PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Established June 23,1862. Vol. 7. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1868 Terms $8.00 per annum, in advance. BOARD AND ttOOMS. THK PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELEANEOUS. WANTED his clngueurs and tools have begun every day, (Sunday e* •uteri,) at No. 1 Printers’ already Exchange, Exchange P Portland. DAILY PRESS. to tickle the public ears about the salubrity A. FOP Av Board. Wanted. N. 'RHETOR. D. N. THOMPSON CO., of those Arctic islands. It will our after board and SECOND-HAND SODA FOUNTAIN En- PORl'LAND. bring Terms:—Eight r , ‘wanee. in 1,. looking good pleasant Oj MauuiSCl urei'S ami Dealers H. TWOMBLYVS rooms, at this office. into ridicule the #orld over if PERSONSshould apply at 18 Brown st. Price of A quire jyl6il3t __ country you Single cop# Board per week 5d)i> and 3.5<». julylGdlw* suffer the national acquisitiveness for terri- THK MAINK S Alarm Locks & Draws. Wan ted. Morning 1868. ^ ''**&&•** Money FIRE AGENCY! Friday Jnly 17, tory to be playeif upon by this old diplomatic same place every ThUt S; INSURANCE Hoard ELLIOT would like a l,w ^ Also lili in- s' Parent anil Pail. pupils in French. f paid in advance $2.00 a. Mop Wringers Agents a Terms m< derate. monkey, who seems to with the ^ wanted. VIC71TH, suit of nice rooms on first floor, lobe DR. Ret'erances, I r f. Boris, Har- only sport —I— u0‘ * Erov. 3d. brio at No. 50 Sura g between High and vard Cnlle e; Prof \V. R Shipman, Tuits Coli, go.— Presidential Election Tuesday, mischief he Rates of Advertising.—O.. in Street, makes. ce, C RONS ST., POKTEANU; ME. Park Streets. jy7ati Apply at 21 Brown Street. iylGtllw* Isugth ol column. constitutes a “squ. We cannot afford to accomplish manifest $1.50 per first week. ,nt« l»er J S & Harmon. square daily Freeman, Thompson Edgerton. ET All Kinds of fire Insurace at Fair Rates. Wanted. Nominations. at such week three or eontinu- Boarders Wanted ot Farmers! Uepubliean destiny rate. Here is a little sum: after; insertions, less, $1.00, July 14. d3w ng every other atter first 00 cents. GENTLEMAN an 1 wire, or two gentlemen can THIi K AND SWEET at It day week, TJI.RE. CREAM, No. 131 thirty miles width of sea coast run- H all square, three insertions or less, 75 cents: one A be accommodated with bon d at 27 Wilmot St. X Pearl Street jvl4diw week, *i 00; 50 cents per week alter. Cons Ins. N« References exchanged. june30dlw*then 11 ning through the arctic zone is worth $7,200,- Under head ol $2.00 Dr. William Warren Greene, Exchange Comp’y Y., “Amusements,” per square TWO GOOD COOKWI N rH» at onee. 000, what is ail British per week; three inserti ns or lew, $1 50. To Let. X Two good women to do Meat ami Pa-try Cook- North America Special Notices, $1.25 per square lor the first ing; two It PLEASANT ROOMS TO with Laundresses, anil two Kitchen (.iris, for tire worth little St. halt and 25 cents per square lor each subse- coy GUESS S Q UA R E, and LET, (Hu Orchard Thomas, shaken inseriion, Capital Surplus, $X5X,025.00. board, at llmnc, Saco Beacli. Wages good. Ap- insertion, SEVERAL No. Htate »ti*c«l. into the sea by an quent June 2b, lbG<. dit P'yto A. J. cox & CO., earthquake, while the Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Portland. House the above .iylldlw__351: Congress Street, trade is making, is worth what Press’* (which has a large circulation in every part (Egr^First (on left) High Street. $7,500,000 are of the State) for $1.00 pet square lor first insertion Monumental lire Insurance €o. Ilaltimore, Boarding1. Boarders Wanted Cuba and the rest of the West Indies worth? and 50 cents per square lor each substquent inser Office Hours y A. M. and 2 P. M. A LARGE and plea ant Front Room to let. with Johnson’s New Boarding House on Hamp- This scheme of a continent ttou. "board, at 5G Free st. jel itf buying must be lC-dlmo&w2njo ATshire Street, secznd door from Middle, and with- July out of tbe us in five minu'C' walk fr m the Post office Grand put popular thought Let buy a ad Boarders Wanted. TrunkDetot, Boston and Halifax KUSUMfc'SH JOSEPH Capital Surplus, $230,0X0.77* Steamer*. Isa where there Is an equivalent, that is where CURRIER, PLEASANT suit of rooms ami single room suit- KRW UOU8P,built, and filled up expressly for a first A able lur families or blent ami wile at No. 37 class Boarding House, with an office for Gentlemen, we buy soil that we can sell again, as with It E U. Policies Issued and Losses Paid at this Office. H'gh ma.y21-.ltt Ladies’ Tailor, and large Dining Hall. A few more _ or that has minus as with Arizo- CUMST0J EMERSON & 00., IlMCilER, gciitlemeu hoarders ciu be accommodated. Terms Louisiana, reasonable. to N*». OI£J w t. Hoarders Wanted. Apply na, or fisheries, as with Newfoundland, or M A N r I' A r J U RER S OF ConjrrosH , Thanking the Public for their eery liberal patronage rfij J. M. LEI, with board, suits and single rooms, lur- JOHNSON, X mshed Street. revenues as with Cuba. But where all we Manufacturer and etor of a and untarnished, at 5G F ee Street. julyl4-dlw Hampshire Propr th:>, pant year, would respectfully solicit continuance of 18. for president. ENVELOPES! May dti_[Argus ami Mirror copy. acquire by a treaty is sovereignty, responsi- Currier’s Patent Pell Wanted! DEALERS IN lor Holds, their favors. bility, government nothing should be paid. Board TT'OR a gentleman and wife. Anyone having a Where one Bell is ma le to answer for anv number ULYSSES S. The should be the other Fine Writing: Papers, &c., &<•., AND good rooms can be obtained for gentlemen F small tenement of 4 or 5 rooms pleasantly lo- GRANT, pay way. or rooms. Also Door Bells, OFFICE 30 EXCHANGE Shaking Tubes, Gong ST., au‘* their wives or at No 57 cated, 5 or 8 minutes walk to new Post Office! can OF ILLINOIS, R om with Hie and single gentlemen, Should we acquire Canada, let us Aui Agents lor UNION INK CO. Bells, Diniug Bells to ring loot, Dan forth street. marJGdtt find a dcsiable occupant by applying at this office. pay just Bells tubed back of Agent tor * p' stering. Ju)yl4-dlw what her public lands are worth to a govern- IS,. 30 Water Hired, Bouton. PORTLAND, AIR. Door Ki FOR Taylor’s S’atcut « rank ll, 10-eodSm VICE-PRESIDENT, ment intending to hold, donate or sell them, Factory 114 Sudbury Street. July J. & C. J. Wanted Immediately! Where no wires are used. Houses, Hotels and not one for the K. B. BARBOUR, FEW GOOD TRAVELLING SALESMEN.— but cent sovereignty over luly-jeodlm AJL.U1SN, Hpecial Agent. Sleamboars fitted at short notice. Specimens of my No. 8 A Address HOW & CO., SCHUYLER lands work can be seen in some of Hotels iii Exchange st. COLFAX, held in fee by individuals. If New prim ipal jy!3dlw* S co, Me. CHARLES Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. OF INDIANA. JE. T. SHAH, June 3 C'< Have for retail a LARGE STOCK of Brunswick, Upper Canada, St. Domingo and 'The oldest and only well Mexico desire known) Agents Wanted! For Klector* to be embodied in ;he Great BILL Rppnhlip, desire a Stats under POSTER, TO LET. EQUITABLE Bools. Shoes and Rubbers, National Campaign Goode.—*8x10 Steel Bn* at Lahc.k—GEORGE L. brad. government, Corner Con«reaa and Market Hta., For Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s FORgravings of Grant and Colfax, with or with- S. P. STRICKLAND. which these people shall acquire Misses, Boy’s out frames One look prosperity PORTLAND, ME wear. agent 6C orders in one dav. and Aho National Biographies of both, 25 1st District—WILLIAM wealth, they ought to pay for the privi- Controls all the best Boards in Portland and virili- Brick House to Let! Campaign HOBSON, cents. Pms, Badges, Medals and Photos tor Demo- It cost ty, and is to Bill the Tows. Morrill’s containing ni»« Kubber 2d District—AMOS NOUKSE. lege. treasure and blood to build always ready Comer, rooms, plen- LIFE Good*. crats and Republicans make 100 cent. water. Ooou ASSURANCE SOCIETY Agents per Programmes, Circulars, etc., faithfullydistributed. ATty stable and garden si*ot. 3d District—DEN MS L. M1LLLKEN. these noble to Apply Belting, Caching, lflo*c.< lo( Sample packages sent post paid for $1. Send at institutions; let those who Oruers leit at this or at the office oi the C. E. Morrill, on the premises, or to hing,Spring*, office, Daily No. 02 New York. IVlut*. once and get tae start. Address Press, 10** si, or Easttrn 113 Ex- W. H. Broadway, Spittoon., Tubing, ( u,himiti, would step iu and contribute Exchange Argus JERRfS, GOODS PEED & For Heiirewumiave* iu enjoy them, change st, will rereive prompt attention. jyL5d3w Real Estate Agent, Portland. tilov* with a ofothcr CO., C'ougrrMi Baggage Hf variety 37 Park M. or towards their as rucked to and rromtlie Row, Y., Chicago, 111. establishment well as main- Depots. Ushers an ! door- Iiioome, Rubber (iootb. July C. d&wlm 1st DISTRICT—JOIIIV LYNCH. tenders provided when desired. $4,000,000, tenance. us june6-dt! -tores to JLet. 2d DISTftCT—«A Let have American BSr~Wliit; Rubber Cloth for family purpo?es.^gj I vtlTEL P.
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