'Vets Must Sign Today Warmer, Light Rain The weatbennan predicts clou­ ore an \ fet t-rans uttendinf:" . a dy skll'!l and occasional IIKht .......,. ouoc1er PL 550 mu•t si~ n rain In the Santa Cla.ra. Valley .......,. monthly attt"nda nN~ fonn~ t oday. ThP foreca.fiter antl~i ­ ., tl!daY If they wish to re<·~i v e patf'8 sllchtly hlcher temp<'ra.­ ,.,-t In January. Y• terans t ures, with the high r1Ulgtng he­ .moe II located In Rooru lOS or tween 51 and 80 decrees, and 1M Adiiii.W.tratloa Building. 110utherly winds of I 0 to %0 mUe. an hour. NO. 57 YES, DOROTHY, THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS .Chest Drive Ends, 1Be Jolly Be Joyful; ails Short of Goal Ponder Christmas By CATHY FERGUSON By LOLA SHERMAN 'Tis the $e•SOn to be jolly. The Campus Chest thermometer poster stuffed in an Outer Q~ad 'lliSte can symbolized the end of the student Chest Drive. Jolly over all the New Year parties you won't attend. Jolly over a" the homeworlc you win finally do. Jolly over the Christmas gifts Approximately $900 total was contributed, according to Robert you'll get, even the itchy red sweater from your maiden aunt. And activities adviser. The goal was $2500. most of all, jolly over all the "givingness" of Christmas--.>nd there Almost $1500, a record, was collected last year when a talent­ you are without a red or green cent to your name. thon was one of the special events presented. The "givingness" of Christmas ... sounds trite and comy, doesn't Both Tedd Wallace, chairman of the Commul\ity Service Com· •it? You've hea.rd it since you op. mittee. and Joe Wondrack. chair-$--------.:.._------1 Some Long ened yo~r first Christmas package. 11111n of personal solicitation ror Gl•ft for It doesn •t seem to mean much any .the dri,·e, blamed the fact that more. It's been buried away in the Sperta Key was not a,·ailal!le to Her . • L ripS oom commerci~l glitter along with the the volunteer solicitors. T · spmtual S1gn1flcance of Chnstmas. ft{ANJI.S, l'ROFS No Cinch • w k Even the old-fashioned Christmas ~ The classroom solicitations cam­ IS ee carol is being replaced by "Jingle )aign (.$289.22 ) was the most suc­ Th Bell Rock" and other such tri,ia l!l!ssful phase of the dlive, Baron 'Way Back' By CHARLENE SHATIUCK NOT THE SA~fE stated. adding his thanks to the By BUNNY ROBINSON When an SJS Spartan says, 'Tm Maybe that is why so many stu­ professors for allowing st udent so­ dents have shrugged their should· and ESTELLA COX going home for Christmas," he licitors classroom time. may mean any place from San ers and said. " It doesn't seem like The acti\ities officer also prais- Ha\ing trouble Christmas shop. J ose to Stockholm, Sweden. Christmas this year." ed educational aspects of the drive. ing for that special girl. fellows? There are more than 12,000 stu· Believe it or not, though, the He belie\es students are better in-~Just be glad you d1dn't Ii\·e 50 dents attending SJS, and they Christmas spirit blanketed the 1onned of the1r respons1b1lity to- years ago! ?\fagazmes of 1907 vi n­ come from all 0\·er the world. campus, if not in snow. then in the Chest a nd the needs ef tage show there wasn't too much "Home" to these students includes holiday festivities. Campus organ­ Crusade and Red Feather. a young man could "properly" gi,·e almost every county in California, izations went all out to help the Guest speakers in the I" mg a young lady. nearly every state in the union and orphans. the needy and the aged. croups and cooperation of Greek "Fancy g~rters" were among the se,·eral foreign countries. The halls of ivy were decked in organizations were extremely help- more prommently advert 1 sed SNOW AND SA!'o'D holly. The Library simulated stain­ Baron said. Christmas gifts. It is to be sus­ While some are enjoying a white ed glass windows while "';thin pected. however. that this type. of Christmas in M_ilSSachusetts. others Christmas carols echoed through gift would meet with something will be stretched out on the gold­ the rooms. And a miniature City He had a special word of praise less than the desired reaction, (de-l en sands of the Hawaiian Islands. of Paris tree graced the Student lor The Sp3rta n Daily co,·erage of pending, of course, on the desired . (Those from Massachusetts prob­ Union. the can,paign. reaction). ably will come back \\ith colds, SPIRIT St;PREllfE? Baron expressed hope that re­ Ot.her suggestions IMiuded um- , and those from Hawaii will more Spirit reigned supreme on the organization of the campaign will hrellas. lockets, "e:<qulslte qual­ than likely come back with tans.) campus in group cooperations but \)ring about more monetary suc-~ it)" toilet soap, l\ilh a flower­ Don Bo\ \ 'CUtt. whose home is in lagged sadly in the individual A cess next year like fragranre,"' bonbons or cho­ Bremerton. Wash .. reports an en­ good question to ask oursel\'es this _ Wallace asked that all students colates and the traditional now- I tire convoy of students is heading Christmas is why this feeling? Are )Yith ··money lying a r o u n d the ers. homeward to Washington. we a tinsle society so engrossed in . house" turn it in to the Acti,·ities Gramophones were also the style SPECIAL GUY missiles rather than mistle-toe. ·Office. Baron said about Sl80 still of the day, as were music boxes. Binnie Brownson. a young lady that we have lost the miginal is to be collected from the faculty for the well-heeled young gentle­ from Pomona. Calif., has stars in meaning of Olristmas? auction and exchange luncheons. man. her eyes these days because she Cheer up any way. U you can't One ad,·ertisement listed back is flying back to iiichigan to see wish "peace on earth and good .,..;ll hairpins, fascinators. smelling salts I a special fellow. toward men;" at least be "jolly" bottles. puff boxes, shawls and eid· ~ • 'hot.: Mary Jo Gleason is one of those because the go"ernment checks ·See? Time Passes·· erdown dressing sacques as pos­ Santa Claus and Queen Dorothy Fairburn wloh· everyone a ,-.ry Merry Christmas.-pho"" by Jim Beach lucky persops who will watch the came early this month. sible Christmas presents. This list Rose Parade in Pasadena . MERRY CHRISTMAS . • may have been helpful 50 years More Classes·· S O~lE WILL SKI ago, but it's doubtful that "mod­ Many Spartans are polishing Happy Holidays! ern" men e,·en would know what Santa, Dear Santa, Listen To Our Pleas! skis to take advantage of Christ· Ice, Snow Covers 'fascinators. puff boxes or dress- mas snow. Among these is Ron By JOHN R. ADAMS ing sacques were. F or that mat- Below is a letter to Santa Claus, Tuttle. whose home is in Palo .. Merry Christmas and attention. ter. would his girl? g h o s !-written for Homecoming Alto. (Skiing in Palo Alto?) Sierra Highways please. Classes are officially ad· Wouldn't a fish kettle or ther­ Queen Dorothy E'alrburn. repre­ Shirley Smith is also planning There is •now on the ground journed. for two weeks as of to- momet.er be nice for a married senting San J ose State College. to go skiing near I>cmher Lake. and ice on ·the roads in the Sierra day." man's wife! That thennometer THIS GUY STAYS Mountain area•. according to re­ "Hey! Sit down! Vacation does- must ha\'e been quite the Item. Dear Santa: James Harvey Gillespie reports cent weather reportS. Olains are n't start until classes are o,·er for The Taylor company advertised he's wrecked his car and may have required on all highways. Christmas season is with us once the day.'' " it as a .. radial scaJe thermome- to stay here for Christmas. Maybe Highway 40 from Baxter to more, \Vell, Ouistmas vacation is fin- _ter, the most appropriate Ch rist~ Jim should ask Santa Claus for Donner Gate is now open but roads anY here. Two weeks of long mas gift. It conveniently may be Soon you'll be here and knock­ a new car. are dangerous and icy. Highway ing at our door. a)Vaited fun may now be enjoyed. I suspended from the chandelier." And me? I'm going home. too. 50 is temporarily c I o sed fro~ that is for those who survi,·ed last And speaking of chandeliers. one A list of presents we've compiled But then that's nothing new. I go Strawberry to Myers Grade. High­ minute midterms. company cla1med that the mag1c to date-- home e,·ery night. way 89 on the West shore of Lake We han approxlmat~lv SSG lamp it was promoting for Christ­ These are what's wanted at San Tahoe is still closed. and on the hours away from the <-~p u s. mas was not onJ~ c~.eaper than Jose State. North side it was sno\\;ng yester­ That's ... uhh ... , min- kerosene but also .... as better than dll)•. Carson. Ebbetts and Sonora 20 160 Some bells and some clocks Department Offers ates o·f carefree relaxation. l\1Jiat electricity." \Vander what ever passes are reported slippery due happened to it? Are des parately needed to snow on · the pa,·ement. a person ran•t do in that time! F or the man determined to be In Centennial Hall- One Unit fer Trip Snowfall at Soda Springs is re­ Thl• Is one or the only times or different.
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