Scsot -- S?Wffl

Scsot -- S?Wffl

' SUMMER ARRANQEMEN' POSlTIVilLY IF Y0CM7ANTAG3 B A C 0 IT S 1. AT COciT, )J FArEl SUO 3UR13B FOS IT i'i r?r pf ra.TTv- -j -- 23. C3. HO FALLS t'AVlX- fi a I B tntrmpnt fir niv "THE NATION." CITY - rMTlte nvott popular Mercantile College, t'"n,,",,"i"a Mond.ij, Kay fPtiHuiry bh- fi I.y airkna A Weekly which ha X85G l. H m l l(lon ,M ' ' " TQ lice liotn uiinrsi, U trr"f imoaa U;.V! cr. t VTnlnut &red4 iie i.t.n,;ry k r inr m ado IMMENSE Arjnh'ttt Corner of t'rth Itt'UIti 11.1.11 ,,,,.., Us n CIRCULATION. TERRA VV mantled COTTiL till it- tim. OIXCINNATI OHIO. LTTTLE ll.ll Tit w h IV I I', otl.v mi c. , ' MIAI to uiukti jotrarrr 5 kl, 1: VIA itinua Miunni.n ......r.. i Iirvr nalitat mi aelf r.f kaci :.. c ftC-- STAR WRITERS FAS rOiflU m t.. U''po'tnlry In ttie purcha eof o- CF AMERICA. ttfi UGliiii! ' !i r.crir i.! ri)rp a pracr.iJi! knovlftjgr nf Kok COLUMBUS & XEKIfl. myatock WATCH J Be ; arm - nation it wblcn 1 : d Ui Uituuctr pfJ- - W.JhnUKl, .c, ooi.tiqueinl- bve ho..eht Humour-an- a thn xuui muif best goon, at will (TketctteeTofThat omSIl CI LI m tneloai .,iet,nnd uinn itf tiioioufh and accomplLdn w, (My ifi.ui .tin .. .. !.. I'i ;)!. l'iHr'.iir .RAILROAD. jp l f '11 itrr-B!- i- iBiru niinr an renetal linearity. 1 - rd At CiM'in.tif find io ibeir auvjitioa to avt-r- trust I aVAA ,vir:.uc:rPnL,ou- - nil t a. L, m rail lite uim- rMc'ifd. bt.iir; eiirij.iif plewiiitf, frn he Exclusively an Eastern ftocta. ... b;itu?wcuu. , uv,..,,mn,... zvi in " B"VJU. K uiuillkiUCkUZ - P. it picpaif I" ?. liilljr. U:i ia ai'OiniucxlHUoriH On and aft this da;e th bllll. E. l5.eE?;l,0eoo Mn. BAMON, twf Hit runveiiL-- oi tlia cnuri--f in in UTRSCMBUHL, p8o..rnwVnVkH.L.MAoh.?c,:. W"U ti.oti.i.: tii4rclif WIA.MI, rlefi dtr 01 thato". -- ruucn niv: B'.it l.;:Uilio ltr procurinf kituaiionis for Uio-- THli LITTLE VIA COLUMBL'fl, 'JflMaln et.,oied or above i hird. " cjmiui iiiai;.uif il.eui. are u:isui pacd b) any eii:a lTRt;oL UlKCCT ROIJTtS to and Irnin Cincirf-na- ii torrctr lar iiifii!iiiiia hi Hit-- niifj iaail. aud 1 v land, the only r'Utn r'mninr cr into t DAiNCLNG & JTMXtiL ot., loot. c?"u.Ta In i rtgulor ot jifirucuon, U CAlilS'lIIENlCS! w uia courte wnicn Groon aiiu...i. j Luke rt:u:e 'iM.t ntt.1 tlif only route wuh m ad , X. X GCULD. Hi vmii1 i f uuiioim aiinge duai Liccimau to Claveicuid, Dankira Buuierout cu.e.. v. r. eraanaAj and ami Uutla o Mr. Ot i rocte C'eve'snd racnyert fro via y Wastoll. THE n l!nibractitf rvry parrmenl of 1 rifle and Mercantile lit it iflEt X IO TTts w 1 UU.M TVe . Account., vie: Vhrt,ra.e,, Ci:nu::sitn, bithsngr mill on train uoin Ca..': and To! to UerMajwy Vl'htaier. ta tirnlar' go ofud VI Btltl Ilium Vturfe I Ji i ... l. Their deaarv HANUFAOIUBEE l brcdii gu rHI. :r unit ui iiirii OF 'mnk!i:p , tilii,pifi;, ."leainbuauiig, LjI. .gttsiwJu .iyaud Iuy iicui Oid uL a ' , - at Wil ,e LU" Willi in- - Manufaiunr:f - . 0, '.,,i,V ........ k. t.'t S.iA w. rpa. " moai tare and u czp. nt aid J aiittK Company i:umiil"u. ImiiVitiuoJ hrt- - li'.jt io t.i- uud. iii.ent of Loult-V:- i o Tii-- i.ibi ins rtaucmr ;' lt tl.. !,:, f.r t unair-'l'?- """ted to their (f:i;p ui iiij' ui:a Uouip!,) i ti.u.aujuip THE Li MIAMI, VIA C tLL'MBUS, ou r ! APITALS aal BASE3 for Colunu, TRUSSES (Xiiiuuuroial Ca.cuiiHioji, &.C.. Lunit, lTtE uttUd rellova Hull. Je rJZ .i.L? ve and ornai mere will be Is the only rouu-- ot .. i"10 ,uu"n BRACKETS. enlicbrxeaTB wiih reliabie cuunecUon to anjf;&m theaoove eiegant i....if THE WIND0V7 CAPS, for A Still E t LLT f VltKS CI1CINN.TI B ill aocat roa tcitioh, j FARMERS' Cor&icea, Goihic Ornaments, ity i. y r" ", passanrcn depend Cia-t- -t Chirasejtopi, Fiow. grpat otiitr toutr, at Juveril tiday, .row 4 Y-j- On topicsof iruponance tc a comfierciii ipoin oi to r tnd er Pota, &c., .3 Poieiontanie or tonet on UaUi ueia lndli&tii4 ana ftutn i Satt.rr aaorceat to ta the new, l. ui. Leli8i:y turcr, i.. O. MuimDelu, o. I g . i i r it ootre luiumil. end ., t t a) lie, l.i Lu Geiitleii!t-ii-' -- y abi, I'omaim .j i, u.t.t Works. Krv. t W. rising, ar.d oilier viuiticui Leciu- - Clnat Aliuidu y and ibu.-.Mja- rr w"Kh W1' Prove to - THE LI VIA lu -- art and t'uiuiLu" lue.t Uie leciai ten.g a xTiE MIAMI, C0XUMBC3. 801 it.naiau, hour l u; d'y!'",'., ALSO, fvrtaj I 13 THL ONLY riOME to aod froa Clacmoatl and CI X Ubiuuiee wiuiin .TXr.lKTAMT FEUTlHI!) vu(.eii"f or Piubt iiv.lie. wernvnileaot i.viUe. Plaia and OnsanaeataJ Mot lairojuctj Lu cf lb c'Jior K?-r- teni.t, at ply tu Mr. V.'ASTELL, Pierw.. xi' .vilini,V'A CULUMBU3, ii- u )..r on Thiro AU TliilTILfi it to r"rt tivterm.. Church. o7i rdan ke Plaavriaj or Stucco far Uterfor racuc.A.vrta.u Cocra lo and W Kmwtthvtandlnr t:it ollfF8. ae (stbiOklt from Cincinnati, Coitimbua. HW Orifwui Hot,, mJ Blj,nt,on ;.. ai cpeme avandant scon reiiii;e aud Clevelaad, wiiii Liutnuiff Lzpreoa, wits. BOUwli. CuSrT Ioradoa prcmptl attended to. Ujf aervict o; c:e lecturers ajid avi:.Ania, tbf change Oil of cart. Vidi:Wo7lu' ShtMllc-- T 'hor.f ,a, Wide L suPlaatar Paria r gaia TKMrlK KU TUITION Tin i a rreat eoutort to Ladlet and ranuUea. T" 'Js2'J:.- VMl r .t tha loirwt cash Wtu rexu aa twvi'i re, vut THE LIT! La.MlA.Ml. ViA Ci.tMBCS. whUneVoae wko department. prvca. BEING IUH ?yi werVr for a full courM of l iicruoliig hh Double Entry SHuKTES EUUTE frmn Cincinnnil to "qi t nt. ' AIT Wnucf, CommercaJ Caiouiaiiob, Lect'ircn. Uie i.rt, auuifbnn aud aae tpead la bifuutauied. lc"nedr7' uU"f . 5cAat. C are Magdalen llZZfiT. , Established in 1S56. 00 ennui. Hepburn a atoryof Uie foottt.a inniiiuna iiiihii ci.. A NEW ENTERPRISE! O-OOD- n ntmrvii;yj per Bontn t. BY ANY OTHtii EUUTE from UneinDfcli a danfer-ou- a tion by Mrt. i ,Tiph int, auu,Jr ... each Buoiber w,U T , of Zalda eaui. Pi.)d k del dliwlT epete i ret.u:ry,l io ovvrunmu alliance and di:ayt A oiy ot i. rs DRY 63 THIR2 STREET. , ueceary in nv7. year or tna ci:anku f penttrt and barraeo at BlJe eat awvnp-k- witn a voiumo Ejcooeiire.) fouuune, iorftJt, ituiidiL.ny, fsxryinf IV"w tner Diiraal v Barrlat printed PM ea o, ki. ir Crpotto Wter"! City and at Old Ubio B?.Sb0,r,'"' u''0'i ncle loiu'aCatirt uVwraftt'T' Jf Chrisliiias and Thti Ocem. I r f. H. mm..- .,.,h . JIiR? Mark & Downs. 2NT. 3w Gkoixlca. Holiday Tiiauucn tickets retai " ' U uttlnsmanufacturer, wnnieaaie aon J G.eeu Picked from Pat-- h PROPRIETOR, ax, the at ir.iwi. .n.i.. "'""'fw Sloan's Dinninn Saloon. fcKS. I would wpectfUilf etj , ll.mrat- a by jobn Mcdeaaa wim, two -v mj aauxn t.v retail d m ill aneral, l the PRESENTS lu rtxaaud tor tal by Tkr ; ... wiM rei.ertru;!y eH the a rtaa. in of all ha vat t feiote f C. - Bnoe 1 nana friitii one. HAGANk Wi try o.K..;a o..r .a. XYj vv on CO, 5), ...... aw da-i- ll aid Com a &Oit'il and i.:imi kepcnMau'J Bt'lFALO, and TATTof artrrteTaenakavaovai arpraeHl a aa t wi A' AG ARIA ALL3, Ten air-- an n aboald m Lo.- - ib i an iohow V o i f I.'.V.'!.".'JL'r HiVo mat eaune .ai eatabiubetl ii boaai ana k veul-i- e &otm1vm advaM-v- r a rail To all Ida raiicrn ctiea. more for the ronven.eace ol Lrw io r vt rent thaw-Tn- , urtlla, eapnctailf lartieeaua Brtiial Vet-- a n.t purer fci ii I eerd priiiteadireeliotit & i itree Oiiiy taauru uaiHa at 8 m.. 13 . and A U'ofUia ne - rcmivj MICHOT BRO.'S, m. a. a. x t Card. dak lb air atundanu l tuoecriner rtt maiie ainnia ar'v- toibrii.iariaa a- -1 woorfa, a. havrng fold g amenta to aupu.y till want, tho Uolea ot t.ouivili Lace la at varfetta riowtaputupuie rod. ' f4'7E"P!!''fn THEenderaffned out b t etockofRoota aad Pita noon and Otaet 01 va,y MR5T TRAIN. CleveUnd, PIttthurgh Stcnhenvlla Jonea a. in ana at n.t taiooo, on jcx.ern tvret, iLt uecrf7aaw fc RXqIti nu i ng . "uW""ld re,u"' n'reiuar MoerBiiif Gorvda. V a Vt. Tilted t if.nn r.ipretn, it avt. Line miaii 6 a. huin.eeretbi.liki to bit Irn.H I.'f p.iCe, L? Ftitn 111 h.

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