Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Silberdistelweg 11, D-72113 Ammerbuch, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7073 300770; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 1997 than 500 taxa below the family level were inventoried, and each listing includes relative frequency of en- 7574. He, J.-r.; Jiang B.-h.; Chen, T.-s. (1997): The counter, life stages collected, and dominant role in the aquatic insects of Rainbow Lake. Conservation Quar- greenleaf manzanita community. Specific host relation- terly, summer quarterly, June,1997,18: 37-41. (in Chi- ships are included for some predators and parasitoids. nese) [Rainbow Lake is an alpine Lake in Taiwan. The Herbivores, predators, and parasitoids comprised the paper provides brief information on Aeshna petalura majority (80 percent) of identified insects and related and Polycanthagyna erythromelas. (Abstract by Hao- taxa." (Authors) The list of Odonata includes the follow- miao Zhang)] ing taxa: Aeshna palmata, Anax junius, Cordulegaster dorsalis, Libellula sp., Pantala hymenea, Tarnetrum cor- 7575. Liebherr, J.K.; Polhemus, D.A. (1997): R.C.L. rupturn, Lestidae species undet., and Coenagrionidae Perkins: 100 years of Hawaiian entomology. Pacif. Sci. species undet..] Address: http://www.fs.fed.us/psw/pub- 51(4): 343-355, 1 pl. (in English) ["R. C. L. Perkins com- lications/documents/pswgtr167/pswgtr167.pdf prehensively surveyed the insect fauna of the Hawaiian Islands one century ago, initially as the collector for the 7577. Yeh, W.-c. (1997): The Lindeninae dragonflies Fauna Hawaiiensis survey project and subsequently as of Taiwan. Conservation Quarterly, summer quarterly, an entomologist with the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' As- June,1997,18: 32-36. (in Chinese) [Four species in sociation. The Hawai'i he observed was in a period of three geni of Lindeninae are known from Taiwan, in- rapid transformation. Thus, he has the unique distinc- cluding Ictinogomphus pertinax, Sinictinogomphus clav- tion of being the first and last person to record the atus, Gomphidia confluens, and Gomphidia kruegeri habits of many native Hawaiian species. The islands on fukienensis. They can be distinguished by their large which he collected were already heavily impacted by size, venation and structure of caudal appendages. The exotic herbivores-including goats, cattle, sheep, and structural features, distribution, habitat, behaviour and pigs-yet he was able to sample remnant pockets of nat- flight period of each species are described. A key to the ive vegetation that are now lost in a jungle of exotic in- larvae is also provided. (Translation of the orginal Chi- troductions. His broad understanding of insect natural nese summary thanks to Haomiao Zhang)] Address: history allowed him to document ably the habits of in- Yeh, Wen-Chi, Division of Forest Protection, Taiwan sect groups that we are only beginning to understand Forestry Research Institute, 53 Nanhai Road, Taipei 100 yr later. Moreover, his collections and extensive 100, Taiwan. E-mail. [email protected] taxonomic contributions afford us a firm foundation for future taxonomic and evolutionary studies of the uni- quely rich and highly endemic Hawaiian insect biota." (Authors) The Odonata of Hawaii were revised of Per- 1998 kins (1899) and (1910)] Address: Polhemus, D., Dept. 7578. Bennett, B.L. (1998): Land use influences on Entomology, MRC 105, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- benthic invertebrate assemblages in southern Ap- ington, D.C. 20560, USA. Email: [email protected] palachian agricultural streams. MSc Thesis, Dept Bio- 7576. Valenti, M.A.; Ferrell, G.T.; Berryman, A.A. logy, Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and (1997): Insects and related arthropods associated with State University Blacksburg: VIII, 98 pp. (in English) ["I greenleaf manzanita in montane chaparral communities investigated the role of land use in structuring benthic of northeastern California. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR- invertebrate assemblages in agricultural streams in the 167. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, French Broad River drainage in western North Carolina. Forest Service, U.S. Dept. Agriculture: 26 pp. (in Eng- I sampled six agricultural streams (3 with cleared head- lish) ["Specimens representing 19 orders and 169 arth- waters and 3 with forested headwaters) at three points ropod families (mostly insects) were collected from along a gradient (headwaters, a midpoint, and a down- greenleaf manzanita brushfields in northeastern Califor- stream site). At each site, I measured a variety of phy- nia and identified to species whenever possible. More sico-chemical parameters, including temperature, chlo- rophyll a, discharge, nutrients, and suspended solids. Odonatological Abstract Service 24 (July 2009) - page 1 Invertebrates were sampled at all sites in October 1996 aquatic insects collected from a pasture stream in nor- and April 1997. Riparian vegetation was assessed for thern California, using nested polymerase chain reac- each site at mutiple spatial scales using GIS data from tion (PCR) amplification and sequence analyses of the the 1950s, 1970s, and 1990s. Forested agricultural 16S rRNA, 51 kDa major antigen and groEL heat shock (FA) streams had more riparian vegetation than cleared protein genes. E. risticii was detected in metacercariae agricultural (CA) streams in both the 1950s and the found in the immatures and adults of the following in- 1970s. Cleared agricultural streams had less organic sects: Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata (Zygopte- matter, more primary production, higher nitrates, and ra and Anisoptera), and Plecoptera. The prevalence of warmer temperatures than FA streams. Total and EPT E. risticii was 31.9% (n 5 454 individuals) in aquatic in- taxa richness was greater in FA streams. Pollution- sects (13 of 17 species were positive). Prevalence with- sensitive Plecoptera were relatively more abundant in in orders was as follows: 43.5% (n 5 207) in caddisflies, FA streams, while tolerant Diptera were more abundant 15.2% (n592) in mayflies, 13.9% (n5115) in damselflies, in CA streams. High diversity and Plecoptera abund- 10.0% (n510) in dragonflies, and 80.0% (n 5 30) in ance was related to high habitat quality, more riparian stoneflies. This study demonstrates a broad intermedia- vegetation, low nitrates, and low summer temperatures. te host range for trematodes that act as vector for E. Higher invertebrate diversity was related to the land use risticii. Insects are likely to play an important role in the 25-50 years as well as the current land use (forested, epidemiology of this disease." (Authors)] Address: moderate agriculture, or heavy cattle impact). These Chae, J.-S., College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk results indicate a long-term legacy of agricultural influ- National University, Chonju, Chonbuk 561-756, Korea ences on stream invertebrate assemblages." Boyeria grafiana, B. vinosa, Gomphus lividia, Lanthus parvulus, 7583. Triapitsyn, S.V.; Beardsley, J.W. (2000): A re- and Ophiogomphus mainensis are listed.] Address: view of the Hawaiian species of Anagrus (Hymenop- Bennett, Barbara Loraine, Dept Biology, Virginia Poly- tera: Mymaridae). Proc. Hawaiian Entomol. Soc. 34: 23- technic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 48. (in English) ["A brief historical account of the use of 24061-0406, USA Anagrus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in biolo- gical control in the Hawaiian Islands is given. Twelve species of Anagrus, ten of them named, are keyed and descriptive notes are provided. [...] Two of the named 1999 Anagrus species, A. insularis Dozier and A. oahuensis n. sp., are not known outside the Hawaiian Islands. The 7579. Riaz, H.; Riaz, M. (1999): The naiads of Aciso- former species has been reared from eggs of Odonata ma panorpoides panorpoides and Brachythemis con- and the host is an endemic Megalagrion species (Coe- taminata [Libellulidae: Odonata]. Int. J. Agriculture & nagrionidae). This species of Anagrus may be endemic Biology 1(3): 147-148. (in English) [Description of the to the Hawaiian Islands although it is morphologically two taxa and documentation of localities the specimens close to the European species Anagrus brocheri were sampled.] Address: Riaz H., Pest Warning and Schulz. Possibly a complex of Anagrus species is asso- Quality Control of Pesticides, Pakpattan, Pakistan. E- ciated with the eggs of Megalagrion, but additional re- mail: [email protected] search is needed to demonstrate this." (Authors)] Ad- 7580. Riaz, H.; Riaz, M. (1999): Description of last dress: Triapitsyn, S.V., Department of Entomology, Uni- instar naiads of Rhyothemis variegata variegata Lin- versity of California, Riverside, California 92521, USA naeus and Pantala flavescens (Fabricius) (Anispotera: Odonata). Int. Jour. Agriculture & Biology 1(3): 145-146. (in English) [The larvae of R. variegata and P. flaves- 2001 cens collected from various localities of the Sindh Pro- vince, Pakistan are described and illustratated.] Ad- 7584. Alvarez, M.; Pardo, I.; Moya, G.; Ramon, G.; dress: Riaz, H., Pest Warning and Quality Control of Martinez-Taberner, A. (2001):
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