IDAHO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIGITAL WEB MAP 175 MOSCOW-BOISE-POCATELLO IDAHOGEOLOGY.ORG PHILLPS, MOORE, AND FEENEY GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE POPLAR QUADRANGLE, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS Mapped and Compiled by William M. Phillips, Daniel K. Moore, and Dennis M. Feeney Artificial S e d i m e n t a r y D e p o s i t s Eolian Mass Wasting Deposits Deposits Deposits m 2016 ? Qasr Qaw Qas HOLOCENE Qtsr Qc Qls Qaf 11.7 ka 0 Volcanic Rocks Qgsr Qel 0.13 Ma P L E I S T O C N Qafo Rhyolite Qgsr Basalt QUATERNARY Thw QTtr Thb Yellowstone 0.78 Ma Qgsr Qasr 50 volcanic field Jn Qba Qbw 77 Trk 1.8 Ma 10 cm Qyh Qaf 31 2.08 Ma Jsp Qbb E Qaf 2.6 Ma Qaf Qel/Qba Heise volcanic field ? Qgsr Kg PLIOCENE Qaf Thk Qtsr 4.49 Ma Figure 2. Basalt of Willow Creek (Qbw) at left abutment of Ririe Dam (SW¼ SW¼ Figure 3. Basalt of Birch Creek (Qbb) in quarry (NE¼ SW¼ sec. 14, T.3 N., R. 40 E.). 31 Jt 5.3 Ma Tht sec. 15, T.3 N., R. 40 E.). White crystals are plagioclase megacrysts. Bar scale is 10 cm. Flow at this site contains abundant plagioclase phenocrysts, Thw TERTIARY chilled zone, and elongated vesicles discussed in text. Qel/Qyh 28 5.59 Ma Ts MIOCENE Trk Qba 5.7 Ma Qaf Thb Qaf 6.2 Ma Qaf Jn 30 23.0 Ma Qel/Ts Qel/Ts Thb QTtr 66 Ma 10 Ts Kw Qasr Jsp Qas Qas 60 CRETACEOUS Qyh Qbb? Qyh Qas HEISE A’’ Thk Gannett Group Qyh Qyh Qafo Kg Thk Ts 146 Ma MESOZOIC Trk Jsp MzPzs* Qas Thw Qba S N A K F Qel/Qyh A Jt JURASSIC Qyh U L E T Thb Tht Jt Jn Thk Qel/Qyh *cross-section only 200 Ma col R I V E Qba R Qel/Ts Qaf Qaf Figure 4. Volcanic units along Call Dugway of Meadow Creek (sec. 1, T. 2 N., R. 40 E.). Qyh exhibits changes in color and jointing described in text. Thk at this site is almost entirely vitrophyric. Col is angular F Qasr A pebbles of Jurassic Nugget Sandstone interpreted as Pliocene colluvium. Tht includes reworked pyroclastic beds with stacked paleosols, “Pre-Kilgore tuff” (not visible), and tuff of Wolverine Creek (Thw) shown U Qel/Ts L Qel/Qyh T in distance. Qbb Qtsr Qel/Qbb Qba Qbb Qel/Qyh SYMBOLS Heise volcanic field REFERENCES Qel/Qba SEDIMENTARY DEPOSITS Kg Gannett Group (Early Cretaceous)—Consists of Draney Limestone, Bechler Qel/Thk Thk Qel Kilgore Tuff (Pliocene)—Rhyolitic ignimbrite, densely welded, with sparse (2-7 Qas Qel/Ts Formation, Peterson Limestone, and Ephraim Conglomerate. Poor exposure Thk Contact: dashed where approximately located. Thk percent), small (<2 mm) phenocrysts of plagioclase, quartz, and sanidine. Alluvial Deposits conditions precluded separation of the units on map. Mapped on occur- Thk M.H. Anders, D.W. Rodgers, S.R. Hemming, Janet Saltzman, V.J. DiVenere, J.T. Qbb Maroon and dark-gray, flattened pumice 3 to 3.5 cm in length are locally Qbw rence of distinctive sublithographic, white-weathering limestones with a Hagstrum, G.F. Embree, and R.C. Walter, 2014, A fixed sublithospheric Qel/Ts Qyh Normal fault: ball and bar on downthrown side; dashed where Qasr Alluvium of the Snake River (Holocene)—Gravel, sand, and silt deposited in conchoidal fracture (Draney or Peterson) separated by red shale or abundant. Most commonly exposed along Willow Creek and Meadow source for the late Neogene track of the Yellowstone hotspot: Implications approximately located; dotted where concealed. Qel/Ts Thk and adjacent to braided channels of the active floodplain; clast grain size mudstone beds (Bechler). Less frequently identified were the diagnostic Creek as ledge-forming, pale-purple to grayish-purple, devitrified rhyolite of the Heise and Picabo volcanic fields: Journal of Geophysical Research and lithologies similar to Qgsr. Includes low terraces capped with about 25 pebble conglomerate interbedded with heterogeneous red, gray-green or with lithophysae 1 to 3 cm in diameter that forms very resistant blocky Qaw A’ 346573 Ts Solid Earth, v. 119, p. 2871–2906. Thrust fault: teeth on upper plate; dashed where approximately cm (10 in) silty sand. Maximum thickness from water wells is 30 m (98 ft). purple sandstones and siltstones of the Ephraim Conglomerate. Thickness outcrops with rounded edges. Shown as Qel/Thk where covered by loess. Qc Qc Qbb Barney B., AJ Jernigan, D. Doherty, D. Moore, and G. Embree, in preparation, located. Areas underlain by this unit are subject to frequent seasonal flooding and totals about 367 m (1205 ft) in the Caribou Range (Jobin and Schroeder, Thickness varies abruptly in map, from <2 m (6.5 ft) to about 15 m (49 ft). m 13 Bedrock geology of the Heise area, Idaho: Idaho Geological Survey Techni- standing water. Contains ecologically important stands of riparian cotton- 1964); and about 442 m (1452 ft) in the Snake River Range (Staaz and At top of Call Dugway of Meadow Creek (Fig. 4), unit consists of about 2 m cal Report, scale 1:24,000. Syncline axial trace: dashed where approximately located; dotted (6.5 ft) of black to dusky-blue basal vitrophyre overlain by dusky-red to Qbb wood gallery forest. Albee, 1966). In both areas, the Ephraim Conglomerate makes up >300 m Bolte, Torsten, Francois Holtz, Renat Almeev, and Barbara Nash, 2015, The Qbw Qel/Qyh where concealed. (>1000 ft) of the Group. medium-red, glassy to vitric ash with abundant lithics (Watts and others, Qaw Alluvium of Willow Creek (Holocene)—Reddish-gray to gray, silty sand, silty Blacktail Creek Tuff: an analytical and experimental study of rhyolites from 2011). Reference section defined in south-facing ravine along Meadow the Heise volcanic field, Yellowstone hotspot system: Contributions to RDMB11 60 Strike and dip of bedding. clay, gravel, and boulders in Willow Creek floodplain below Ririe Dam; Jsp Stump and Preuss Formations, undivided (Middle-Late Jurassic)—Stump Creek (NW¼ SW¼ sec. 1, T. 2 N., R. 40 E; Morgan and McIntosh, 2005, Thk Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 169, p. 1-24. Qbb Qel/Qbb SR-1 Jn Qel/Thk derived from weathered Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, rhyolite, basalt, and Formation consists of gray-green, thick-bedded, fine-grained silty Data Repository 2005059) is 11.5 m (38 ft) thick. Reverse magnetic polarity Qbb Thk Christiansen, R.L., 2001, The Quaternary and Pliocene Yellowstone Plateau RRBC11 Strike and dip of vertical bedding. loess. Thickness ranges from about 9 to 27 m (30 to 90 ft) in drill logs for limestone; gray-green shale and calcareous siltstone; and gray-green to 356545 that can be measured in field with fluxgate magnetometer. Mean ages from volcanic field of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Ririe Ririe Dam (Patrick and Whitten, 1981). The reddish-gray color of Willow brown, calcareous glauconitic sandstone. Preuss Formation is swale- single-crystal laser-fusion 40Ar/39Ar analyses are 4.45 ± 0.05 Ma (Morgan Jn Jt 80 Strike and dip of bedding interpreted to be overturned on the Professional Paper 729-G, 145 p. Creek alluvium is traceable downstream from Ririe Dam to its confluence forming, red to reddish-gray, thin-bedded calcareous siltstone grading and McIntosh, 2005; FC-1 standard 27.84 Ma) and 4.61 ± 0.01 Ma (Anders 23 basis of stratigraphic succession or position. Cohen, K.M. and P. Gibbard, 2011, Global chronostratigraphical correlation Qyh Qel 30 Qel/Thk with the Snake River in the Idaho Falls area (Phillips and Welhan, 2012). upward into thicker bedded hematitic-red calcareous sandstone. Generally and others, 2014, FC-1 standard 28.201 Ma; error on age 1σ). Formerly Qls Thk table for the last 2.7 million years, Subcommision on Quaternary Stratigraphy Qyh Qyh 7 Thk Subject to seasonal flooding and high water tables. poor exposure conditions precluded separation of the units on map. Thick- called “tuff of Heise C” (Prostka and Embree, 1978) on southeastern margin Qaf 22 Strike and dip of eutaxitic foliation. (International Commission on Stratigraphy), Cambridge, England. Available Qbb Qc ness in the Caribou Mountains is about 49 m (160 ft) for Stump and about of the Eastern Snake River Plain; and “tuff of Spencer” on northern side Qbw Qas Alluvium of side streams (Holocene)—Gravel and sand deposits of small at http://quaternary.stratigraphy.org/charts/ (accessed 30 March 2015). 114 m (375 ft) for Preuss (Jobin and Schroeder, 1964); in the Snake River (McBroome and others, 1981). Ts Basaltic volcanic vent, concealed. Dansart, W. J., J. D. Kauffman, and L. L. Mink, 1994, Geothermal resources of Qel/Qyh Qbb Qas tributary channels; thickness generally is less than 3 m (10 ft). Subject to Range, about 57 to 76 m (186 to 250 ft) for Stump and 6.4 to 20 m (21 to Thk Thk Idaho: Idaho Water Resources Research Institute Miscellaneous Report 12, flooding during wet seasons or during intense thundershowers. 68 ft) for Preuss (Staaz and Albee, 1966). Qel Rhyolitic tuffs and sediments (Pliocene-Miocene)—Consists of stratigraphic Reservoir Qaf Qyh SR-1 Geochemical sample (see Table 2). Tht interval between Thk and Thb where poor exposures and complex stratigra- 1 plate, map scale 1:1,000,000, 1 table. Available at: http://www.idaho Qyh Qtsr Terrace alluvium of the Snake River (Holocene-late Pleistocene)—Stratified Qc Jt Twin Creek Limestone (Middle Jurassic)—Dark-gray, thin-bedded shaly Tht phy do not permit separation of distinct units at the map scale of 1:24,000.
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