The Perfect Pour: Beer Foam Physics and the Art of Dispensing Beer R. J. H. Emrich University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 3G1∗ (Dated: July 20, 2006) Though it may seem trivial and unimportant, the complexities of the college males alcoholic beverage of choice, deserve further inspection. The physics associated with dispensing and consuming beer provide sources of interest throughout the community. The production of the beer itself is related more directly to the chemistry and microbiology of the concoction, and as such will not be covered in this paper. Beyond the brewing process however, there is a great deal of physics involved. Concerning ourselves solely with the bubbles contained in the beer we will see that viscosity, gas content, relative density and the surface tension are four parameters which show major importance. The theory and equations governing head formation, sustainability and decay are presented and discussed. I. INTRODUCTION for exclusive use by a brewer. Lacking today’s knowledge of the mechanics of brewing, the grut recipes often spoiled, but A. Ancient Times for reasons unknown and was often blamed on supernatural beings. Brewers found that adding hops, the flowers of the hop As early as 6,000 years ago, the Sumerian empire was plant, served as a great way to add bitterness to their beer. brewing a fermented grain beverage which resembled an ”ine- A side benefit was that they increased the stability of the beer briating pulp.” Historical reference to this beverage is the ear- and added predictability to the brewing process. Upon their liest relative of the beer we know today. This drink was con- introduction, the exclusive brewing right associated with grut sidered divine and as such, offered to the gods. recipes was nearly vanquished, and as such, hops were ini- Throughout the Babylonian empire beer was a highly ap- tially banned from usage. This did not stop the brewers. preciated drink and brewing, a lauded skill. So much so that As time passed and in spite of illegality, growing number a beer ration was established for all people, dependent upon of breweries utilized hops to brew their beer, simply due to their social rank. ”A normal worker received 2 liters, civil the increased predictability afforded by hop usage. Fewer servants 3 liters, and administrators and high priests 5 liters batches spoiled and the product began to resemble that which per day.” This sentiment was echoed in Egypt where the act we know today. of brewing was so important, that a hieroglyph was created Over the next 300 years, very little changed, so called for ”brewer”[1] brewing centers or ”beer capitals” developed (at one point Through Greek and Roman times, beer continued to be Hamburg, Germany contained over 600 breweries). Increased brewed, and continued to be popular. However, as time knowledge about the brewing process, and more specifically passed and grape growing began to take hold, the divinity the temperatures at which certain beers can be brewed, fur- was stripped of the drink. Wine was considered the drink of ther reduced the number of spoiled batches.[2] That said, the the gods, and beer brewing only took place in the outskirts technology available at the time was of little use, and the abil- of the Roman empire, where wine was hard to obtain. In ity to exploit this information would not be available until the fact, an early historian of the Roman Antiquity, Tacitus, il- Industrial Revolution. lustrates this in his text, The Germania on the Teutonic tribes of northern Europe where he writes, ”To drink, the Teutons have a horrible brew fermented from barley or wheat, a brew C. The Industrial Revolution which has only a very far removed similarity to wine.”[2] The Teutonic tribes revered for the drink, and continued to consid- ered it divine. This divinity stemmed from the mood-altering The advent of the Industrial Revolution added scientific properties of the drink and it was considered, that the beer techniques to aid in the art of brewing. By the mid-19th Cen- contained a spirit of a god, as it so possesses the spirit of the tury it was already well known, and scientifically proven, that drinker.[1] brewing good beer required certain temperatures. For exam- ple, the most popular Lager-type beer requires storage tem- peratures between 4◦C and 10◦C in order for proper natural carbonation to form. This prevented lager beers from being B. The Middle Ages brewed in the summer months, as ambient temperatures were too high. Even with widespread usage of block ice and deep, Originally, flavouring came from a mixture of herbs and cold cellars, these temperatures could not be reached, or ade- spices, called grut. This grut was able to be licensed, a form quately regulated.[2] of early patent, where a recipe for flavour could be protected That was until Carl von Linde (also known for his achieve- ments in liquifying air) changed the industry; inventing the first reliable and efficient compressed-ammonia refrigerator. Von Linde’s invention allowed for comparatively precise tem- ∗Electronic address: [email protected] perature control that allowed these beers to be brewed. That 2 said, it is not surprising, that his first refrigeration system was tested at a Munich brewery.[3] In the last 150 years even less has changed, however, modern research continues to explore this divine beverage. II. FURTHER EXPLORATION A. Opening The physics of beer start to come into play in the dispens- ing and presentation of the beer. As these two actions are ◦ regulated by the properties of the liquid, determined by the FIG. 1: Top: Proper 45 pouring method produces smooth, neat froth. Bottom: Incorrect pour may result in excessive, ugly, undesir- chemistry. The most noticeable property, is the degree of car- able froth production[5] bonation. Technically, carbonation implies that the bubble inducing gas is carbon dioxide. However, this term is generally associ- The reason for this tilt is to increase the surface area of ated with the bubbles within any beverage. Unfortunately this the liquid in the glass, allowing CO2 to escape quicker is not always the case. Gasification may be more appropriate, than it would if the beer was poured straight into the as some liquids use nitrogen for the same purpose. We will glass. As the liquid moves down the side of the glass, use carbon dioxide as the standard for the rest of our discus- it will spread out and move slower. This reduces the sion unless other wise noted. quantity of froth as it causes less disturbance and tur- Everyone is familiar with the sound associated with the bulence in the beer already contained in the glass. opening of a bottle. This is due to the equalization of pres- sures between the inside and outside of the bottle[4]. Prior 2. Once the beer reaches the two-thirds volume point the to the opening of the bottle, the partial pressures of carbon glass it can be slowly tilted to an upright position. dioxide in the liquid and air in the bottle are the same; how- The act of pouring straight into the glass will force air ever, once the seal is cracked, a pressure differential inside bubbles into the beer. These bubbles act again as nucle- and outside the bottle is created. The relationship between ation sites, allowing more carbon dioxide to come out the gaseous and aqueous CO2 concentrations is now much of solution.[4] different and the partial pressure within the liquid is much higher than that in the air. The effect of this is an equalization Now that the glass is poured, and the proper amount of of the partial pressures of the aqueous and gaseous CO2. In head formed, we can dive into the physics of what exactly is order for this to occur, the CO2 must come out of solution, going on. and the familiar rush of bubbles ensues. However, for this rush of bubbles to be initiated, the bub- bles must have a place to form. Any sort of debris, or fissure IV. WHAT’S GOING ON? on the surface of the glass will act as a nucleation site, or a location where bubbles will begin to grow. This is further A. Head Formation continued when the beer is transferred to an alternate contain- ment vessel. Most people call this a glass. As the bubbles do not form on their own, the characteristics of the nucleation sites (see section II A) must have an effect upon the size of the bubble. III. THE POUR 1 Rbubble = [3Rnucγ/2ρg] 3 (1) A perfect pour is characterized by the correct amount of well constructed head. While preference varies from location Where the radius of the bubble is given by Rbubble, the ra- to location (US and southern UK prefer little head and max- dius of the nucleation site is given by Rnuc (m); γ, the surface imum beer, other european countries prefer their beer in the tension (mN·m−1); ρ is the specific gravity, (or relative den- proper glass with the proper amount of head for each beer). sity, g·m−3) of the beer; and g is acceleration due to gravity Each pour consists of two classes of actions; those which (9.8 m·s−2). Both ρ and γ do not vary significantly over a reduce the amount of foam formation, and those that pro- range of beers, so we will take these as constants in the anal- mote head formation. Depending on the type of beer, differ- ysis to follow[6]. 1 ∼ ent techniques are required when pouring, the most common Inputting common values ,(Rnuc = 0.1 mm, ρ = 1.010 pouring method is illustrated in figure 1.
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