High Commissioner calls on Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Issues of common interest discussed H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, Pakistan High The High Commissioner felicitated resolving the dispute. He said Pakistan tries. He hoped that upcoming gener- Commissioner to the UK called on La- the Labour Leader on resurgence of is committed to resolving the dispute al elections would further strengthen bour Party under his leadership. He said- peacefully through dialogue. democracy in Pakistan. On High Com- Leader Jeremy Corbyn at the British Pakistan and the UK have historically The High Commissioner also ex- missioner’s reiteration of the invitation Parliament 08 May 2018. The meeting enjoyed robust bilateral relations and pressed concern over UK’s role on meas- to visit Pakistan, Mr. Corbyn said he is was attended by Emily Thornberry MP, the Labour Party has contributed im- ures related to Financial Action Task very much looking forward to visiting Shadow Foreign Secretary and Kate Hol- mensely towards furtherstrengthening Force (FATF). He put across Pakistan’s Pakistan. lern MP, besides senior members of Mr those relations. stance on the matter and underlined The two sides agreed to interact more Corbyn’s office. Speaking about gross human rights Pakistan’s achievements in fight against often on issues of mutual interest. The two sides discussed a wide range violations in the Indian Occupied Kash- terrorism and extremism. of matters of common interest, includ- mir (IOK), the High Commissioner em- Mr Jeremy Corbyn appreciated the ing diaspora, and peace and stability in phasized on the international commu- role of Pakistani diaspora in strengthen- the region. nity, particularly, UK, to play its role in ing the relations between the two coun- High Commissioner attends Sir Tim Hitchens’ inauguration as the new President of Wolfson College, Oxford H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, Pakistan High role. Commissioner to the UK attended in- In his interaction with Sir Tim Hitch- auguration ceremony of Sir Tim Hitch- ens and Prof. Matthew McCartney, Di- ens, CMG LVO as the new President rector of South Asia Studies at Oxford, of Wolfson College, Oxford. The cere- the High Commissioner discussed aca- mony took place in the Haldane Room demic collaboration between Pakistani of Wolfson College, Oxford and was educational institutions and Oxford attended by, among others, Lord Chris University. Professor Matthew McCa- Patten, former Presidents of College, rtney would soon be going to Pakistan Ambassadors, senior government offi- as Visiting Professor. cials and members of academia. The High Commissioner also inter- The High Commissioner felicitated acted with Pakistani students currently Sir Tim Hitchens on his election as the studying at Oxford University. new President of a prestigious institu- tion and wished him well with his new CPEC Seminar at the British Parliament Experts term CPEC a project of unprecedented economic scale and scope The experts have said that China the CPEC infrastructure, added High kistan and said reality about the country 2015-30. Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is Commissioner. is quite different from what it is generally Keith Bennett, an expert termed an economic initiative of unprecedented The Coordinator of the seminar, Al- portrayed. He underlined that Pakistan CPEC an inclusive and open project. scale and scope. They were speaking at derman Mushtaq Lasharie CBE, Chair- has great economic potential which Chi- According to him CPEC projects are a seminar organized by All Party Parlia- man Third World Solidarity said that na has rightly recognized and CPEC is located in underdeveloped areas of Pa- mentary Group (APPG) on Third World China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) the manifestation of that recognition. Sir kistan; therefore, they would uplift the Solidarity held at the British Parliament and CPEC are projects of economic inte- Grant emphasized on UK businesses to economic conditions of local people by on 15 May 2018. gration and a large number of countries get involved in CPEC. providing them with job opportunities. H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, Pakistan High stand to benefit from these initiatives. Kevin Hollinrake MP said that Paki- Other speakers included Faisal Commissioner to UK termed CPEC a Speaking at the seminar, former Sen- stan is one of the fastest growing markets Rashid MP, Aftab Siddiqui, Founder transformative project, focused on eco- ator Javed Jabbar said that CPEC is not in the world and hence offers great op- of UK CPEC Working Group, Jeff Cao, nomic integration of the region. He said just a bilateral project between China portunities for foreign investment. He Economic Adviser to Mayor of London there is a huge gap between perception and Pakistan but it is a part of Belt and further said that Pakistan has the entire and Cindy Berman, Director Ethical and reality about Pakistan as well as Road Initiative, and therefore, has global critical infrastructure available for doing Initiative. the CPEC, which needs to be correct- economic ramification. He said CPEC business with. ed. The CPEC would bring about eco- signifies that Pakistan is a very impor- Liz Twist MP termed CPEC a great nomic connectivity and prosperity to tant place for lucrative investments. economic initiative. She quoted the ex- not only Pakistan but to all the three Sir Mark Lyall Grant highlighted the perts predicting that CPEC would create regions which can be connected through issue of global misperception about Pa- 2.3 Million jobs in Pakistan between Renowned British surgeon Professor Philip Ransley calls on the High Commissioner Renowned British surgeon Professor Sitara-e-Imtiaz in recognition to his out- Philip Ransley called on H.E. Syed Ibne standing services in the field of surgery Abbas, the High Commissioner at the and education of medical sciences on Pakistan High Commission London on account of his regular visits to Pakistan. 31 May 2018. The High Commissioner appreciated Professor Ransley’s relationship with the services of Professor Ransley for the- Pakistan goes back 25 years which is people of Pakistan and his contributions the time since when he has been visit- to this effect in the field of medicine ing the Sindh Institute of Urology and through which thousands of Pakistani Transplantation popularly known at citizens have benefited over successive SIUT which is a specialized care medical years. He also discussed means to fur- institution based in Karachi providing ther collaborate in the field of medical treatment to millions of patients suf- science and to benefit from his expertise. fering from kidney, liver and urology The High Commissioner assured Profes- related cancer ailments. He has also sor Ransley of all possible support and been delivering lectures and training facilitation towards this end. young surgeons. Professor Ransley was Professor Ransley is an expert in the instrumental in setting up the pediat- field of pediatric urology and has served ric urology unit at SIUT as recognized as head of the pediatric urology unit of specialty. Great Ormon Street Hospital of London In 2010 the Government of Paki- where he worked for 30 years. stan decorated him with the honor of National Management Course group visits the High Commission A nine-member group of senior and traditionally enjoy robust relations Commissioner particularly mentioned briefings by expert professionals and civil servants presently attending the which have become even stronger in the year-long activities organized by senior managers in diverse fields and National Management Course (NMC) recent years. the High Commission to celebrate 70th acquainted themselves with the latest at the National School of Public Policy The group was apprised of the posi- Independence Anniversary of Pakistan administrative practices at British in- (NSPP), Lahore, visited the Pakistan tive contribution of Pakistani diaspora in 2017. stitutions. High Commission London on 08 May towards UK’s national life, especially Mr Azmat Ali Ranjha, Rector NSPP The National School of Public Policy 2018. Led by Mr Azmat Ali Ranjha, their emerging role in the British pol- thanked the High Commission for ex- (NPSS) Lahore is a premier institution Rector NSPP, the group was on a study itics as manifested in the recent local tending facilitation in organizing the forthe study of public policy, manage- tour of the UK. elections. visit and coordinating the meetings and- ment and related research & analysis in Welcoming the group, H.E. Syed The course participants were in- briefings at the distinguished British Pakistan with the objective of improving Ibne Abbas, the High Commissioner, formed about High Commission’s institutions for the group. the quality of pre and in-service train- briefed the officers on Pakistan-UK re- community outreach programme and The delegation was later hosted over a ingand education of all those engaged lations and the role of Pakistan High efforts to correct perception of the coun- dinner. During their UK tour, the course in public service. Commission in furthering these ties. He try abroad through various cultural and participants visited prestigious British said that both the countries historically social activities. In this regard, the High institutions and attended meetings and Shoaib Sultan Khan visits the High Commission Shoaib Sultan Khan, Chairman Board higher level of productivity and better of Directors, Rural Support Programmes price for their produce. He appreciated Network (RSPN)/National Rural Sup- Pakistan High Commission’s support port Programme (NRSP), met H.E. Syed in connecting his delegation with the Ibne Abbas, the High Commissioner, at leading British Rice buyers and other Pakistan High Commission London on relevant organizations. 03 May 2018. He was accompanied by The High Commissioner commend- Dr Rashid Bajwa, CEO NRSP. ed the services of Shoaib Sultan Khan During the meeting,Shoaib Sultan in poverty alleviation and rural devel- Khan briefed the High Commissioner opment. He hoped that NRSP would about his work on poverty alleviation continue its good work for poverty al- in Pakistan and South Asia through the leviation in Pakistan.
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