Vol 28, No. 1 August 1998 The Lion Roars Published by the LIONEL ® COLLECTORS CLUB OF AMERICA Bimonthly February, April, June, August, October, December THE BEST OF THE PAST AND THE FUTURE The Lion Roars 1 August, 1998 THE LION ROARS CONTENTS Lionel® Collectors Club of America OFFICERS APPOINTED OFFICIALS FRONT COVER: The New Lionel®™ ZW Harry H. Overtoom, President Mike Mottler, Editor, The Lion Roars 3409 Fleetwood Drive 22 Water Oak Drive President’s Report ....................................... 3 Lexington, KY 40502-3504 Conway, AR 72032-3430 (606) 268-1942 (501) 327-8747 Editor’s Den ................................................ 4 Donald M. Carlson, Vice President Bill Button, Editor, Interchange Track Thomas Gardiner’s Layout and Collection 7 1190 Academic Way 2410 West Miller Circle Haslett, MI 48840-9728 Westland, MI 48186-9372 Mainline to Chesterfield ............................. 9 (517) 339-9611 (313) 467-8559 Off the Track ............................................... 9 Louis J. Caponi, Secretary Susan Ellingson, Editor, Roster 610 Andrews Road 4100 Victoria Street Adventures of Railroad Mike ................... 10 Springfield, PA 19064-3816 Minnetonka, MN 55345-1963 (610) 543-1540 (612) 933-3215 Standard Gauge ........................................ 13 Eric P. Fogg, Treasurer Hulen Warren, Librarian If No One Makes It, Make It Yourself ...... 14 13360 Ashleaf Drive 335 Pine Street Des Moines, IA 50325-8820 Many, LA 71449-2827 Lou Ippolito’s Layout and Collection ...... 17 (515) 223-1024 (318) 256-5112 Post War Today ......................................... 19 Albert F. Otten, Imd. Past Pres. 54 Overlook Drive CONVENTION DATE/SITE/HOST Scratchbuilding Little Rock, AR 72207-1611 August 11-15, l999 in Ft. Worth, Texas An Art Form and a Philosophy ............... 20 (501) 225-2151 Lionel News and Views ............................ 21 Dr. Glenn Kroh 2618 Cockrell Avenue The Mane Line ......................................... 25 Ft. Worth TX 76109 (817) 926-6757 SOLD !! THE LION ROARED!! ............. 27 DIRECTORS William F. Button John Fisher, Convention Sites Chair Chief Dispatcher ....................................... 28 2410 West Miller Circle 1730 James Road Lookin’ Down the Track ........................... 31 Westland, MI 48186-9372 St. Paul, MN 55118-3645 (313) 722-7464 (612) 454-6644 Tinplate Cannonball ................................. 32 Dienzel C. Dennis Charles P. Seddon Odds & Ends From the Backshop ............ 33 1425 Ruthbern Road 1150 Old River Road Ct. Daytona Beach, FL 32114-5904 Rockford, IL 61103-1112 Lionel’s Railroad Map .............................. 37 (904) 258-8574 (815) 654-1705 1998 Stocking Stuffer Order Form ........... 40 William J. Schmeelk LCCA INTERNET WEBSITE 15 Birchwood Lane www.lionelcollectors.org Hillsdale, NJ 07642-1303 Glenn Patsch, Webmaster (201) 358-1955 [email protected] Send all address/phone changes to: LCCA BUSINESS OFFICE PO Box 479 LaSalle, IL 61301-0479 CONTACTING THE LCCA BUSINESS OFFICE: The only way to contact the Business Office is in writing to address above. They will take care of: Applications for membership, replace membership cards, reinstatements, change of address, phone number changes, death notice, commemorative orders, Convention registration and Club mementos. PEOPLE TO CONTACT: Copyright © 1998 The Lionel® Collectors Club of America. All rights re- President-Always available and as a last resort. Vice President-Schedule a meet. served. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in Immediate Past President-Complaint against another member. any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy- Secretary-Any administrative action not handled by LCCA Business Office. ing and recording for any purpose without the express written permission Assistant Secretary-Certificates of Membership and Appreciation. of The Lionel® Collectors Club of America. Treasurer-Club finances only. Librarian-Back issues sales of The Lion Roars The Lion Roars (ISSN No. 1079-0993) is published bi-monthly by the Lionel Collectors Club of America, 1622 Fourth St., Peru, IL 61354-3527. Subscription rate of $15.00 per year is paid through membership dues. Periodicals postage paid at Richmond Virginia 23200-0701 and additional mailing offices. POSTMAS- TER: Send address changes to The Lion Roars, 1622 Fourth St. Peru, IL 61354-3527. The LCCA is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation. Lionel® is a registered trademark and is used with the permission of Lionel L.L.C. Copies of Lionel® copyrighted materials have been used in this publication with the permission of Lionel L.L.C. The LCCA is not affiliated with Lionel® or Lionel L.L.C. Opinions and comments made in columns in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Officers, Board of Directors and Appointed Officials nor do they indicate a Club endorsement of any products mentioned. The Lion Roars 2 August, 1998 The President’s make the sale and the chance of getting their reputations tarnished Report is possible. At the worst, the Immediate Past President must get involved to settle any disputes. Please review and use the grading by standards. Everyone will be happier. Harry H. Overtoom ELECTION RESULTS Constitution Change Yes 2682 PHILADELPHIA AND FORT WORTH CONVENTIONS No 296 Thanks to everyone who helped make the Philadelphia conven- Director 1 year tion a success. The Convention Chairman, Lou Caponi, along with JOHN FISHER 1885 his family, Rose, Rita & Dominic, deserve an extra pat on the back GEORGE BALTZ 1128 for all their efforts. The tours were superb, so I am sure everyone Director 2 years had a good time. BILL BUTTON 1916 With Philadelphia now history, we turn our attention to Fort DIENZEL DENNIS 1578 Worth, Texas, the exciting Southwest setting for the LCCA’s next JOHN OURSO 1476 great family get together. The dates are August 11 thru 15, 1999. Secretary Those of you who joined us in Philadelphia saw first hand the LOU CAPONI 1541 genuine western hospitality extended by Doug & July Harmon. BARRY FINDLEY 1471 Doug is the CEO of the Ft. Worth Convention and Visitors Bu- reau, and he loves his work. That is what you can look forward to Vice-President DON CARLSON 1139 receiving when you visit “cow-town.” We want to thank Doug for DOUG DuBAY 1094 joining us in Philadelphia to provide us with a glimpse of what we BILL STITT 797 can expect next August. You will be learning more about this exciting area in the next My congratulations to the members who were elected to the po- issues of The Lion Roars. You will want to make plans now to visit sitions listed above. All candidates were well qualified and it is un- Ft. Worth next summer. This one of the most compact, upscale and fortunate that someone has to lose. My thanks to everyone who par- exciting cities we have ever visited. Our Host, Glenn Kroh, and ticipated in the election and to those of you who voted. If you did his team have planned an exciting convention week with Texas not vote, make a mental note to do so next time. By the way, why theme parties and tours. You will not want to miss Ft. Worth. don’t you get involved with the club and/or run for an office? ANNOUNCEMENT 1999 ROSTER Jim Kellow, who was appointed The Lion Roars Editor earlier In order to save money, we did not publish a Roster for the this year, has resigned. I have appointed Mike Mottler as the new period 1997-1998. The Roster Editor, Susan Ellingston, will be Editor. He has considerable experience in this field as the Editor- working on putting it together this fall. Please check the mailing in-Chief of the UAMS Update and UAMS Journal. I have asked address on this publication. This is the address that will be in the John Coniglio (AKA Three Rail Rambler) to assist Mike by doing Roster. If your phone number has changed, or your area code may some of the page design for The Lion Roars. The experience they be different, please inform the Business Office so the new Roster bring to The Lion Roars is very extensive. My congratulations to will have your name, address and phone number correct. both of them. ANNUAL DUES All you budding writers can contact Mike at 22 Water Oak Drive, The dues notices are sent out quarterly. To have an uninterrupted Conway, AR 72032. mailing of club publications, please sent your dues in promptly. GRADING OF INTERCHANGE TRACK SALE ITEMS Remember your dues just pay for the monthly publication and mail- I have had several letters detailing the liberal interpretation of ing of The Lion Roars and Interchange Track. So don’t be late and grading standards as set forth in our Constitution. The standards miss any future publications. are no different from those listed in Greenburg or McComas Price Guides. Mis-grading creates problems all around. Purchasers are disappointed and must pay to return unwanted items. Sellers don’t The Lion Roars August, 1998 3 Editor’s Den wrote, “Our Christmas tree has been up for four years now by since we can’t get to it to take it down; too many trains, Jim Kellow track, etc. in the way! It’s really nice to be able to turn the tree lights on at night and run the trains in July!” Richard did not say how he keeps a Christmas tree alive for four years! Don Carlson wrote to tell me I used the wrong logo for the St. Louis Southern Railway (Cotton Belt) on page 33 of the April 1998 issue. The correct Logo is shown in photo 3. Don also had several other comments as to how I can improve the maga- zine. Thanks Don for 3 your advice and counsel. I want to thank those members who have contacted Thomas Gardiner me and expressed their support and encouragement since called to tell me I for- I became Editor. Your comments and suggestions are got to put his layout in greatly appreciated. I do need to take a little time at this the June 1998 issue.
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