. j A Newspaper Devoted ,. Complete News, Pictures To theGoimrauiiity Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full XocaL Coverage And Impartially Each Week VOL. XV-+NQ; 29 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1953 PRICE EIGHT CENTS fy Chimneys, Target Water Lack Win Raritan Township Prizes 1U 11CI.CLI Qf?iawai:. Midnight "Shift Causes Biggest Fear J WOpDBRHMjrE\—- JLowrflying, multiple-engine shortly before midnight, awakening: children and laKeasbey- airplanes, wMch have been disturbing the sleep adults alike. County Tie of Township residents, particularly in the-Wood- *•/-• ' * * • • bridge proper, Port Reading and Avenel sections, The roar of thte motors is so loud that resi- will be tlie subject of complaints to be registered dents declare it feels :as if the yery houses are Unchanged On Sewers • by the municipality with the Civil Aeronautics shakingi • • •; ' _ ."•'. Biiyeau and the Port of New York' Authority. ".'.'.• . •''• .: * * * * Town Promises Talk to Town Expected,to. Stick y Plan As one inaan stated: "One of these: days one of those planes is going to take my chimney off." Try to Get Solution; ToBooz Position on to Build $450,000 . The matter was brought up Tuesday at Town , * * * * meeting by Mayor Hugh B. Quigley as the result •• • . • ..-•.••:: .- v . Opposition Develops Retaining Own Plant ; Plant in Woodbridge The low-flying planes started shortly after the of hundreds of complaints that have been pour- Newark Airport planes were re-routed away from WOODBRIDGE—While Town- WOODBRIDGE;—From all indi- \ WOODBRIDGE-AS the result ing into police headquarters land the Town Com- of numerous complaints registered Elizabeth. That municipality, registered strong ship officials are hoping for an cations Woodbridge Township will by Keasibey. residents ..regarding mittee v Mayor Quigley suggested that strong complaints as a result of two major airplane early, solution to the '. Keasbey not join the Raritan Valley trunk odors emanating dram the; Kefts- letters of protest be written to the two- agencies. disasters there. Since then, Port Reading, Avenel water shortage through sale of sewer system for the Fords, Hope- and. Woodbridge are bearing the brunt of the the lines to the Middlesex Water lawn and Keasbey area and as far toey garbage dumps, .^Township -.••.•- " -~' - ;*,**:.*,. noise. /.,'•' ' . Company, it was learned today as the Middlesex County Sewer- Attorney B., W» Vogel announced: .Township residents report that low-flying Concern fe<as also been expressed that planes that the same group which halted age Authority is concerned, it is today lie will make every effort to planes, fronr'the Newark Airport, have been roar- flying so low vover the Township constitute a sale of the lines on three previous no longer interested. have necessary ordinances for the ing over the Township. ; It is particularly bad safety hazard.' - occasions now is attempting to With, the approval of the trunk construction of: the ; incinerator block the sale again.' • ready for introduction at the neit sewer contract by the New Bruns- Town meeting,. Juhn 21. Meanwhile, Keasbey residents wick City Commissioners Tuesday, However,. even .tnougii: Gommit- US»ChecksP6MmasterAspirants;Parkway Accident ptiti report stoppages in then- the Authority now has the stipu- fceeman William Warren Tuesday. water supply. lated 90 per cent participation re- . * threatened "to pack the town hall Objectors to the sale now pro- quired. Only two municipalities, with folks from.- Keasbey a* the Final Decision is Still in Air Injures Woman pose a standpipe and pump system Contest Prizes whose acceptance or rejection is as a remedy. However, Township no longer a determining factor to next meeting" unless, immediate WOODBRIDGE—A representative of the United States the Authority, Woodbridge and action is taken, Woodbridge resi- WOODBRHD'GE — A Newark officials today said this proposal Civil Service Commission was in Woodbridge this week in- woman was seriously injured Fri- is too costly, and transfer of the North Brunswick, have failed to dents are threatening to do the sign contracts. same thing when it became known vestigating four candidates who have qualified for post- day evening when a car operated lines to the Middlesex Water Com- master here. - • pany, if the concern is still agree- RARITAN TOWNSHIP—The three prize winners in the thie week that the site "most con- by her husband turned over on the Symbol Contest, sponsored by the Raritan Township Cham- The Town Committee unoffi- sidered"' -now, for the incinerator •The four are Acting Postmaster William R. Fitz- able, "is the only solution." cially has decided to go: along with Garden State Parkway, Fords, ber of Commerce, will receive their awards at the Board its consulting engineer, Louis P. plant is in Woodbridge off upper patrick, School Commissioner Leon E. McElroy, Charles near Route 9. Mayor Hugh B. Quigley, who Main Street, near the police pistol H. Kuhlman and Clement Stan- said yesterday he and Township of Directors' meeting tonight at.8 o'clock at the Roosevelt Booz, who claims he can modern- The driver of the ear, Jsrael ize the Keasbey Disposal plant range. ; cik, assistant postmaster. Reason Attorney B. W. Vogel will seek Top Hat. In picture,' by Frey Sen Studio, the winners and Morgan, 37, 12 Wiilough'by Street, another conference with Ambrose their drawings are, left to right: for a "nominal sum." Wootibridge' residents, up in for the. exclusion of John V. Hunt,, arms about the proposed site, Town Gives $I5636 Newark, told Patrolmen Howard Mundy, president, of the Middlesex Richard* Schwalje, Lafayette Previously the Authority esti- claim that there 'will be a certain who had ibeen- a leading candidate Tune and William Stephano that Water Company? pointed out it isRoad, Metuchen, seventh grader Grade 8; Joan V. Danish, Piscata- mated it would cost approximately amount of odor 'from the plant for the position, was not indi- he was cut off i>y another car time for the Committee to think of Clara Barton School, first prize, way, Grade 8; Wallace Seliek, Pis- $220,000 to improve the plant. Mr. To Aid Palsy Fight travelling in the same direction. of "the good of the majority." Booz said he could do the job for and prevailing winds will bring cated but bis name did hot appear $25 savings bond; Joanne Sweim- cataway, Grade 7; Marion Led- As a result he said he lost control ler, Central Avenue, Stelton, sev- better, Piscataway, Grade 8; Fred $50,000. The Authority then esti- it right to the heart of the residen- on the eligibility : list., Mr. Hunt's WOODBRIDG'E—The campaign The last offer of the Middlesex mated it would cost $30,500 to tial area. Originally, when the of his car which .swerved to the Water Company for the lines was enth grader of Stelton School, W.'Loeser, Stelton, Grade 8; Dona supporters have been 'busy during for funds "by the Cerebral Palsy left of the highway, then back to second prize, pen and pencil set; Hodapp, Stelton, Grade 7; Robert operate the Keasbey plant, while incinerator was first talked about, League in the Township went way $3,000, but Mr. Mundy has not Mr. Booz says it can be done for / announcement was made it would the 'week.in an effort to ascertain the right side, then across the indicated yet whether his concern Irene Comiskey, 24 Henry Street, Hendrickson, Piscataway, Grade over the top; L. Charles Mangione, highway to the left side of the $29,000 a year. The Authority has be, in the meadows" off' Sewaren. if an error had been, made, but' is still interested hvthe line. There Menlo Park, eighth grader of Oak 8; Melryn Meszaros, Clara Barton, general chairman and Edward P. highway and then overturning. Tree School,, third prize, pen and Grade 7. offered to buy the plant from the The incinerat-cc will cost in the up until yesterday they had been Keating, co-chairman, announced is also some talk among/'niembers Township for $58,000." neighborhood of $450,000 and ac- Morgan's wife, Harriet, 32, was of the Town Committee it may be pencil set. Nancy Kuchen, Stelton, Grade cording to Senator Vpgel, will jbe unable . to receive any informa- today.- . ••.•'. " • • • *• •. taken to the Perth Amlboy General necessary "to give the system Of the hundred drawings sub- 8; Janna Pfeiffer, Piscataway, The Booz Position: . paid off through the' Township's tion. ••'•••; • . i ••,." ' A total of I'l.BSe.SO ^vas collec- Hospital in St. John's First Aid away" in order to get water for mitted by seventh and eighth grade 7; June Kover, Stelton, Mr. .Booz- has maintained the own. borrowing capacity in ten Representative Peter ,. Freling- ted ' and the quota set for Wood- Squad ambulance and treated for the residents of Keasbey. grade students of all the Raritan Grade 8; William Pecorale, Oak Keasbejr plant can be "economi- •years. -.; ' : \: . •- huysen, Jr., who will, make the bridge was one-third of that lacerations of the head, requiring Townsip schools, honorable men- Tree, Grade 7; Bob Hofland, Stel- cally improved" to meet the stand- amount. Company Seeks- Remedy ton, Grade 8; Andy Anderson, Seen Health' Hazard recommendation tor the appoint- 25 sutures, and possible fracture Meanwhile, the water compan- tion goes, to thfe following eighteen ards of the New Jersey State Recording to Comrnitteeman ment to President Eisenhower, • "I. believe that the people of of the skull. She was admitted to students who sutomited exceptional Stelton, Grade 7; Richard Rohr, Health Department "if these are ies in this area are having prob- Stelton, Grade 8; Eugene Shoup, William Warren at Tuesday's ses- said at Ms ..office in Wasnington Woodbrid-ge realize the need to the hospital for further treatment. lems of their own in Clara Barton, drawings: not again changed to a degree sion, the "stink in Keasbey is in- yesterday that decision will not aid children with cerebral palsy The oar was badly damaged and Patty Abrams, Oak Tree, Grade Stelton,.
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