PLANNING COMMITTEE AGENDA 12 September 2012 at 10.00 am in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Hartlepool. MEMBERS OF PLANNING COMMITTEE: Councillors Ainslie, Beck, Brash, Cook, Fisher, James, A Lilley, G Lilley, Morris, Payne, Richardson, Robinson, Shields, Simmons, Thompson and Wells. 1. APOLOGI ES FOR A BS ENC E 2. TO RECEIV E ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS 3. M INUT ES 3.1 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 August 2012 (to follow) 4. ITEMS REQUIRING DECISION 4.1 Planning Applications – Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) 1. H/2012/0354 Shu-Lin, Elw ick Road, Hartlepool (page 1) 2. H/2012/0334 Unit 5 (UK Superbow l) Teesbay Retail Par k, Brenda Road, Hartlepool (page 19) 3. H/2012/0258 – 34 Westbourne Road, Hartlepool (page 23) 4. H/2012/0265 – 34 Westbourne Road, Hartlepool (page 27) 5. H/2012/0252 Mayfair Landfill Site, Tees Road, Hartlepool (page 35) 6. H/2012/0200 Ashfield Caravan Park, Dalton Piercy Hartlepool (page 42) 7. H/2012/0156 Land at The Front, Seaton Carew (page 49) 8. H/2012/0331 West Park Primary School, Coniscliffe Road, Hartlepool (page 61) 4.2 Update on Current Complaints – Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) www.hartl epool.gov.uk/democraticser vices 4.3 Appeal at 16 Siskin Close, Hartlepool (APP/H0724/D/12/2179157) Infill Extension (Link) Betw een Existing Double Garages, Conversion of Garages and to Build New Double Garage – Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) 4.4 Fernbeck, Dalton Back Lane, Hartlepool – Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) 4.5 Findings of the Updated Tees Valley Strategic Housing Market Assessment – Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) 5. ANY OTHER ITEMS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS ARE URGENT 6. LOCAL GOV ERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) (VARIATION) ORDER 2006 EX EMPT IT EMS Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the follow ing items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs referred to below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 7 ITEMS REQUIRING DECISION 7.1 Enforcement Action, Land South of the Mayfair Centre, Tees Road, Hartlepool (Paras 5 and 6) – Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) 7.2 Delegated Action Under Section 215 of the Tow n and County Planning Act (As Amended) (Paras 5 and 6) – Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) 8. ANY OTHER CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS ARE URGENT 9. FOR I NFORM ATION Next Scheduled Meeting – 10 October 2012 at 10.00 am in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre Site Visits – Any site visits requested by the Committee at this meeting w ill take place on the morning of 10 October 2012 at 9.00 am www.hartl epool.gov.uk/democraticser vices Planning Committee - Minutes – 15 August, 2012 3.1 PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AND DECISION RECORD 15 AUGUST 2012 The meeting commenced at 10.00 a.m. in the Civic Centre, Hartlepool Present: Councillor: Rob Cook (In the Chair) Councillors: Jim Ainslie, Paul Beck, Jonathan Brash, Keith Fisher, Marjorie James, Carl Richardson, Jean Robinson, Linda Shields, Paul Thompson and Ray Wells. Also Present: In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.2; Councillor Sheila Griffin was in attendance as substitute for Councillor Payne, Councillor Brenda Loynes was in attendance as substitute for Councillor Dr Morris, Councillor Kaylee Sirs was in attendance as substitute for Councillor Simmons. Officers: Damien Wilson, Assistant Director, Regeneration and Planning Services Chris Pipe, Planning Services Manager Jim Ferguson, Planning Team Leader (DC) Kate McCusker, Commercial Solicitor Adrian Hurst, Principal Environmental Health Officer Peter Frost, Traffic Team Leader David Cosgrove, Democratic Services Team 200. Apologies for Absence Councillors A Lilley, G Lilley, Dr Morris, Payne and Simmons. 201. Declarations of interest by members Councillor Ainslie declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No. 203 application no. H/2012/0209 Benknowle Farm, Benknowle Lane, Hartlepool. Councillor Thompson declared a personal interest in Minute No. 203 application no. H/2012/0287 Monmouth Grove, Hartlepool. Councillor Wells declared a personal interest in Minute No. 203 applications H/2012/0074 Plot A Overlands, Worset Lane, Hartlepool; H/2012/0209 Benknowle Farm, Benknowle Lane, Hartlepool, and H/2012/0354 Shu-Lin, Elwick Road, Hartlepool. 12.08.15 - Planning Cttee Minutes 1 Hartlepool Borough Council Planning Committee - Minutes – 15 August, 2012 3.1 202. Confirmation of the minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2012 Confirmed. 203. Planning Applications (Assistant Director, Regeneration and Planning ) The Planning Services Manager reported on the following planning applications submitted for the Committee’s determination. H/2012/0074 Applicant: Mr Jamie Barnecutt, C/O 23 Park Road HARTLEPOOL Agent: Howson Developments, Steve Hesmondhalgh, Thorntree Farm, Bassleton Lane Stockton Date received: 21/02/2012 Development: Erection of a two and a half storey detached dwelling with detached 2 storey annex and 3 car garage Location: PLOT A OVERLANDS, WORSET LANE, HARTLEPOOL Decision: Planning Permission Approved The Planning Committee considered and discussed at length the officer report and recommendation, the Committee considered representations made and after consideration the Planning Committee took the view that it could not support the recommendation based on the layout and design of the surrounding residential developments which they considered had put unreasonable constraints on the last self build plot. Planning Permission was therefore Approved with the wording of conditions delegated to the Planning Services Manager in consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee. The Committee considered written representations in relation to this matter. The applicant, Mr Barnecutt was present at the meeting and addressed the Committee. ______________________________________________________________ 12.08.15 - Planning Cttee Minutes 2 Hartlepool Borough Council Planning Committee - Minutes – 15 August, 2012 3.1 Number: H/2012/0209 Applicant: Mr Fred Sturrock F & J Sturrock & Sons, Managers House, High Throston Golf Club, HARTLEPOOL Agent: Allen & Hunt Ltd, Miss Dianne Critchlow, Narlow Works, Thorpe Ashbourne Date received: 11/05/2012 Development: Erection of an agricultural building extension (retrospective application) Location: BENKNOWLE FARM BENKNOWLE LANE HARTLEPOOL Decision: Planning Permission Refused The Planning Committee considered and discussed at length the officer report and recommendation, the Committee considered representations made and after consideration the Planning Committee took the view that it could not support the application and that the proposed canopy would have a detrimental impact on the amenities of the occupants of the neighbouring residential property, Benknowle Farm House. Reasons for Refusal: 1) It is considered by the Local Planning Authority that the proposed development by reason of siting and scale would be detrimental to the occupiers of the neighbouring residential dwelling Benknowle Farm House in terms of loss of light, being visually dominant and imposing contrary to GEP1 and Rur7 of the adopted Hartlepool Local Plan 2006. 2) It is considered by the Local Planning Authority that the proposed development by reason of farm machinery being operated under the canopy would be detrimental to the occupiers of the neighbouring residential dwelling Benknowle Farm House in terms of potential noise and disturbance contrary to GEP1 and Rur7 of the adopted Hartlepool Local Plan 2006. 3) It is considered by the Local Planning Authority that the proposed development by reason of farm machinery, in particular the grain dryer being operated under the canopy would be detrimental to the occupiers of the neighbouring residential dwelling Benknowle Farm House in terms of potential health effects contrary to GEP1 and Rur7 of the adopted Hartlepool Local Plan 2006. The Committee considered written representations in relation to this matter. The applicant, Mr Sturrock, and an objector, Mr Garrett, were present at the meeting and both addressed the Committee. ______________________________________________________________ 12.08.15 - Planning Cttee Minutes 3 Hartlepool Borough Council Planning Committee - Minutes – 15 August, 2012 3.1 Number: H/2012/0287 Applicant: Mr Steven Bell, Greenbank, Stranton, Hartlepool Agent: DKS Architects, Mark Barlow, DKS Architects, The Design Studio, 22 Ellerbeck Court, Stokesley Business Park, Middlesbrough Date received: 06/06/2012 Development: Residential development comprising 22 affordable housing units (5 x 3 bedroom and 17 x 2 bedroom units) and associated external works Location: MONMOUTH GROVE HARTLEPOOL Minded to APPROVE subject to a legal agreement Decision: under s106 of the Planning Act securing developer contributions of £250 per dwellinghouse towards off site play, £250 per dwellinghouse towards green infrastructure, the completion of a targeted training and employment charter and the delivery of 11 affordable houses. CONDITIONS AND REASONS 1. The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. To clarify the period for which the permission is valid. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans and details
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