** "*^?^aj£ie>a<*«eui__.. Full Local Coverage RARITAN OWN SHIP Complete News, Pictures A Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly To the Community Interest And Impartially Each Week VOL. XIII—NO. 15 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS New Route Veterans Bring Housing Condition Worries to Commissioners To Amboy Suggested ecis Clara Barton Man Asks? Study Isookiug to Use Of RR Right-of Way RAR'ITAN TOWNSHIP—Gilber: Turner, a resident of' the Clara .Barton section today urged that county planners include in then considerations for an alternate route from Perth Amboy to Me- tuchen the possible use of "the great idle space" on the present, right-of-way of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The railroad, which now is a By MICHAEL J. GERMAK single spur conecting both these RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Local municipalities, is situated about political circles received a resound- 500 to 1000 feet south of Nev ing shock late last night when Brunswick Avenue, at present the Commissioner William P. Clarke. only complete vehicular thorough- Democrat, announced he will be a fare connecting approximately six candidate against the Fusion slate miles that separate Perth Amboy in the election May 3. Mr. Clarke and Metuchen* previously announced he would Turner's suggestion comes or not be a candidate. the heels of demands by official! The Fusion ticket, composed of of the county as well as Wood- three Republicans and two Demo- bridge township and other muni- crats.is complete. Mr. Clarke's new cipalities that immediate consider- plans to enter the race regardlsss ation be given to construction of of organization formula, were a an alternate route to relieve the -; • surprise although in an interview heavy congestion of traffic on New /.- :• :«/ •. • with a representative of this news- Brunswick Avenue. The congestion paper earlier in the week he was is said to reach a critical point This was the scene earlier this week in the municipal commis- Park sections. Seated around.the meeting: table from left to right deemed to have left the door open during the early morning and late are Commissioner Walter C. Christensen, Commissioner Russell JULIUS C. ENGEL JAMES P. FORGIONE to run despite his previous inten- afternoon hours, when commuters sioners' chambers of Town Hall as wave after wave of veterans Walker, Mayor Julius C. Engel, Commissioner James C. Forgione tions. He indicated IasD night his travel back and forth to their who have bought homes in Saritan Township paraded before and Commissioner William P. Clarke. In the foreground at the campaign manager will be William jobs. township officials to voice complaints of what they described as table are: Townsinp Attorney ThomasL. Hanson (with hand to F. X. Greene of 2 Prospect Avenue. Telis of Study inadequate sewage facilities. Most of the veterans groups were his face), Township Clerk Oscar Kaus and Township Engineer The decision of Mr. Clarke to Ray P. Wilson. again be a candidate has, of course, In his statement to The Beacon, were representative of the Stephenville community and Lahiere revived rumors the Fusion ticket Turner, former superintendent of may have full-scale opposition. the Hopelawn plant of the now I Commissioner Walter C. Christen- defunct H. L. Rosenthal Handker- Building Halt, ; sen, who also is not on the Fusion chief Manufacturing Company, ticket, is still regarded as definitely declared: ! still a factor in the imminent race, "I have made a perfunctory Due to Plaints* and it may be he will join with his study of the space limitations of ' coleiague and three others to toe the Lehigh Valley Railroad spur | decided, to present a full slats. that joins Perth Amboy and Me- Mow Considered i Up to last night, however, Mr.. tuchen, particularly at a point Christensen was unwilling to de- near Woodbridge Avenue in Rari- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — An clare his intentions. tan Township. It seems that the overflow crowd of anxious veterans The organizaton ticket will con- railroad right-of-way here is at 'ammed the commission chambers sist of Mayor Julius C. Engel, least 60 feet^wide. This is so at varlier this week to hear township Commissioner James Forgion e-. least from the Woodbridge Ave- commissioners defer action on a Commissioner Russell Walker, nue intersection to the King threatened stoppage of further Township Republican Chairman George Road overpass in the Sand 'luilding to new housing develop- Brace Eggert and Martin j. KillS- section, and- only about W ments because of growing com- OHara, a member of the township feet of this, necessary for the plaints over what are said to be Board of Education. single spur rail traffic, at present unsatisfactory construction prac- ' The following joint statement is being used. tices. • was made today by these candi- '•This means that at least 40 or Township Attorney Thomas L. dates, in announcing that they will 50 feet of good, solid roadbed, over '•ianson Was to have given the com- run together in the election May 3. which two other sets of tracks ran missioners a report on what legal RUSSELL B. WALKER "In announcing that we will run years ago, but of late have been irocedures, of any, could be in- together we are acceding to the ripped out—perhaps for reasons stituted against builders who are wishes and desires of our many of rail economy—are now idle or •'ound to be negligent in construc- Raritan Commission friends and supporters throughout wasted. tion work as alleged" by numerous the Township. We will at an early "A study of the traffic situation •esidents who have moved into the Race Picture JJnfolds date announce our slogan and reveals that - the most critical township during the past few platform. In the meantime we stretch of New Brunswick Avenue nonths. However, the township RARITAN TOWNSHIP—The oledge to the citizens of Raritan extends from Fords Corner to the was asked by the State Board of cciKmisf.ioner's race for May 8th Township we will endeavor to give Super Highway (Route 25), as This scene, taken in the corridor of Town Hall commissioners. Earl Holcombe, third from right Health to hold in abeyance any at a glance is: Raritan Township an enlightened from Fords Corner to Perth Am- Tuesday night, shows residents of Lahiere Park With trench coat, served as spokesman for the luch decision for at least 10 days Organization Ticket and progressive administration." boy, King George Road, opens an- who tried to gain admittance to crowded commas- J>»i=re Park Civic Association which he heads as oending a study of the conditions Mayor Julius C. Engel, Demo- sion chambers to discuss housing problems with president. by its representatives. It was dis- Mr. O'Hara, a Democrat, and other artery for autos traveling crat. Mr. Eggert, Republican leader were easterly toward the outer-bridge. posed that two of the state de- Martin J. O'Hara Sr., Democrat. oartment's agents, L. M. Freid- 3hosen by their respective parties Also, at Crows Mill Road, a third Vo'gel to be Speaker ... Commissioner James P. For- o run for the seats now occupied artery is available for traffic rich, district chief of public health gione, Republican. Oak Tree Fire Board Sees Paid engineering, and F. L. Crocker, by Commissioner William P. through the Keasbey section in At Rally of Democrats Commisisoner Russell B. Walk- Clarke, Democrat and Commis- Perth Am-boy. orincipal sanitarian, already have er, Republican. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — State begun to study sewage problems sioner Walter C. Chrisensen, Re- "As acquisition of an entirely Help Not Needed 0t Present Time Brace Egbert, Republican. publican. Mr. Clarke announced Senator Robert Vogel will be prin- said to be the chief complaint. Independent Candidate new right-of-way and subsequent RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Be- Mr. Luce further declared that -foi cipal speaker at a rally to be held over a week ago that he would not construction of a new roadbed for cause of its small size, Oak Tree j the district to even consider em- jy the township Democratic Or- Mr. Hanson's report is based on John Dudics, Clara Barton, seek re-election. Mr. Ghristensen, an alternate route would entail fire district, now said to have the ployment of paid drivers woulc ganization Monday evening, April a survey to determine legal redress Democrat. meanwhile, has not officially indi- what might seem a prohibitive owest fire tax rate, does not re-mean a readiness to more than )th, in the firehouse auditorium of privileges against negligent build- Other Possible Aspirants cated what he will do, and as a cost at this time, it would seem quire the services of paid firemen double the present annual fire iaritan Engine Company No. 1, 3rs even to the point of haltiner Commissioner Walter C. Chris- (Continued on Page 5) reasonable that some thought be or drivers. budget. He added- "It may be a Piscatawaytown. all construction. This threatened tens-en, Republican. given to possible use of the rail- This is the opinion of Fire Com- long time before we feel we should A program of entertainment and action grew out of a hoard of Commisisoner William P. road's right-of-way as a middle undertake a job that would meaE lancing is being planned for.the complaints voiced recently by new Clarke, Democrat. of the road consideration. Perhaps missioner .Arthur T. Luce, secretary home-owners in the StephenviHe Kussell Milleman, Independent. is left of the Oak ,-Tree board of firs substantially raising our present irst major township-wide rally. the railroad's Single spur can be rate,- and when that time comes, • Joseph Costa has been named Development adjacent to Wood- shifted to one extreme side of the :ommissioners, when interviewed brook Farms over .
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