A MEMORIAL TO DR. ROBERT RAYBURN, COVENANT COLLEGE'S FOUNDING PRESIDENT Wen I trace my acquaintance and awfully busy raising us. In addition to proper friendship with Bob and LaVerne Rayburn to dress and good dining room manners, he placed its beginnings, I might sound as ifl have a just great stock in immediate and appropriate dis­ claim to being the oldest living graduate of cipline. He had a quick mind which analyzed Covenant College. I knew Bob before La­ a crime and produced a just retribution in­ Verne did. Bob came to my church in stantly-like pushing all the cars back up the Gainesville, Texas soon after I started ele­ hill to Edwards Hall, the ones which had rolled mentary school. Our church membership was down so easily during study hours. ready for Bob's particular kind of leadership Someofushavehadlongerthanoth­ which has had a profound, lifelong influence ers to reflect on our experiences at Covenant in my life and in my choices ... 3-1/2-month history of what went between and what we learned. It took me a while to It wasn't long before Bob left Highland and Covenant. It was a makeshift focus on mine. I'm sure many ... would share Gainesville to join the chaplaincy and serve operation, and we all played a part. We were myexperiencethatalotofwhatlknow and am until the end of World War II. In our home we quickly instructed in telephone etiquette since able to give to others in terms of friendship, grieved that Bob and LaVerne were gone, and all ofus had to function in many capacities. It loyalty, commitment to a cause, and help in we earnestly entreated the Lord for his safety. was a hard role. How would you like to spit time of need-all came from what I experi­ After Francis Schaeffer came from into the telephone "Bible Presbyterian Educa­ enced personally with Bob and LaVerne. I am St. Louis (the nearest Bible Presbyterian tional Association"? grateful for my childhood and adult experi­ church) to organize a band of us who had I don't know exactly what Bob's ences in which they were key figures because decided to begin a new church, we called vision for Covenant was, but he accepted the ofthedirectionmy life has taken. llearned the Bob back to be our first pastor. He and presidency of the college when Synod voted to absolute requirement of affiliation with and La Verne came, with baby Linnea who became establish it in 1955. The Rayburns were service in a local church. Another important the delight of the church. Before they left our settled in a two-story house in Pasadena and concept I learned is that satisfaction is in Bible Presbyterian Church a year later, we had the college dorms settled in with them. If we service, not in size. I believe the Lord has moved from meeting places in homes, in a wanted a bath, we made advance reservations given me a satisfaction with small things and funeral parlor, in a ratty old hotel building, and with Mrs. Olin, our cook, who Ii ved in a small that thatgiftcamefromDr. Rayburn's instruc­ in a large old house to our own church build­ house out back ... As a demonstration of Dr. tion and example. ing. And I had had to recite the entire West­ Rayburn's charisma, he persuaded us that this Westminster Presbyterian Church minster Shorter Catechism to Bob in his study lifestyle was a privilege. still sits like a picture on its corner in at the end of a five-week Bible school. Meanwhile, they appeared to us to Gainesville, Texas. It flourishes for the Goodbyes were harder the second time when conduct their home life as if we weren't there. Word of God and testimony of Jesus Christ Bob, LaVerne, Linnea, and, by that time. We loved to have some legitimate reason to in the Presbyterian Church in America. The Bronwyn left for Wheaton. venture out into their area when the family was church is there, and we are here because over having dinner by candlelight-an everyday forty years ago, early in our lives, God gave It is good to see occurrence. Bob had wonderful peripheral vi­ us a leader. the school, now sion. He could ignore us completely until I ane Brooks Young someone tried to race out the front door in Covenant College Class of1957 thirty-five years some kind ofunsuitable attire, and then his at­ Editedfromoriginal later, still known tention was immediate, complete, and de­ manding. 1955 - Dr. Rayburn appointed first for the The dress codes he implemented­ president of Covenant College reformed tradition with the able assistance of Dean Schmidt 1956 -Appointed president of Covenant later-wererigorous. What did therestofyou Seminary and commitment girls do with your hats and white gloves when 1964 - The college began operating on to Christ. you didn 'thave to wear th em any more? Once Lookout Mt., Georgia in the old Castle in Bob even suggested a dress code for the dor­ the Clouds resort hotel Dr. Marion Barnes mitory itself. During our first year on the 1964-1965 - Dr. Rayburn served both Covenant's Second President mountain, Bob had a room on the fourth floor institutions, commuting by train each Bob and LaVerne were always a part for the days he spent at the college each week. week of my life. When my pastor at that time However, he frequently miscounted as he 1965 - Dr. Rayburn remained at the encouraged me in my sophomore year of col­ climbed the many stairs, and walked into the seminary and Dr. Marion Barnes became lege to attend a Christian college, he sent me third floor girls' dorm. After several such the college president to Highland College in Pasadena, Califor­ occurrences, his suggestion for the dormitory 1976 -Dr. Rayburn retired but continued nia- one of the main reasons being that Bob dress code was that the girls be dressed. to teach in the homiletics and practical Rayburn was the president. Like the exodus However, the girls took care of that suggestion theology depts. from the old church, my college choice deter­ by placing a large sign at eye level on the mined the course of my life. Dr. Rayburn was outside of the third floor door: "Dr. Rayburn, Jan. 5, 1990 - Dr. Robert Rayburn died deposed as college president. fornot being this is not fourth floor." in his hometown of St. Louis after a long involved enough in the separatist movement. College presidents now are largely bout with cancer. fie would have been 75 He and about two-thirds of the student body involved in fund raising. I don't know when on January 14 moved across town where we settled in for the Dr. Rayburn had time to raise funds-he was lJl¥!a Zachary Kevin Kruntorad, born July 30, ployment as a choral/vocal instructor in a mother to their son Zachary Kevin, born 1989 to Mark ('84) and Tracy (Barnes college and/or a music and worship direc­ July 30, 1989. '86) Kruntorad. tor in a PCA church. Shari (Farrow) Frey ('78) is beginning Rachel Hopr Van Steele, born August 8, Paul Stein ('88) and his wife Debbie moved work on an M. Ed. degree at the Univer­ 1989 to Ken ('86) and Christy (Lon­ to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada sity of Maryland in elementary school gacre '84) Van Steele. in December to join the Frontiers, Canada counseling. She lives in the Washington, Bryan Andrew Strelow, born September 14, staff. He is currently involved with Mus­ D. C. area and also cares forher3-year-old 19.89 to Scott ('82) and Beth ('83) Stre­ lim outreach in Vancouver as well as son Benjamin. low. office administration and recruiting. William ('82) and Vittoria (Donato '82) Ian Thomas Joseph, born September 28, Mark Kruntorad ('84) received his mas­ Grant have accepted an invitation to work 1989 to Mr.and Mrs. Alan Joseph ('75). ters degree in Marriage and Family Ther­ with the Italian InterVarsity movement Alexander Melton Hoover, born November apy from Reformed Theological Semi­ after six and a half years with Inter Varsity 10, 1989 to David and Lisa (Melton '84) nary and now works as Clinical Coordina­ Christian Fellowship. They will be mov­ Hoover. tor for the Center for Marriage and Family ing from their present residence of Madi­ Theodore Julian Hess, Jr., born November Therapy in Jackson, Mississippi. His wife, son, Wisconsin to Rome, Italy with their 10, 1989 to Theodore J. and Susan Tracy (Barnes '86), after teaching kinder­ 2-year-old daughter in June 1990, follow­ (Anderson '78) Hess. garten for three years, is now a full time ing deputation. Ashley Lin Stodghill, born November 27, 1989 to Jim ('86) and Kelly Stodghill. Matthew Russel Howe, born December 23 to Douglas and Mae Shelley Howe ('81). Natali Rose Kress, born December 29, 1989 Missing in Action! to Peter ('81) and Audrey (Hale '81) Kress. Leanna Elizabeth Webb, born January 11, The following is a partial list of alumni we haven't been able to 1990 to Tom ('84) and Morag (Chisolm locate. Can you help us find some of them? '84) Webb. A4v17~ Miss Barbara Berwanger '86 Mrs. Jenny D. Carter '81 Mrs. Sue Crumrine '72 Nancy Barker ('85) and Dale Hokrein Mrs. Kathryn Bowden '78 Mr. M. K. Chan '67 Mrs. C. Cummings '87 ('87) plan to be married on May 26, 1990 Mr. Allan Brown '67 Mr. Kenneth Chartrand '75 Mr. Dennis L. Curry '83 in Atlanta, Georgia. Miss Bonnie Lou Brown '88 Mr. Stephen M.
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