'« » E » * - I t H * THE COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1 * 9 m SIX TEEN able." If • Bright Aad Uvely Why Railroads Fail j Says Public Win Dr Gross pointed out that the North Arlington High School'» Oct. bulk of the University’s share . For the last two or three niimth» Pay If Sunday (Eommcrdnl Xenbcr 21.1 sperial «««inWy w it of particular note >f the college building bonda « n i -ras Lackawanna and Erie Railroad» have been C U tln w | a c M would go to meet the coats ol la aldeter» who M ay reine iwher when they new dormitories and classrooms W m M U k r * 1 « ! pre»sing their plan for u merger. P rflim j.f^ ^ ^ ^ rtn id m d honor student* the “grind*" of snd new and converted science Ttw r u M m W M n I* Hh M l i nary hearing» ended la»t w eek - - - a t w hich "The public will pay a terrifi- the data. The special assembly picked out and engineering facilities. •.»<> i f« >« time Hyman J. Blond, hearing agent for P"‘I if ,tle m»iorWy of voters “We are moat urgently con­ LYIBHIRST NOME OF CIAMPIORS (•W junior* for special mention. And why ? ia.. r /• ln Passaic and Bergen Countiej cerned about dormitory space in A t£ — the lnter»tate Commerce (.oiniiu»»ion. fail to vote yes’ on the Sunda* , -, ■ . Here arc what the }u niors had accompli «h- ill ol the resident colleges of th* | H v t . lished e*««« Thursday by TW C m hhm M Leader Priaiiag Cm * b lith e ly announced that it would take a Closin*» Question in next Tue?- University,M the Rutgers presi­ a d : ' 'lì»». * SSI Ridge Ruad. Lvadhurat. N. J. Telephone (iEaeva M7INKV70I rouple of year* to reurh a final detertnitia- dfy s elert*on"* Austin E. Ganly" dent declared. “Housing is our - “ 1. They had a ~B“ averagr in major • chairman of the Sunday Closin- biggest bottleneck at the moment. j League of Bergen and Passaic m * J o h n S a tin o 'object* ia 'the ai nth and tenth grade*. We know, for example, that with­ m i • i »• a a« a 1 Counties declared this week. in two years we must bt pre­ E n i n J. D * a « m 4 W tw i u M f M u r, . « a - 2. During the junior year they re­ Blond »aid hit report will |>c six Ganly pointed out that if the pared to house 1.000 m ore stu­ cetad no mark lower than "B" in any maj­ month» in the Mriting • - - and that appeal» Sunday Closing law Is defeated, « April 7,1938 at the Part Offra af Rutherford, N. J-. dents at the men's colleges alone. aa Negad clan i to various court» could then he taken to ,ho“**n**s nf stores "®w closed We also know that it will take u n d e r th e ar subject in any moqgh- i Act a f l l a r c k 3, 187V hold up the whole work». ' w,n. * ,orced to °P*n about two years to transfer • 3. They had been in the top 20', of [ to meel competition, even though major college building, like a dor­ S t r i g l i a . US* F w T a t th e rlass. H/i ni • a /•. ' niore than 65 000 stores are pre- . a f > whenever Flintkote Company want« sently closed Sundays and pre- mitory or classroom, from tbt ;--------------------------- drawing board to operational 4. IHf student a t n point total oi at |Q over another company or to merge fer to operate six days a week Lyndhurst, N. J., October 29, 1959 status.** least -75 the question i. quickly derided, a« in mott thr®u*J'out ‘he state. Robert Heller & Associates ol -j . .L . 1 A thousand stores forced to gaily decked out in a striped summer dress. 5. The student had participated in a nuruial btifcinesaes. bv t|le directorate, in- open Sundays could mean 50 000 Cleveland, the Arm which studied i ^ÊKê hnpertont Election the State University’s Who »a. "this" herói'£~ta¡^bom all ^ *ch~ ’1 " * * * *» *• !” ** * >'*r ,nd volved and the »tockholder». I mor*‘ people forced to work Sun- needs, ha. foreca.t a doubling af beamed? i had made a real eoawibution. days, with further disruption of the Univer.lty'. full-time enroll­ a a Neat thr But the railroad, h a v e all kind, of family life and individual, «ub- ballata which She la a woman named Mrs. Maraaret °6. The' student ■»*most »».vehave maintain™m ain tain ed ment by I96S and a trebling by 1970. Theae industrial engineers Patera af Paramu., the community^ far • w o ïtk T attendance record and pattern he- board. peering over their .houlder. and the H uce Arthur'VailSerbm o^t'h, rourta, to boot. j New Jersey Supreme Court cal- claim that the university will impartant la whieh thè proaecutor of pleaa artrtéd a« ha»*or. need 1,381,000 square feet ot new .led “the m oral and physical de- or converted buildinga to town eaaaael aad for whieh hi. ehief aaaial- 1 A idueb regime? ì ou b ei Bui for Lackawanna and trie planned to mer- basement which came* from un its increaaed enrollment. ; of the questions invohrea the plan aaU Mr C»M. i> mavor. ' ' I Margaret Day. Marjone Maculiti«. Joyce tie because of the dcperatenes. of their interrupted labor", Ganly noted. "A ‘no’ vote mean, increasing of the New Jersey Tura- 1 W fine deed that Mra. Peter, ha. ae- 1 Thomaa and Richard l^nnert it waf worth situation. Lackawanna ha» no future and juvenile delinquency as we con­ Harold Daikar Ha* r ^ f ia reforming thè proaecutor **• They 11 bave their college application. Erie has no rath. If the two could get to­ of other means of tinue to dilute family life", Gan- Higha»t Pin Scot« It glam »alatila. mainly ra il how abe bribed Eaat Rutherford officiaU ¥*n,P*diw,*h ■ apecial “honor atudeat ’ g e th e r o n e . big, stro n g ra ilro a d m ight 8aitl' ,n<* ** we <**ny familie. lo panali ber company lo untreated, whieh wiB belp tbein gain admi.xion. , a . j ■ t . l l* “n opportunity to *pend together Harold Daiker rolled the high­ V 3 W a*w queation aeta up $46000,- emerge. But tpeed l. of the essence. If the uniform day of re4 which, est score. 128, at the Light Bri­ 900 I« espanaion af the facilities af aewaae iato thè Eaat Rutherford meadiwi: •y» saving, are possible through merger, thry regardless of religiou. belief., has gade Bowling on Monday ,vaa- The wonua, by thè way, was ckaaed - ,- fa t,?anday Closing must he obtained quickly to save both •'wayi been Sunday m thb coun ing at the Tontine Alleys. BoO road*. 1 1 1 try. the dav financial inatitutioni O’Hara was a close second with r, Jersey City, Paterson etc. out of Lyndhurst after carefully arching Another question on next T uesday", offices, industrie«, governm ental 1M, and D orothy Cdmeirer «aa —.. .lit,.. , i agencies, in fact all sefments of Bath of the queatioas have wide gen- her eyebrows and announeiag she wauld ballot i «quires the earnest consideration of third w ith 11X ', make “arrangemenu” to damp the diaeaae- » hen Long Island Kailroad w a . saved economic life except certain re- aralaapport, and heavy partisan opposition aiL This is the referendum for Sunday through tax relief, hig loans and other de- ta>l groups, have at a uniform laden aewage in that community. P.S. Output Up If the general public does not vote in its cleatag af anai ri tsarv bu.ine»». vicet, one olher advantage w a . given the day °* ie,“ tlon ,rom 1*bor'- Seem, to u. this gal ought to be lioiBl- beat interests, the narrow, partisan oppon- 0 » . reeamaaeadation ^i. to vote “ y e .” line. It wa. permiltrd to increase fare. a. O utput o t elaetriclty by Public nated for Woman of the Year i t aorixfthihg Service Electric and Oa. Com­ of hath plans will heat them into de- they were needed, without appeal to the Rutgers Ready equally aa honorable! pany for the weak ended ~ ' “ This aew.paper has already made public agencies that had hitherto required If CoHeae Bond 22, IM S . waa X3S.T»1,400 r,». Tlta traaapartatiaa plaa ia *o simple clear its complete support of the idea that th em . hour, compared with eand dramatically feaaiMe that the oppoai- Issue Is Voted kilowatt-hoais In th« abe day a week there should be surcease tfaft h ai been forced to manufacture false N o tZ e e b The argument wa. simple- under the ing w art a jtaar ago. 1 from the huatle aad bustle of the butlne». The State University is pre­ of 1Q.WM00.OT4.7 Percent. old system the railroad applied for a fare MMfftf «bout it, The possibility the prowler who broke Week. iV re should be a regrouping of pared to move ahead immediate­ increase. Hearings were held. By the time WOOLMARK „- „Chiefly, oppoaition to the plan comes into South Bergen homes with kiddiea’ mat apiritual farces, a recreation of the ly to do its share to meet the the increase was granted ^hr validity was crisis in higher education In New TAILORS l a t l Hudson County where Governor piggy banks as his target waa Karl Zeeh.
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