? V;...* > ! ! h 4' ' ' i ( -rj, •.-. }.; •,'s,:..,- ••• MOUBAY UIQHT IS PRIME STEAM POT SPECIALS I ii.;V. -',*M;.v.r-.j»/••..-... I -15 RIB Overloaded with an array of your favorite crustaceans ft Served with baked Idaho potato j and more, steamed in the Heron's special brew ^ & corn on the cob j - * -.. •••••• L.OB€TERF£$T \,.« ALL YQU CAM EATI! 11 1/4 Pound Maine Lobster served with **'x^ ,-i^, - ;~ ^ Fris 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. | corn on the cobFrench Fries, & Coleslaw^V^"** '" ' " ' '"' EVERYDAY! 2330 Palm nidge Hd. Sanib©l Island |_ last) $16.95 $17,S§ $1S.@5 MI Saturday 7:30 - 11:00 a.m. Served with French Fries & corn on the cob Master Card, Visa, Discover Credit Cards Accepted Sunday 7:30 -12:00 noon 2A» Week of March 19-25, 2004* Islander Watching the bird-watchers 1 CNAXH GAKG AT The members of the Sanihel Cupiiva Audubou Society PICK PRESERVE j recentlv held ilieir hrsl anniuil "Come as jour Favorite ...The l;ood Chain Gang, that is. i bird" partv al ihe homo of Chris and Paul Andrews. The • A Second graders from The Sanibel evening was such a whooping success thai they are con- School (a.k.a. The Food Chain Gang) sidering making Iliis a community c\enr next year. Begin SS<\. ' i- e\ploied the Sanibel-Capti\a preening... uh. planning... your costume now! Conservation Foundation"s Pick *i..- Preseixe and lound themselves to be. indeed, part ol the lood chain. On the nature trail. I he students documented the varied components ol the lood chains that e\isl within the preserve, which is located across the street liom the school. Students dis- .•??• coveied how producers, herbivores Photos and carnivores are interwoven into a provided Pick, see page 12J by Chris I Andrews Mariah Budd shows off her food iJ web poster. j 1 Clockwise from top left: Malcolm & Sue Harpham as a warbler and bluebird; ' Hugh Verry as a parrothead; . Briand & Dolores Mitchell as I a hooded warbler and great $-i<A I egret; Kevin Bowden as a J ; Nashville warbler and Jean , & Tod Reuther as a whoop- ing crane and tufted tit- i mouse. ::&i*x-. 1547 Periwinkle Way (Located Between Traders & Kona Kai in the Old Brew Pub Plaza) Elevator Access EURO COMFORT Featuring a Large Selection of Comfort Shoes for Men & Women Aerosoles Earth Munro Sebago Allen-Edmonds Ecco Naot Steve Madden Ara Elefanten Naturalizer Stonefly Arcopedico Finn Comfort New Balance Teva Beaulifeel Havana Joe Nike Theresia Born Hush Puppies Portania Thorlos Chaco Icon Reef Timberland Clarks Johnston & Murphy Rieker Trotters Daniel Green Josef Seibel Rockport Vans Dansko Kenneth Cole Romika Wolky Doc Martens Merrell Saucony Dunham Model lista Sebago 17 "We Hav® Your $iie.9S We Cm Fit Y@neWe On not sacrifice Beauty mid Style for Comfort! Islander • Week of March 19-25, 2004 • 3A TOO Much Sun INSIDE: WHITS IBIS, GREAT BLUE, Environment ViA ROSEATE SPOONBILL... DON'T YOU THINK Health: THEY ALL JUST TASTE LIKE CHICKEN? Fit lN Trim by Claudia Burns Hnrtni) Heulth Notebook by Carol Simontacchi Chamber candidates answer questions 16A e t JCO Center Stage by Marisha Wagner /1L Music Scene I.e by Harold Lieberman Performing Arts Calendar Shoot the songbird ally listening to each other and working out Fitness Center at 395-2639 and join in the a compromise? How did we get to be so is week - light for a cure. T am a morning person. Always have certain that we are right? It is the very rare been. LateJy, I've been waking up with the occasion in life when there is only one SaturdayLMafch20 ' J first songbird of the morning. I haven't point of view and one correct answer. Silent auction for Multiple Sclerosis Sanibel island couple to chair seen it but it's been a different bird each Larger issues, like the Causeway — rife The second annual silent auction to Heart Ball day — or a mockingbird — because the with history, accusations, mistrust and jus- benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Society will Sanibel Island residents Tom and song cycles through different variations on tifications — do not lend themselves to be held March 20 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at the Linda Uhler will chair this year's different days. In the past month, it has simple solutions. Mired in frustration, Sanibel Fitness Center, on Rabbit Road. American Heart Association Lee County been my wake-up call: I'm here. I'm alive, advocates for both sides reach for inflam- For the past five years, Sanibel Fitness Heart Ball. I feel reasonably well in my skin and the matory phrases. Any reasoned point of Owners Meta and Chris Luckenbill have The couple, who has lived on Sanibel sun is coming up once again, bringing the view goes unheard by opponents who are, been raising money for M.S. The disease Island for 26 years, are actively involved gift of another day. understandably, deafened by outrage. is a common neurological disorder that in the American Heart Association. This morning, someone said to me, Polarization is a slippery slope. Retreat affects 350,000 Americans a year. Patients "I feel that I'm alive today due to the "Did you hear that bird? Boy. he was loud. is difficult when the wall of words — experience visual problems, numbness, technological advancements discovered Some of the neighbors are even talking cemented by repeated use — has caused speech, memory and gait problems. Meta through AHA funding." said Tom Uhler. about shooting it." unused channels of communication to currently works with seven clients that "The proceeds of our heart ball will help I don't know if these neighbors are seri- wither and die. have this disease. After seeing the horribJe continue the research which saves lives and improves quality of life for people ous and 1 don't know speciJically who they It is the connections between people effects, she knew she wanted to help sup- like me." are but, of course, it's perfectly logical: if a that define a community. When there are port the M.S. Society. bird wakes you up for ten minutes at 6:15 no connections, is there still a community? Every year Meta and Chris ride 150 Besides planning this year's ball, both in the morning, shoot it. Sanibel is facing serious issues — on miles in the Maroone MS 150 bike tour to also lead busy professional lives. Tom is a If a tree is in your way, cut it down. If a several fronts — that cut to the heart of raise money. Along with the silent auction partner in a financial planning practice in person disagrees with you. shout him or what ••Sanibel" means. These arc issues and generous pledges, they were able to Fort Myers and Linda is District Deputy for Congressman Porter Goss. her down. If you don't like the rules, that demand intensive, reasoned self-exam- raise $54,000 last year. request a variance. As long as I get what 1 ination and a forum for open discussion. I Auction items being sought are jewel- The American Heart Association's Lee want, the larger issue is irrelevent. would hate to believe that we're at the ry, artwork, furniture, services, etc. If you County Heart Ball will be held on What happened to dialogue, to both point where the only solution is to shoot are interested in participating or in mak- Saturday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m. and is sides meeting on neutral ground and actu- the songbird. ing a donation, please contact the Sanibel Island Scene, see page 4 ONE BITE AND YOU'RE HOOKED Exclusive Members Only Boat Club SFATOOI) • SPOKIS • SPIRITS Boat Glah of Sanifoc FOR LUNCH at Sanibel Causeway-Mainland side Snapper /Grouper / Sole/ Swordfish - • Unlimited anytime use Yellowtail / Salmon / Cobia • We pay for a variety of boats • We do all the work- Dolphin / Softshell Crabs / Scamp You have all the fun! Shrimp / Oysters / Clams / Scallops }\ • Less than the cost of boat Tilapia / Lobster / King Crab dockage-guaranteed! "We se rve it ... or we don't .• .-. j m&ag&tBl Seafoii special jj it fresh... serve it at all! Must mention ad when calling , Don't forget a Trip To our Fish Market Serving from 11:30am daily City of Sanibel Ordinance 75-29 770-6054 Florida State Statute 372.667 703 Tarpon Bay Road • Sanibel • 395-GRAB Code of Federal Regulations 50 CFR 27.51 JOIN THE HOTTEST TREND IN FLORIDA 4A • Week of March 19 - 25, 2004 • Islander Since 1924 the American Heart whole community (seating is limited). On Tarpon Lodge at 5:30 p.m. and returning Island Scene, from page 3 Association has helped protect people of Sunday, March 21, Steve and Annie will around 7:30 p.m. The cost for the cruise is presented by Lee Memorial Health all ages and ethnicities from the ravages sing and speak at all three worship ser- $17.00 per person. For reservations call System & Southwest Regional Medical of heart disease and stroke. These dis- vices: 8 a.m., 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Dr. (239) 283-0015 by March 18. Center. This year's Heart Ball will be held eases, the nation's No. 1 and No. 3 killers, James Dobson of Focus on the Family has In case of rain, the event will be held at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point claim more than 930,000 American lives a called Steve and Annie Chapman, "musi- on March 28 itistead. Resort & Spa in Bonita Springs. year. The association invested more than cal ambassadors to the family." Upcoming at Randell Research Center The black-tie gala event will include a $348 million in fiscal year 2002-03 for Sanibel Community Church is at 1740 for the weekend of April 2,3,4 we will be cocktail reception, an extraordinary culi- research, professional and public educa- Periwinkle Way.
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