http://wnol.info/ Remembering Pat Summitt: A UT Martin Pioneer July 01 2416, 07 19 | 287 Heat's Josh Richardson looks back at lesson learned from Pat Summitt at Tennessee But Summitt was more than the sum of her achievements - she was legendarily committed to basketball, to women, and to women's basketball speciflcally. http://wnol.info/ The farm girl from clarksville, Tennessee, became a basketball icon. "l guess I got that from my father", she said. Pat was a great person, loving mother, passionate coach, and loyal friend. "And she and I used to joke, l'd say, 'You know, Summitt, I'm gonna be pushing you up in your wheelchair to the court.'And she'd go, 'You're gonna be sitting right next to me.'And I said, 'Absolutely"'. Her teams appeared in the NCAA Tournament 31 consecutive times. 2000: Summitt was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2000. l'm sure Tennessee is happy they made their offer to the coach. She won 72 percenl of those games. Summitt's legacy is not just the eight gleaming NCAA title trophies in Knoxville, Tennessee but the constant stream of women's pro and college games on television, the dreams of thousands of girls who can aspire to a basketball career, and a national team that never seems to lose. Her victory total was the most for any Division I coach men or women. She was adamant that her players sit in the flrst three rows in lectures, saying, "Class is more important than a game". At the time, Summitt was two years into her diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer's-type dementia. We had several conversations this past weekend about Summitt and I'll share some of Jody's insight in my column. Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam tweeted a video statement on Summitt's passing early Tuesday, adding, "We have lost one of the greatest Tennesseans of all time". She announced in 2011 al age 59 that she'd been diagnosed with early onset dementia. So we maintained a very close friendship and I was honored to present her with the Arthur Ashe Award a few years ago and I was honored to serve on the Pat Summitt Alzheimer's Foundation for these past several years. Pat Summit was pregnant with her son Tyler, and she was flying to a game. I will miss her dearly, and I am honored to call her my friend. A public service to celebrate her life will take place at Thompson-Boling Arena, on the campus of the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. When 60 Minutes profiled her in 1999, the coach's will to win was apparent both on and off the court. She also made her presence felt on the global stage, earning an Olympic silver medal as a player in 1976 and coaching the United States women's team to a gold medal at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. "We had kind of joked over the years, we've signed so many (copies), wheneverwe had gotten one thatsomebodywanted signed, lsaid,'lf it's signed by you, l'll sign it,"'Ktzyzewski said. Pat Summitt's impact reached from UT Martin tg the Olympics and beyond http : I I americansportsnet. com/ ffi July t,2ot6 Pat Summitt - UT Martin All-American, Tennessee Volunteers coach, gold- medal winning Olympic basketball player and coach, all-time winningest college basketball coach - was an inspiration Summitt, who passed away this week from early-onset Alzheimer's Disease, was named the Naismith Basketball Coach of the Century in 2000 and is the only person with TWO basketball courts named after her. The Web Show host Matt Lincoln is joined by ASN basketball analyst Monica McNutt as ASN pauses to remember the legendary Summitt. Employee guns on campus now a reality in Tennessee colleges Posted: Jul07,20L6 6:09 PM CDT Updoted: Jul07,2076 6:48 PM CDT By Blake Stevens http : //www.wpsdlocal 6.comJ ByJustinJones MART|N, TN Beginning Friday, guns are allowed on college campuses in Tennessee Full{ime employees wilh handgun permits at all public universities in the state c€n carry a concealed weapon on campus At the University of Tennessee at l\/lartin, there are already six registered with campus safety Goff says she feels safer walking through the quad knowing her teachers are was to come in and try to shoot us or something, I'd feel more protected if one s about to carry a gun on them as well," she says. g to a crime on campus report he many reasons not every says he believes the k there's e wording that says an individual citizen has the right to carry in a 'he says he believes that's especially true considering so many of his opposed He says he fears this will expand to all students as well as employees someday A full-time employee can't just walk into a classroom with a concealed weapon They have to register with campus safety and provide their conceal carry permit Campus safety Lt Jerry Garcia says it's importanl for campus police to know which of the 245 full- time workers are packing heat "lt's good for us to know so we have an idea So, if for some reason we did have a situation, that we had to go into a building, we would know who already had a handgun " There are some locations, incJuding gyms and auditoriums, where employees can't bring a gun Students can keep a handgun in the trunks of their vehicles on campus, but they cannot carry them. There have been many thrngs that Garl lngrm has caried wrth her throtrghout her Two Greene County Natives Played For hf'e that were taught to her by her college coach Pat Summitt; Reflect On Her Passing 'Herworkethrc,"Ingramsard "Sheacceptedyouasanrndrvidual IfyoLLwenttoher wrth a problern. she listened And she demanded excellence- both on the floor aud aJso rr the classroom She treated people as specral indivrduals I think one olthe com/ things she was most pr oud ofrs the I 00 perceilt graduahon rate (to tbose who stayed httP : //www. greenevillesun' wrth the prograrr al I four years) byllir',. iri rr :lfort) Ll L.rF'rLr1L$ Ocmmenls The news of Pat s death earlrer thrs week was very sad for hglarr There s nothirg else that can likely be 'lq'asshockedlguess Eventhoughyouknewitq,asinevrtable,'shesoftlyadded, noted hert aboLrt Pat Surnltt that has not 'you jus1 drdn t want it to happen " already been pornted out during the days since her death earher Lhrs week 'Bittersweet' Day for Hawhee news carne to us about Pat s When the hrsl We caught up wrth Dr Debbre Haq,hee r'n the arryort in NasLrv jlle very early Friday al lost a close passing. rt u'as as if we b ad I nonrng She was ordering a bowI ofgnts and awaihng her flrght whrch would had never met her fnend Even those who eventually get her back to herhorne in State Col[ege. Pa, u,here she sen'gs as Pat Summifr pictured during a 2006 visit to but had a keen interesl rn sports had Director ofGraduate Studres at Penil State Universrly Greneville when she was the keynote speaker at hstened pr obably seen her coach and had the Boys & Girls Clubs Champions Dinner rntently to her malogr'es prtor 1o and after After all, you can't get $r'ts trp nodh," she laughed a women s basketball game mlptMW I-Tawhee, along with 30-35 other fonrer players under Pat, had been to Thtrrsday s We hare all t'elt a sadness thLs week, and funeral sewice- whr'ch was held in Clarksville that inclrLdes rre The funeral was a pn!ate senrce tbr farrrly and close firends A pubhc memoral rs I was present at rnany press conL'erences over the years that involved Pat, and I was planned at Knoxvrlle s Thompson-BolLng Arena on July I 4 It s the srte where Coach alu'ays urpressed by the way she candrdly and professionally handled the media lvly Pat SunrLnrtr spent rnmy days and nights. practr'crng and workLng toward rraking her first one on-one r'ntenrew with her came in 2006 when she u'as rn Greenevrlle for a Lady Vols arrong the nation's elrte The playrng floor at Thompson Boling is aptly -fhe Boys & Girls Club funcbor, md she lreated rne like I was u'ith 7 he Na' f atk Ttntes named. Summitt' or ESPN,lookrng me squarely rn the eye and mswerng all queshons ljl<e she u'as Assrrredly there were rnany tears sLred by those p1a;,ers rnade the ro ruly glad 1 lvas takrng tne to tall< wrth her lvho tnp Clarksrrlle Tlursday, and Hawhee called rt a "bittersweet" day But rnragine the feeling of those lbmter players who u'ere so close to her dunng ller 'lt good decades ofsenice at the Unlversrty ofTennessee Greene County was foftLrnate to was very sad, very rea1, Harvhee said 'On the other hard rt was to be able have had two athletes be a part oflhose tearns, and both those players were menbers to see so mafy old friends and catch up on their hves ' ofvery special squads Hawhee sard that when q'ord cale down that Pat was close to death. Pat s fonner Cail Dobson Ingram u,as the first. and her tjrne at IJT was trade specral sttrce she assrstant, Mrckie DeMoss, said she felt Pat was hlrng to prepare everyone for the inelitable Since her announcement that she had dernentra in 20 1 I and her retrrernenl was a menber oIPat s !eD' first tearr rn I 9]) She got to pla]' ofly one season' her coachr'rg rn 20 I 2.
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