WEATHER FOieeoat of U. tt. Weather Bafeeii, Hartford Oeneralty fair tonight and Tues- day; Dot much eliaage In tempera- tuio. ^ MANCHESTER ~ A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM (Claattfled Advertising on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS BRITAIN, ITALY JAPS BLOCKED Fear 40 Dead in Montana Train Wreck BEGIN PARLEY BY BARRICADE BELIEVE 40 KILLED ^ TO SPEH) P A Q RIVER kmm IN TRAIN DISASTER; ions To Ctomplere The Rock-Laden Boats Sank By Accord Signed April 16 Chinese To Delay Drire SCORES ARE INJURED So As To Pnl Its Provi- Up Y a n ^ To Hankow; dons Into Effect Now. Japanese Warships Sunk. Nation’s Worst Raff Tragedy London, June 20.— (A P )—Britain Shanghal, June 20—(A P )—Strlk. In Years When Engme m Miles City, Mont.. June 20— (AP)^> and Italy have begun dlscuaaing the Ing both from land and air, the Jap- Others In hospital: —The list of casualties in the train Joseph Martin, porter, 350 East poaslblllty of bringing their agree' anese today sought to blast out the 56th street, Chicago. And Coaches Dive Into WTeck near Miles City, Mont.,, as ment signed at Rome April 16 Into barricade of rock-laden boats at Mrs. D. L. Herrold and son. effect immediately, without waiting issued today by Milwaukee railroad Matowchen which la blocking their Jimmy, Plankington, S. D. River After Flood Carriei officials and doctori at Holy Rosary M. J. Wearin, Walterville, Ore. for “settlement” of the Spanish drive up the Yangtze river to Han- hospital. Miles City: civil war. kow. Mra. Ralph Olaon and daughter, -Identified Dead: Lorraine, Bowman, N. D. Away Bridge; 16 Bodies The agreement Included a stipu- lation It would not become effective While Japanese planes continued Mrs. Leroy Bailey and daughters, Axel Olson, 3112 Lawrrence, Ta- to bombard the boom, an overland Juanita 6, Joyce 3, Billings, Mont. coma, Wash. until Italian troops had been with- column forded the swollen Tsien Frank Merrlfleld, engineer. Miles Found; Tales Of Heroisn. drawn from Spain. John Lallas, 1615 Rqmbold, Bel- river and marched Into Hotow, 30 City, Mont. lingham, Wash. In Rome Foreign Minister Count miles northwest Matowchen, Charles ' James, baggageman, Galeazzo aano and the Earl of Cihrls C. McGee, conductor, Miles threatening a rear attack against Milep City. aty. Perth, Britain's ambassador, Are Chinese forces guarding the barrier. Mrs. Milton Lehr and daughter, Miles City, Mont., June 20.— discussing means of getting around Mrs. Rhoda E. Lear, 4764 North (AP) — Custer creek, into Another Japanese column, which Hettinger, N. D. 24th street, Omaha. obstacles that have arisen to imple- captured Taihu yesterday, prepared Milton C. Norberg, mall clerk, menting the accord. Marlon Wheeler, 5516 Fifth 'which the Milwaukee rail- to drive southward against Susung, Aberdeen, S. D. street, Seattle. road’s “ Olympian” carried One of Britain’s difficulties Is 30 miles away, in an effort to reach H. M. McCoy, fireman, Mllea City. that Prime Minister Neville Cham- Mrs. Gus L. Tressman and son, nearly 40 persons to thelp Kiukiang overland. Kiukiang, 25 Mra. A. F. Frellch, Lemmon, 8. D. John, St. Paul, Minn. berlain made the promise to the miles southwest of Susung on the Mrs. E. H. Johnson, Miles City. death in the nation’s worat House of (Commons that the Rome Edward F. Richards, chef, 4415 Yangtze river, is 135 miles by river Missing: Beacon, Chicago. train tragedy in years, resisted agreement would not come Into ef- below Hankow. Mrs. Thomas Lallas, Bellingham, fect until "a settlement” of the Louis Williams, porter, 521 East today the efforts of rescuers to American and British gunboats Wash. 44th, Chicago. Spanish problem had been reached. are waiting at Kiukiang, prepared (Railroad officials said the follow, reach one car still holding ita Ehtactly what he meant by "set- Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kaskie and to protect property and evacuate ing held apace in the tourist sleeper son. Miles, Mitchell, S. D. dead. tlement” never has been deflned but neutrals Is necessary. that could not be raised from the the assumption was he meant an Frank Moran, cook, 1408 North Heavy silt flowing into a sub- Japs’ River Fleeb creek bed last night and in which Bell avenue, Chicago. Insurgent victory, which at the Meanwhile, the Japanese river some bodies could be seen. How- merged tourist sleeper. In time seemed Imminent. Ralph Yontz, Harrisburgh, Pa. fleet, said by the Chinese to Include ever, possibly some of those listed Leola Mohr, Garden City, S. D. which 17 persona had booked .Arranging A Truce 100 ships, continued to shell both either escaped from the car or were space, forced Milwaukee offi- The possibility of arranging a Mrs. Fred Mohr, Garden City. shores above Anklng, Anhwei prov- not on It when it sank in the truce In Spain will be explored fully ince capital', and sweep the Yangtze stream.) Ria Dora Bills, 605 Eighth avenue cials to abandon attempts to south. Great Falls, Mont. ° by Britain this week, informed per- for miles. ‘ GraphlcSlIy portrayed In thU air view is the fate of the Milwaukee railroad’s "Olympian” pasaen- Dorothy Debeer, Sioux City, Iowa. raise it with cranes. sons disclosed. Ffni *'*’ *'** p lu n ^ from a flood-weakened bridge 26 mllea east of Miles City, Mont, Kermlt Joloster, Aberdeen, 8. D. The Chinese reported four Japan- .-^ell Clancy, Seattle. They said they feared tha The question of mediation will be ese vessels were sunk In a raid by filin g 40 or more and injuring scores. Note passenger coach partly submerged In middle of Custer Harry Buckley, wralter, 8352 Kate Clancy, Seattle. Prairie avenue, CUcago. bottom of the water-Ioggad,; raised at a meeting tomorroW of eight heavy bombers late yesterday. Creek; the wreckage of bridge which gave way completely; and the remaining apnroachea of the bridge Mlsa------ Conwray, Seattle. on left and right banks 6t the stream. Helen Gehrig, Minneapolis. the chairman's subcommittee of the A Japanese naval communique con- Henry Schultz, Seattle. sleeper might drop out, send-'^ James P. Reece, brakeman. Miles 27-natlon committee on non-inter- firmed the raid, but denied any Mrs. L. Erickson, Seattle. aty. ing the bodies down stream. ' vention in Spain. British officials ships were sunk. The communique UnldenUfled boy believed to be Sixteen bodies, 11 of them ! Mike SmykowBld, 8041 North are hopeful of achieving progress In said the Chinese planes'were driven from Artry, Jdaho. Central park, Chicago. identified, have been recovered 5 this meeting, which wlU dlacuss off by a heavy anti-aircraft fire af- Two from Seattle who were un- SENATORS DEFEND Mrs. Guy Herdsman, White Lake, from the wreckage. Another; ^ evacuation of foreign troopa fight- ter a bomb slightly ’ damaged a HARTFORD HEARS RUMOR identified. S. D. ing In Spain. troop tranaport P. F. Bchults, Beattie. that of an unidentified woman# ^ Evelyn Janssen, tYaeport, ni. France and Italy have given as- The Chinese said several attenopts Dean Hanaoom, Seattle. was taken from the Yellowi- j to land Japanese troops on the H. B. Betnadiek, steward, 1107 surancea of their readiness to com- ANHHIUST PROBE Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Range, Seat- south' bank of the Yangtze above 47th atrseL Milwaukee. stone river, into which Custer i promise on this Issue, but the attl- OF INDEPENDENT P A R H tle. Edgar Peoples, walUr, 4610 For- tude of Sovlot Russia remains a big Nanking had been blo^ed. Sarah Olaon, 64, BesdUe. creek flows, about 60 m 0$il fkMMi Roaones FSok restTUIe, Chicago. question mark. Margaret Olaon, 62, Seattle. from the scene of the tragedp; - At Kalfang In the Yellow river Arthur M. Jaekapn, waiter, 6861 Informed persons said Italy had Bonk Apd OUbboney De- Don Hanscom, 8eattla. •>dem streaL Chicago. Flood Onrrieo Off Bodlea. / ; F sought Immediate ratification of a ^ eflglnsSrs expreasei] the Report Says Sonator Colkane Tha asriewiiy Injiiraat Porters told of sdolhg aa maay ' belief that the present flood hAd RELIEF RIOTQtS EmBclB Barry, 200 Joseph streeL the April 16 accord, contending that Mrs, R. C. Daniels, 9 ll Missouri MpbUe, Ala. ^ five or six bodies oarriod away reached Its peak and said the clares It WiD Aid Rather Avenue, Deer Dodge,'Mont. by the 20-foot flood that raUed dosra breoehed^dlkes could be repaired be- Of Waterbary Is Plan- Mrs. Paul Gehrig and children, (Oontlnaed on Page Two.) Mrs. M. J. Wearln, WaltervlUe, John, Horrina and Barbara, 4401 the creek channd. fore a second rise expected In July. The flood waters, which had oas^ SMASH WINDOWS Ore. Park avenue, Minneapolis. They estimated at least 30,000 per- Than Hart ' Industries. Luctle Stumley, 24, Keldron.'fl. D. ried out a 180-foot bridge -juat b«- sons were drowned and missing as a ning New State Democn’at- Thomas Towmsend, 825 Mont- Albert Dobbins, 3642 State itreeL gomery avenue, Bryn Mawrr, Penn. f6re the fast, alr-condlUianed trata \ result of the flood, while 100,000 had arrived at the crossing early Oea- MINNESOTA VOTES loat their homes. Chicago. Treated for minor Injuries: Washington, June 20 — (AP) — Dean Hanscom, 604 Fifth avenue. terday, continued to subside slowly Japanese forces, driven from the ic Ticket For The Fall. | Battle Police In British Co- today. • New York City. t tOontlnned on Page Two.) Chengchow sector by the high Senators O'Mahoney (D., Wyo.), Salvage workers said the need- water, were reported withdrawing and Borah' (R., Idaho), declared to- AT PRIMARY TODAY lombia; Two Officers And ing water would permit them to dig : to the Boutheost to reinforce the Hartford, June 20.— (A P)—^Un- day that business has nothing to the bodies from the submeigiS armies In the Yangtze area.
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