,--) - Braden~s Visit, ,·,Causes"Controversy .University ,:of 'Cinoinnati ""'& N EW S' ;R.ECOR'D Series BF 1 Z552 Cinci~nati,"Ohiq,'Thursd,ay~March 14, 1963 Vol. XLVIII, No. 23 Union Site Of~:#C'ontr6v'ersy-Carl Brad~n .Leeture .(A II Braden" pictures, ,courtesy of Robert Stigers,' Cinti. :Pos!~ Tim~s Star. photographer:) , 'Broke:AII HeULoose' by Glenn S'to~p' , 'The 's'tory .made 'the fro.nt by Ka~hy, Faragher, One might' say that "all hell pa' ge of- tbe' evening 'POS'T- Carl Braden, alleged Commu- .brokeIoose' last' Thursday after TIMES STAR and' the mornihg, nist 'and active integration lead-: the appearance' of 'Carl, Braden E·NQUIRER. Both . papers 'car- er, 'presented a talk OI1.:-"The, , -in the Student Union.' . ried -follow-up stories .on: the Problems .of Integration in' the According to'John DeCamp; di- .' foll.owing days, Deep South" on, 1CampUS last- :' rector-of public relations for the WKRC radio ~djtorialized about Thursday. .Mr. Braden .was spon-i ," : University, "The TR n i v e r sit y the incident-Iast Monday;.. ' ;. s9re.d by "The Students For' Con- . switchboard had' as many calls In addition, WL W-TV and stitutional Freedom,". a, Iocal as it could handleThursday morn- campus organization .. WCPO-TV had newsreels of the ing." All of these calls came meeting on their evening' 'news Mr. Braden was introduced by from person~ off ·campus. telecasts. Dr. Harlan, Associate Professor It was difficul,t to tell whic1h of History and advisor to the caused- the' most- trouble; the sponsoring group. Before: Braden ;MottarBoardT aps. Ohio River'flood or-Ca'rIBf:a- had, a chance to begin his talk 'a den.' sign was shoved into the room stating "We protest to Carl Bra- , Many students 'attributed the; '.trouble in part' to the pickets sta- den, known Communist, speaking,' :12 Junior Women "tioned outside' the Union Bulld .•. on campus," presumably, by a -ing and 'within the actual. meet .• group of students who were pick- " Mortar . Board's. gong, echoed 12 .,jug., The picketing; according; to eting outside, of the meeting . times yesterday in the Great Hall room;' , as ,'the ~blaek-robed: and hooded NEWS REGORD' sources .,was rel- "c(ie~'~~'''rseleete:d ~~42 "~~qutstanding atively spontaneous, originating Braden immediately stated. Jun~or;WPm:~n::J9'jQiIL: them ,:'hi .in the Law School and the College that he approved of the', sigh "UC's MYSficfI'Pirfee'n."chap:t¢.f. of Pharmacy: '~, . bec ause the st(ldenfs were '~e~er'- ~,'~,'Selected .on-the basis 'of 'sch 01-: Mimeographed copies of a caI~ cising their, rights, 'given them arship, ,Iead~rsh:ip", and' service "to urnn ~n Braden' written by' Ollie under the FirSt' Amendment~ theU iilv,ersityC;fhe',following girls .James-last October 'were' handed He then' continued ·to, inf.orm , were tappfid: ·t:~:-._ ,. ,- "out by "Matthew ':MacLeid, Law these students that he had been NANCY'~lfEAMER;, A&S: Pro- '63, and JeU"Spragens, A&S ''64. "red baited" before beca'us~'of • .duction 'Manager, Cincinnati~'n; MacLe'id toldthe NEWS RECORD his stand on integration. This _ Ass't Rush, Chairman, Alpha DeI- that these were only .to inform immecfiately pro'ciuced a' serles , ta Pi; Board of Publications; Pi students .. ' of boos and cat-calls fr~m the Delta, Epsilon; Captain, Guidon; picketers. However, another (Continued on Page 14) Chairman, 1962' Panhellenic 'Sing; segm'ent of the ~students ap-. Jr. ' Advisor; Recording Secre- pJapdedwhert,·,the·sign "was -. tary, WAA; . Secretary, Religious turred to the wall. " Emphasis' Program. " - ;:,Br~aden' then began' 'to 'discuss Beorcais Try , . KATHY GOERTEMILLER, A& the (integr:3:t~on', problem' stating Students for Consti,tutional 'Freedoms adviser, Dr. Louis Harlan, S: Editor, Student Directory; that-he' felt peaceful discussion of .speaks it's, Carl, Br~den strtds by. Harlan was later ..accused by Presi- Board' of Publications; Jr." Ad- the problem was the only way to for Three In,'63 dent Langsam as using I/verypoor judgment" concerning the visit visor; Co-chairman, Comparative bring about peaceful change. " Braden was' repeatedly heckled . ,of Braden. ' Braden ,is anegedly it Communist but this' charge has Religions; Publicity Chairman, by Paul Vogelgesang by the audience, most of the never been proven. ~, Alpha Chi Omega; AWS Repre- As MVC champion for a second heckeling concerned his appear- , " sentative ; Union Program Coun- shattering sixth straight year, purpose of this comfnitteewas to ~ and on its counterpart, the .House eil; Worship Chairman, Junior Cincinnati strides into the Mid- ance before the Senate Internal prevent white people fronlspeak- Uri-Americari- Ac,tivities Commit- Leadership Conference. Security Committee and his re-. west regionals at· Lawrence, to- Ing i.qJ~vor .. of integration, he tee. He claimed that these 'NANCY HEISEL, A&S: Convo- fusal to state whether or not he mO'LTOWto start its quest for an- ' was' a Communist when. ques-' stated that when white; people groups were controlled by, South- cations Chairman, Religious Em- other precedent-a third cnnsecu- tioned by this committee. Braden supported it the .issue woukf~pe ~rns who ~'ada ves~ed interest phasis Program; Secretary-treas- tive NCAA crown. in reply, quoted from the first dead. j' \. In S'egregatlOn ... He CIted the ~x- urer, Guidon; Treasurer, Alpha Four senior Bearcats (Capt. amendment and' said' that th~, He then lamrchetr-,aI1"'""atnrclt,~,ample of Senator Eastland, chair- Lambda. Delta; JUdicial Commit- Larry Shingleton, and Dale He'i- the members of this c'ommittee, (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 16) dotting) have never witnessed defeat in this king of post-sea- son cage classics. , ~ t' tn In' fact, the TNT twins, Yates W' Phi Beta Kappa Chapter Elects and Thacker have been regulars (') I ,~' on the past two 'Cat quintets that _ ,0' ~. ,\.,.,~ battled through the grinding MVC o races, swept past the regionals . \U ,28 Seniors To 'Membership and on to national acclaim with ••••• back-to-back "upset" victories Twenty-eight seniors in the, (\,1 i Paul M. Cholak, 3115 S. Wbitetree bara- Triplett. Kitts Hill, 0.; over proud Ohio State. ••• University of Cincinnati's Me- Cr., Robert C. Fee, 6830 Sampson sociology-,.Miss Kathleen Hen- Of course, the person most Micken College of Arts and Sci- ~•.....•.... Ave., and Michael Weinberg, nert, 7851 Colerain Ave., and responsible for UC's phenomen- ~ .:t ences have been elected t-o mem- $I( ~,.~ 2560 Madison Rd. Miss Kathleen Martin, 2819' -al success is baske.tbaWs most ~ ;z: bership' in the campus Ohio Delta (':';)- (;) Zoology- David B. Confer, Langdon Farm Rd. eeneelenticoseeech, Ed Jucker. chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, na- 2531 Burnet Ave';, Donald 'G. Professing a ,cage creed that -;.J y:z-~- tional scholastic 'honor society, by Psyc-hology - Richard D. La- _ 0 Rau, 3760 Bo~dinot Ave.;' Stan- stresses playing the' game· a,t meier, 3940 Davis Ave.; classics • U ' the chapter's executive commit- ford T. Shulman" Toledo, 0.; both ends of the court, "Jack" "...., .., tee. -Thomas McEvilley III, 747' E. l'- ~ ".. Barry W. Siegel, Fairfield, 0.; stunned the experts by piloting ~ ON Nineteen men and nine women 6th Street;' philosophy-Stanley his complete Bearcat teams ,to and Albert Vesper, 709 St. Jo- R ....Skolnik; Queens; N. Y.;' ro- are among those e I e c ted . seph Ln., Covin9ton, Ky. their twin NCAA feats and has mance languages and literatures Grouped by their major fields, Medical technology-i-Miss Ann fashioned a. remarkable record members-elect are:" ._ -Miss Judith- H.Takahashi, 1972 of. 79·6 in' three years at the E. Damon, 3822 Drake Ave", -and Horton -Street. English - Wendell . H~ Aff- Miss Judith Gard, Newark, 0.; UC helm. -sprunq, Wood River,.II!.;' I,.awt' chemistry -."Kirk V. Darragh, Friday night the NCAA stage .renee M. Davis, Mar,ys,ville, 0.; Massilon, '0:", .and. Geoffrey P. F~RE~HME~N-':'VOTE! is once again set and one slip, Miss, .Paula ; Dean", Bethesda'; .Herzig, 4547: Bristol Ln. ; IDathe- Eledions for secretary of the' one .miscue could mean the, end of hall. When the Bearcatsopen- Md.; -Br'uce Martin;' '318' Ress- mattes -Mrs. Canzetta Dye r' Sophomore' CIass" have -been ,ed' the 1962:.63 'campaign the en- fQrd Ave., ••: Ft. T-homas; Ky.;, Flanders: 2806 Temple Ave., and rescheduled for today -and-to- morrow in the"Main Lounge of thusiastic chant .across campus and Miss .Billie Wrightl }-20For-' Charles Yarbrough" 1821 Ash- was "Three in '63'?-obviously the est ,Ave.; Ft. ,Thom.'1 ''fY. brook Dr.,' . the StUdent Union: C.andidates " are Mary Lou Maddux, Betsy 'Cats 23-1 seasonal record :re- ~;cono~,icii'= T. B,ltaa,uI.1,645 History - Michael',Goldman, fleets their intentions to' fulfill Riddle ltd': h•.•.~rence- 185 S~ A.~ •.'•••. ,.M.i;saJi4~ih ~yenf. and Susie McMath. Page" Two UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI NEWS RECORD Thursday, March 14, 1963' B,raden's Discussion I Braden ,Wqrk~c,.AS Fi~ld'Secretary . ' Raises ·Controversy For Alleged' Pro-.CQJrl:mUnLst' Group' Carl Braden, the man who pre- crsren was later/ reversed by an all white neighborhood in Lou" (Continued from Page 1) cipitated the crisis last Thursday, the Supreme Court of the Unit· isville and then sold out to a Ne- man of the Senate committee, is, according to a column written ed States .:on the grounds that gro family. The home was later and also one of the biggest plan- by, Ollie James in the October 6, only the Federal-government dynamited which, according to ~~tion owners in the rich' delta 1962, issue ,2J the' E~QUIRER, has jurisdiction in this area. the state, was a planned Job d~-; area of the South. field secretary of the Southern . The sedition case came about signed to create racial contro- ";Braden said that it would be Conference - Educational Fund, when' Braden 'bought a home in versy.
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