ISSN 0378-3693 Bulletin of the European Communities Commission No 7/8 1990 Volume23 The Bulletin of the European Communities reports on the activities of the Commission and the other Community institutions. lt is edited by the Secretariat-General of the Commission (rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels) and published 11 times a year (one issue covers July and August) in the official Community languages. The following reference system is used: the first digit indicates the part number, the second digit the chapter number and the subsequent digit or digits the point number. Citations should therefore read as follows: Bull. EC 1 -1987, point 1.1.3 or 2.2.36. Supplements to the Bulletin are published in a separate series at irregular intervals. They contain official Commission material (e.g. communications to the Council, programmes, reports and pro- posals). · © ECSC-EEC-EAEC, Brussels • Luxembourg, 1990 Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium Bulletin of the European ~ Communities ~ ~~ ,":' ~, Commission f ~ i· ~ ECSC- EEC- EAEC Commission of the European Communities Secretariat -General Brussels I I,, 1' ~ I No 7/8 1990 Volume23 ! l Sent to press in December 1990 Bulletin information service Readers can obtain information on developments since this issue went to press (date of adoption of instruments by the Council, of opinions given by Parliament or the Economic and Social Committee, of publication in the Official Journal, etc.) by telephoning the document services of the Information Offices at the following numbers: London 222 8122 Belfast 240708 Cardiff 371631 Edinburgh 225 2058 Dublin 712244 References in text References to other parts of the same issue of the Bulletin are given in parentheses in text, thus (-+ point 2.1.53). Standardized abbrev1at1ons for the des1gnat1on of certam monetary un~ts m the different languages of the Commun~ty ECU European currency un1t BFR Belg1sche frank I Franc beige DKR Dansk krone DM Deutsche Mark DR Greek drachma ESC Escudo FF Franc fran.;;a1s HFL Nederlandse gulden (Hollandse flonJn) IRL lnsh pound I punt LFR Franc luxembourgeo1s LIT L1ra 1tahana PTA Peseta UKL Pound sterling USD Un1ted States dollar contents ACTIVITIES PART ONE IN JULY/AUGUST 1990 1. Political dimension of European integration 8 - Institutional debate in the European Parliament 8 - Follow-up to the European Council 9 2. German unification and relations with the German Democratic Republic 9 3. The single market and the Community economic and social area 14 - Economic and monetary policy 14 - Internal market 17 •;, \ - Competition 26 I - Social dimension 31 f· ,:,'I - Coordination of structural instruments 39 - Regional policies 40 tJ - Research and technology 46 "l - Environment 51 'i'' -Consumers 56 ;I ,. - Enterprise policy and industrial strategies 57 ' -Agriculture 59 -Fisheries 75 -Transport 81 -Energy 84 - Information, communication and culture 86 - A people's Europe 88 4. Role of the Community in the world 91 - Relations with Central and Eastern European countries 91 - Relations with European Free Trade Association countries 95 - Relations with other industrialized countries 96 - Mediterranean, Gulf and Arabian peninsula countries 97 -Asia 100 - Latin America 101 - ACP countries and OCTs 103 - General development cooperation 107 - Commercial policy 111 - International organizations and conferences 116 - Human rights in the world 117 - Diplomatic relations 119 5. Intergovernmental cooperation 120 - European political cooperation 120 6. Financing Community activities 125 - Budgets 125 - Financial operations 131 - Anti-fraud measures 131 - European Investment Bank 131 7. Statistics 134 8. Community institutions 137 - Parliament 137 -Council 140 - Commission 142 - Community lawcourts 149 - Court of Auditors 171 - Economic and Social Committee 171 PART TWO DOCUMENTATION 1. The ecu 174 2. Western Economic Summit 176 3. Infringement procedures 186 4. Additional references in the Official Journal 188 5. Index 193 Supplements 1990 1 /90 Programme of the Commission for 1990 2/90 Community merger control law 3/90 Public procurement in the excluded sectors (11) 4/90 The European Community and German unification Supplement 1991 *1 /91 Programme of the Commission for 1991 • In preparatoon PART ONE ACTIVITIES IN JULY/AUGUST 1990 1. Political dimension of European integration Institutional debate Adopted on 11 July. Parliament has decided to draw up a draft constitution for Euro­ in the European Parliament pean union on the basis of the main points of the draft Treaty adopted in February 1.1.1. Parliament resolution on the inter­ 1984 and guidelines concerning the purposes governmental conference in the context of of the union, the constitutional order on Parliament's strategy for European union. which democratic legitimacy should be based, the efficiency of the institutions, the • Reference: Parliament resolution on the inter­ competences of the union and the entry into governmental conference in the context of Par­ liament's strategy for European union: OJ force and amendment of the draft consti­ C 96, 17.4.1990; Bull. EC 3-1990, point 1.1.3 tution. OJ C 231, 17.9.1990 Adopted on 11 July. In the light of develop­ ments since the adoption of its previous 1.1.3. Parliament resolution on the prin­ resolution on this subject, Parliament wel­ ciple of subsidiarity. comes the fact that the agenda for the forth­ coming reform of the Treaties has been Adopted on 12 July. Parliament is aware of widened. While it would still have preferred the importance of the principle of subsidiar­ a single intergovernmental conference, it ity in the context of European union and nevertheless accepts the proposal that two believes that it should be taken into con­ separate conferences be held, provided that sideration not only as a means of defining they are coordinated and that they aim at the respective competences of the Com­ a single coherent package for ratification. munity and the Member States, but also After reaffirming the essential elements in determining how these competences are which, in its view, are contained in the exercised. It considers that this principle concept of 'political union', Parliament should be enshrined in the amendments to spells out the precise changes it is seeking the Treaties drawn up by the intergovern­ to achieve in the following areas: economic mental conference so as to ensure the and monetary union; Community foreign dynamic development of European inte­ policy; improvement of the Treaty pro­ gration and the greatest possible clarity in visions in the social, environmental, the division of competences. Parliament also research and cultural fields; fundamental believes that there must be political and rights and freedoms, and a people's Europe; judicial guarantees ensuring respect for the improvement of the Council's decision­ principle of subsidiarity without risking an making capacity; strengthening of the Com­ institutional deadlock which might jeopard­ mission's executive powers; strengthening ize the interests of Europe. of the Community's ability to enforce appli­ OJ C 231, 17.9.1990 cation of its law; reform of the financial arrangements and in particular of the sys­ 1.1.4. Parliament resolution on the prep­ tem of own resources; recognition of the aration of the meeting with the national duality of Community legitimacy rep­ parliaments to discuss the future of the resented by the Council and Parliament. Community (the 'Assizes'). OJ C 231, 17.9.1990 Adopted on 12 July. Parliament notes that 1.1.2. Parliament resolution on its guide­ a very broad consensus has emerged both lin~s for a draft constitution for European in the parliaments of the Member States umon. and the European Parliament itself and • Reference: Draft Treaty establishing European considers that the interparliamentary union adopted by Parliament on 1 February 'Assizes' on the future of the Community, 1984: OJ C 77, 19.3.1984; Bull. EC 2-1984, a joint initiative of the various parliaments, points 1.1.1. et seq. should be held before the opening of 8 Bull. EC 7/8-1990 German unification and relations with the German Democratic Republic the intergovernmental conference in Results of the deliberations of the Foreign December. This meeting should pursue Ministers: Bull. EC 6-1990, point 1.1.2 two basic aims: to reduce the Community's Deliberations of the Council (General democratic deficit and to prepare the Affairs) on 16 and 17 July. The Council development of a constituent power in the took note of information from the Presi­ Community in keeping with the principles dency on the timetable for preparations for of democracy. Although convinced of the the intergovernmental conference. These need to improve cooperation with the preparations will take place in two stages, parliaments of the Member States, Parlia­ the first lasting until the special European ment is still against the creation of a Council planned in the autumn and the 'chamber of national parliaments' at Com­ second until the Conference opens in munity level, since the intervention of such December. The preparatory work will be a new institution could further complicate based on the following four points defined the decision-making procedure. in the Foreign Ministers' report to the OJ C 231, 17.9.1990 Dublin European Council: the overall objec­ tive of political union, including its scope, institutional aspects and general principles; democratic legitimacy; efficiency and effec­ Follow-up to the European tiveness of the Community and its insti­ Council tutions; unity and coherence of the Com­ munity's international action. Particular attention will be paid to the first and fourth 1.1.5. Council. of these points. The Council also adopted • Reference: draft letters for the purpose of consulting Conclusions of the Dublin European Parliament and the Commission in accord­ Council: Bull. EC 6-1990, points 1.11 and 1.35 ance with Article 236 of the EEC Treaty. 2. German unification and relations with the German Democratic Republic Conclusions of the European Council in I Dublin on 25 and 26 June 1990: Bull.
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