO.
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