In This Issue Tastel~ss Double Duty Campus Reminder Calendar,. page 2 Thats how this year's ' be Lisa Houska not only plays to Finals Are Here. Study Editorials page 3 StagnantCan best summed up. Look for it in- sports, but she plays them Hard. sertedin the paper. Hey man, both well. Sports page 9 It's only a joke. See Sports, page 7 Classifieds page 2 Issue 667 Universi~y of Missouri-St. Louis April 26, 199 0 Pruzhansky .Triumphant ·In Presidential Race . by Kevin Kleine president. Both Small and Pruzhan­ editor sky say that everything should be smooth this year though. Former Student Court Chief Justice "Terence and [ have had our dif­ Alia Pruzhansky was elected the new fe rences in the past, but hes i~ very president of the Student Government much a supporter of my presidency;' Association March 25 defeating Jen­ Pruzhansky said. nifer Horan and Bryan Wyatt. She feels that the key to serving the P~ihansky's running mate for vice students is communicating with them president, Mark Grimes, also won his to find out what their opinions are and post accummulating more votes than what issues concern them. any other qmdidate on the entire Both Pruzhansky and Grimes feel ballot. that it is time to make student govern­ Pruzhansky tallied 345 votes while ment more rersponsive to the needs horan and Wyatt trailed with 250 and of the students. 228 respectively. Grimes soundly (Uark Grimes and I Forcing organizations to participate trounced his opponents with 436 in student government is one thing votes to Tim Gartin's 198 and Gary will work extraor­ the new president and vice president Garufi's 173, . wa nt to move away from. "Mark Grimes and I will work ,ex­ dinarily well "[ can't do that to them;' She said. traordinarily well together," Pruzhan­ "They only hurt themselves." n sky said. together. Prior to her election as president, Pruzhansky and Grimes ran on a Alia Pruzhansky Przhansky served on the University platform that included addressing the Senate, University Grievance commit­ issues of: -Dorms tee, University Disciplinal), Panel and -More financial assistance for UM­ - Implementation of minority par- the Master Planning Committee, She St. Louis Students ticipation programs is also an elected assembly member. -More, updated, parking Last year, the transition hetween Grimes has been vice-president and outgoing president, JetTY Berhorst. interim president of the Associated and Terence Small \'.'~s filled with in­ Black Collegians and served on the Student Caught In Election Fraud stances of in convieniencing the new University Senate. by Thomas J. Kovach On Tuesday evening, Paig~ check- ballots and tt;~ ballot box could have Standard Cond.u~,t. Code ,in the Stu- Houston Wants Barnett reporter ed a computer print-out of ctH "the . been votded, Patge Said. dent Handbook ,. lorgel), alterabon by Thomas J. Kovach Barnett cun-ently makes $104,700 a students that voted in the election. Dr misuse o! U nI~' ersl~ docu~ents. reporter vear. The LPresideni at Univer­ Student GOv'emment Association­ "Oat of the 826 ballots t'ast ; ~ On Wed n day, Paige talked with re crrds or ldentlfu:ation, or KnOW- ~ ity of Hou sto n. Ri chard Van Horn, discovered that Washingto n's name Washington, informing her that a let- ingly furnishIng false IOformatlOn to Vice-President Laura Paig said that A St. Louis legislator said the Unil'er­ eamed $133.000 a year. Van Hom is had been checked off at two different tel' would be sent to her. Vice- the UnIversity .... obstruction or a UM-St. Louis student faces possi­ ,sity of Missouri Board of Curators must now president at the Un iversity of polling places. Chancellor Lowe "SilOdy" Maclean disruption of teachIng, t:e ea:ch. ad- ble disciplinary action after voting kee p Chancell or Marguerite Ross Oklahoma. Washington was unavailable for and Chancellor Marguerite Ro~ mInlStraUon, dlsc lphnaJ) pro~edu r es. twice in the recent student govern­ Barnett from taking a position at the TI-oupe credits Barnett with attracting Barnett. or other UnIversity actiVities, 10- ment elections. com men t . d' . bl' . fu t' University or Houston or they will face suhstantial numbers of minority Paige said that Doris Washington . She said that Washington's actions du Ing Its pu IC service . nc IOns. a battle wi th th e black caucus, wh ich students to the UM - St. Lo uis campus. uld have caused the election com- Washington could receive some or o. f ot.her auth.otlz.. ed actiVttles on allegedly voted twice at University co form of disciplinary action, but Paige d f may attempt to delay certain fund ing t r was critical of Arnold )3. Grobman, , Center and Marillac Hall. Theelec­ 'm'-6>tee a problem with ,c.ounting and U.nI,.'ers. It)' premlS. es. · are groun s or 'II'- did not know what type of discipline I the state. Barnett's precedecesor. not recruiting tions were held Monday and Tues­ re -~ounting ballots. "'!.'.. dlsclp InaJ)' actIOn. _ enough black students. After Barnett ar­ ~L would be taken. M Le I bl t Barnett was reco mmended Friday as day for president, vice-president and "She' could have inconv.enianced ac an was unaval a e or president of the University of Houston rived at UM-St. Louis in 1986, she has general assembly. the group of people counting th e According to the section of the comment. by a search committeee. The Houston "played a pivitol part in the raising I regents have not made Barnett an of­ enJ'O llment. These things have not been fer. and Barnett has not said if she done in the past. The woman has a vi­ .Sidelines Conduct Code would take the job. sion on how to do things." Matteucci He also ctiticized the way Univeristy State Rep. Charles "Quincy" Troupe. 25 that he was in the process of draf­ .. by Kiril Dickinson Sauter and several of her fellow com­ peal the disposition of cases. The D-St. Lou is, said that if the board did of Mi ssouri-Columbia's Chancellor ting a ·'\.€tter to th e Senate, informing news editor mittee members defended the revision, amendment was voted down . not make an acceptable counter-ofier Haskell Mo nroe was given a pay raise When Sauter moved for a vote on the them that "if there is to be any discus­ claiming that it was written with "special and Barnett left. UM-St. Loui wou ld by the cu rators. but none was offered Student Representative to the Board emphasis on victims' rights." revision of the conduct code, Matteuc­ sion of the conduct code [at the next to Barnett as an immediate meeting], they will have to have a suffet of Curators Paul Matteucci derailed an But Vice-Chancellor for Student Af­ ci called for a quorum call. Quorum is "She's a jewel and a one-of-kind, If counter-offer. • the minimum number of representatives quorum:' He noted that the Senate had attempt by the UM-St. Louis Senate to fairs Lowe "Sandy" Maclean spoke they [th e board) didn't make the same In Februat),. Mo nroe was a finalist for necessary to conduct official business. postponed movement on the code revi­ approve a controversial proposed revi­ against the proposed clause, saying it effOtt. we would have some very evere th e·presidency postion at the Universi­ He was told that quorum had already sion several times because of insufficient sion of the conduct code at a Senate "would create a whole new class of vic­ problems," he said. "The curators have ty of Arkansas, The day after Monroe been recognized, but when he called for attendance by the faculty at Senate meeting Aptil 24 . tims:' He said the new system could eas i­ not invited the black caucus at ally level, withdrew his name from consideration, a head count, the Senate was found to meeti ngs. Discussion of the revision was presid­ ly be abused. and that is what we find most disturb­ the curators approved a $24 ,000 hous­ be eleven senators short of a quorum. "I am wi lling to work with individual ed over by Dr. Vicki Sauter, who chairs Sauter suggested that the possibility ing." ing allowance and a $10,000 pay Since no binding official business rUM system) curators to defeat [the revi­ the ad hoc committee formed last fall of appealing light punishments was State Rep. il Molloy, D-Pasadena increase. could be conducted, the meeting was sion);' said Matteucci. "If I can't repre­ to .revise the conduct code. That com­ necessary as a "safety valve," to let plain­ Park. said, "It would be a real disaster Monore stated that he withdrew his sent the students in this, then what am • mittee had already seen its previous tants feel as though there is some then adjoumed. to lose her.'· Molloy's district includes all name for the Arkansas position befo re Matteucci vowed to continue to fight I [in this position) for?" drafts shot down by the Senate over recourse from a light punishment. She of the UfI'!-St. Louis campus. learning that he would get the housing the conduct code revision. "['m commit­ He also mentioned that Chancellor clauses that Matteucci and the said that without that possibility, Lan)' Win es, president of the UM ­ and pay increases. ted to killing this [revision]," he said. Marguerite Barnett had spoken with American Civil Liberties Union, who teachers might resort to taking punish­ St. Louis Alumni Association, said the Troupe added the black caucus will Meinhold told editors of the CUlyent • M~itt~ ucci had consulted, claimed were ment into their own hands, like sabotag-, See MA TTEUCCI page 2 .
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