Public Document Pack Southern Planning Committee Agenda Date: Wednesday, 24th November, 2010 Time: 2.00 pm Venue: Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Earle Street, Crewe CW1 2BJ Members of the public are requested to check the Council's website the week the Southern Planning Committee meeting is due to take place as Officers produce updates for some or all of the applications prior to the commencement of the meeting and after the agenda has been published. The agenda is divided into 2 parts. Part 1 is taken in the presence of the public and press. Part 2 items will be considered in the absence of the public and press for the reasons indicated on the agenda and at the foot of each report. PART 1 – MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED WITH THE PUBLIC AND PRESS PRESENT 1. Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest/Pre-Determination To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests and for Members to declare if they have pre-determined any item on the agenda. 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (Pages 1 - 8) To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 2010. 4. Public Speaking A total period of 5 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for Ward Councillors who are not Members of the Planning Committee. Please contact Julie Zientek on 01270 686466 E-Mail: [email protected] with any apologies, requests for further information or to arrange to speak at the meeting A period of 3 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following individual groups: • Members who are not members of the Planning Committee and are not the Ward Member • The Relevant Town/Parish Council • Local Representative Groups/Civic Society • Objectors • Supporters • Applicants 5. 10/1765C The partial demolition of the existing site (including modern agricultural buildings and existing dwelling) conversion of the remaining existing buildings to form 7 dwelling and the erection 11 additional dwellings within the curtilage of the existing residential property, Elworth Hall Farm, Dean Close, Elworth for Bell Developments Ltd (Pages 9 - 28) To consider the above planning application. 6. 10/2006C The Demolition of the existing Buildings (including agricultural buildings and existing dwelling) and the redevelopment of the site with 26 dwellings and associated works, Elworth Hall Farm, Dean Close Elworth for Bell Developments Ltd (Pages 29 - 50) To consider the above planning application. 7. 10/2200N Proposed Extension of Existing Hotel and Complex Including a New Extension (Adding 68 Rooms), a New Reception Extension, Refurbishment and Extension to Existing Cabaret Room and Bar and Bunbury House Accommodation, New Courtyard Block (11 Rooms) and the Refurbishment and Extension of Existing Spa Facilities, Alvaston Hall Hotel, Peach Lane, Wistaston for Warner Leisure Hotels (Pages 51 - 64) To consider the above planning application. 8. 10/1269C Erection of 126 No. dwellings, provision of public open space and associated works, Bath Vale Works, Bath Vale, Congleton for Bovis Homes Ltd (Pages 65 - 84) To consider the above planning application. 9. 10/3808C Extension to time limit - redevelopment of former factory to provide 28 no. new homes to included 12 affordable homes provided by RSL, Former Cardboard Factory, Betchton Road, Malkins Bank for Jokaro Ltd (Pages 85 - 94) To consider the above planning application. 10. 10/3824N Extension to provide w/c and shower room for disabled person, Laburnum House, 8 Coppenhall Lane, Crewe, CW2 8TT for Mrs Julie Cartlidge (Pages 95 - 100) To consider the above planning application. 11. 10/3903N Extension to Time Limit of P07/1478 - Residential Development Comprising Twelve Three Bedroom Town Houses, Richard Mullock & Sons Ltd, Wistaston Road, Crewe, CW2 7RL for Richard Mullock & Sons Ltd (Pages 101 - 106) To consider the above planning application. 12. 10/3918N Proposed Residential Development Comprising of 9 no. 2 Storey Dwellings including Associated Parking & Vehicle Access, Former George Hotel 645 West Street Crewe for Mr F Lloyd- Jones, Thomas Jones & Sons (Pages 107 - 120) To consider the above planning application. 13. 10/3966N New Two Bedroomed Bungalow on Land Adjoining 45 Holland Street and The Backlands, Land Adjoining The Backlands Crewe CW1 3TZ for Mr R Peart (Pages 121 - 132) To consider the above planning application. 14. 10/4054N Extension to Time Limit - for Approved Planning Application P07/1076 for Storage Building Four Silos and Two Waste Liquid Tanks, Laurels Farm, Crewe Road, Walgherton for Joseph Heler Ltd (Pages 133 - 138) To consider the above planning application. THERE ARE NO PART 2 ITEMS This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the Southern Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 3rd November, 2010 at Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Earle Street, Crewe CW1 2BJ PRESENT Councillor G Merry (Chairman) Councillor L Gilbert (Vice-Chairman) Councillors W T Beard, D Bebbington, W S Davies, B H Dykes, B Howell, J Jones, S Jones, A Kolker, R Walker, M J Weatherill and R Westwood NON-COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Councillors R Cartlidge, R Fletcher, M Martin and P Mason OFFICERS PRESENT Rachel Goddard (Senior Lawyer) Ben Haywood (Principal Planning Officer) David Townsend (Interim Business Lead Development Management, South) Apologies Councillors S Furlong and S McGrory 96 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST/PRE-DETERMINATION Councillor J Jones declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of application number 10/3262N on the grounds that he lived in the vicinity of the application site and knew the owner of the site. In accordance with the Code of Conduct, he withdrew from the meeting during consideration of this item. Councillor S Jones declared a personal interest in respect of application number 10/3581C on the grounds that she was acquainted with the developer and was a member of Alsager Town Council, which had been consulted on the proposed development. In accordance with the code of conduct, she remained in the meeting during consideration of this item. Councillors G Merry, J Weatherill and R Fletcher declared personal interests in respect of application number 10/1269C, on the grounds that they had been appointed as Cheshire East Council representatives on Cheshire Fire Authority which had been consulted on the proposed development. In accordance with the code of conduct, they remained in the meeting during consideration of this item. Page 2 Councillor A Kolker declared that he had called in application number 10/3317C but had not expressed an opinion and had not fettered his discretion. With respect to agenda item 10 (Section 106 Agreement for Planning Application P08/0728 for planning permission for the erection of 6 enabling dwellings and the creation of 52 car parking spaces together with other renovation works at The Badger Inn, Over Road, Church Minshull), Members who had been Members of the former Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council when it had approved planning application P08/0728 declared that they were approaching the application to amend the Section 106 Agreement without predetermination. Councillor P Mason, who was in attendance at the meeting, declared a personal interest in respect of application number 10/1269C on the grounds that he was a member of Congleton Town Council, which had been consulted on the proposed development. In accordance with the code of conduct, he remained in the meeting during consideration of this item. 97 MINUTES RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 98 10/1269C ERECTION OF 126 NO. DWELLINGS, PROVISION OF PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AND ASSOCIATED WORKS, BATH VALE WORKS, BATH VALE, CONGLETON FOR BOVIS HOMES LTD Note: Councillor P Mason (Ward Councillor), Mr R Blindell (objector) and Mr B Herrod (applicant) attended the meeting and addressed the Committee on this matter. Note: Councillor J Jones declared that he had received correspondence in relation to this application. The Committee considered a report regarding the above planning application and an oral report of the site inspection. RESOLVED – That the application be DEFERRED to allow negotiations to take place between the applicant and council officers regarding the possibility of siting the play area within the proposed development. Page 3 99 10/3262N REDEVELOPMENT OF THE EXISTING RETAIL PREMISES "CREWE SADDLERY" AND THE ERECTION OF 11 DWELLINGS AND ASSOCIATED ACCESS, PARKING AND GARDEN AREAS, LAND ADJACENT TO 97 BROUGHTON ROAD, CREWE FOR FIELDCREST PARTNERSHIP Note: Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application, Councillor J Jones withdrew from the meeting during consideration of this item. Note: Councillor M Martin (Ward Councillor), Mr B Wilkinson (objector) and Mr N Thorns (applicant) attended the meeting and addressed the Committee on this matter. Note: All Members declared that they had received correspondence in relation to this application. The Committee considered a report regarding the above planning application and an oral report of the site inspection. RESOLVED – That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. Commencement within 3 years 2. Amended plans 3. Samples / details of external materials to be used in the construction of the dwellings to be submitted, approved and implemented. 4. Details of surface materials to be submitted, approved and implemented. 5. Details of boundary treatment to be submitted, approved and implemented. 6. Tree protection measures to be submitted, approved and implemented. 7. Tree on northern site boundary to be retained unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 8. Existing hedges around the site to be retained unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority 9. No close board or other similar fences to be placed against existing boundary hedgerows or new hedgerow provided on the western site boundary at any time.
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